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April 18, 2024

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New Thorn ConvertNovember 28, 2014

Dear Carolyn, Thank you so much for this wonderful article. I just finished reading the "card"...through my tears. Being unable to tolerate the stimulation of a family gathering, due to severe health challenges, I have just spent another holiday alone. Yet, not alone as I very much felt unseen company as well as the love and regret of my not-present family. This story, and especially the "card", truly brought me to my knees in tears. I have struggled to feel gratitude for my challenges. Somehow, your article broke through to my aching heart. Thank you, many times over!

AnonymousNovember 24, 2014

The way this is worded makes it sound as if the Word of Wisdom commands there should be no meat or dairy. Those trying to live the law (but it may not memorized/read often) may be a little confused, trying to look beyond the mark because they think your additional choices regarding meat & dairy are gospel. D&C49:18 was not revoked when 89:13 was given, see 89:12. Since your choices are commendable but not commandment--maybe additional punctuation in the sentence would have made that clear. Thanks for your articles, they are thought provoking.



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