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April 17, 2024

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Sandy ReddishDecember 7, 2013

We are trying the Q 96 Empower plus formula based off the article I read here on meridian to help our daughter's severe depression and energy release therapy . Both have has been really helpful and I have been suprised at the improvement. Keep looking and praying and you will find the help you need and what is best for your family. would also put your families name on the prayer roll at the closest temple and ask family and friends to fast with you for her and your family.

D HesslingDecember 6, 2013

I know of so many people who have suffered from depression for years, received treatment from many sources, but all those who have really overcome do by forgiving and through developing a personnal relationship with our Lord and Saviour and Heavenly Father. Then we realize that we are here upon this earth to experience trials and develop to become more like the Father, who sill suffers due to the deafness of His children.

MattDecember 6, 2013

The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act signed into law Nov. 8, 2013, requires insurance groups that offer coverage for mental health or substance use disorders to provide the same level of benefits that they do for general medical treatment. Starting in January the ACA (Obamacare) will mandate that most plans offer mental health coverage if they don

nancynlowDecember 6, 2013

I own and manage an outpatient - medically supervised medical center where we treat depression, anxiety, PTSD and addictions, etc. While there are many effective modalities to address the trauma - it has been in our experience that trauma itself creates an "epigentic-chemical" event where the brain chemistry literally changes and often these chemical deficiencies underly the trauma and they too MUST be treated for a full recovery. And many tx programs and doctors are not aware of the impact of chemical - hormone deficiencies. I would recommend that part of her treatment should include an extensive comprehensive blood workup to determine hormone imbalance, vitamin D, serotonin levels and so on. good luck to you - be patient - depression manifests itself so differently chemically in folks that she may have a type of imbalance that is treatment resistant and it will be a real process for her.

michaelDecember 6, 2013

PLEASE, Please, Please find an EFT practitioner. EFT is the most effective way to help with the problem of depression. You can find a directory of practitioners here.



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