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April 18, 2024

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Mike GriffithOctober 19, 2016

It is worse than futility. It will be helping to hand victory to those who are trying to destroy our republic. I have voted third party in three of the last eight elections, but I am not about to do so this time. There is too much at stake.

SimplicioOctober 18, 2016

Futility? Not in the bigger picture! Forbes: “'Why should I throw away my vote by giving it to some no-hoper fourth-party candidate?' And the answer is that you’re throwing away your vote if you give it to someone that you can’t support in good conscience. The only way to make your vote count is to vote for someone you believe in."

Lee HillOctober 18, 2016

I prefer to see voting for Evan McMullin as an exercise in standing up to people who are seeking to destroy our Republic and set up their own empire. We may be in the minority, but sometimes we stand alone in doing the right thing. If the righteous people in this nation simply roll over and select a leader who will continue to lead us to unrighteousness, then we have chosen to follow the world instead of the Lord. If enough people stand up for a good man and a good woman - McMullin and Finn - then it is possible to turn back the tide of evil that is sweeping our country.

Gregg AndersonOctober 18, 2016

This is an exercise in futility I am afraid. It is troubling that the voters of Utah are in such a quandary.



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