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April 18, 2024

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dave crosbySeptember 12, 2014

Eating habits - Anothr good suggestion is to have healthy food available. A bowl of fruit, etc. A tray of carrots and celery (without ranch dressing) etc some of that is filling but not high calorie, etc. teach family about nutrition. get rid of most sugar and foods that turn to sugar. No sodas stashed around. That way she can control how much she eats as well as what............refrigerator and kitchen management is relly important. Might even help mom and the rest of the family. Having a good understanding by the whole family of nutrition and exerciser and family activities incorporating both can go a long way to solve problem without damaging self-worth focus. Mom is really key here.

Junk BinSeptember 12, 2014

having wrestled with weigh my whole life, I have come to grips with the fact that what I eat, how much, and what kind of physical appearance I have is up to me. I am disabled, have limited mobility and love food. I also have a proper BMI. How??? I do not make a hog out of myself. I have learned personal responsibility of action . People ask how I do it and my reply is I eat in moderation what the Lord has provided. When I was called a land whale, I was and knew it. I also knew that i was my choice to be like that. Others were being honest while I was not

Jane BirchSeptember 12, 2014

Fantastic article, Geoff. I agree 100%. I



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