JeaNette G. Smith is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (L.M.F.T.) and a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (L.M.H.C.) in private practice in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. She is the author of the recently released book, Unsteady: What Every Parent Absolutely Must Know About Teenage Romance, and a talk tape “No More Double Messages: Helping Adolescents Choose Abstinence.” She is the author of the book Side by Side: Supporting a Spouse in Church Service and co-author of From Playpens to Proving Grounds. She received her undergraduate degree at Brigham Young University, and her graduate degree at the University of North Florida. JeaNette and Bret have been married for 27 years are the parents of four children.
The meaning we attribute to the word love becomes important…
We’ve all experienced that, “Oh, No!” moment, when you realize…
Spending time with family members may be a challenge when…
My husband was recently called to serve as the president…
The Thanksgiving setting reminds me of another gathering around a…
I have observed two things we think invites the spirit,…
Who can measure the tremendous relief it is to be…
I believe emotional resilience is something that, in addition to…
Missionaries may think that their days of contacting end when…
The Doctrine and Covenants seems to acknowledge that charity and…
We knew our children were living in a remote part…
For years, parenting experts have taught parents that we can…
Witnessing someone feel the spirit and changes their lives it…
Loved ones can make the holidays wonderful for their missionaries…
Many times youth think they don’t have a testimony unless…
Perhaps because I am a Marriage and Family Therapist by…
Four lessons I have learned from hurricane disasters that will…
Well-meaning parents and church leaders rightly encourage young people to…
Four months into my daughter’s second pregnancy, while we were…
We had asked our missionaries to consider doing something that…
Today missionaries can call their families with more frequency so…
The most frequent response I hear to the news that…
Half-way through our mission the missionary handbook, the “White Bible,”…
As a servant of the Lord, staying physically healthy is…
Even when you know you’ll pay dearly if you respond…
Supporting a spouse means both husband and wife serve the Lord.…
Many years ago my husband was called to serve as…
In family therapy, our objective is not to create winners…
Prophets and the scriptures have warned that parents have the…
I recently spoke up about homosexuality because I noticed a…
Forty-eight miles into a recent backpacking trip my feet started…
I think scrapbooking saved my kids. Granted, family prayers, family…
This husband and wife started out with such a strong…
It’s true, good fences indeed make good neighbors, but not…
If we cut people off, our relationships cannot heal.
The expressions, “cut me some slack” and “give me a…
The claim that anger can be entirely avoided, never to…
I’ve considered many reasons why virtuous people frequently allow themselves…
There is a famous study in psychology where young children…
If we are going to be valued equally as women…
The most unlikely people can be our greatest heroes.
After viewing a gallery of posters and key chains that…
Criticism is a form of emotional abuse that makes the…
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has set…
When I was raising my children I frequently commiserated with…
Rather than eliminate prom all together, Latter-day Saints in various…
Thirty years ago when I attended Brigham Young University people…
I noticed, while assembling puzzles, that the process of creating…
I have never walked into a Latter-day Saint meeting and…
I imagine every single admonition given at Conference this weekend…
The excitement of sending my 19-year-old daughter into the mission…
Can you imagine yourself standing in the moonlight, face to…
Teenagers who want to go on dates should go dutch.…
Have we sent the right message and taught the proper…
Monday's massacre of innocent people, particularly innocent runners, is pointed…
Friendship dating, or what I refer to as "Casual Dating,"…
Nothing says family togetherness like a run through the mud…
Splitting a ward may put youth in units with people…
How can parents encourage their independent-minded teenager not to date…
"It's bad enough that they start advertising Christmas before Thanksgiving,"…
Some of the most difficult counsel the LDS Church gives…
The implication of the brash, brazen, bold message of this…
As shameful as it is to hide our light and…
The excitement billowing through the Church about Young Women having…
I'll wager that whenever you say "no" to one person,…
My favorite calling in all the church is Primary Chorister-…
We can hardly expect our teenagers to avoid romantic relationships…
A young man with stratospheric clout is teaching your daughter…
It's a tad disconcerting to think that the world believes…
For many Latter-day Saint youth, the "For The Strength of…
When she said "Whatever doesn't kill you will make you…
While my teenage daughter was away at girls' camp I…
Michael Otterson, head of worldwide public affairs for the Church…
Even as Mormons have become more prominent, they have struggled…
The war in heaven has a new location-right here on…
If you live near Washington D.C., you can help make…
I was amazed at the titles and stated purposes of…
Your experiences a week ago with the Leonid Meteor Shower…
Photos by Scot Facer Proctor
Some have asked how can gay marriage threaten the stability…
Scriptures and prophets identify the U.S. Constitution, signed 215 years…
In this installment we conclude our thoughts on what several…
Large private, public, and nonprofit institutions make countless thousands of…
We should ask public institutions in every forcible way we…
The trouble with so much of what we call "parenting"…
This week, in part 21, we're going to go with…
This week, in part 20, we discuss phase four and…
In this installment, we continue our seven part "cure" (see…
This week we look at the tremendous challenge of teaching…
This week, in part 17, we continue with the "cure"…
In this week's column, having now finished our discussion of…
From schools to "self-help" institutions, courts to recreational clubs, powerful…
A closer look at the "family damage" that is done…
There is nothing families need more than employment and income.…
Part 12 begins our discussion of the "culprits" . .…
Why don't families have more resistance against the perils inflicted…
The public sector, rife with sins of commission and omission,…
The family, and its basic purposes and functions, is being…
How our newest, largest institutions are destroying the oldest, smallest…
crisis (kri'ses) n. 1. an exceedingly serious situation; 2. a…
The social problems that are overwhelming this country must be…
The malignancy and terror of what we benignly call "social…
The family is the nucleus, like the center of an…
crux (kruks) n. the basic, central, or critical point or…
". . . turn the heart of the fathers to…
The scriptures say that when Jacob arrived in Egypt, his…