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January 21, 2025

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Gary LawrenceJanuary 15, 2025

Well done. Keep up the good work.

JeffJanuary 15, 2025

Thank you for writing this article on the "science" behind the covid19 fiasco.

Rob MoyorJanuary 14, 2025

This prescient article is so timely and important for every member of the Church and others who want to understand what we are up against in this world full of "secret combinations" and "the evil designs of conspiring men in the last days". We cannot look for truth in any way from the Government who has been so totally corrupted. Our only hope is personal revelation as to what we need to do.

Yvonne CottrellJanuary 14, 2025

Way too long to read!

Kay RiceJanuary 14, 2025

This article is so powerful. I 100% agree. Thank you for sharing.

JoeJanuary 14, 2025

I believe we also need to be asking a LOT of questions about the highly profitable dietary supplements industry as well. It doesn't take much effort to run a "clinical study" to slap a "clinically-proven" label on a product so unwitting people gobble them up as "healthy".

ScottJanuary 14, 2025

The author started with a good premise, but then seemingly started getting caught in the very trap he described, the pseudo science of the anti-vaccine movement, even quoting from the Children's Health Defense, one of most significant pseudo science organizations around. The author didn't mention the cost of those pseudo science approaches: the US has one of the highest COVID death rates among wealthy nations in the world. Nor was it mentioned that the First Presidency has issued official statements recommending vaccinations, a serious oversite in the point of showing the Word of Wisdom and other revelations are what we should rely on.

CynthiaCJanuary 14, 2025

Excellent and informative article. Thank you!

HelenCJanuary 13, 2025

It’s worth noting that such attacks in the past have actually increased honest inquiry into the Church as people have found themselves asking, “Was it really like that?” I have a friend who’s non-member friend attended what he thought was our Church but turned out to be RLDS (now renamed Community of Christ) and walked out knowing his friend didn’t believe what he heard there. I had a quote on my fridge for years that said: “May people want to know Christ because they know you.”

Debrah RoundyJanuary 13, 2025

Great Article. Absolutely not outdated, I used the first 9 articles of Faith last year as a base for our Primary Program. The children learned the songs. As the year went by, I listen to my children as they talked and told stories and was able to match each child's with an Article of Faith. For the program we sang and Article of Faith and then the child told what had been said previously. I also work with Missionaries and English Connect, a program for teaching English. We used the Articles of Faith for our opening song, same one as the Primary. My missionary students soon reported to me times they had used the Articles of Faith to answer a question. This year we already are using them with singing time as we learn about the Sacred Grove and sing Article of Faith 1 about God the Eternal Father, etc. My youngest son had memorized them all before he turned 6. We had a push in Primary that year and most of the Primary learned them. I think he was the youngest.

Tove SorensenJanuary 13, 2025

We watched a couple last night. Agreed the 47 attacks on buildings etc are horrible but as they say in Hollywood "all press is good press" basically meaning we have public discussion about the LDS people. We can't stop false i for nor film makers, opposition in all things right? The positive side of that, is we as a group and especially missionaries, get a chance to right the ship and teach those our true beliefs and maybe wouldn't have been able to without this attention.

Dave HansenJanuary 13, 2025

What a wonderful way of pointing out the precision with which the Articles of Faith were composed, Sister Linford. I now have a renewed respect for them.......THANK YOU!!! [FWIW, I received my missionary cards with the AoF on the backside in 1968, and I wonder when the missionaries stopped using them....or, do some still buy the cards?]

Ken LongmoreJanuary 11, 2025

A wonderful and well-researched piece. Kudo’s to you both As a convert at 17 years of age, the story of the first vision as written by the hand of the prophet, entered into my heart with a force and immensity that was truly electrifying. I immediately felt an indescribable joy, peace and love that could have only been administered by the Holy Ghost, who testifies the truth of all things. My conversion was complete before I had even opened the cover of the Book Of Mormon. Sixty years later, at 77 years of age, that witness of the Spirit has never diminished. God Bless.

KayJanuary 10, 2025

Our new bishop announced he is there specifically for the youth and anyone else should talk to the Elders Quorum President. All programs are geared toward and a lot of money is spent on the youth. Is no one aware the highest divorce rate right now is the over age 60 group? I am newly divorced after 48 years of marriage and raising a family in the church and feel totally left behind and on my own.

PamJanuary 10, 2025

As a "senior," I definitely feel that we are put out to pasture in the church. I have lots of experience and a lot to contribute, but I feel overlooked.

Jeff ChadwickJanuary 10, 2025

Nice work, Dan, as usual. Ahlan from alQuds.

BryanJanuary 10, 2025

Great article. I think that for the most part seniors are ‘put to pasture’ here in the States because it is assumed they are too old or tired to ‘keep up’. Unfortunately on the grandparent side of things many of us live away from our kids so having a constant influence on the gkids isn’t very easy. That aspect seems a bit more ‘Utah centric’ than for most of us outside the Moridor.

Steve SwarthoutJanuary 10, 2025

I very much enjoy and learn from the counsel of Jeff Steurer. I read his postings all the time and find a lot of wisdom.

David A CookJanuary 9, 2025

A unique and refreshing perspective on God's love for all his children. Daniel Peterson is a treasure. I hope he will continue to write these perspectives for many years to come. Thank you.

HelenCJanuary 9, 2025

I am inclined to have similar thoughts about Lucifer. He, also, is a son of God whose decisions have caused many millions to weep. Though he would have me hate and fear him, I feel inclined to love and pity him, while assiduously rejecting his pathetic attempts to ruin me of our Father’s love and our Elder Brother’s attaining sacrifice. I teach my Grief and Trauma clients to use the phrase, “I love you AND. . . “ when pitching themselves from further harm.

Tracy TippettsJanuary 9, 2025

Absolutely Amen! Thank you for that confirmation about the Law of Consecration. When faith is weak, Church attendance needs to be strong. As President Nelson says, "The Lord loves effort". We are saved by grace, AFTER ALL WE CAN DO! Showing up is giving up...the Natural Man, and our own selfish priorities and agenda. Becoming meek, humble, and submissive. The Savior's mandate at the Last Supper remains in effect today, 2,000 years later. When he comes again, don't just be at the front of the line! Like the woman who touched his robe.

SteveJanuary 9, 2025

We have a son, daughter-in-law, and six grandchildren who have cut ties to us. I wish they’d read this profound message. Thank you for giving me hope.

Corey DinsdaleJanuary 8, 2025

You have no idea how real to life your article is and sounds like you have younger children, just wait, it only gets harder and more real, like a co-worker many years ago responded as I was complaining about the teenage years, little kids little problems, big kids big problems and that doesn't include the trials and challenges of marriage and just plain old life challenges. We are always thinking someday, someday it will be better and more peaceful and then one day you find yourself saying "where did the time go, where did they all go" ?

SarahJanuary 8, 2025

Very well said. Sigh…time to grow.

JennieJanuary 8, 2025

Loved what you said about the McGuffey readers because I was given a set one year for Christmas and was struck by how much education had changed.

JennieJanuary 8, 2025

Thank you for your thoughtful article.

Amy FoxJanuary 7, 2025

Thank you for taking the time to research and write this. It’s a very relevant and important topic, especially today. My brother also passed away from an overdose. We are so blessed to have the word of wisdom to guide us in our health if we are looking for a true and correct resource.

MarkJanuary 7, 2025

The bishop should have spoken to the ex-wife and her new husband and told them they needed to move to a new ward. We are required to forgive. We are not required to have the people who betrayed us rubbed in our faces. And the Church should never allow these people to be sealed to each other in the temple. We believe in forgiveness and mercy, but also in justice.

BarbJanuary 7, 2025

This does not apply if you were married to an actual psychopath who is deceiving his bishop, stake president and General authorities.

Kandace HaydenJanuary 7, 2025

This article was on point. I negotiated my way through a divorce 33 years ago after a 18 year marriage with 4 children I ultimately came to the same conclusions and decisions as the author did but I wish I had had such resources then.

Janna MorrellJanuary 6, 2025

What an informative and well documented article! I can’t wait to read the next installment!

Corey D.January 5, 2025

I'm a service missionary at Welfare Square in what is called Transitional Services, we help those who are homeless, transient, just coming out of the jail system and recently arrived immigrants with short term emergency needs of food and clothing, there are those who come in with a demanding attitude or who get upset if they don't get as much as they want or exactly what they want but for the most part these people are very grateful and nice, many break down crying, especially the women, it's not a lot we give them but is more than they have had, many are headed back to the street and tell us on the way out they are going to share what they just got with their friend or friends on the street.

Ornella Brenna - ItaliaJanuary 4, 2025

It often happens to me, at the supermarket, to thank the clerks who are arranging the shelves, for their service, and every time I notice the change that occurs on their faces. Often it is surprise, because they would never have expected to be thanked for the work they do, knowing that they are paid to do it. Other times their tired faces light up with joy, as if they had received the greatest gift in the world. However, the greatest change is the one that happens in me: the day becomes bright, my personal burdens lighter and there is "music in my heart, a song to my King". These simple words: "Thank you for your service", said with sincerity, have immense power. PS: I apologize for any errors related to the automatic translation, because I do not know English.

kjcoJanuary 3, 2025

The ramifications of declining, below-replacement birthrates in rich, developed countries and increasing, above-replacement birthrates in poor, developing countries are actually a fulfillment of prophecy. Toward the end of the Book of Mormon, Moroni bids farewell to the Gentiles, likely more than just one of his repeated farewells. He is almost sadly bidding us (gentiles) good riddance as he says the remnant of Jacob will be taking our place. Over the last thirty years those (mostly lds) family and friends with whom I have brought up the demographic winter and it's consequences, other than a shrug, is a deer in the headlights look of "you don't expect ME to have (have had) more children do you?" as if it's a hot potato they don't want to be stuck with. I only bring it up to raise awareness, not guilt. I also don't judge people who have not "replaced themselves" --people have their reasons. I do however, tend to be a bit frustrated and offended by those who loudly mock people who do--the childless by choice as a fad thing. That attitude of mocking has and continues to affect so many people--especially the elderly--I know who now have no one in their lives to care for them because they were worried about socially acceptable family size. I also know too many who suffer greatly due to abortion. It never hurts just one person, it destroys nations. For we who are lds AND "gentiles", I think it behooves us to focus more on our identity as the House of Israel than our gentile heritage/culture. Sacrifice is not a dirty word, it's one we should consider.

MaryannJanuary 3, 2025

Yayyy, Joni! I can certainly validate your comments. One snowy day, I left work late, and I paused to scrape the snow off my windshield. When I got into my car, a man nearby stopped and brushed the snow off my headlights. It was such a small thing, but I felt cared for and protected. I was filled with a warm feeling for him for such a small kindness. We really can spread love and a feeling of good will through such small actions. We can all have these warm feelings throughout this new year, as we look for opportunities to be kind. The little things really do matter.

MaryannJanuary 3, 2025

My heart goes out to Sister Soulier. Even though we have never met, we are all "one" in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day-saints. May the Lord bless and comfort her in this heart breaking loss. There are better days ahead for her because of our Savior's love, and the great blessings that he will send to her.

Justin MJanuary 3, 2025

You won't find this in the mainstream media (yet), but the covid shots were full of spike proteins and modified/contaminated DNA materials that attacked reproductive (and other) organs in the body. There will be great difficulties in reproducing. And future generations will be hampered too as these (and other mRNA-based) shots are given to most children in the US - some before even leaving the hospital. Flu shots and dental anesthetics also contain this material. It was pushed under a military program in coordination with eugeniticists. There is evidence that heart and cancer deaths are accelerating across the globe as well, following these shots. Hearts of conspiring men in the last days. I feel for those who are affected. Satan's plan is raging across the globe.

vickieJanuary 1, 2025

So sad to read that such a young man died suddenly and probably with no warning. Im to think that God really wanted him to continue his mission in the spirit world. God bless his family ...

MaryannJanuary 1, 2025

I think the two major reasons people choose to have no children at all are 1) Concern about finances, 2) Believing that it's just too difficult, and they have plans for an easier life with more "freedom" to do as they please. My husband and I were blessed with seven children. They are all grown with families of their own now, but when we look back, we often ask ourselves: How on earth did we provide for them? How did we survive walking the halls at church, Dr bills, providing for their physical and emotional needs, and on and on and on? I believe the answer is faith. We knew we were pleasing the Lord by bringing these children into our home. We had faith that He would help us to fulfill what he asked us to do. I am not suggesting that everyone needs to have a large family. That is a very personal decision. President David O. McKay taught that the well being of the mother needs to be a primary consideration. This includes sensitivity for her physical, mental, and emotional health. We need to respect one another's choices. However, we are not of the world. We recognize that Heavenly Father has never revoked the commandment to replenish the earth. For some that may be 2 children, and for others more. And, of course, many are unable to have children. Whatever, the situation, we need to love one another, and withhold judgement.

MaryannJanuary 1, 2025

This article gives such reassuring hope. There are so many who feel stuck and who believe nothing will ever change--that they will never find forgiveness, happiness, or peace. The Lord loves us, and he will not forsake us! He will give us strength to put one foot in front of the other day by day, and we DO have a glorious future. Our Father and our Savior know of our sorrows and our needs and they will enable us to move forward.

MaryannJanuary 1, 2025

The marriage relationship is sacred and should not be spoken of lightly or with disrespect. Trust is an essential element in marriage. I would be devastated if my husband abused that trust by speaking about our marriage to others. Brother Steurer made some excellent points. Problems in the marriage should be worked out within the marriage. If that doesn't work, a visit with the Bishop would be a good step. He will keep your private issues private and he is endowed with inspiration to give guidance according to gospel principles. Even a trustworthy friend might "slip" and reveal your confidences to others. This could seriously harm the marriage and trust within the marriage, and also your friendship. As Brother Steurer noted, the problems you reveal to others might cause them to have bad feelings toward your spouse long after you have forgiven them.

JKJanuary 1, 2025

The saddest thing is learning Hugh Grant plays the lead. How low can a once great actor go.

David MohrJanuary 1, 2025

To the comment that this is a revelation for only the one keeners of the one stake, I suggest you think hard upon this revelation. Many times have I read similar revelations from different locations around the world. This is another testimony of those truths and therefore a revelation pertinant to the whole church. My testimony of seeing the finger of the Lord and the finger of Satan has been given in Canada and the Philippines and people have said they have received confirmation of my statement from the Holy Ghost. A revelation shared becomes relevant to the people of different places and is not restricted to only one location. These testimonies are to be shared to uplift all people unless specifically forbidden.

Robert BaileyDecember 31, 2024

What a hopeful article at the start of a new year! Thank you so much for sharing something so personal. It really touched my soul. It’s so easy to think you are alone and forgotten, even by God, when everyone around you appears to be doing so well.

Laura LesebergDecember 31, 2024

In couples I see that chose not to have children, I fee; the reasons were very "me" centered: Careers, life style, unwilling to commit to a family. When we started our family in the mid-1970's, we wanted six. I had a VERY traumatic birth with #1 and felt I couldn't ever do that again. In spite of that, spontaneous pregnancies occurred and each had difficulties - premature birth, my hospitalization for 3+ months to keep a pregnancy viable (thank heaven for family help!), post partum infections, etc. With #3 baby, I face severe pressure to have permanent sterilization, but felt it wasn't right for us. When I presented with a 4th pregnancy, I was made to feel like a criminal for having four children and 4 C-sections. How grateful we are to have all the children and I survive our many hurdles! We were a military family and dragged those kids all over the world - grateful to have had medical care that covered all the expenses of bringing them into the world. Having children is an act of faith and prayer - I am confident that the Lord will show us the right path.

CraigDecember 31, 2024

Thank you for this article. I feel this relates in my family too. I have five boys and right now my three oldest are really struggling with the dating scene. All three served missions and one has already graduated college and the other chose a different career path that wasn’t college, and the middle is just starting college. They want and hope to get married, but the struggle they are having is finding young women who are mature (most of the girls they date still act like they are in high school) and actually want to be married for the right reasons and not just for the social status. Their biggest complaint is the girls they find are way too involved in the Instagram/social media culture and that everything they (the girls) do has to be splashed all over the internet and/or they are permanently looking down at their phone, even while attending church or on a date. Additionally, my son who didn’t go to college still attends the YSA ward and when the young women find out he didn’t go to college (although he is really successful in his career) they aren’t interested in dating him. It seems, just based on my perceptions, that the social media and smartphone addictions (especially among young women) has become a huge stumbling block to marriage in the church.

Ron43December 30, 2024

Per Japanese TV, "by the year 2100 the population of Japan will be one half of what it is today." 123.7mil. to 61.85mil. that is the Canary. The rest of the world to follow. No more SSI

ShanaDecember 30, 2024

I’m grateful for this discussion. Your approach is so wise as we really cannot know another’s heart and intent on this matter. As a young girl and teenager, I did not long for motherhood. I did not enjoy babysitting or helping with younger kids much. (I was an oldest child and my mother ran a daycare. I felt overloaded with opportunities to help with and nurture children). Something happened on my mission. It is a very personal experience and I do not share it as an expectation for how others ought to choose regarding having children. One day as a missionary, I saw children living in very sad and desperate situation. My heart ached. I wondered why so many of God’s children are born to such difficult situations. I prayed with such intensity to know my part. An answer came so clearly “I have to send them to someone. Those who have the gospel and the means enough to bless my children are choosing not to have very many.” I vowed then and there that I would be open to having children…all that God would send me. Later on my mission I read a church published manual with a quote warning about the sad consequences of birth control. The church doesn’t use the same phrasing concerning birth control as it did in previous times. I married soon after my mission. We were poor college students. We had our first child less than a year after being married. We had a second child 17 months later, We were close to due with our third baby when we both graduated from BYU. I wouldn’t change a thing. We had another child a few years later….and then a miscarriage and then nothing. I thought we might be finished. We had our last child 6 years later and then another miscarriage. I’m SO grateful we had children while we were in school. Had we waited until after graduation to prepare for and start our family, I’m afraid we would only have our two youngest. Infertility might have been my struggle if we had waited til we could buy a home. Infertility is definitely on the rise, but I also wonder if having children sooner would prevent some from experiencing infertility and/or longing for more children. Though I’m also a believer that women who long for children such as Hannah in the OT, are witnesses to all of us about the treasure children are. God needs witnesses of truth and when a woman who struggles to conceive expresses her heart, it is so powerful because we immediately understand the truth about and the value of children being born to parents who want them and will love and care for them. We ought to be humble enough to want and love children in our presence as much as the Savior did. As one of the comments above described, children have a profound effect on each of us….our humility determines how children will bless our lives….and how we will bless their lives as well.

Kathryn GrantDecember 30, 2024

Thank you for this meaningful article! It reminded me of a favorite quote by C. S. Lewis from his book _The Great Divorce_: "[Mortals] say of some temporal suffering, 'No future bliss can make up for it,' not knowing that Heaven, once attained, will work backwards and turn even that agony into a glory.... The good man's past begins to change so that his forgiven sins and remembered sorrows take on the quality of Heaven: the bad man's past already conforms to his badness and is filled only with dreariness. And that is why...the Blessed will say 'We have never lived anywhere except in Heaven,' and the Lost, 'We were always in Hell.' And both will speak truly."

Debrah RoundyDecember 30, 2024

My deepest sympathy for the family and the family of missionaries he/they shepherded.

M. GroshDecember 30, 2024

I love info like this too. Thank you for posting this. However, i am just as curious to know which top 5/10 or 15 articles YOU thought or wished would have been most viewed/read. Thank you for providing me with trustworthy current events!

TMDecember 29, 2024

I think there are many factors that go into this issue. It would be difficult to narrow it down but here is what I see on my experience. I wasn’t able to conceive due to infertility for a long time but I also was emotionally immature and those years of infertility have given me great appreciation for the miracle it is to be able to have children. I think we live in a world that is presenting a lot of problems with physical health and fertility. Second, Today I see a lot of people that don’t know how to have a healthy/happy home life and many people don’t even believe it’s possible. I think parenting skills that used to be passed down from generation to generation has been replaced by peer attachment and a loss of ability for people to mature. Look up Dr Nuefeld from Canada, he has extensive research on the topic. I think Peer attachment has been prevalent since the 1950’s and it has destroyed the concept of nuclear family relationships. We have lost nurturing skills and destroyed the authority of parents. Authority itself is seen as toxic when righteous and loving authority is a positive thing in children’s lives. The pull of the world by institutions like school, sports , music, academics had replaced the core of family life. We feel pressure to produce children that can show something of value to the world, so we seek it through all these peer-attached activities. Excellence should be a part of life but we must learn to live and love within families first and foremost. Teach joyful living and kids will have a desire to grow in all the ways God intends which includes having their own families. “ Seek first the Kingdom of God and then all these things will be added to you.” We have in many instances sought to have our children find a place in the world too soon and show their measurable talents to the world when we really need to focus on the things that can’t be measured. Love, compassion, forgiveness etc. I am beginning to raise my kids through teenage years and the pressure I feel for my kids to have something to show for their existence is intense. I have children that love each other and are kind to others but that’s not of value today. Third, I think society, in the 90’s pushed divorce so much that every family movie at the time usually had divorced parents and in the length of the movie the kids had come to terms with their parents divorce. That is a fantasy. Divorce is devastating to children. There may be necessary reasons for some divorces but overall we should strive to reconcile differences and choose to love our spouse. Family life has been purposefully shown to be a miserable existence and we have forgotten that love is possible but only by living the principles Jesus Christ taught us. Sorry writing this on my phone. I hope my thoughts come though clear enough.

CraigDecember 29, 2024

I have grandkids who are married and want children, but are paying 15,000 a semester for school and have health care with high deductables with poor maternity coverage. Some how costs have to come down if we want to solve this problem.

Eunice RobertsonDecember 29, 2024

I had many problems having children, two miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy that almost cost me my life. Many hospital visits over the years. But the Lord did bless me with three living children, who started off with health problems, but are still with me today. I wouldn't have minded 6 children, but eventually I had to have all of my reproductive system removed for the sake of my health .I love children and at the age of 77yo, my greatest delight is my children and grandchildren.

SydneyDecember 28, 2024

Thank you for these questions and for all of your work over the years in educating and uplifting parents and families. This topic is of particular interest to me at this time in my life, as I recently gave birth to my first child after three long years of infertility and pursuing IVF treatment to get pregnant. I have always looked forward to the day I would become a mother and I think that my infertility intensified the hoping and preparing for that time, which made it even more incredible when I finally got to meet my son. I know that every sacrifice we make for our children is so worth it. During those years and during the time when I had to delay starting my family because I didn't have a husband, I experienced a lot of heartache and sorrow. I knew that an essential part of my purpose in life was to be a mom and I was so frustrated that it wasn't happening for me. I wonder if I would not have been viewing it through the lens of the Gospel of Jesus Christ how my thinking about it would be different. I think one aspect of this issue is the modern woman narrative that has become popular, that women need to work outside the home to be fulfilled and having a career is where they will find their value and contribute best to the world; often that diminishes the importance we put on mothering. Now many mothers who wait to have children because they also want a career are finding the balance of career and motherhood much more difficult than what they were told, since it's just really hard to do it all and have it all! I think it's wonderful that we've progressed over time to where women have more options and freedom and equality than they ever have before, but the maternal wisdom of generations of women who took mothering so seriously might be getting lost as we wait until we're old enough or established enough to try it ourselves and our own mothers and grandmothers are no longer around to help. New motherhood can be so brutal and shocking, especially because of a lack of community, having no "village", it kind of makes sense that women in the world don't think having a lot of kids is doable for them. I have been listening to the recently released book "Hannah's Children" by Catherine Pakaluk and the perspective of women who deliberately choose to have 5+ children (and seem to love their lives!) is very refreshing and eye-opening and for me downright inspiring. Their reasons are of course very personal but almost always based in faith. And the author doesn't think that government financial incentives will ever work to get people to have more kids, because it's not a financial question as much as we think it is. The author also mentioned that while the birth rate is still above replacement in many poorer developing nations, it is also declining in those places; I haven't tried to verify her stats but she is an economist and seems very well researched (also she has 8 kids of her own). Super interesting read! I've always wanted a large family and now I'm facing the possibility of running out of time to have as many kids as I hoped for in this life, but I know that is not something I can worry about right now. I am very overwhelmed but also grateful to be at the beginning of this amazing adventure of parenthood. My husband and I had the most sacred moments of our lives when our son was born and I wish everyone could have that to open the eyes of their spiritual understanding and really appreciate the gift that it is to be a mother or a father. It's indescribable but truly the most wonderful thing in the world. It's so easy to lose the grand perspective of eternity in the everyday challenge of being a parent but it must be incredibly important to God for us to learn something through our parenting and to become like our heavenly parents, or why would eternal families be such a focus of the restored gospel? In the world it is not so popular to be family focused, to want a lot of kids, I think the "zero population" myth is actually still strong in people's minds, many don't recognize the harms of it yet. The reasons why individual couples, even couples in the church are choosing not to have kids (or to wait) is also varied and hard to say without outright asking them. I have two married brothers who have delayed having kids for years and I don't feel comfortable asking them exactly why but I get some ideas based on their lifestyles and certain conversations, so I could speculate but maybe I shouldn't. I think it comes down to whether the couple desires to bring children into the world more than they fear the ways it may intrude on their freedoms and lifestyle, because we don't really live in a very kid or family friendly world. Even if it was family-friendly, raising a family would still be HARD, and people see the hard things that their friends and family members go through when they have kids. So maybe it has to do with a lack of understanding or lack of remembering the importance of that commandment given to Adam and Eve? But we can't judge couples who seem to be "waiting" as lacking faith, because we just don't know and it's such a personal thing. I am glad that most people have realized that outright asking strangers at church "why don't you have kids yet?" isn't okay and causes a lot of pain for couples battling infertility. For us, the question was do we trust God to guide our family building efforts? I feel blessed to have had the experience I did in trying to start my family because it was so clear to me that my desire to be a mom and determination to try was a good desire from God, and that the answer was to move forward. I know not everyone has that but it definitely built my faith so I am grateful. Probably way too long for a comment, sorry! I'm glad for the opportunity to share, thank you for opening up the conversation!

KfbDecember 28, 2024

I am a faithful member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I get frustrated with people not wanting children and I feel bad for those who can’t and want them and then so many people getting abortions and could give those children to families that really want them. I have a 26 year old daughter that has never even been on a real date and is frustrated with the dating scene, I have a married son who are trying to get pregnant but haven’t been able to and a daughter that is pregnant with her third and I do wonder how she will handle a third child because she has a hard time with two although I am glad she is having another one. I just hope she can handle it mentally. I worry about everyone getting older and running out of social security and running out of workers to take care of the elderly. If they don’t want to have children because it cramps their lifestyle, they definitely aren’t going to want to take care of the elderly. Having children helps you to learn how to sacrifice, think of others before yourself, how to love more and better, and it helps you understand how our heavenly parents feel about us. Anyway, I love your articles and all your books and glad you are making a difference in the world.

SamDecember 27, 2024

We’re so similar

HelenCDecember 27, 2024

I wish these questions were in a survey format. All I can say is as a young wife in the 70s I was already meeting people who refused to have children ostensibly due to population concerns but largely, IMHO, to avoid the trouble of raising kids. My 3 top answers would be: Can’t afford it Messed up world No suitable partner

Jennifer GovernoDecember 27, 2024

This is a tender topic for me. We experienced secondary infertility after our first child. I tried for 30 years to have a second without success. Every time I prayed for direction to do infertility treatments I felt prompted not to. Every time we approached fostering or adoption, I was prompted to wait. I felt like people judged me for not doing any of those things, and I felt like a failure. Last year, we had the opportunity to adopt and be sealed to two teenagers in our ward, the oldest (a son) moved out shortly after, but our daughter is still with us. I still feel a physical and spiritual ache that there is a child waiting for me that I haven't found yet. I worked many years in L&D and NICU as a RN and helped many babies come into the world. The sacred feeling of that moment when they are born, I have no mortal words I can use to express. It breaks my heart to think about people purposely choosing not to have children, if they are in a position to love them in a marriage that can support them. Maybe that is why the birth rate in underdeveloped countries is rising as in wealthier countries it falls- As people with more resources turn to self-interests and pursuits of pleasure and wealth, instead of choosing to have children, those spirits instead are born to more humble people in more dire circumstances, who are willing to have them (or have less means to prevent it). I don't know for sure, but I think often about how the earth could be affected by those who refuse to "turn their hearts to the fathers" and even more so, those who refuse to "turn their hearts" to the children. The earth would be utterly wasted if we refuse to allow our posterity to even be here to inherit it.

Harold RustDecember 27, 2024

A related question for a community or nation could be: “Do adults benefit in significant ways when they have frequent interaction with children?” And, “Are people generally happier or more disgruntled when in the presence of lots of children/teens.?” My personal belief is that some hit real lows when being “bothered” by young kids in their presence while others feel some of their highest highs as they watch or talk with or successfully teach children.

KevinDecember 27, 2024

I really appreciate this article covering this important topic. I think the adversary has done a great job distracting so many from fulfilling this commandment. My wife and I have been very prayerful about this and despite health challenges and financial uncertainties, we've been blessed with 6 kids. I know they are supposed to be here at this time to help prepare the world for the Second Coming.

Frank E MerrillDecember 27, 2024

Large families were, and I believe still are, the original "Social Security."

Ashley KDecember 25, 2024

I suspect my husband has a secret family with one biological son. I am trying to find information on how to handle this. Thank you for the article.

ShelleyDecember 24, 2024

What a wonderful collection you have! Thanks for sharing. Where in Switzerland did you buy the set with the St. Bernard in it? I'd love to get something like it. Thanks!

PeggyDecember 23, 2024

So what's the rest of the Coyote story? Also, please share the race horse story. We love your stories! Merry Christmas

Vaughn BlaylockDecember 23, 2024

This is perhaps the best list of the 'fruits of the restoration' ever concisely presented.

Corey D.December 22, 2024

Watched Wallace and Gromit a number of times, usually with my grandkids, its pretty good. Seems like an episode or a short of Wallace and Gromit was shown before a movie I saw in the last couple of years, just like they used to do all the time before a movie.

ErinDecember 22, 2024

What a heartwarming article! Love hearing of those who think of others and seek to bring light to those who need it.

Richard CraycroftDecember 22, 2024

Maybe he'll find some toe jam.

Corey D.December 22, 2024

I recently heard a song called "What a Beautiful Name" sung by Hillsong Worship, it is amazing and stirring, very moving. It was on a christian radio station, not something I would normally listen to, I'm a classic rock guy, was just flipping stations driving one day, a song that was playing got my attention so I listened for a bit and this one played and it was just amazing, actually several songs they played really touched me.

Jimmy SmithDecember 21, 2024

Thank you Christy. Wonderful letter. Great outlook. I appreciate you taking the time to write this out. This is a message that almost every missionary needs to hear. May God bless and be with you and all of the Lord's missionaries.

Myrna LiddellDecember 21, 2024

I love this! Exactly what is needed to spark young minds and keep them interested in sharing their 'stories' and imaginations, even drawing on their own life experiences. Years ago a creative writing teacher had us read a book, or shall I say, study a book, called Poetry: "Creative Power, The Education of Youth In the Creative Arts," Hughes Mearns, (not the best title, certainly not a Tipping Point capture!) but, inside are stories of reaching the hearts of elementary and high school novices who secretly shared their precious creative thoughts. The book changed my outlook, and my life choices, as did the teacher. You sir, are doing the same! Thank you!

Fern (Genie) Mason LaLondeDecember 21, 2024

Lynn, I do not remember you, but I remember your parents well from when I was a student at Indiana University. And when they came back to Indiana for a couple of firesides. Also got to meet Steven when our stake had him for a weekend of firesides. Love your article - I now know I was a sleepwalker for many years.

Learned the Hard WayDecember 20, 2024

On the other hand... my ex's family had a strict "never talk about the family outside of the house" rule, and it took me a long time to find out that they were all covering up generations of abuse. Isolating you from your support system is a prime tactic of abusers. Keeping issues between just the two of you doesn't work if one of you is an abuser.

Ralph W. GalliniDecember 20, 2024

What a wonderful message! I will never forget our two Elders, who taught us the Gospel of Jesus Christ in 1968, prior to my starting law school. They also taught our next-door neighbors and baptized them. From that sprung many missionaries from our family. 5 of our sons served missions. Now grandsons have and some are presently serving missions. So, as a good friend told me one time, it is is ok to be disappointed. Just don't get discouraged! Plant the Gospel seeds and all will be well.

AmyDecember 20, 2024

I love this program and think it’s so sweet that so many people have had the relief of knowing, “Someone remembers me.”

Ken SommerfeldtDecember 20, 2024

Firstly, thanks for sharing. What a great synopsis of the breadth of the restoration. Upon reading your essay, it is easy to see how we could take for granted the many strands of the restoration, thus leaving us with a less beautiful tapestry than it should be. The evidence of the continuing restoration, is ever present before us. I fear that it too may be overlooked as we sojourn in this world of distraction and confusion. As Elder Maxwell said, "A distraction does not have to be evil to be effective..."

Chelsea Merrell MorganDecember 20, 2024

This was a wonderful article to read about Captain Benjamin Merrill. I am also a descendent of his. He is my 7th great-grandfather on my father’s side. I love finding out any information about my family members who came before us, so thank you for sharing!

Corey D.December 20, 2024

There are two important reasons/causes, well actually three, why there seems to be this sharp polarization in society, particularly in the political realm. The first is, it's no longer just about political differences, in years past people had different political views that revolved around what and where government should spend money or what government should or should not be involved in, but their views or beliefs about family, marriage, education, work ethic, etc, or in other words their basic moral values were more or less similar, that's no longer the case, makes it very hard to have discussions with others. Second cause of polarization is the radical takeover of the educational system particularly at the university level that has been going on for many years, even reaching into church sponsored schools, hence certain warnings subtle and not so subtle by some of the brethren in recent years about getting church sponsored and supported schools back on track to their basic core and primary mission and the proliferation of charter and private schools. Everyone should read a book titled Debunking Howard Zinn by Mary Grabar. Of course for members of the church we know the main reason for the contention is Satan, he knows time is short and is giving it all he has to destroy the plan and eliminate peace.

Rick KlompDecember 19, 2024

Thank you, Christy, for your encouraging and thoughtful comments. As full-time missionaries we really don't control and aren't responsible for the outcome of our efforts. And yes, Heavenly Father excells at making all things work together for our good.

S. ReesDecember 19, 2024

Love love love this article. I will pass it on to our family missionaries.

C. BayDecember 19, 2024

This is beautiful. I know SO many past missionaries who needed to hear a message like this not only on the hard days of their missions but also years later as they reflect on their service with likely inaccurate descriptions of its value.

Mary-Rose McMullinDecember 19, 2024

As a mother of nine children, I often got similar disparaging comments. My reply was, "I'm raising these children to be the people who will pay into your old-age pensions!" We need children in our society!!

JeffDecember 19, 2024

Thank you for writing this heartfelt message of encouragement to our full time missionaries

Vaughn BarrusDecember 19, 2024

Thank you Christy for your wonderful letter to the discouraged missionaries. I am now almost 65 and it has been more than 40 years since I served my mission in Rosario Argentina. Even though it has been so many years, your message touched my heart and healed old wounds. I thank you so very much for your kind wonderful thoughts and words.

ShaunaDecember 19, 2024

Bless you sister for writing this--it made me cry...even though it's been 40 years since I started my mission in France and Switzerland...these words are a balm to my soul. There are many fruits of serving a mission, but seeing people converted, was not one i witnessed much on my mission. We were lucky to even teach lessons But as you say, you never know who else might have been touched. and I will share this with other missionaries I know who are serving, and even the missionaries we're feeding this Sunday, as well as my 2 kids who are recently returned missionaries. Being a missionary is a sanctifying and refining process--but it is painful as the natural man is stripped away. So grateful you've "found" and accepted the Gospel--and thanks for sharing such a sweet and encouraging message

AnnDecember 19, 2024

Thank you for this article. It made my day. I have often felt that I was not a "good enough" missionary because I struggled so much with the language, the living conditions, etc. Your article gave me hope.

WallyDecember 19, 2024

Beautiful in word and spirit! Thank you, Christy! We are so glad to know and love you! Wally & Nancy Goddard

KokoDecember 19, 2024

This is a wonderful article and would be beneficial to all missionaries serving. Thank you for taking the time to write.

Ricki GibbonsDecember 18, 2024

Mother of 9 here and married 50 years. Some things never change. When my children were young I would be asked, usually at my husband's company Christmas party, "Do you work?". I began answering, "Probably harder than you!", and laughing. As a woman with an honors BA degree in Russian (of all things!) I chose my life. And am grateful and blessed. Thank you for this well written article.

Deniese DrakeDecember 18, 2024

I have also seen the circle square motif in my temple. I hope I can see it more on my next visit but also don't want to be so busy counting in my mind to not really pay attention. I don't do well at multi-tasking.

MeganDecember 18, 2024

I was touched by the direction this article took. It is rare to see motherhood celebrated and pursued with such focus and reverence. However, one aspect of social-media motherhood that is overlooked is the curation of only the best and most beautiful moments, especially when that duration becomes monetized. Bloggers don't usually succeed unless they stoke envy, which encourages us to continue our consumption of their feed. I became a mother at the dawn of blogging, and had my second and most devastating of three rounds of PPD at the height of the Mommy Bloggers. The idealized depiction of motherhood was excruciating to someone trapped in a spiral of depression, rage, exhaustion, and terror. A close friend became a famous blogger for a portrayal of motherhood that turned out to be largely untrue and heavily edited. The affect on me was devastating. I love that so many women wish to portray parenthood as a holy and fulfilling thing. But showing near-impossible standards as their every day lives, without showing us the realism or even the really difficult moments, can be so harmful to regular people with regular struggles who now think they're failing because their lives don't reflect that sanitized, curated ideal.

DougDecember 18, 2024

Beautiful insights - thank you!

CASDecember 17, 2024

This is so powerful. Thanks for sharing!

Joni HiltonDecember 16, 2024

Brava! People are not buying the outdated, tired message that women should choose everything else over motherhood. Great article!

GTODecember 16, 2024

Fantastic article by a great writer with a brilliant mind.

HelenCDecember 16, 2024

LOL; T. Carpenter "Stole my thunder" on that amazing quote! That being said, this is why I have always preferred to be known as an "independent female" rather than a feminist. the "-ist" smacks way too much of the "-ites" mentioned in 4 Nephi 1:17 "There were no robbers, nor murderers, neither were there Lamanites, nor any manner of -ites; but they were in one, the children of Christ, and heirs to the kingdom of God."

C. CarlsonDecember 16, 2024

Beautiful, inspiring story! Thank you!

Cody HoskissonDecember 16, 2024

I am a woman. I have two children and I fully intend on having at least 4 more, God willing. You perfectly summed up how I feel about the vocal minority in this country when you said, “it would seem feminism only includes a woman’s right not to have a child”. Fortunately, I have discovered that they are indeed the minority. When you go out into the real world and talk to real people, you quickly discover that the vast majority of people around you are nice and honestly want to be nice and even if they have a differing opinion, they can still cheer you on in your opinion. Your article also drove home to me a fact that has been slowly dawning in my mind: you can choose to see the positive in the things that happen everyday. Having two kids, I can say that motherhood is often exhausting, yet this woman chooses to post positive and uplifting content about her eight children. She could choose to focus on the thousands of things that must go awry everyday, but instead she focuses on the blessings she sees everywhere and makes the world a brighter place by sharing about them. So thank you for that improved perspective as well!

Linda K. SpoonerDecember 16, 2024

I truly love Meridian Magazine. Yes, I subscribed last year and will again this year. I have learned a great deal from your magazine. Thank you. Linda

Linda K. SpoonerDecember 16, 2024

I cannot tell you how much I love this post. I normally don't read such syrupy type stuff, but the title hit me. I never expected to end up where I did. On a piece of land with a milk cow and 3 kids. Not ever. It brought back memories flying into my head and heart. This showed me I was not crazy or demented as my mother thought of me. I am not alone. I would have loved having my husband to enjoy this but alas that couldn't be. I am bipolar and that ruined my enjoyment of what you had. Being bipolar and having separation angst and making decisions on my own did not mix. It was the 1970's and I did not know what to do to get help. I am going to start following this ballerina. Thank you so much for this article. It gave me strength to visit that part of my life. Yes, thank you. Linda

T. CarpenterDecember 16, 2024

"That is feminism. Women supporting women in pursuing excellence and actualization in every sphere and not always rushing to say one form of excellence threatens another by its very existence." I love that paragraph. I pray that we, all the women of the world, achieve that some day.

Monica ChamberlandDecember 15, 2024

Thank You inspiring and sooting at this time of year again, when trying to figure out the perfect gift.

NateDecember 13, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) The basics of AI have existed for 2000 to 3000 years. Algibra is the basis for AI, named after its creator in India. The simplification of algebraic equations was developed along the Sick Road. The next major development came about 1850, when George Boole developed modern symbolic logic, including the if, greater than, less than, etc. Where it became really useful was with the arrival of the PC and the spreadsheet in the 1980’s. What you are really talking about is Chat GPT which allows users to converse with search apps by a two-way conversation researching and improving the reacher. The conversation uses neural networks simulating the human brain. Interestingly one of the main developers of the neural networks is Geoffory Hinton. He won the recent Nobel Prize for his work wit Google Deep Mind and is the grandson of George Boole

Godfrey EllisDecember 13, 2024

Excellent and inspirational reminder

AlanDecember 13, 2024

Thank you for sharing those inspirational stories about gifts that don’t come from the store.

LatessaDecember 13, 2024

Thank you for sharing your experiences of gifts not bought from a store. As I was reading it brought tears to my eyes. I hope to open my eyes to see more gifts like that.

Brent OlsenDecember 13, 2024

I appreciate Brother Wrights words in his commentary here. It supports, and aids my search and studies of and in the Book of Mormon. Definitely helps build upon my spiritual self. Thank you, Brent

LewisDecember 12, 2024

Beautiful stories, and incredible gifts. To my mind, it is the gift the Savior gives us, allowing us to understand both who we are and what we can become. Thank you for sharing these wonderful stories at Christmas!

MjDecember 12, 2024

Thanks for this thoughtful article. Often the burden comment is meant to acknowledge that the calling is challenging. I like the idea of thanking someone for their services. have not felt comfortable saying congratulations but had not thought of anything better. Great ideas.

GTODecember 12, 2024

This is amazing and so inspiring!

Rochelle HaleDecember 12, 2024

When we sustain our leaders, on a general, stake, or ward level, we are literally promising we can do everything we can do to support them, especially if our own callings or responsibilities fall under their jurisdiction. I have had very few callings that I have struggled with. I believe our callings come from the Lord. Whether we serve as a greeter or stake/mission leader, ours is a privilege to serve that cannot be found in other churches. The Lord needs us and wants us to help build His kingdom. That is amazing to me! Along this vein, it bothers me when people apologize before giving Sacrament meeting talks, or they take several minutes to explain how they avoided being asked. If one truly is very shy or has a condition that makes speaking difficult, then explain that to the bishopric member privately. If you accepted the call to speak, then please do so without giving excuses.

KareenDecember 12, 2024

What a beautiful reminder that a person NEEDS to feel needed, that they're contributing something to their community! How AWESOME that the need can be met!

HelenCDecember 12, 2024

I was once accused of “Ripping off the bereaved” because I charge for my Grief Coaching. I just posted this article to my feeds!

Tim FosterDecember 12, 2024

We have a comment to our friends - Congratudolences when they are called. It is meant to say congratulations on the call, condolences if you think the Lord doesn't want you any longer. He makes the most over whelming calls possible to answer and do. In the end the term is a light hearted way to say "welcome to the Lord's service".

randaDecember 9, 2024

loved it

vickieDecember 9, 2024

most people not in the church cannot wrap their heads around this. that they can become like God our Father. sometimes its hard for me to wrap my brain around that. i guess its my respect and belief in My Father in heaven. i do believe we can become like Him but He will always be above me.

RobDecember 8, 2024

And I would ad, that this applies to young men seeking a good LDS wife. Abuse is not only physical, it's emotional as well.

Dee SanchezDecember 7, 2024

Thank you for posting this. This has strengthened me to strive to live better and prepare well for the eternities by doing what I can here in this life.

TinaDecember 7, 2024

I grew up in an abusive home, so that has always been my number one concern for my children, that they will end up in an abusive relationship. Thank you for the advice in this article..

Craig FrogleyDecember 6, 2024

This was so beautifully graphic that it made me remember our own homecomings... I can see that now you know.....!

Corey DinsdaleDecember 6, 2024

I have had a copy of this vision in my possession for about 45 yrs, I found it among my fathers things after he was killed in a tragic accident. I have tried to document it for years with little success, this is a wonderful article !

Darrell H.December 6, 2024

There is so much wisdom in what Ron says. For years he has been one of my mentors from afar. I've used his teachings and stories as I've taught Crucial Conversations. This article beautifully illustrates his insights and experience. Thanks for publishing this.

Kandi GuffeyDecember 6, 2024

We read this account in the 1970's and have kept it with our collection of truths of our next experience. What we have is on mimeographed paper so being able tp print it with clear letters will be great. Thanks so much!

Shirley RicksDecember 6, 2024

Thank you for all you bring to us on a daily basis. I have been a long-time monthly subscriber. It is well worth it to receive your uplifiting, well-written, and informative articles.

Lee CollettDecember 6, 2024

This man was a stake president. As we know a person can receive revelation for those under their stewardship. I would hope that people would realize that this is not revelation for the whole church.

J. S. BrownDecember 6, 2024

I know a couple who have a wonderful relationship. When they were dating, they both felt strongly about the church. The gospel was the highest priority in their lives. Shortly after they were married, he said something unkind to her as they were driving somewhere. She asked him to pull over and stop the car. Then she said very plainly and without anger to him that he had promised her and God in the temple that he would not treat her that way and that if he ever talked to her again in a mean way, it would be the end of the marriage. He thought about the sacred covenants he had made and realized that he had broken his covenant, and he felt bad about it. He apologized sincerely and was very careful from then on. One of their children was a student of mine and he and their other children were all decent, well-behaved and were faithful in the church. The couple has now been married over 50 years, and they still have a beautiful relationship. When a couple is planning to get married, it needs to be spelled out to each of them that unkindness is a very serious sin. And bishops should ask the question in the recommend interviews: "Are you consistently kind to your wife/husband?" I've seen the tragedies--the evil and indescribably sorrow, pain, misery and I can't understand why so many bishops look the other way and support an abusive husband.

Bonnie BDecember 5, 2024

thank you for this article and list of great websites and podcasts! They are KEEPERS!

Shelley StevensDecember 5, 2024

Thank you for this! We have many "faith-shakers" in our world; It is nice to remember we have faith-trusters too! Would love to see you come up with a list of podcast that you think are also faith-truster based!

Greg NewkirkDecember 4, 2024

This is outstanding, especially given its documentation. Thanks for bringing it to light.

Sheryl BDecember 4, 2024

Thank you for sharing this experience. I believe it to be true. I know those who have gone through the veil to the new birth are busy and helping us to do the work that needs to be completed here on earth.

Jenny SvendsenDecember 4, 2024

thank you for posting tis wonderful vision1 The many truths therein are so important for us to remember and contemplate. My own mother went to the spirit world, and I understand now with more clarity why she said not to mourn her death, when she eventually passed, because of the glory and happiness on the other side. Our son at the age of 43 also came to console me after he passed.

Dora Glassford RobertsonDecember 4, 2024

Awesome second witness. I am surprised it is not cannonised as surely it would help the unbelieving see the truth. When my husband died, I was so shocked I called out to him, that we did not even say goodbye, how could he do this to me. As I came to the carehome, I was told he was declared dead by the docror but his soul obviously returned for three hours and that we were permitted to say Goodbye. I am eternally grateful to Heavenly Father for sending his spirit back so I could come to terms that he was leaving me. I know he is OK and waiting for me on the other side of the veil. I feel so blessed.

Becky HullDecember 4, 2024

thank you so much for this. Who did the beautiful artwork at the top of the article? It is stunning. Thank you.

M.C.December 4, 2024

Very interesting! Thank you for sharing. I love this perspective.

Jackson PembertonDecember 4, 2024

Kansas City is near if not in the world of the ancient prophets. A special place indeed.

Lexie StatonDecember 4, 2024

Thank you for posting this Scot. This is an account that I have not read before. It puts things in their proper and best perspective.

Doug SalmonDecember 3, 2024

This article is thought-provoking, informative, enlightening, and beautiful. Thank you!

L. M. OlsonDecember 3, 2024

Thank you so very much for your generous offer on these sweet books. I am looking forward to giving them to my families and to the people we minister to. I know they will love it.

Marilynne LinfordDecember 2, 2024

WOW! What a year! I listened to your podcast about recording in your car because it was the only quiet enough place! Thanks so much for sharing. Welcome home!

Marilynne LinfordDecember 2, 2024

Thank you, Steve!

Gail G GrovesDecember 2, 2024

I have loved reading your "letters to home" posted on Meridian through your mission and especially how Family Search opened up the windows and doors of heaven to so many Puerto Ricans. And many thanks for your Come Follow Me Podcasts. They have been an inspiration to me this year. Merry Christmas & Best wishes in the New Year.

LouiseDecember 2, 2024

What a beautiful article! Thank you for sharing these experiences.

WallyDecember 2, 2024

Beautiful! So many lives blessed!

Melissa Boyer MarkhamDecember 2, 2024

Welcome Home! How I loved reading about your climb up Mt Sinai and the swellings in your heart as you pondered the nature of God and his love for us. I remember a similar experience on Mt Sinai, culminating in the singing of "How Great Thou Art." Truly, how great He is!

Claudia Henderson SmithDecember 2, 2024

Congratulations on a great mission! I’ll miss reading about it.

Corey D.December 1, 2024

Some years ago at our stake conference which was the week before Thanksgiving, Elder Vaughan J Featherstone was the visiting general authority, the main Sunday session started like normal, we sang, had the opening prayer, business was conducted, then as the counselor in stake presidency was about to give the program Elder Featherstone came to the pulpit and said, " I'm going to make a change to the program, we are going to sing a couple of different/extra songs, we are going to sing some Thanksgiving songs, songs of gratitude, Thanksgiving kind of gets overlooked and it shouldn't be, it is one of our most important holidays", I've always remembered that and try to be grateful always.

Corey D.December 1, 2024

I was thinking about this recently brought about by some things I was told some members of the church have said or done towards others that were not very christian for lack of a better description and it always reminds me of a missionary I met when I was in the LTM, he was a convert to the church and older than most of the missionaries, he had joined the church while serving in the army stationed in Okinawa. He said to me one day, " you guys that have been members all your lives sometimes give the impression or have the attitude that you are the only ones who were raised right, my parents were good people who raised me well, in fact because of the way I was raised I joined the church". I think what we need to remember as members of the church is, yes we have all truth but we don't have a market on all good.

Glenn BrittDecember 1, 2024

I liked your Chess analogy. Additionally, Jaredite culture exactly mirrors 15th and 16th century pirate culture. Anyone could challenge the captain at any time, and the victor would be captain and the vanquished would join the others swabbing the deck. And if there was a mutiny, they fought till one side submitted, and the victor's side leader would be captain. And those they wished to "Leave in captivity," they would just leave on land at Nassau or Tortuga. In fact, change the names to Blackbeard, Drake and others and their cities to ships and Ether reads as a good pirate novel.

C. ReynoldsNovember 29, 2024

Just wish that she had decided to have it earlier in the year, like the Canadians did. They get to celebrate their thanksgiving holiday on October 11th, so that they miss all of the nasty winter weather and hazardous driving we get to enjoy during the end of November!!

LewisNovember 28, 2024

On this Thanksgiving Day, I am grateful you have brought us along on your incredible journey. I am so appreciative both for the work you are doing and the gift you give us each month by sharing these incredible stories.

Steve A DoneganNovember 27, 2024

Sister Linford, I waited until the evening to read your article so I wouldn’t be distracted. My surprise wasn’t the love and care that went into your words, but I was surprised, greatly, by the fact there were no comments by the many others who we both know read your work. It moved me to tears and deep reflection. Thank you for the time you took to write such a wonderful piece.

CJWNovember 27, 2024

Behind every great thing is a persistent woman! Great article!

Mariah Proctor (author)November 27, 2024

@Dave M, yeah, actually the reason that bill came about was because Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving to earlier in the month in the hopes of lengthening the Christmas shopping season and boosting the economy during the Great Depression, but it didn't work and people were upset so they officially changed it back at that time you mentioned.

Dave MNovember 27, 2024

In December 1941, Congress passed a bill that made Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday in November (not the last Thursday), and President Roosevelt signed that bill into law.

Claudia Henderson SmithNovember 27, 2024

Thanks for sharing that wonderful story.

Mark W MinerNovember 26, 2024

So tender, beautiful, and deeply meaningful. Whenever our world seems to fall apart, we can always find something--and Someone--to be grateful for.

Corey D.November 24, 2024

To the brother who sent in the question, hang in there, easy for me to say I know, I have a 41 yr old son and a 38 yr old son both getting divorced not under your same circumstances but still tough for them and both would rather not be getting divorced, one has kids and one doesn't. The 38 yr old is staying with us and dealing with depression big time which is hard for me to understand because I have never been depressed and have trouble understanding it and its symptoms. On the other hand and this may not have a very understanding sound to it but if you have neighbors like that and your wife betrayed you under those circumstances, time to move on and move away, literally. Get outdoors on a daily basis or do some type of activity, pray daily even though it may be tough and seem hopeless, avoid social media and watching to much TV. May a schedule and stick to it. Read good books, go buy a copy of Robert Fulghum's books.

Corey D.November 23, 2024

Another wonderfully expressed article. When I was younger I used to think Jacob 7:26 was an interesting comment, now that I'm older it's much more personal and understood, sums up the thoughts and intents of this article and for many of us life, Jacob says "our lives passed away like as it were unto us a dream".

JoeNovember 22, 2024

I don't know what your cardiovascular drug regimen might be, but certain drugs for the heart, especially beta-blockers, can exacerbate anxiety and depression in some patients. Speaking from personal experience. There are replacements that can have a better side effect profile that you can discuss with your cardiologist. Perhaps this could ease at least some of your burden as you face this trial. I am pulling for you.

Richard ManwaringNovember 22, 2024

Everything I read about Marion D Hanks makes me wish I had known him. What an incredible man! Thanks for sharing

Chris EpsonNovember 22, 2024


SallyNovember 22, 2024

What a beautiful article! I sent it to my pre-mission daughter for her help and benefit. The gentle and wise reminder in this article is for ALL of us who profess to be disciples of Christ. Well done, and thank you, Brother Hanks!

Bradley AndersonNovember 21, 2024

While I don't go on your blog, I read any article you write in Meridian and elsewhere. I especially enjoy your analyses, live and in print. This, however, was totally unexpected. It is most enjoyable, assuming you are not suffering a terminal illness. Benjamin Franklin stated, "If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing." You are comfortably within both categories. While your remains will not take up much space, you have a legacy upon which future generations will build. Keep up the superb work my friend, whom I have never met.

Jeannie EvansNovember 21, 2024

You have seen the inside of my soul with your music and meditations.

DumaNovember 21, 2024

Thank you for including enough detail about the show to make your illustrations clear while not making me experience a horror film.

Jenny Oaks BakerNovember 20, 2024

Great review and thoughts! I will not be seeing this film, but appreciate your wise thoughts call to action to filmmakers to have the courage tell the faithful side of things!

Abbie VianesNovember 19, 2024

Mariah what GREAT writing in this piece. Thank you for such a clear explanation of the film which I will never see. I believe your analysis is spot on. How sad such films put out their atheistic messages

EveNovember 19, 2024

Well done!

JeanNovember 19, 2024

As is referred to in this article, I am disappointed in Hugh Grant taking this role. Yes, I am one of the people who associate him with his role in Sense and Sensibility, in which he did a superb job.

RitchieNovember 15, 2024

Both sides used misinformation. (LDS member in Australia, served Mission, EQ 2nd Councillor ).

Brad LNovember 14, 2024

Excellent article. I'm saving it for future re-reading and am looking forward to your follow-up article

Dave BarkerNovember 14, 2024

This sounds great, but I'm afraid things may have progressed beyond some of this strategy. Many people have convinced themselves that the results of this election signals the end of democracy, etc. This has been an election strategy that has traumatized half of the population and totally offended and polarized the other half. I have relatives who are literally fearing for their lives and future right now. I have been very kind and tolerant, but have been notified I'm not welcome. This is not the American way. We need to hold politicians responsible for their rhetoric. They'll say whatever they think will get them elected, no matter the human cost.

AnnaNovember 14, 2024

Great article, thank you...

Scott LeTellierNovember 14, 2024

Kathy, informative article. Thanks. What a great opportunity you and Whitney have with our great Choir. I watch every Sunday and visit live each time I am in SLC -- was there for the Spelman and Moorhouse colleges combined performance the last time, which was wonderful. Keep it going!

Gerry H.November 13, 2024

While serving as a senior missionary in San Francisco twenty years ago, I met missionaries from the Pacific Islands cultures whose names also are descriptive. I am certain there are many more interesting things to be learned on this subject. Great article.

HelenCNovember 13, 2024

Thank you for this clarifying explanation.

John A WarnickNovember 13, 2024

TY. Excellent article. I listened to a podcast recently which suggested, if I captured it correctly, that the Egyptian symbols for the actual name of the Brother of Jared would require something like 11 symbols and the Brother of Jared only a few symbols. Hence, they suggested that it was a practical consideration for Moroni, who faced the twin difficulties of using the Egyptian language and symbols in his writing on the plates and the need to use the space on the plates conservatively. Thank you for a fuller understanding of what Moroni and Ether were upagainst as they preserved the story of the Brother of Jared, Jared, and their people

Lisa CroftNovember 13, 2024

I think there is one more possibility. The BofM is a story. It is a literary masterpiece created by Mormon and his son Moroni and tells of a family wandering earthly paths, Ether is taken out of chronological order and iplaced as the opposite book end from Lehi’s story. The two stories parallel each other and tell the story of a covenant people. Jared’s brother is a type of Christ who is the Mediator & Advocate w/God along our covenant path. By leaving his name unknown, it prompts us to ask, who is he really? All things in scripture lead us to Jesus Christ.

CindyNovember 13, 2024

I love how you explained the reasoning as to why the Book of Mormon doesn't give the name of Jared's brother. I was in an Institute class when this was revealed to us: Ether 1:34–35. What is the name of the brother of Jared? Elder George Reynolds of the Seventy related the following account, which shows that the name of the brother of Jared was revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith: “While residing in Kirtland Elder Reynolds Cahoon had a son born to him. One day when President Joseph Smith was passing his door he called the Prophet in and asked him to bless and name the baby. Joseph did so and gave the boy the name of Mahonri Moriancumer. When he had finished the blessing he laid the child on the bed, and turning to Elder Cahoon he said, the name I have given your son is the name of the brother of Jared; the Lord has just shown it to me. Elder William F. Cahoon, who was standing near heard the Prophet make this statement to his father; and this was the first time the name of the brother of Jared was known in the Church in this dispensation” (“The Jaredites,” Juvenile Instructor, May 1, 1892, 282).

T. CarpenterNovember 13, 2024

I went to General Conference in 1976 with a date (we were in college together.) It was in the Tabernacle balcony section where we had to sit. The ushers kept coming to the end of the row and asking us all to squish closer together. "Turn sideways," they kept saying, "we need to get one more person in this pew." They did that three times! We were not sitting shoulder to shoulder, but chest to back! I was mortified being that close to a young man that I did not know nor was married to! It was absolutely immoral. I can't remember his name, face nor anything else about that date, including the long ride back to Ephriam. It's mostly a blur. I'm sure we did not speak to one another the entire way home. Point of this story? They can always stuff one more person into a pew; where there is a will, there is a way.

joe alvaradoNovember 13, 2024

I personally think that avoiding talking about politics is not the right approach. If I remember well, Elder Oaks in his talk about the constitution a few conferences ago gave us some advice on what to do. He told us to get involved politically , educate ourselves about the constitution and teach our children about politics. Avoiding the issue will not help our nation stand for our rights on these last days of secret combinations within our government. I am not saying we have to argue and fight with each other. I mean learn to educate each other peacefully about our choices. President Nelson has said we wont survive these last days without the guidance of the Spirit. Lets look for the Spirit and act accordingly.

Patrick R. Elliott, Sr.November 13, 2024

Mahonri Moriancumer is the name of the brother of Jared.

Barry HNovember 13, 2024

Very interesting and certainly makes sense. Thanks for sharing your research and insights. Now we know you can write far more than interesting and humorous life stories (which I always enjoy).

Steve A DoneganNovember 13, 2024

Thanks for letting us know about the app!

Rochelle HaleNovember 13, 2024

This has been a difficult election year. Our main political parties are far from what they were in our patents or grandparents’ days where one could pretty much vote straight ticket and know what they would be getting. I would have liked a clean slate of candidates this campaign season, but obviously that did not happen. I also find myself at odds with family or friends over the outcome of the election. I will not be the one to yell at someone, call them names, or disinvite to Thanksgiving dinner, but I’m sure there are those who would easily show me the exit for my views. It is indeed sad that so many wedges have been placed between relationships when I believe, at core, the things we seek for in daily living are basically the same. There will still be many discrepancies. Ours is to be the best citizens we can be and strive for harmonious relationships in spite of any perceived unfairness.

Particle ManNovember 13, 2024

The following more recent discussions, which feature much of the same material as the 1985 talk, address subsequent technological advances and provide further insights. "Is the Shroud of Turin authentic? (Yes, here's why)" "The Shroud Reveals New Insights on Jesus"

Barbara KNovember 13, 2024

I like the idea I heard that Mahonri Moriancomer needed many more symbols to write than Jared's brother did. It was a matter of saving space as the name appears often in the account.

Donna ColyarNovember 12, 2024

Oh my goodness, overwhelming ick. I’m disappointed Hugh Grant would participate in this schlock. As the grandmother of three serving missionaries, two of them sisters, I surely hope their safety is not at greater risk because of this. Doesn’t Hollywood have better stories than this? Apparently not. So disrespectful to ANY faith and ANY believer. Inaccurate and mean-spirited.

Harold RustNovember 12, 2024

One strong recommendation I would add: Whenever one of the two sides "wins" temporarily (elections are held every 2 years, remember), the successful side should go out of their way to now show graciousness and respect by addressing valid and reasonable concerns those on the other side might have. This is especially true where all Trump supporters should spend much of their energy discussing how we can improve supporting "good, hard-working" immigrants while improving security against those who come here only for a free hand-out or who see this is an opportunity to pass drugs or commit crimes. When the victor shows compassion and magnanimity, both sides have better reason to celebrate each other's friendship.

Darwin Nelson DavisNovember 12, 2024

Such an excellent article! Every member would be blessed to follow this wonderful counsel.

Rebecca WNovember 12, 2024

I've never heard anyone say immigrants are poisoning the blood of Americans. I think the issue is obeying the law, stopping fentanyl and other drugs, as well as human trafficking. That's such a an ugly statement - can you verify who said it?

Gary WitteNovember 12, 2024

In 1975 while in Central America on my mission, Honduras had a postal tribute to Coros del Mundo (Choirs of the world). If you can imagine they created a postal stamp with the Tabernacle Choir on it. There were limits on how many one could purchase so my Zone purchase 360 and sent them to the Tab Choir. Decades later Janice Kap Perry came to visit a friend in our Stake and I gave her my last stamp, as she had been in the Choir for a while. Great memories!

Dave CookNovember 12, 2024

My mother, who is the best person I know and who has a sure ticket to the Celestial Kingdom, supported the candidate I strongly oppose. We still have a wonderful relationship and get along great. We just don’t talk politics.

Richard EastwoodNovember 12, 2024

According to John 20: 5-7, there was not one pice of fabric in which the Savior was wrapped, but several. Verse 7: "And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes but wrapped together in a place by itself."

KathleenNovember 11, 2024

My husband has this gift, as well. I've always referred to it as 'seeing space.' Whether packing a car, trunk, U-Hall or whatever, it's helpful.

Judy ShumwayNovember 11, 2024

thank you that is so amazing and beautiful we all need to reverence the Flag and what it stands for thank you

Gary StrobleNovember 11, 2024

Typo in the headline: Should we Cut Off (Everyone One) Who Doesn’t Agree with Us?

Debbi M.November 11, 2024

This Choir always amazes me--my husband and I watch Music and the Spoken Word each Sunday as a starter to our Sabbath and I pull up music by the choir on my cell phone to get uplift and sustenance as I fall asleep or try to sleep after some emotional struggles during the day. This article made me smile!

karenNovember 11, 2024

wow that is so inspiring!!! Thank you for doing that.

Richard V JukesNovember 11, 2024

Thanks, Scot. This was a fun-to-read article.

Barbara WalkerNovember 11, 2024

Love your visual. Weren't people smaller in those days allowing for maybe one more per bench? If I had been there I would have been excited enough to stand at the back through the whole meeting. Thank you for using your gift to help us see too.

Jenny SvendsenNovember 11, 2024

That is truly amazing! Thank yo for sharing this! My husband has also been blessed with the same gift as you, we have moved about 30 times in our 54 years of marriage, gone camping every year with our 5 children, it boggles my mind how he can find space for everything,he can put double the stuff in a tight space than I can

Joni HiltonNovember 11, 2024

I hope many readers re-post this brilliant article on social media.

Wendy HallNovember 11, 2024

Just Beautiful! Thank you!

Gaye WillisNovember 11, 2024

It might also be that the people were smaller than we are today. When I was indexing World War II Draft Records I was amazed at the height and weight of many of the soldiers because it is so much less than the typical 20-year-olds of today. My guess is that people in Joseph Smith's day who were hard working on the farm and often didn't have extra food and especially didn't have all the sugary foods we have, also weighed less and were smaller.

HelenCNovember 11, 2024

Thank you, Brother Proctor, for your clarity of vision. Your gift has opened my eyes to the wonders of that day!

Debrah RoundyNovember 11, 2024

Thanks for sharing, the shroud is so unique and the latest in scientific equipment continues to tease us into reading more. That was interesting.

MaryannNovember 9, 2024

Thank you for much more expanding your answer to respond to this problem more completely. My husband and I are both sometimes guilty of letting social media on our phones and computers interrupt our time together. We all DO need to feel one another's real presence. Thank you for the reminder. It is sad to see this problem displayed almost everywhere. How often do we look around in a restaurant, or other venues, and witness husbands and wives staring at their phones, instead of engaging in conversation and connection? The technology we enjoy can easily become a tool of Satan to weaken family relationships. We (me, too!) need to break away from what is becoming an addiction for many.

Sister Robyn LevesqueNovember 9, 2024

The Choir continues to be amazing! Thank you so much. My husband and I are serving a mission in Indonesia and we listen to our wonderful choir often during the week to bring a sweet spirit. When we miss home, that helps! You all are doing an amazing job. Years ago we thought it couldn’t get any better, but it always does! Thank you for this great music.

Mary ZollingerNovember 8, 2024

A wonderful Christmas Story. Thank you to Dallas Jenkins for this Christmas Movie!

Janet RasmussenNovember 8, 2024

So glad Joe, the property owners, Native tribespeople, and community took on this project to preserve this marvelous site!!!

Peter VousdenNovember 8, 2024

My father and mother were baptised in England in 1955 when Clifton Kerr was mission president. My dad loved President Kerr, but in our family President Hanks assumed a towering influence. My father loved him. As a footnote, my father knew Elder Jeffrey R Holland as a young missionary.

IanNovember 8, 2024

I was fortunate to be part of a mission where obedience was a joy. 60% obedience in a sheltered MTC environment makes me wonder if the sister was underestimating her obedience. So much structure makes disobedience difficult, unless you're sneaking out at night, or something.

IanNovember 8, 2024

It's nice to hear these things. I'm a current choir member, and we've never heard this "Do things that have never been done before" story. Visionary. Thank you.

Joel MarksNovember 8, 2024

I was fortunate enough to meet Elder Hanks on my mission to Virginia from 1975-77 and a picture was taken fir my journal. In my mind though never chosen as an Apostle all our missionaries thought he was or should have been.

Corey D.November 7, 2024

Your comments on the hardships of life mirror a number of articles that have been on Meridian the last few years and I can say from personal experience and the personal experiences of friends and family that many, so many are struggling with these same trials and difficulties. Personal Faith and Belief seem tested on an almost constant basis and it's hard to hang on especially when your doing "all" the things we are told/counseled to do. For me personally one of the biggest helps is making a concerted effort every day to have a spirit of gratitude.

Dr. Kenneth Stevens, MDNovember 7, 2024

The biblical scholar, Margaret Barker, in her book "The Great High Priest", wrote: "Literally, 'almah means 'the hidden one': the root 'lm means conceal, and a derived noun t'lmh means a secret" [page 241]. Consider the following: "Now, there was in Mormon a fountain of pure water, and Alma resorted thither, there being near the water a thicket of small trees, where he did hide himself in the daytime from the searches of the king." (Mosiah 18:5)

L KinderNovember 7, 2024

Four years ago, I read "He Did Deliver Me from Bondage" by Colleen Harrison, the Church's 12-step Addiction Recovery book. I thought that my emotional eating problem "didn't really count" (after all, it's a temple-worthy sin), but there I was, on page 1. After decades of trying to overcome my weaknesses in my own strength, I have finally (at the age of 69) learned to trust the Lord, lean on Him for strength, and even dared to ask Him to change me (I sure couldn't change myself) and He DID. I might write a book called "Lose 60 Pounds in 60 Years", because that's how long it took me to let go and let God. The Lord has changed my nature--and He reminds me that this is not about how I look or what I weigh; it's about my relationship with HIM. Now I turn to HIM for comfort, not to food.

L KinderNovember 7, 2024

I seem to recall a scripture that says that if we take the Holy Spirit as our guide, and live in thanksgiving, it will be well with us. I forget how I got started, but I've learned to play Pollyanna's Glad Game all day long. It's easy to find something to complain about, but it takes more effort to feel grateful. At my age (69), I'm grateful to wake up. I'm grateful that most of my body parts work. I'm grateful for the parts that aren't in pain. When something irritating happens, that's when the Gratitude Skill kicks in. When something heartbreaking happens, I recognize that the Lord is there, like He was in the fiery furnace, not taking us out, but getting us through. I was a born pessimist, but learning gratitude has changed me. It makes me feel younger, more hopeful, and a lot better company to be with.

Big Jim from NoCalNovember 7, 2024

Interesting how times have changed since the days of young Marion D. Hanks. I served 21 years in the Air Force and it seemed like almost all of the chaplains I've encountered tended to avoid mentioning the Savior or even God for that matter, preferring instead to come off like amateur counselors or stand-up comics. I guess they have to worry about offending someone, and in today's diverse military services that's nearly impossible to do. But, as representatives of Christ, we need to not be afraid to let people know who we are and Whom we represent. Thanks to that wise chaplain who taught Elder Hanks that lesson!

CynthiaNovember 7, 2024

What a beautiful article about gratitude! I loved your burnt offering story and makes me want to be better about not just thanking God but also showing my gratitude. Bless you, Becky, for your wonderful example!

Brent AndersonNovember 7, 2024

I was called to be an Army chaplain in 1971, at the age of 25. Elder Hanks played a critical role in guiding my service, that lasted for 30 years. I have shared with my family my eternal gratitude for his ministry to me.

Roger DavidsonNovember 7, 2024

Thank you so very much for the article. Change is hard. But it is worth all the effort..

Maurine Jensen ProctorNovember 6, 2024

This article in no way suggested that you shouldn't vote or that you shouldn't be discerning and use your knowledge of the restored gospel in making decisions. What it suggests is that we cool our tempers, curb our rancor, seek friendship and understanding instead of division.

MaryannNovember 6, 2024

Every year before election day in Sacrament Meeting, a statement is read by the First Presidency reminding us of our responsibility to vote. So, for me, withholding my vote is not an option. I believe there is always one candidate who will better serve our country than another. It is not hard for me to make my choice. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I will never support in any way a candidate who belongs to a political party who supports abortion (other than situations to save the life of the mother, or rape). How can a nation so richly blessed by God casually accept such a heinous sin? This nation has allowed the slaughter of millions of the innocent unborn. No wonder the Lord's sword is "bathed in heaven," ready to fall. I believe that those who in ANY way support candidates or political parties who think abortion is a "right" will one day stand accountable before God.

MaryannNovember 6, 2024

I believe the term "human rights" has been corrupted in many cases. Too often the term "rights" is incorrectly substituted for the correct word: "responsibility." There are not "reproductive rights;" there is reproductive RESPONSIBILITY. Exercising our free agency to harm others is not a "right." My right to swing my arm ends when it reaches your face (unless, of course, I am defending my life). We also do not have the "right" to sin. We have freedom to choose, but that never justifies or gives us the "right" to break God's laws.

MaryannNovember 6, 2024

I really hope this couple gets therapy as soon as possible. If this woman allows things to continue as they are, out of a mistaken sense of "kindness," she is going to end up homeless, broke, or dependent on other family members. This is a very serious situation, especially since men often die before their wives. His plan to "keep on working" will end abruptly when he becomes too old to work, or passes on. Where will she be then?

MaryannNovember 6, 2024

To Commenters: Please remember that much of what we experience and see in the USA is VERY good. There are still many, many wonderful people within and outside of our faith who love God and are striving to serve Him. Although we do struggle with contention (like every other nation), if that is all we see, and we allow it to overshadow everything that is good about our nation, we are missing out on a lot.

Anonymous (for my friend’s sake)November 6, 2024

Some years ago I served on a High Council and sat next to great man who thirty years earlier was a Division 1 quarterback for a team that was the primary rival of my Alma Mater. We made a wager before the rivalry football game. If his team won, I would wear a tie with his university logo to the next HC meeting and vice versa. That year, my team won. At the next High Council meeting I had the tie ready for him. He reminded me that for him to be seen with that tie would be devastating to his reputation. (I knew him to be in his school’s Football Hall of Fame and active among Alumi and potential recruits). For me, it would be meaningless, since my son and son in law both had degrees from his University. I tucked the tie into my pocket and made a good friend.

WallyNovember 5, 2024

Insightful article, Justin!

KAMNovember 5, 2024

For some issues God can't be on both sides.

Corey D.November 5, 2024

Great talk. I was at my brothers house some months ago, he shared a story that I'm pretty sure is fairly common place anymore especially with the youth and young adults. My niece happened to be visiting from out of state, her mom, my sister-in-law was at the computer preparing a lesson for Relief Society, she said something about being short on time and frustrated preparing the lesson, my niece walks over, says to her mom, "what's the subject for the lesson" ? She told her, my niece then says, let me sit at the computer, she pulls up some AI program or bot, types in a few things, lesson pops up, she sends it to the printer, hands it to her mom, total time, about 5 min. Pretty sure anyone under 30 that's how most lessons and talks are being prepared anymore.

MaryannNovember 5, 2024

Counting our blessings, and thanking our Heavenly Father for them each day is certainly a BIG essential step in "thinking celestial!"

MaryannNovember 5, 2024

When I was in school, a graduation requirement was to complete a class on American government. You really could not graduate unless you completed this class. One big step we must take is to marshal our ranks as parents and grandparents and let the schools know that we want American history, American government, and knowledge about our sacred documents taught in our schools. Our kids need to know about the sacrifices and blood that was shed to make the freedoms they enjoy possible. We need to also insist that the heavy criticisms aimed at our founding fathers be eliminated from school classrooms. I shudder when I see interviews where people do not even understand why we celebrate the 4th of July!

MaryannNovember 5, 2024

Thank you so much for your wonderful stories. We need laughter desperately, probably today more than ever.

Matt ProctorNovember 5, 2024

I listened to Afterglow on my mission in the Dominican Republic (84-86). Everytime I hear one of their songs, I am transported back to that special time in my life. Some of the best LDS music I have ever heard.

Andrew GroftNovember 5, 2024

Nice work, Stephen. I like your use of Plutarch’s Cincinnatus. Publius Valarius was this kind of leader, as well. Come to think of it, Donald Trump might fit the mold, rough around the edges as he seems. But the Roman and Greek heroes didn’t face the level of vitriol and constructed division America faces today. It is unpopular in some circles to admit Trump is a modern hero, and more palatable if you add that you don’t like his tweets, or he’s our best of two bad choices. But Trump left his plough, he relinquished power even when we knew the 2020 election was questionable. He puts up with horrible abuse, and puts his life on the line for his service. There is truth to be found. There are great men and women—greater even that in Plutarch’s annals. The truth may be more difficult to find, but it is only because the equal and opposite darkness comes with the great light of this greatest human awakening. As lighter, comes darker. It’s no surprise to me that the namesake of Stephen Earl and the prodigy of Dan and Julie Earley could make such mature and insightful observations. Thank you, friend.

Val LNovember 4, 2024

In the Book of Mormon there were Gadianton Robbers, and they caused so many problems that "it became expedient that all the people, both the Nephites and Lamanites should take up arms against them". (3 Nephi 2:11) The Book of Mormon is a guide to the latter days. One day, we will need to decide to choose a side that we believe is the best one to bless our community and preserve our Constitution...and vote! I'm sorry, but this article seemed to shame us for taking sides and to not vote? The last days will be filled with good and evil. Hopefully, we can choose the best of two choices. I have decided to vote, and pray that my vote may lead to the best outcome!

Margaret BourneNovember 4, 2024

I am not American nor do I live in America, so I am an outsider looking in. And what I see is not good. I totally agree with your article that so many of your countrymen, probably many who have been in the military together, fighting together for a common cause are now at each other's throats, threatening all sorts of calamities. Please, all, turn to God and live. Our country is not perfect by any means, so we can all learn from the Saviour's teachings. If only we will do so before its too late. Please, please, turn to God. He will succor us all, yes, everyone, on both sides.

MaryNovember 4, 2024

Red Gadiantons; What the Prophets Have Taught About Communist Secret Combinations that Threaten Mankind is a Book by Zack Strong detailing secret combinations and conspiracy from a spiritual perspective.. Worth the read.

Holly DudleyNovember 4, 2024

Could you tell me your reference source listing the items contained in the box that Joseph opened. I can find nothing in Joseph Smith History, the accounts of the Three & the eight witnesses stating the angel showed them these items nor in Moroni’s account in Mormon 8 that gives this list. Also, could you reference the source for David Whitmer’s remarks that you quoted. If all these items were in the box did Joseph only take the plates out? Do we know what happened to the other items? This is something I have been curious about for a long time, but have never been able to find an answer. . Thank you for the time you put into these podcasts, I really enjoy them.

Jean CallisterNovember 4, 2024

Thank you for this timely article. I would like to plaster the walls of my home with it! I am silly enough to like plays on words. Here is a little story to illustrate: A man named Anger married a lady named Rage. When their first child was born, they wondered what to name it. They decided to use a combination of letters from both names and called it Danger. Don't mess with this family!

Robert StarlingNovember 4, 2024

Thank you, Maurine, for your kind and gentle voice of sanity in insane times. Jesus asked all of us who love him to "come follow me". When he was lifted up on the cross by those who expressed their feelings in the ultimate "cancellation" of his teachings and his example, he said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do". If we are to truly be His followers, we too must forgive those who have different views, even when we believe they "know not what they do".

David C Hobson, DDSNovember 4, 2024

So sad to have to hold your nose to vote!

BIHNovember 4, 2024

I think the writer would have been wise to stick with President Lincoln as a president who is universally admired in our modern age. Despite what some people like to think, we members of the church were baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and not into the Republican party. President Reagan was not particularly one whom I admired although I voted for him the first time.

Lynn DNovember 4, 2024

Thank you!! I wish everyone could read this and feel the same as we do!! May Heavenly Father Bless You and all of America!! One Concerned Gramma

Kathy McFarlansNovember 4, 2024

Amen, amen, amen!

DumaNovember 4, 2024

I appreciate articles like this, and have made note of it in case I need to refer back to it. I appreciate the careful research and neatly-outlined arguments. I also appreciate that it demonstrates the futility of trying to convince the world on its own terms of truths in which it is uninterested. The pattern is: 1) identify an evidence-based claim against the Book of Mormon made by its enemies, 2) research said claim, 3) present evidence and arguments against the claim, 4) receive indifferent response from claimants, 5) rinse and repeat. It always boils back down to the original formula for knowing whether the Book is true: reading and asking God for a personal witness. I'm glad that such apologetics exist, but that we don't have to rely upon them for a personal testimony.

Rochelle HaleNovember 4, 2024

I never questioned why there are Almas in the Book of Mormon, nor the possible gender identity (as I have read in other articles). In our day many names may be used for men or women. This time around in our Book of Mormon study, it has been helpful for me to keep track of all of the record-keepers, many of whom are related

DumaNovember 3, 2024

Maria - The content within the letter has already been proven false through multiple rebuttals. In addition, my brother has read all 138 pages and the rebuttals as well. It was an arduous process, but after it all, he can state with confidence that the arguments found in the letter are flimsy, shallow, and recycled, and that anyone who really does their homework can reach solid answers about the questions contained therein. The angle of this article was to show that since we, as readers, assume legitimacy based upon perceived sincerity, exposing the insincerity removes the last, possible leg upon which the CES letter had to stand.

Sophia McLaughlinNovember 3, 2024

This article argues that what constitutes a "human right" is in some cases up for debate and lists some examples like abortion and euthanasia. However in the same list of debated rights is listed "women's rights", which I find very troubling. What does this even mean? Are "women's rights" not equivalent to human rights?

Corey D.November 3, 2024

Replying to the first comment, I'm pretty sure I know who you are referring to and that is somewhat understandable considering the individual's personality, which is awful, but if you are basing threats to the country and constitution based on a terrible personality you are not understanding what are truly the greatest threats to the constitution as our founding fathers intended it to be used or read. Referencing the article, less than a couple of hours ago I watched an interesting video, it's the Commencement Address at Hillsdale College, it was given by Pat Sajak, probably one of the most well known TV personalities in the country if not the world, did he talk about what it's like to be famous or rich or anything like that, nope, he talked about civility and the great need for more of it in society right now, great address.

Jeanette Goates SmithNovember 3, 2024

There are so many ways you could have shared this concept. I thought It was very clever to use an “It was the best of times. it was the worst of times,” approach. Thanks for the inspiration .

Corey D.November 2, 2024

Wow, 17 yrs old, hope he wants to run for office, might be the answer to my daily prayer and plea that more decent, moral, honest and humble people will be inspired to run for office. What an intelligent well written article.

SimplicioNovember 1, 2024

Time and again the Book of Mormon warns us of ambitious men and political leaders who "stir up unto anger" their people for the purpose of gaining power and influence, often resulting in conflict, even war. (Alma 48:3;51:9;63:14.) Lamanite kings are not the only ones who employ such tactics. There is no virtue in knee-jerk politics. "It is the wicked that stir up the hearts of the children of men unto [riot or] bloodshed." -Mormon 4:5 Don't vote Lamanite!

Dave HallNovember 1, 2024

Excellent article. Wise advice. Though I would add a couple of points about this longing for "a nostalgic time when Americans chose from people that were truly admired—like Lincoln, or perhaps Reagan." First, during his time, Lincoln was widely vilified--Reagan more so during his. Remember, Lincoln was assassinated by a man who considered him evil. Reagan was the victim of an assassination attempt. But, now dead, they are widely admired, analogous to the ancient Jewish admiration of the dead prophets. Second, today, our view of candidates and public officials is obscured by a media that has become less and less trusted and has become less dedicated to reporting the news to us and, in most cases, obsessed with skewing their reporting to promote their own political agenda. Many sources apparently have no qualms about even lying to portray the world as they wish us to see it. This new philosophy of advocacy journalism is actually openly taught in most journalism schools. It takes some work and some wisdom to ferret out sources we can count on to accurately report what is actually going on. This strongly colors the views of many about the character of political figures.

GTONovember 1, 2024

My husband and I have been married nearly 57 years, and this was our story for many years of our marriage. Really, he didn't get control and start making good decisions until he was around 70. I know that sounds frightening, but here's some unsolicited advice. You can still have fun as a family even under financial stress and in rented homes and moving often. We had a blast with our six kids in spite of it all. Second, finances are worse if there's a divorce--you still have to work together on money but your expenses are higher and the stress is greater. If you have to start working or add to your current work schedule, the kids essentially lose both parents. It's really worth it to stick it out and find a way. We are elderly now but financially secure with our loving family intact.

KathleenNovember 1, 2024

Wise for your years.

Mary Ann JohnsonOctober 31, 2024

Wow. So well said. Now if I could just figure out how to sort out what each did in their term. LOL

ShannaOctober 31, 2024

Excellent article. Thank you for your wise words.

ScottHOctober 31, 2024

Surprisingly mature for the thoughts of a 17-year-old. Yet I disagree with the proposition that votes for a third-party candidate do nothing more than support the winning candidate. These votes still signify diminished trust in the mainstream party candidates, letting parties know that they need to do a better job of surfacing and promoting quality candidates. I am also not persuaded that selling one's soul on the altar of political power simply to be said to have voted for a candidate with a higher likelihood of winning is worth the bargain.

CJOctober 31, 2024

Well said!! Thank You

MaggieOctober 31, 2024

Thank you for your insights as a young person. It's interesting you can't vote yet I think we have a few other helps when picking and vetting a candidate. We need to do our due diligent. We can study it out then pray about it. We need to remember that Satan calls evil different names to make them look more enticing and acceptable. We need to call them what they are. Remember in the Book of Mormon the Lord used "unrighteous" men to make things happen. Omni I agree. We don't know people's hearts. Please choose wisely because the future of our nation and our lives depend on it. Use your right to vote. It will make a difference.

Terry DickensOctober 31, 2024

This is an important article. Candidates are typically flawed. If you're concerned about selecting the best or the worst, consider what their positions are on issues that are important to you: Controlling the border, inflation and the cost of living, killing unborn babies, religious freedom, and so many others. The choice becomes clearer if we ask these types of questions.

Robert StarlingOctober 31, 2024

"Out of the mouths of babes ....." It's amazing that a 17 year-old can have such wisdom, and can express it so eloquently. I agree wholeheartedly. In essence, we should ignore the mean tweets, the extreme accusations, the name-calling, and the personalities of the candidates. Those qualities (or lack thereof) will not be what governs our nation for the next four years and beyond. It is the POLICIES and the VALUES of two opposing philosophies that we are choosing with our vote, just as we did in the War in Heaven. Forget the candidates. Look at the bigger picture. Look at the RECORDS and the VALUES of the Donkey plan for mankind vs the Elephant plan, and vote accordingly.

Jan KuesterOctober 31, 2024

What a brilliant and greatly needed explanation of how to choose a candidate to support and vote for. I have struggled mightily for many years, feeling as though I had to choose between the devil or the deep blue sea when voting and yes, having done my civic duty, feeling guilty having made that choice. THANK YOU!!

L KinderOctober 31, 2024

Republican Democracy IS a messy process, but the good news is that the longest we have to put up with the new team is 4 to 8 years. Then we have another "bloodless revolution" with a new election. As I read the scriptures, politics has always been messy, whether it's judges or kings. I'm just grateful that we AREN'T voting for Head of the Church. We're JUST voting for President. Eventually the donkeys and the elephants will yield to the Lamb, and there will be peace on earth for a thousand years. None of this is a surprise to God. In the meantime, s/he who keeps his/her peace wins.

Phil SnowOctober 31, 2024

This is an admirable essay from a young man. But we need to remember that while Lincoln is universally admired now, he was hated by perhaps half of the country in 1860, so we should look at that election from the viewpoint of that day and age, not from our present perspective. Also, no potential President will be "perfect." They all have flaws. So we need to decide based on their policy positions, such as abortion, border security, economy, foreign relations, use of our vast energy resources, etc. Looking at the current election from that perspective makes the decision easy in my opinion.

erikpeterhansenOctober 31, 2024

Well don't both sides have policies we don't agree with and policies we do agree with? It's not just all or none, black and white. This makes it even harder to go with either. What can we do? The Spirit says to me pick the candidate that has parts of an agenda that stick out to you as most important. I don't see either agenda as pure and right. What a problem! I love our country but our country's system could be improved.

CJOctober 31, 2024

We’ll said!! Thank you!

Ken MathiasOctober 31, 2024

This man is going far in this life! I can't recall reading anything this well written and I never could have written something this well versed. Well done.

ClaireOctober 31, 2024

In years past those admired men and women did not have personal lives exposed as they are now, would I have voted fir JFK had his immoral weaknesses been widely known? Thank you Senator Lee for your comments about political leaders do not look like our Christian leaders. Even those are not perfect. None of us are…..

Angie KivettOctober 31, 2024

Wow! Very insightful, wise and classy article. Great thoughts and advice. Thanks Stephen!

Ann De FrancisOctober 31, 2024

I was truly surprised to learn that this well thought out and beautifully written piece was composed by a 17-year-old from my own state of Arizona. Well done! Much here that’s worth pondering with open minds and hearts as we head to the ballot box.

Myrna T AndersonOctober 31, 2024

Well written, Young One!

CynthiaOctober 30, 2024

What a marvelous metaphor for our working together! Thank you, Becky, for this inspiring article! It is wonderful to know that we can sponsor a child for as little as $30 a month. What a difference that makes! Thank you for sharing the story about Meena. I will pray that she and her siblings will be blessed with sponsors.

LewisOctober 30, 2024

what a wonderful analogy. We can think of our lives as being built on the human pyramids that have gone before us, and can be part of that pyramid that lifts another. Your insights are inspiring, and your gift of telling stories is amazing. Thank you for letting us be a part of your incredible work.

MaggieOctober 30, 2024

Does this info apply to someone who support DEMOCRACY vs. someone who supports a fascist regime????? My ancestors signed the Declaration and the Constitution. I am a descendant of George Washington. How can i support someone who wants to destroy our country and the Constitution????

Wally GoddardOctober 30, 2024

Wonderfully insightful, Loren! Thank you.

Steve DoneganOctober 29, 2024

I used to send postcards to speakers in our sacrament meetings. They would thank the speaker for their topic, then something they’d said would be mentioned. It would end with encouragement to keep speaking out from their heart. I now sit in the foyer due to my Eternal Companion’s illness and can’t hear the speakers well enough to write a card. I miss it…

Jesse BrownOctober 28, 2024

I was serving in the Northeast British mission when President Hanks arrived in London. It was like a breath of fresh air went across all of the British Isles. Teaching and converting became more important than just numbers of baptisms. President Hanks was from Federal Heights Ward as were the mission presidents in Paris and New York City at the same time.

Barbara WalkerOctober 28, 2024

If we can remember to speak truth respectfully and back it up with words from Jesus or the prophets, then it is up to the listener to receive it and embrace it or to reject it. I would rather speak truth than to remain silent and have to answer to the Lord at some future point for my cowardice. "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ."

J. Y.October 28, 2024

Thank you

Joseph C. SaulqueOctober 28, 2024

This part of the Book of Mormon needs to be applied to today. Is this what is going to happen to the USA based on non-repenters.

Charles McClellandOctober 28, 2024

Thank you for this very timely and needed article. I will read it a couple more times between now and election day!

Darlene HutchisonOctober 28, 2024

Duff was Seminary Teacher at West High, and he loved his students just as much as his missionaries. He even arranged the ride for one student who lived away from a bus. When he asked why she stopped coming to Seminary, she told him of her problem, and he personally solved it!

HelenCOctober 28, 2024

I knew some of his missionaries! A a child in England my mother, Sister Boffey, fed them regularly in our home. We left for Australia in 1963 but I have find memories of HER “boys”.

Phillip C SmithOctober 28, 2024

Marion D Hanks is one of he greatest people I have ever known. He agreed to perform my marriage to Ruth Ann Hafen but was unable to do so, since I believe that the General authorities then were asked to perform marriages only in the Salt Lake Temple and we were married in another temple.

Rochelle HaleOctober 28, 2024

These two wonderful brothers have influenced my life. As a convert of a few years, I sailed to Catalina Island with Elder Hanks who was coming to speak at our young adult conference. I believe he was the first General Authority I had met, or at least in person. Not only did he inspire us during the meetings, but we sat near him on the boat and listened to his counsel and stories. He was so personable, friendly, and a man who felt the Spirit of the Lord. My husband served with Elder Holland while attending grad school in Washington, and they kept up a periodic communication. One summer we were going to be in Salt Lake City. My husband called for an appointment with "Jeff," but we learned he was out of the country. Just a few weeks later we were in SLC again, and we took a chance of just stopping by the church office building. Of course, security and secretaries scrutinized us, but Elder Holland recognized my husband's voice and invited us into his office for a short visit. We talked about our current church callings, family, etc. As we concluded our time together, Elder Holland gave me a warm hug. My husband said I "floated" out of the building after being hugged by an apostle of the Lord.

SusanOctober 28, 2024

Thank you Nicholeen I have read many of your columns and appreciated them very much. Thank you for the valuable perspective. This election has been very contentious and troubling, and my husband and I have expressed our thoughts to each other pretty well, even though we surprisingly did not agree. We’re at the point now where we just avoid talking about our choices and wish for it to be over and for someone to clearly win.

MaryannOctober 26, 2024

Thank you so much. There is a big difference between pitching a certain candidate at church, and withholding the truths in The Proclamation On The Family. We do NOT need to walk on eggshells when we teach the gospel, as taught by our Prophets and Apostles. We do not bury the truth because we are afraid someone may get their feelings hurt. We can state the truth courageously and fearlessly. Fortunately, I haven't heard people make the kinds of statements mentioned in this article about "not being able to talk about" important truths. When we hear these comments, we need to speak up politely and remind others that we don't worship "feelings," like so much of the world does. We proclaim truth.

Gary LawrenceOctober 26, 2024

Excellent article -- good job as always, Merrilee. Truths will never conflict; man's designs and argued connections to supposed truths will. Pointing out differences need not spawn political contention. As we defend gospel principles, there is no persuasion without contrast.

David DahlOctober 25, 2024

Consider this example: Alexei Navalny was the foremost opposition leader in Russia, which, of course, made him a political prisoner. He died—was finished off—on February 16, 2024. He was 47. His last prison was one of the harshest in Russia, up in the Arctic Circle, known as “Polar Wolf.” In various prisons, Navalny managed to keep diaries, which his wife edited into a book that has now been published. In one passage, Navalny speaks of Russia’s rulers and how to combat them: “We must do what they fear—tell the truth, spread the truth. This is the most powerful weapon against this regime of liars, thieves, and hypocrites. Everyone has this weapon. So make use of it.”

CynthiaOctober 25, 2024

Thank you for sharing another inspiring story about Madi! Your willingness to open up about heart wrenching events in your life is remarkable. We all learn from you and are inspired by your faithfulness, whatever the circumstances. So grateful to hear that Tori is well and that Madi was an inspiration to her.

CynthiaOctober 25, 2024

God's tender mercies are everywhere!! Thank you for sharing this beautiful story of how you blessed the lives of Ukranian refugees and they blessed you in return. You and your family are such amazing examples of Christlike service!

CynthiaOctober 25, 2024

I love this story! Thank you for the reminder of the power of fasting and prayer! Thank you, thank you.

CynthiaOctober 25, 2024

Thank you for the profound truths you taught in this article! We are not alone in our pain and we can feel so much joy from losing ourselves in the service of others. Thank you for this reminder!

CynthiaOctober 25, 2024

What an inspired mission leader!! Thank you for sharing this story of Elder Jones and how service changed his mission and his life. Thank you for the message of how service can change OUR lives! Bless you for your consecrated service.

CynthiaOctober 25, 2024

What a beautiful sentiment to start the year! Thank you for sharing that powerful scripture, the last sermon that the Savior taught in mortality. You inspire me to better know God through serving my fellowmen!

CynthiaOctober 25, 2024

What a beautiful, personal story you have written! Thank you for the insights into your early family life. It sounds like you and John have a remarkable relationship and are equally yoked in goodness. Bless you for following the spirit and creating this lasting legacy of love and service!

CynthiaOctober 25, 2024

What a heartfelt example of a true leader. I am inspired by your article to be more intentional in my service and have eyes to see. Thank you for sharing this wonderful example!!

CynthiaOctober 25, 2024

Thank you for that powerful analogy! Your research for this article was impressive and impactful. Thank you for the timely reminder to evaluate how we spend our time and with whom!

CynthiaOctober 25, 2024

Thank you for making us aware of the opportunities to sponsor a child and bring hope to the children of the leprosy affected in Bihar! How wonderful that Meridian readers helped build the school and are now filling it. What a great work!!

CynthiaOctober 25, 2024

It's such a small thing to sponsor a child but it has such a profound effect on their lives! I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a Rising Star sponsor. Thank you, Becky, for bringing this joy into my life and for serving the neediest here on earth.

CynthiaOctober 25, 2024

I was brought to tears reading this experience! I am so grateful that volunteers can go to India again and that hearts are touched by what they see and feel there. I cried as I read the words, "Where dead men walk, and where the dying talk of life before the curse upon them came." Surely, the Savior would walk among the leprosy affected and what a great example you are, Becky, for walking in the Savior's footsteps!

CynthiaOctober 25, 2024

Lakshmi's story is heart rending! Yet, at the same time I am given hope in humanity for the remarkable generosity of the Meridian Magazine readers! Wow! What a blessing all of you are to the community of leprosy affected in the Bihar region. I am so proud to be a Meridian reader!

CynthiaOctober 25, 2024

What an incredible work you are doing there in Bihar! I love the persistence of Suku to help Satya in absolutely every way possible! Thank you for providing this opportunity for us to join with you in this Christlike service.

Patricia WintersOctober 25, 2024

Scot: "As we see this great destruction it feels like it hurts me personally. I have come to know these Nephites well and it makes me so sad to know they are decimated." Scot, decimated means to be reduced by one-tenth. 230,000 warriors were cut down to 24 individuals - that's a lot more destruction than one-tenth!

CamiOctober 25, 2024

Thank you for encouraging us to be brave and stand up for truth. It's time to fill the void with testimony of Christ's gospel and live His principles. It's been a lonely road going against the grain when speaking up when I've felt compelled over the last few years. I sure hope this wakes people up so they can have ears to hear. I just hope it's not too late and others are not past feeling from denying promptings to speak up when they were instead lulled by carnal security or flattery.

Lynette DyasOctober 24, 2024

then someone please explain why everything that we, as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, believe in, live by, sustain and support, seems to go by the wayside in support of a Presidential candidate who is a modern day King Noah and the opposite of everything the church represents. And there are members who voice their support for this presidential candidate on Sunday's, in Sacrament Meetings and auxiliary meetings. Where's the line drawn in "That's political, we can't talk about it"?

KīraOctober 24, 2024

Yes, right on!

TashaOctober 24, 2024

Yes! It's okay talk about doctrine even if it is a "hot button" topic

Dave MyersOctober 24, 2024

Here's the problem as I see it: 1) Gospel learning is "home centered and Church supported" so not everything needs to be discussed in Sunday School. The most important thing is for students to feel the Spirit, feel loved, learn about Jesus and His teachings and want to come back again next week. 2) Your article represents your and your organization's position, and may or may not be the Church's. You're not in a position to speak for the Church. Yes, the Proclamation is doctrine - it's what we believe and practice, but Pres. Oaks has taught a hundred times with respect to civil law: "We should not seek to impose our view on others. We seek 'principled accommodation' where nobody gets everything they want, but everyone gets something they can live with." Our civil laws are not the same as the Lord's commandments, and must accommodate others not of our faith. Can we accept that? Can we differentiate? If not, then maybe Sunday School isn't the right place for that discussion.

Kim HeadleyOctober 24, 2024

Excellent article!

Julie MaternOctober 24, 2024


Lisa ReisingOctober 24, 2024

Amen and Amen! I love the distinction you made between what is truly political partisanship (party and candidate support) and what has become “political” but is in fact important doctrinal beliefs in the Church. I too have been astounded at how reticent our members have become to discuss the doctrine IN church that comes from the Proclamation on the Family and other prophetic teachings. Yes, it can be thorny, but the burden on discussion leaders is to be very solid in directing focus back to grounding principles. We must be fearless. Thank you for speaking out about this.

Rob MoyorOctober 24, 2024

Well said! Thank you.

BarbaraOctober 24, 2024

"about how she was upset that abortion would not be banned on a federal level". how is this against church teachings? wanting to ban abortion is against church teachings?

bob taylorOctober 23, 2024

Good article - i understand the authors point - or at least think i understand it. Some of the authors thoughts on how to approach this sort of discussion in Sunday class - Elders Quorum or Relief Society would have been helpful for me - regardless, the discussion is going to demand a lot of both the class teacher and the class members to keep it from going sidewise. I cannot recall the last time that The Family Proclamation was discussed in either my Sunday School class or Elders Quorum.

Corey D.October 23, 2024

Some years ago our ward boundary took in half of a large mobile home park and unfortunately the kids that lived there went to different schools than most of the kids in the ward. I family moved in and they had a number of teenagers, unfortunately they were not welcomed very well. The youngest daughter in this family got called into one of the young women class presidency's, very nice girl, somewhat shy. The subject of youth council one Sunday was how can we be more inviting, more friendly, more accepting (there had been an incident where one of the youth in the ward had used the phrase trailer trash with one of the children in this family), to this day I will never forget the quiet, simple comment this girl made, she said, "just saying hello can mean a lot to a teenager".

Susan StoddardOctober 23, 2024

Thank you. The Lord does answer prayers. I have been having guilty feelings for a few days about how inadequate I feel in my calling as a Relief Society counselor. I have a hard time getting outside myself and extending myself to others. I was just praying this morning expressing my guilty feelings to the Lord and asking for His help. Then I opened your article in Meridian Magazine. What an answer to my prayer. Thank you again.

CamiOctober 23, 2024

One of the best articles I have read recently about being more compassionate and Christlike! Thank you!

AnonymousOctober 23, 2024

Brother Howard, I love your stories, they are sometimes humorous, sometimes insightful, sometimes inspiring, sometimes touching, sometimes they are what cheers me up and restores hope, this just became one of my favorites, I was deeply touched, basically you just described me, except this father probably didn't yell which I unfortunately and regrettably did but I always tried to remember to apologize.

Corey D.October 23, 2024

Another great article. Many years ago when my oldest children were on the verge of becoming teenagers I started to get a little worried, having grown up in the 60's and 70' with all the societal change much of which was opposite of church teachings and standards I remembered all the arguments with parents and others over music, dress, etc., and wanted to try to avoid it. At the time I had a co-worker who I had also been to school with, good faithful member of the church, returned missionary and also native american, he had children basically same age as mine, I thought I'll ask him how he's gonna handle teaching them church standards, especially dress and grooming because he had not only the social pressure to deal with but cultural as well. One day I said to him how did you deal with that when you were young and how you going to deal with it with your kids, I expected this very intellectual, logical rationale, he thought for a moment and then said, "is the church true" ? I replied "well yes it's true", he then replied " then nothing else matters". I was like what, that's it, how is that helpful ! But later as I thought about it and over the years as things have come up, I think about his answer and how simple it was but simply profound.

Corey D.October 23, 2024

Another great, insightful article. Not quite two years ago we got called to be primary teachers, our ward is getting older and the primary is getting smaller so we had 3 age groups, 5, 6 and 7 yr olds, my wife has been in primary before but I hadn't been in Primary for like 40 yrs and that was a short stint in the nursery, I was totally out of place and then in January of this year they switch us to the sunbeams which in my mind was even worse and to complicate matters the kids were totally fixated on their old teacher, took almost 1/2 yr to get them use to us. This may seem funny or hard to believe for some but this has been one of the most challenging, difficult callings I have ever hard. I will readily admit my wife has somewhat different feelings about it but it's been challenging for me.

Richard V JukesOctober 22, 2024

Thank you, Scot, for these beautiful pictures and comments. We loved visiting that area with our children and it's always a special memory.

MichelleOctober 22, 2024

This is an excellent article! Makes me think about the YW recently being asked to be door greeters before sacrament meeting each Sunday. It's important for ward members and visitors to feel seen and welcomed each week. On the flip side, it's so important for ward members to make the YW feel at ease as they attempt to greet people each week--the YW in our ward are very uncomfortable being greeters and stepping out of their comfort zones. Ward members that initiate a handshake or conversation at the door means so much to these girls and takes some of the pressure off.

KA MillerOctober 22, 2024

I really appreciated the suggested actions in this article, and I plan to incorporate them, and to share them with others.

Paul RobertsOctober 22, 2024

You missed the most common secret combination: Immorality, A two person conspiracy all the way up to a Exodus size orgy are based on keeping the behavior secret. Many of the listing of the crimes of various secret combinations list "more easily commit whoredoms and adultery".

KathleenOctober 22, 2024

Out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Never suppress an opportunity to love, encourage or serve kindness. Thank you for some helpful reminders. We can all improve.

LauraOctober 21, 2024

Good advice. The time to weigh in on your child's dating choices is while the child is young and at home. The parents' job is to be surrportive and offer advice when asked. My husband and I married at age 50 (second marriage for him), yet his parents did everything they could to discourage him from pursuing our relationship, despite being told that he had received strong confirmation first that he should date me and then that he should marry me. The last few months before our wedding, they called him almost every day to complain about me and tell me he shouldn't marry me. Needless to say, I want nothing to do with them. We invited them to the wedding, but that was the last interaction I will have with them. There are repercussions for needless interference.

AnnaOctober 21, 2024

Beautifully written Thank you for a timely article

PamOctober 21, 2024

A few years ago we attended a BYU football game at Notre Dame. Their fans were friendly and welcoming. Their band played the Cougar fight song at the beginning of the game. Perhaps BYU learned this from Notre Dame, another class act.

Jenny SvendsenOctober 21, 2024

Thank you so much for this eye opening article, we have such wonderful loving members in our Branch of about 30 attending members, and everyone seems to make sure we are all made welcome and loved

JuliannOctober 21, 2024

Thank you for your compassionate insights. Very motivating.

JuliannOctober 21, 2024

Thank you so much for an excellent article. I struggle to attend a ward I’ve belonged to for 40 years. Your recognition of the whys and your encouragement to be the light in someone else’s darkness has given me renewed determination to keep trying. I just sent a thank you to last week’s RS teacher commending her for how she welcomed and appreciated comments during her lesson.

JohnOctober 21, 2024

I love the idea of giving someone responsibility in an area where that person has been lacking skills such as the boy on the bus. So inspiring!

MaryKaren SolomonOctober 21, 2024

these are beautiful points. If only we could all follow them, each in our own way, our sacrament meetings would become a festival of joy.

JohnsonOctober 21, 2024

How can we stop being hypocrites? being a church leader yet bullying a member? Unbelievable !

JohnsonOctober 21, 2024

How can I get out of my ward when it's the local ecclesiastical leaders who have bullied me? They denied my request to get records removed to another ward.

JohnsonOctober 21, 2024

Amen to this awesome and amazing article..... I'm bullied in my ward and want out but the church has insisted on me staying.... facing my bully each week. It's extremely difficult to feel the Spirit.

Shara OgilvieOctober 20, 2024

I just want to thank you for your wonderful podcast. I find more value in how you two present your CFM insights than from other podcasts because of your frank, honest, manner that you present gospel truths. Also, I appreciate that your episodes are tightly written, showing respect to the time of the listener. I always find insights that enhanse my study. Thank you for your efforts!

Corey D.October 20, 2024

This must be their oldest child or maybe their only child, I learned long ago you can't pick who your children are going to date or marry and especially after they get out of high school, while they are younger you might have some influence either discouraging or encouraging them in their dating but once they are older forget about it. I have seen some parents, usually the mother who have been heavy handed with their kids in regards to who their children wanted to marry or had chosen to date and it almost always had disastrous results.

Corey D.October 20, 2024

Wonderful story. Brings back a lot of teenage memories from the 70's playing church sports, most good, some bad, it was a big deal back then hardly any athletics done now. I had a youth leader who was an excellent athlete and outdoorsman, Richard "Dick" White, from what I have been told he holds the record for most consecutive free throws made at the all church tournament. But this story also reminds me of being told about a brother in the stake I grew up in who was a star player on the varsity high school team who quit the high school team to play for the ward team because they didn't have 5 players, don't think you would see that in this day and age or like Elder Hanks, quit the college team to play ward ball.

Juan BecerraOctober 19, 2024

I disagree with the premise if your article. For some of us who immigrated from another country (legally) working hard is a way of life. My parents worked hard to educate us and set and example of hard work by building a business and successfully raising a family and teaching us that hard work leads to success. Your theory and conclusion that being a workaholic labels one as deficient is insulting. Perhaps what this world needs are more workers instead of Gen Z laziness who can’t hold a job and be depended on in employment.

bob taylorOctober 19, 2024

a good article with an excellent observation - i don't have a ready answer for you - perhaps the author will do a follow up article on how to work thru your/my question.

Brad LarsenOctober 18, 2024

Excellent follow-on article on the neglected Book of Mormon secret combination topic. Very illuminating, pun not intended.

LRAOctober 18, 2024

Please provide a link to Part 1. Thanks

Susan RatherOctober 18, 2024

Excellent, insightful article. Thank you. Looking forward to the next parts.

Cody HOctober 18, 2024

Mom: looks like we need to talk about the storage part of food storage. I loved this one, thanks!

AOctober 17, 2024

We love seeing these amazing stories!

Dennis H CobiaOctober 17, 2024

This article brought back wonderful memories as I coached and played on the final team to win the College Division of the "All Church Basketball Tournament" in 1971. It was sad to see the Tournament end, but was truly a wonderful story to tell my family and be proud of being a part of history. P.S I scored the last two points in a double overtime game to win the game.

Corey D.October 17, 2024

The church has been in the news a lot the last few years due to some high profile lawsuits or allegations, complaints, etc., regarding it's investments, particularly in the commercial area, my son was a city engineer for one of Utah's fastest growing cities, he worked with church employees regarding property and construction on a regular basis, one day he and one of the church employees for the church's real estate arm were talking about it and the church employee made the comment "we believe that the Lord expects us to take care of the financial resources of his church in a wise manner and investing in or purchasing real estate is part of being wise with those resources", I personally have no problem with that and most people I am acquainted with don't either. A lot of folks say it should be given to help the poor but to me it puts the church in a position to help even more than they already do and I kind of compare it to the parable of the talents, you can sit on the money and protect it, which means you don't lose any but you can also put it to work and increase it thus giving you even more options.

Susan MorrisOctober 17, 2024

Elder Hanks was the supervisor of young Temple Square guides when my father (b.1932) served there while attending the University of Utah "back in the day." "Duff" Hanks made a lasting impression on my dad's life and testimony. My dad introduced me (as an elementary-aged child) to Elder Hanks when he presided at one of our stake conferences in Las Vegas, Nevada. The brotherly love they felt for each other was palpable, and it made me love Elder Hanks too.

JuliannOctober 17, 2024

Hiding in Plain Sight, second edition, by Ken Bowers is a must read to understand the secret combinations that do exist in the world today. We must awake to a sense of our awful situation so that we do not support or become part of these combinations. I would prefer to be too concerned, aka conspiracy therorist, than part of the apathetic, and complacent. Thank you for your efforts to inform. Please don’t placate or be naive.

LewisOctober 17, 2024

Saving Satya - and the many others like her - is really the Lord’s work, and I am so grateful that you have provided a way for us to be a part of it. You are freeing her from a life of oppression and bondage, a similitude of the Savior’s mission. I pray for her physical recovery, just as I pray that she and many others can take advantage of the wonderful opportunity you offer. May God bless you and this incredible work.

James Stuart BrownOctober 17, 2024

I loved playing in those tournaments and played some really great teams, some with "ringers." We might have had some ourselves, but I will never admit that. I think the lop-sided victory was also a testament to living the Word of Wisdom. One team had to play with a horrendous hang-over, which they deserved. The Word of Wisdom has always given me advantages in life.

lane vanceOctober 17, 2024

my wife Sandi and I toured Israel with a church group in the early 1990's - direct El Al flight from Seattle to Telaviv - maiden voyage. emeritus Elder Marion D Hanks was a guide on our bus for 10 days. I always liked Elder Hanks and his talks. He was the classic tireless warrior serving the Lord. what a treat being with the Hanks in the Holy Land. and I loved these church ball story insights! thanks! lane vance

BoB AckleyOctober 17, 2024

Great story. Thank you.

Ricki GibbonsOctober 16, 2024

Very interesting article. Thank you.

Ronald BarnesOctober 16, 2024

I have often read and heard about how we should forgive others. Forgiving others for small things is not that difficult. However, more severe injuries, such as malicious betrayal, create pains that are very deep and don’t heal well. What I never remember ever reading or hearing is how to forgive. Sometimes, even though you want to, you just can’t figure out how. I think this is an issue that needs to be addressed.

Judy PerrOctober 15, 2024

I have never liked Halloween!!! It is a very messy season with gluttony of candy and junk food. Raising our children we would go to a restaurant once a year instead. Places were never crowded. I believe it really never was created to have peace. Sensitive children need to be respected of THESE feelings around Halloween and made to feel safe. There is way too much darkness in the world without Halloween, a billion dollar industry.

ChrisOctober 15, 2024

Isn't it possible that many of the secret combinations of our day have little to do with government, but are designed to enslave us (flaxen cords and chains) for huge profits? The tobacco companies. Meta. Algorithms designed specifically to be addictive. Pornhub. Very large and secretive company headquartered in Montreal. Big pharma. And many others... All of these are intended to take.away our ability to choose...

JeffreyOctober 15, 2024

Thank you!

Kay O’MalleyOctober 15, 2024

This article is critical to discuss because when I listen to other Christian churches they are more than happy to discuss issues that the media refuse to acknowledge or distorts the truth and our church almost doesn’t want to upset the apple cart! We constantly talk about the biblical quote “we are not fighting with people but powers and principalities but yet it seems people do not know how to do this! People would rather not say and quote “oh let’s stay positive!” If we weren’t supposed to know about these things and learn to fight these things it would. It have been put into a) the canonised Bible and b) the Book of Mormon! Why do we cherry pick which parts we are active in? Other Christian churches speak of a ‘revival’ meaning for the most part learning to stand up for God! That’s why I think this subject is so important too!

Dave MyersOctober 15, 2024

It seems to me the struggle isn't really 'freedom vs. tyranny' as you suggest. It's anarchy vs. tyranny, with 'freedom' floating somewhere in-between. Freedom must include being protected from the uncontrolled oppressive acts of other people (or businesses, organizations, religions, etc.) as well as uncontrolled oppressive government. That comes from exposure to daylight (public debate) and 'opposition in all things' (or 'prove all things'), without which either side can become corrupt and oppressive (thinking they are the only source of wisdom and honor).

Stephen NaylorOctober 15, 2024

Excellent! Thank you for this article. I look forward to reading the upcoming parts. I appreciate the call to have hope.

Pam BiggerOctober 15, 2024

I have often wondered why the warnings in the Book of Mormon concerning “secret combinations” in our days have not been discussed more…since first reading the Book some 34 years ago I have had no doubt about the reality of these secret combinations in our modern times…i know the Book of Mormon is the word of God and is on the earth for our benefit… we should never disregard the warnings contained therein… thank you very much for being willing to write this article and future ones on this subject which has been ignored i think for way too long…

Gayla CandiaOctober 15, 2024

Thank you!! I couldn’t even wait to finish reading the outstanding article before sending it to family and friends!! I am looking forward to reading the next installments of glorious, clear and in-depth information!! This clarity is so needed in our world today!!

Linda K. SpoonerOctober 14, 2024

When I lived in Israel 1988 to 1990 I learned that the media never tells the truth if they want you to believe badly about something. I was visiting my Aunt in Fla. and on NBC news a woman lied about standing on Desengof St. in Tel Aviv. I found out later from an CIA agent that she was actually standing over 2 hours away at the border of Israel and Jordan. She was telling Americans that a bomb went off there in Tel Aviv. It had not. It happened in Holon. Misinformation is everywhere in the media to persuade people that something is bad when it is not. I refuse to watch the news now because of this proof.

Dave BarkerOctober 14, 2024

What would be the most reasonable and appropriate next step to correct this issue? Does the Church have any plans to request a correction or retraction? Is it worth the effort?

Cindy WoodOctober 14, 2024

This was an incredibly well done film. I would see it again. The feeling at the end of the film was such a testimony to the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and courageous early saints. Such a sweet peace filled the theatre like no other movie you could see currently!

ShannonOctober 14, 2024

And the reality is, the media is more interested in making money, and more sensational stories accomplish that far better. Providing objective news coverage does not seem to be the goal anymore. I am not sure it ever truly was, but definitely moreso than it is today. I am grateful to have this objectively written piece to better understand what is actually going on with this process and admit that I generally avoid regular media for the reasons I already noted.

Paula LoeOctober 14, 2024

You should send this into the AP with only the facts that she omitted and you checked so they can correct the article with that evidence. Also send it in as an letter to the editor. That is the only way she might not get assigned next time. Although in these times they are becoming more like the national enquirer, so they might not. However, if they hold themselves to the higher standard, they need to act like it.

Donna ThigpenOctober 13, 2024

Loved the story. I worked the crisis line some but my computer crashed fairly frequently. They even let you know if someone who contacted you was assisted. Also appreciate the listings and information at the end of the story. Great info. Thanks for your writing and all it has taught me and the inspiration it has given.

CynthiaOctober 11, 2024

Thank you for bringing Katsuri's situation to light! It is such a blessing to be able to sponsor a child and feel like we are lifting a child out of poverty. Thank you for your remarkable foundation and all the good you do!

CynthiaOctober 11, 2024

This touched my heart to the very core! Thank you for the incredible work you do! What a great opportunity we have as Meridian readers to help sponsor these beloved children of God so that they can have food, shelter, and an education.

Dick NantoOctober 11, 2024

Very informative article, except the "quote" about FEMA money being used for illegal immigrants. That is a false claim and a distortion of what the Secretary said. From a fact check by NBC News, "There is no evidence that disaster relief funds were used on immigrants in the U.S. illegally. FEMA disaster money comes from dedicated funds that cannot be used for other purposes."

Robyn GeantilOctober 11, 2024

Thank you for bringing this website to the attention of all of us. It is important to be able to inform ourselves of all the views of so many involved in this crisis. I hope readers of Meridian (I'm a reader from the first issue) will read other articles of Bari Weiss.

Corey D.October 10, 2024

Another great story. Reminds me of something I heard many years ago which I'm sure Brother Howard and any one else who came from a small town or rural area would relate to. Years ago in a small farming community in Northern Utah one of the local farmers had turkeys, they were experiencing some vandalism, nothing extreme but it was causing some problems. Said farmer went out and trapped a bobcat, they then put the bobcat into a burlap bag and tied it and left it in the middle of the road and hid back behind the sheds. About midnite they see some headlights coming slowly up the road, sure enough the car stopped by the burlap bag, car door opened and the bag was pulled into the car. Car started down the road but about 10 sec later all four doors flew open with the occupants running and yelling just as fast as they can away from the car.

BobOctober 10, 2024

Years ago, having read articles and books about cults, I happened to sit next to a woman on a four hour flight. She noticed the book I was reading about cults and we went on to have a lengthy discussion about cults and her several year experience in a real cult. She had successfully, after some effort, left the cult and returned to a normal life. When people say our church is a cult, they don’t really understand what a cult is. Cults are typically small, closed societies that keep the adherents close and controlled. Outsiders, not interested in joining, are unwelcome. Ours is large, worldwide organization that’s open and largely transparent. We welcome outsiders, even the uninterested and skeptical. The cult moniker is used out of ignorance or as a disingenuous, and lazy, means of marginalizing our faith.

Cody HoskissonOctober 10, 2024

“And one day that prophetic guidance will lead a generation to see our Messenger of Salvation descend like “lightning … out of the east,” and we will exclaim, “Jesus of Nazareth.” With arms forever outstretched and love unfeigned, He will reply, “I am he.” I so promise with the apostolic power and authority of His holy name, even Jesus Christ, amen.” - Elder Holland That was an Excellent article, thank you. Just the thing I needed to read.

JopkinsOctober 10, 2024

How sad to include such a political lie. FEMA has not run out of money because of immigrants. Please check your sources before including such diatribe. If these sources are so untruthful that there own political parties are denouncing them, what other lies are you broadcasting? Or perhaps you don't care? I hope that is not the case.

Frank E MerrillOctober 9, 2024

I've always felt a connection to Elder Hanks, as he set me apart as a missionary on this day, 9 October, in 1967. Thank you for the interesting article about his involvement in acquiring and displaying the Christus!

KristenOctober 9, 2024

Thank you dear Meridian readers for your outpouring of support! It's a joy to see the difference these sponsorships make for the students who attend the Rising Star Outreach schools!

Ralph Gallini, JDOctober 9, 2024

I tried to click on them and nothing happened.

ScottOctober 9, 2024

It's not accurate that money was drained from FEMA for use of illegal immigrants. The funding you are referring to was given to FEMA by the Department of Customs and Border Protection for the express purpose of the Shelter and Services Program as authorized by Congress. FEMA has their own funding for Disaster Relief. One thing you should address is disinformation such as this and rumors which are detrimental and can cause people not to reach out for the assistance they need.

Robin WhitworthOctober 9, 2024

Please do not spread lies about FEMA being out of money because they gave it to illegal immigrants. This is COMPLETELY NOT TRUE and by publishing that in your very relevant article you are supplying fuel to the already out of control fire. Be sure to stick to FACTS and not just hearsay. Other than that, your article was very relevant and much needed.

Jerry McIntireOctober 9, 2024

Good choice! The Christus statue does a beautiful job of focusing on the resurrection, which Christian Scientists also deeply appreciate. Yes, the tours at the Christian Science Center in Boston have never emphasized proselytizing. Any visitor who shows a genuine interest or asks of course receives answers. Paul's guidance was, "If there be first a willing mind..." (II Corinthians 8:12)

Douglas NadybalOctober 9, 2024

This all seems like really sound advice, particularly if you feel your prayers have been pointless, your testimony stagnant and / or your relationship with Diety is languishing. I am grateful to have read this.

Roger StroudOctober 8, 2024

Thank you for these key selections. There are others as we read and ponder the messages of the conference talks over the next several months. Conference talks are what the Lord would have us hear and experience as we consider what we can become. They are enduring as are we. What beautiful doctrines!

LJuneOctober 8, 2024

I appreciate your thoughtful article and have two objections. 1. Isn't it a mortal experience to be a child inside a mother's body? Babies can move on their own there, breathe amniotic fluid, hear and see and taste and feel touch, and can feel pain. If that is a mortal experience, it unravels your entire argument. 2. Consider along with the handbook statement that children who die under 8 do not have any ordinances done for them in the temple except sealing. That would suggest under your logic that they too didn't really have a mortal experience, right? Yet we all know children under 8 have had a mortal experience, they just didn't need the same amount of ordinances as others due to their innocence. I think that logic about innocence fits better with stillborn children than the logic that a spirit has not yet been assigned to a stillborn child (who can feel pain and move voluntarily and breathe amniotic fluid etc).

SusanOctober 8, 2024

I bumped into Charlie’s channel recently and it was beautiful to see his reaction to music we so often take for granted. How great he was able to come hear them in person and feel the spirit again!

Tanya NeiderOctober 8, 2024

Thank you for posting this article. I really needed to hear the beautiful music today! What an amazing story.

Corey D.October 7, 2024

It was all very good and inspirational but for me several things stood out, the primary kids singing Gethsemane, I have a hard time not tearing up hearing that under normal circumstances but that was just magnificent, I felt like the Savior could have come in that moment. Elder Holland's magnificent talk and Brad Wilcox's tremendous talk, I prayed that two of my sweet granddaughters who are struggling with going to church would be blessed to hear something and the fact that his talk was during a Sunday session when they were both home to me was an answer to prayer and President Oak's talk has given me much to contemplate.

Debbi McOctober 7, 2024

I would love to know if then Elder Joel McClausland ever went to Thanksgiving dinners at Yokota AB. We were stationed there from 1979-1983, near Tokyo, and have fond memories of hosting elders in our home on the base. What a coincidence that would be from so long ago!

SallyOctober 7, 2024

This conference was for us as a people. It was like King Benjamin's last exortation before he past the mantle to his son. It was for all saints who are well grounded, questioning what to do and the list asking to come back into the fold. It was glorious!

Rae GreenstreetOctober 7, 2024

Thank you for the most important summaries of General Conference talks.

JuliannOctober 7, 2024

Thank you.

Abbie VianesOctober 7, 2024

Never have I heard a prophet speak more of or more clearly on or more on the imminence of the second coming. Along with announcing 17 more temples all President Nelsons talk was about the Lord returning "in the days to come" and how to prepare.

HelenCOctober 7, 2024

So much about the Savior and His Love! A true Feast for my soul.

KathleenOctober 6, 2024

I remember that day well, 5 months into my mission, humbly celebrating the event in Bolivia.

KathleenOctober 6, 2024

Food is often a part of the experience. In the east, in 'the day', we would often have pot lucks between sessions, as it wasn't worth the travel time between the chapel and our homes. Great memories and bonding!

Corey D.October 6, 2024

So well written and expressed. One of the Saviors warnings was to not put our light under a bushel. Hate to say it but today's political and social environment does make us hesitant to say things, at least I have been hesitant or careful at times. But I have learned there are probably more people agree with the Proclamation than we realize, both members of the church and not.

Carolyn Sessions AllenOctober 6, 2024

Amen to all comments. Nearly 30-40 years of my Church Service was in Public Affairs, two years as a full-time missionary with my husband in the L.A. Office Robert mentions. We were the "boots on the ground" during those years. If someone has a worthy project, where can that person get help for the next step? Need help on "HOW" to move forward.

Fred SteinfelsOctober 6, 2024

Trying to contact Lila Lily White who served in the Tabernaclr Mormon Tabernacle choir. A liky white was an early Biishop of Greenville, Utah. My GG grandfather was one of the original founders of Greenville and may have served with Bishop Lily White.

RavenOctober 5, 2024

Thank you so much for this article on one of my favorite musical groups, ever. Afterglow has been a part of my life since my missionary days. Indeed "Someone Is Listening" was my Introduction to the beautiful harmonies. I highly recommend their catalog of work to everyone.

NealOctober 4, 2024

Dropping the "cult" card is much the same as dropping the "race" card. those who resort to these practices actually know not of which they speak...they are merely haters.

Cynthia C.October 4, 2024


Bradley AndersonOctober 4, 2024

What is often left out in the claim that the Church is a cult, is that a cult typically has a charismatic leader who has complete control. Underlings are used for recruiting, but only one supreme leader. Upon the death or exposure of that leader the cult collapses. Think Jim Jones, David Koresh, Charles Mansion, Sun Myung Moon. For the Church to trust apostles, seventies, bishops, Relief Society presidents, YM and YW leaders, even deacons with decision-making abilities further calls the cult concept into question.

ChristineOctober 4, 2024

Amen! I love the way you compare and contrast our church with other world religions. Satan certainly likes to target us, and “cult” is a buzzword that gets a lot of attention but is certainly used incorrectly.

ShaunaOctober 3, 2024

Thank you for the article and the reminder. I have been infinitely grateful for the Proclamation on the Family over the years, in my marriage and in raising my children and especially for it's clear doctrine on gender, which has become a whirlwind of confusion and differing ideas and agenda. I used to think that if Satan wanted to destroy society, he would destroy the family....but I've since realized, that if he dismantles gender, then their is no family--2 birds with one stone

Harold RustOctober 3, 2024

Thank you for another powerful articulation of fundamental teachings we need to embrace and share. Just yesterday I was reminded of respectful and meaningful ways we can discuss important concepts with others around us even when we aren't sure of their own standards. I was substitute teaching health classes where the subject was drugs and alcohol. As I moved around the classroom and reviewed their efforts in answering questions, the subject of BAC or legal limits of blood alcohol content allowed me to emphasize with many of these students the concept of knowing how close we can come to a cliff before falling off should lead us to realize how much better it is to stay as far back as possible. I then could add that I've never seen any advantage in drinking or taking drugs and thus have found the easy path to be just never going near that choice. I sensed that almost every student I mentioned that to actually agreed with me. There are indeed ways to share gospel principles in a way that others will want to agree on their correctness---even if they have many friends who feel or act otherwise.

Lawrence NielsenOctober 3, 2024

The question, "Why are we afraid to share" the Proclamation on the Family is misleading and a good example of broad-brush smearing of a people. "Why are some afraid...." would be much better. The real issue in my opinion, is how can we help those who have not quite learned thow to muster the courage to let the world see their light, or realize that this reluctance to share and publicly own this Proclamation is possibly a clear indication of the weakness of their own conviction and testimony.

Becca HaleOctober 2, 2024

Who would have thought that we needed the "Family Proclamation" when it was first announced? Wasn't the from-the-beginning definition of family sufficient? I believe that many today truly think they do not need to honor traditional marriage and family roles or they don't understand the purpose. Perhaps they were never taught, or negative experiences from their childhood prevent them from seeking the good family relationships they could have. Some friends and I were recently discussing that, in the countries of our LDS church missions, many people lived long-term “common-law” marriages,” because divorce was not sanctioned with government and church so intertwined. Granted, these were not (yet) members of the Church, but they were living the best they could under the law. We have many family and friends who do not always embrace the sanctity of marriage and family. Some are gay, some have fallen away, and some were just never taught the importance of this institution. Do we wish they were living as traditional families under God's plan? Yes! I would hope that we can be vocal examples of marriage and family whenever possible, and share the “Family Proclamation.” This beautiful document actually delineates the roles and responsibilities of all family members. My husband and I recently had the opportunity to discuss some aspects of the Word of Wisdom with a client. We need to build relationships with our friends and associates before we can teach many gospel principles. We should never make excuses for or downplay the beliefs that are so sacred to us, but we need to meet people where they are and hope that our examples and, eventually, our words will teach them and have meaning for them.

L.E.October 2, 2024

It's good to identify potentially abusive phrases. This reduces gaslighting and manipulation. We need awareness so we can have skill to protect ourselves. Even if we don't engage with an offender, we can recognize their behavior and set appropriate boundaries. So much of our society is mutating into clever little bullies, it's good to address this directly and clearly.

Harold RustOctober 1, 2024

From my perspective, the Church historically has done a remarkably "reasonable" response to the wide range of arrows flung at it from multiple sources with a variety of poisons. From how it responded to the anti-Mormon musical Book of Mormon to coverage of "Mormon Hands" grass-roots support during tragedies, the long-term outcome has been and will continue to be a gut-feel among most decent folks that members of the Church have some very commendable practices and that our leadership structure, our wise use of financial resources, and our very focused use of charitable contributions all describe an admirable religious organization which can be trusted to do good.

David ShieldsSeptember 30, 2024

I am sorry the author focuses upon the attacks upon the church and its members. For those who are turned off there are others who become interested because they realize that everything that is virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy is attacked by those who are guilty and suffering.

Allen ASeptember 30, 2024

There are other Protestant churches in my community which regularly schedule political meetings and feature political content in their sermons and nothing is said about them.

Cynthia C.September 30, 2024

Good article. Gives one some things to think about.

Shara OgilvieSeptember 30, 2024

Great article. Rang true and gave me a lot to think about. Thanks!

ShaunaSeptember 30, 2024

Really thought provoking and helpful. I appreciate the specificity. The issue for me as an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is where and how to spend my energy--we all have to pick our battles. But this points out to me some landmines that I didn't' know existed. Thanks for the article

Nancy WilliamsSeptember 29, 2024

This article will not help diminish our “persecution complex.”

Hap CluffSeptember 29, 2024

I’ve known Robert Starling for a long time. His commitment to the Church and all forms of media and the people who engage in the arts is unparalleled. Thanks, Robert, for this well written and documented article. Hurrah for Israel!

Gary LawrenceSeptember 29, 2024

Great research. Great ideas. Way to go.

John Charles PearceSeptember 28, 2024

I agree with this article that we Latter-day Saints can and must do more to produce positive stories about the church and its members. There have been a number of good movies by Latter-day Saint film makers in recent years that have been released but have not even been seen by our members. This is because the film makers don't have the finances available to be able to properly promote them. I know that our church leaders don't promote commercial films, but other churches do, and they let their congregations know when a Christian movie is released and even organize group bookings. We need to come up with a way of letting our members know about these movie releases. A current movie "Faith of Angels" is a case in point. This is a great movie based on a true experience of a Latter-day Saint boy lost in a mine for 5 days that many members don't even know about. This is a movie that could appeal to many people other than our members. If we could find a way of getting our members to this movie, and then telling their friends about it, we will be able to encourage our film makers to make more movies about our people.

Barry MooreSeptember 27, 2024

To put my two cents in, Brother Sterling, your article deserves two thumbs up. Two big thumbs up. It echoes President Kimball's call to arms to LDS artists with the highest fidelity. I appreciate you listing the organizations -- ALMA, LDSPMA, et al. -- dedicated to upsetting the "belly of the (Hollywood) beast" in your "How to Make it Happen" section. May the force -- the real Force -- be with you, Brother.

Stephen ChaunceySeptember 27, 2024

I would add continue to highlight good films with friends especially ones done by Church members. Secondly by avoiding bad content and especially those who provide it helps as the dollar speaks loud. Great and informative article.

Dorothy MillerSeptember 27, 2024

Well said, and I hope that those who have the talent, skills, and connections feel more fired up! The rest of us have a responsibility to support their efforts - to read, listen to, attend their efforts and to share the links, publications, and invite our friends and family to attend the concerts and movies with us! Thank you so much.

Dorothy MillerSeptember 27, 2024

This needed to be published! I hope that the people who have these gifts are fired up to build up! And the rest of us must put forth greater effort to support them - go see the films, concerts, read the publications etc. and bring our friends and families!

Corey D.September 23, 2024

What an excellent, well written and well expressed article, in fact just about an hour ago I was talking to a neighbor asking him if his step kids had stopped going to church because I hadn't seen them all summer, he replied yes, which for him and his wife means that none of their children are attending church. He also said he is the only one of his siblings active in the church. He then said this, "it all boils down to personal testimony, you have to personally believe, can't live on your parents beliefs or friends or teachers", something we have been taught from the pulpit many times but which we are seeing the effects of more than I remember in my lifetime. Great article !

Corey D.September 23, 2024

Amen to this article. Not the first speaker that I have wondered about in the last few years. I'm sure folks will automatically assume the writer of this article, Brother Lindsey is some ardent supporter of Trump but I seriously doubt it, he's just logically and in my mind rightfully asking a question about something that appears to be politically motivated and biased.

AnonymousSeptember 23, 2024

Curious if Mr French's columns had been leaning the other way would you have the same concerns?

Sally SmithSeptember 23, 2024

What keeps me in church is the example of my family coming across the plains with Willie Company. They sacrificed everything for Jesus Christ and the newly restored. So it sufficeth me to carry on that testimony to my family and those that come after me

JoeSeptember 23, 2024

I totally agreed. What is going on with BYU??

Ronald BarnesSeptember 23, 2024

I recorded my reasons and was going to share them, but I decided some were too personal and sharing a part would not suffice. So, I will only share the last sentence: The gospel and church attendance are a part of me, and I’m not complete without it.

Vicki CrumSeptember 23, 2024

I am very much interested in the answer to the question this article poses. Why, indeed, would BYU book a political writer, especially a hard left political writer, to speak to the student body right before an election? Especially one who would wish death to a former president and current candidate to the office. As a lifetime member of the church, I would like to demand an answer to this question. If I had a child at BYU right now, I would be outraged, and believe me the adminstration would hear about it!.

Talon JensenSeptember 23, 2024

I read political articles every day, yet just from mainstream and small town media, nothing from far-right or far-left media. I haven't read all these threats against Trump that is discussed in the article. Yet, I have paid attention to what the candidates have said. I find Trump's and Vance's comments to be much more hateful and incendiary. I also find what Trump has said to be a threat to democracy, he intends to remove "separation of powers" from American government. He says so right in his speeches. He has already partially done this with the Supreme Court. I find the need of Republicans to control everything and everyone repulsive. I welcome the opportunity for BYU students, who are still largely conservative, to hear opposing viewpoints, even though few of them will vote. It is only the far-right that wants to control free speech, not the far-left. And, just to be clear, I am not a Democrat. And, I have two degrees from BYU.

Jenny Madsen SvendsenSeptember 23, 2024

Well, I think that was a very unfortunate choice for a speaker at a religiously based univercity, is there a way to find out why this choice was made?

Jenny Madsen SvendsenSeptember 23, 2024

Like Peter, I would say:"Lord, where would I go". I would say because I know that Christ lives, He is my Saviour, and I know the church is His, I can attend Sacrament meeting and partake of the Sacrament to renew my covenants with Him, those are the reasons I go, and of course all the reasons you mentioned in your article.

Ed RehderSeptember 23, 2024

Thank you for saying what needed to be said.

Harold RustSeptember 23, 2024

A real "wake-up" article about what is happening at the trusted university in which several of my grandchildren and other relatives are now attending. I've always felt that the only appropriate forum for meaningful dialogue by those with strong political views is to have a well-facilitated and calm, logical discussion between that person and someone who verbally challenges their way of thinking. This goes for those I agree with as well as those with whom I disagree because either way I have the best and most lasting way of sorting out for myself what is true. Someone like David French needs to face an articulate opponent who can provide a fair analysis of his past and present arguments.

Harold RustSeptember 23, 2024

A line wonderful outline that encompasses all the reasons I personally have seen applied by those remaining committed to Church involvement and those who linger or leave altogether. Everyone of us makes weekly decisions (although most often those decisions are governed by habit) about our personal level of commitment; thus, it can be very meaningful to reflect upon these reasons discussed herein to add confidence to our understanding of why we are choosing what we do choose. Hopefully it will bring all of us to carefully and methodically choose to follow the Savior.

Rochelle HaleSeptember 23, 2024

I am a convert of many decades, from a mostly non-member family. In my late teens, I had to learn when I could sacrifice going to church (Grandma's birthday) and when nothing (family beach outing) was going to keep me from attending. As I have seen family and friends come and go (mostly go), there is still no place I would rather be. I love Elder Ballard's talk "To Whom Shall We Go? (2016). Where else will we find (mostly) like-minded people, the blessings of the Priesthood, the gospel plan and purpose for our lives, the opportunities for temple worship and ordinances, living Prophets and apostles, guidance to solve problems or give comfort, etc.? My husband and I have experienced the blessings of attending church during family reunions, when we have taken time away from business conferences, when attending small branches and large congregations, in foreign languages and countries, in hotel rooms and on cruises, and, of course, at home during the Pandemic. We have made the choice to make the Sabbath a sacred day wherever we are.

Cortney HolmesSeptember 23, 2024

Thanks for this article!

KCSeptember 23, 2024

It’s really sad they can’t find someone who isn’t a rabid conservative and who isn’t a progressive (sadly the majority of byu intelligentsia these days) Finding someone who is conservative but never Trump ENDORSING Harris is the problem. We DO NOT HAVE ONLY TWO CHOICES—false dichotomy there!!! If you choose to vote for EITHER you choose evil —there is no lesser of two here. If you choose to stay home/not vote, you abdicate your god given right to be part of the “voice of the people” and allow the parties/a candidate to manipulate us to this point of disaster. If you use your ballot as a protest vote to leave it blank—which tells the parties their offering is offensive—or write someone else in, you have used your voice and deserve to maintain your freedom. If we choose evil-aka one of the false choices we are tying ourselves to a sinking ship and may actually follow them into some horrific choices which doom not only US but also our world

Ben JonesSeptember 23, 2024

My step-daughter quit the Church because the bishop sided with her soon-to-be ex-husband. It was a real shame because she had been Primary president and her husband had been Elders Quorum president. They and their six children looked like the perfect family. It was her inspiration in the Temple to introduce me to her mother after my first wife's death. But he started making wild accusations of her being unfaithful. I was trying to counsel both of them until he started accusing me of hacking into his computer, at which point I concluded that he had lost his marbles, especially since I've never hacked a computer in my life. But the damage was done. She quit the Church. He did not, but he couldn't honestly say in a Temple Recommend interview that he was providing support for his ex-wife. The result was that most of the kids ended up quitting the Church as well. One served a mission and got married in the Temple but neither of his parents could attend the ceremony. My wife and I remain very active but we put up with snide comments from her about the Church as well as praises for our [now former] bishop from ward members. Ironically, my late first wife left the Church when she divorced her first husband but after we were married and I adopted her kids, she convinced me to join the Church. She advised me not to expect Church members to be perfect. I told her she'd already disabused me of that notion. Anyway, that's the thing we need to be on guard about. The Church is true but Church members are human and make mistakes.

Joan JonesSeptember 23, 2024

Thank you for this article. I totally agree that it is wrong. The wolves among the sheep are getting bolder.

LindaSeptember 23, 2024

Amen to your comments!!! I couldn't agree with you more. This is a travesty for our young, impressionable, under-informed students AND faculty!!! What were they thinking....or was it conivingly intentional?

Charles McClellandSeptember 23, 2024

Thank you for this insightful and comprehensive article. I am sharing it with my children, their spouses and my grandchildren!

SfischSeptember 23, 2024

What is happening to the BYU I once knew and loved? So sad.

Vaughn BarrusSeptember 23, 2024

Oh wretched man that I am. The sins that do so easily beset me. I am so far from perfect that without the gospel and church I don’t know where I would be. This scares me and makes me want to be in church just so I can stay on or as close to the straight and narrow as possible. As the author has stated, our personal spiritual experience fades as time passes and we start to loose the lift they give us. In order to retain this lift I strive to continue to have more spiritual experiences. I do this by attending church and going often to the temple. If we stop going to church we loose the ability to go to the temple and then to receive these spiritual experiences. I can not imagine life without church and especially without the temple experience. I attended church first tp refill my lamp with oil and then to remain worthy of attend the temple where I get the strength to carry on.

VaughnSeptember 23, 2024

I may comment more than once. First I learned long ago, if people are on pedestals it’s because we put them there. Most often it’s not because they put themselves on that pedestal. So when they fall from the pedestal that we put them on we loose faith. I used to work with an emeritus member of the 70, in a meeting ( not a church meeting) he suggested that everyone needed to watch a particular R rated movie that depicted the 2nd world war. When I questioned him as to the rating and to the council of the church against watching such movies he stammered a bit then said “ This was the war. I lived it, everyone should watch it so they can know.” This taught me that we, regardless of our callings or position in the church we are all human and weak and frail. It also taught me not to put people on pedestals.

Catherine GettmanSeptember 21, 2024

Wonderful article. I heard about this show. I have no desire to watch such lies about my faith n the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. I am a convert of over 50 years. I know it, i live it, i love it.

Frederick CarlSeptember 20, 2024

I am so glad an LDS woman had something to say about this raunchy show. Next, the woman on the show are going to start promoting the benefits of their Only Fans accounts and all young women should do it. Bravo Sister Proctor.

Suzette HaltermanSeptember 20, 2024

The saying "don't judge a book by its cover" exists for a reason. This whole article is simply about the trailer for the show, but the actual show is nothing like the trailer. It was, and still might be, Hulu's number one watched show in America and there's a good reason for that. Yes, some of it is just stupid reality TV that makes you feel dumber for watching it, but some of it actually hits on some really important themes that are I think are really important too discuss more in our LDS culture. I actually really enjoyed the show because it's very thought-provoking in a lot of ways. Some of the themes I find fascinating for discussion about this show are: Gen Z spirituality and what we understand about it, perfectionism and plastic surgery for LDS women and why that is, the current tension between a patriarchal church and a modern world for women, purity culture and how it impacts women in so many ways, and so much more! I have listened to women with PhD's and masters degrees in theology having conversations about this show because there's a lot going on beneath the surface of it all that matters a lot to broader cultural discussion within religious spaces. I have heard evangelical and catholic women talking about the show and the ways that it resonated with their experiences as women within Christianity. There's a lot more than meets the eye here, so I would say don't judge the show by its trailer, which doesn't actually represent the show well at all, and listen to the useful and productive conversations that happened around this show. While not everyone might like the show or want to watch it, just know that it's a big hit for some good reasons in that beyond the drama factor of reality tv, it also brings up some important cultural discussions. So maybe the fact that these discussions are happening because of this show is a good thing and we don't need to get so upset about the trailer for it!

Sasha KwapinskiSeptember 20, 2024

I venture to say that we would never hear of a TV show entitled "The Secret Lives of Hindu (or Moslem, Buddhist, Sikh, or Shinto) women."

Robert StarlingSeptember 20, 2024

Well said, Mariah. You're an eloquent spokeswoman for the Latter-day Saint faith, lifestyle and worldview. I hope you look up the writers and producers in the show's credits and send them each a copy of this article. An open letter to the LA Times, Variety, and Hollywood Reporter would also be a good idea.

Gary C JohnsonSeptember 20, 2024

I'm with Tim....never heard of this trash until now. I thought it referred to that other video excrement, Real Housewives of SLC. They should have called THAT one, Real Housewives of the Mountain West. Do any of those women really have anything but a flirting acquaintance with the Church? Every time I see/hear of these programs my reaction is, "Here we go again...". Seems the only societal group that continues to be open to bigotry and ridicule are Latter-Day Saints. C 'mon people, get a life. Thanks to Mariah for exposing yet another exploitative venture into misinformation and untruth.

HelenCSeptember 20, 2024

Thank you. “You can protect yourself from a cliff with a fence at the top or an ambulance at the bottom” I’d my new fav quote.

TimSeptember 20, 2024

I had never even heard of this program before reading this article, but what a powerful article it is. Will definitely share this article.

Corey D.September 19, 2024

On July 4th 1976, I was a missionary at the LTM in Provo waiting for a visa. There was a devotional held that night in the Marriott Center celebrating the bicentennial of this great nation, the speaker was President Marion G Romney, all the missionaries were invited to attend. I don't remember all that Pres Romney said but I do remember one statement he made, he said: "there is one reason for the establishment of America(implying the United States) and only one reason, so the gospel of Jesus Christ could be restored". Never have forgotten that.

HelenCSeptember 19, 2024

Can’t wait for the film to be released! I only hope our fractured political system doesn’t succumb to middle Eastern chaos!

Melanie SteinSeptember 19, 2024

Surrogacy never felt quite right to me, which is why this article is so refreshing. It helps articulate that uneasiness I felt with the concept. Thanks for taking the time to write and share this.

Jesse BrownSeptember 19, 2024

Thank you very much for your article. I received BA and MS degrees in biology from the University of Utah several decades ago and taught biology for several years. The irrational and selfish attempts of some people to pretend that sex or gender is relative contribute to unnecessary confusion in a world that is already too confusing. Concerning sex, talk to biologists, not politicians or sociologists with some kind of weird agenda.

Dr. Kenneth Stevens, MDSeptember 19, 2024

Excellent factual article. Even our bones inform whether we are male or female. Particularly the pelvic bones, where the female pelvis is designed to carry and deliver a baby and the male pelvis is too narrow for those functions.

WithheldSeptember 19, 2024

Thank you for this in-depth article. As I am experiencing the extreme pain of losing a daughter and grandchildren to the shrill voices against the church, this article has given me a better understanding of the real and deliberate voices and their motives to destroy the faith of the most vulnerable in their journey to gain testimonies. It has been so very difficult to understand how others give so much credibility to strangers on the internet and social media. I better see now how this happens.."Oh those who think they are wise.". To quote President Gordon B. Hinkley, "You lose a mother, you lose generations.". Tragically, my family is experiencing the truth of this. Prayers continue for all those falling prey .

Robert StarlingSeptember 19, 2024

Thank you for explaining scientifically THE truth. It is important for people who talk about "their" truth to remember that while they may have a right to have their own opinions, they can't have their own facts. As Latter-day Saints we also have the gift of understanding life from an eternal perspective through God's revealed word, which says: "male and female created He them". While those with feelings to the contrary should be loved and helped with their very real challenges, we should not "affirm" something that is not the truth.

EmmaSeptember 19, 2024

I feel this is just another way to exploit the poor. But ask another question. Why are they poor? So much is because those richer have become increasingly greedy. They demand a higher and higher standard of living for themselves. This can only be accomplished by charging higher prices for whatever they are selling, paying lower wages to those who work for them, or changing the tax codes.

LisaSeptember 18, 2024

We are LDS. My former husband began making oblique comments about polygamy and how good it was. I suspected nothing. Yes, he was cheating, using church history as his excuse. Hate to even read about polygamy. Hate to see the general authorities talk about their eternal marriages. Hate all of it. What a destructive doctrine.

ShaunaSeptember 18, 2024

Thank you

Stephen ChaunceySeptember 18, 2024

Excellent analysis and reporting. Been in law enforcement for over 40 years and your presentation is exactly how you do an ethical, reasoned case and rebuttal. I will be kind and not offer opinions on Runnells but I have enjoyed arresting his type.

HelenCSeptember 18, 2024

As I prayed for counsel on how to answer my beautiful daughter’s increasingly Gospel-effronting feminist Facebook posts the answer came quietly. I just expressed my admiration for the passion she put into her beliefs. They haven’t changed but our relationship is loving, warm, intact. Holy Ghost - 1; antagonism - 0

HelenCSeptember 18, 2024

I suppose it’s to be expected that the “restoration of all things” would bring us another Korihor. All Mr. Runnells has done is prove to me, once again, the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. All I can do is to “live in such a way that those who know me will want to know Christ because they know me”. I didn’t jerk the source of this quote but it’s been on my refrigerator for enough years to have faded almost ever away. Long before the letter I will never read (too much GOOD stuff to study) was conceived.

LoraSeptember 18, 2024

Yes, Hagar had a baby "for" Abraham and Sarah, but she kept Ishmael. Bilhah had a babies "for" Jacob and Rachel, but she kept Dan and Naphtali. Zilpah had a babies "for" Leah, but she kept Gad and Asher. The Biblical "surrogate pregnancies" were not like modern ones.

DeeDeeSeptember 18, 2024

This rings of truth--and filled me with hope and joy all at once. It takes a humble soul to write this and what a wonderful humility!

Dee Ann JensenSeptember 18, 2024

Benjamin Franklin Lewis was my 3rd great grandfather on my father's side. He was only 35 years old when he was killed and buried in the well at Hawn's Mill. He had 6 small children when he was massacred ranging in age from 11 years to a baby. I always think of how scared they must have been.

Richard JukesSeptember 17, 2024

Thank you for the tender focus of your photos and words! That site is such a relevant part of our family history. And it makes me ponder more about the positions of the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's...people of Ammon...and how our dear relatives moved forward after that hideous attack. Thank you. We so appreciate our time with you in China.

LewisSeptember 17, 2024

These are powerful stories, and show what a difference caring and loving people can make a tremendous difference in the life trajectory of others. Thank you for all you do. I feel honored to be able to support your efforts.

M. TaylorSeptember 16, 2024

Another reason someone might stonewall unintentionally is because of neurodiversity. My spouse, who has high-functioning autism, will often freeze, not maintain eye contact, and have trouble responding to me or maintaining the flow of discussion when difficult topics arise. It comes off as uncaring, controlling, or being iced out but is more complicated than that, and not always intentional. Neurodiverse marriages have an estimated 80% fail rate, so understanding and facilitating fundamentally different communication modes in a neurodiverse relationship is crucial for success.

Nicholeen PeckSeptember 16, 2024

Warning about the term 'ageism': While I fully agree with the lens used in this article to view ageism (not to treat older people poorly), using the term 'ageism' and promoting it broadly will have unintended consequences for our children. Originally, ageism applied only to being biased or prejudiced toward older people and not denying older people any opportunities that younger people have. However, the term is now used in reverse (requiring that children should be able to do everything that an adult can do, including consent to sex and drugs, etc.) I have consultative status at the United Nations. In that sphere, NGOs and diplomats from around the world argue the point that children should not be controlled by their parents because that is 'ageism.' I'm sure you can see how this mindset exploits children and leaves them unprotected by their parents. I've heard NGOs assert that children want sex too, and if they want it from an adult they should not be denied that. They say that to deny them is ageism. So, even though this article makes a great point about honoring and respecting the rights and feelings of people older than you. The last thing that we want to do is create broad rights for children that ultimately remove parental oversight of the child. The term 'ageism' does this. My recommendation is that we stay away from classifying disconnection and disrespect of the elderly with this term. Instead, in order to protect the children, it would be best to simply describe circumstances and solutions for older people without a box-like term.

HLSeptember 15, 2024

What if you are in an emotionally abusive marriage & you are physically freezing up while they barrage you... Is that still considered stonewalling?

KathleenSeptember 15, 2024

Some things never change!

Corey D.September 15, 2024

It's stories like these whether here or other media or heard in church or told to me by others that keep me going sometimes, things seem so bleak in the world most days, I'm appreciative of the good and those who are good.

Dick ByrnesSeptember 14, 2024

Can a connection be drawn between what happened to Zemnarihah and what happened to Judas- both were hung on a tree, either by others or in the case of Judas, by himself. Then the Nephites cut down the tree on which the traitor Zemnarihah hung and (God) felled the tree in which the traitor Judas hung. To me the similarities and symbolism are striking, especially after reading this article of the legal and traditional practices of the Israelite nation.

JanSeptember 14, 2024

I have just memorized Romans 8:1-2 for a new study and it seems to be relevant in this discussion. I agree with those who state the Holy Ghost most definitely can be in more than one place at a time, and in fact never leaves the believer. "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.." A legal transaction takes place and the Spirit's law through Jesus has set us free from the other deadly law. The more I study the more I've come to understand that the Spirit is indeed God who indwells every believer, for Who else "gives life" and sets us free but God Himself?

K. MortensenSeptember 14, 2024

I’m grateful for the suggestions on early reading books. It’s too bad someone didn’t proof read the article.

RosieSeptember 14, 2024

So true; I concur wholeheartedly. But remember when Pollyanna fell out of the tree and lost the use of her legs she didn't find the idea of crutches very comforting after all. We all have limits and this life can wear one down and often manifests itself when little things go wrong, sometimes more than the big things.

Corey D.September 14, 2024

My brother said a fellow ward member out of curiosity called his teenage kids together and asked them the following question, "what percentage of your friends would you say think that there is nothing wrong with same sex marriage", their reply, about 70%. These are mostly kids from LDS homes. I agree wholeheartedly with this article and think about this particular subject often and see the effects of being deceived all around me, family members, friends, ward members. It's one of the curses of the internet in my mind. But also have to constantly remind myself that I have to be on the watch myself and be careful I don't get caught up in things.

Corey D.September 14, 2024

I understand what the article is trying to say but not sure ageism is the cause of the disconnect between the younger generations and the older generations or the reason for estrangement of grandparents and grandchildren. To me the biggest problem or disconnect if you want to use that term and this is probably more specific to those raised in a good LDS/Christian/religious environment is the difference of how religion, moral standards, work ethic and money are viewed by the younger generations and what they are being taught about it.

Corey D.September 14, 2024

I'm surprised at the criticism of this article, Daniel Peterson's articles are always well written, intelligent and logical laid out and spiritually sound. While I don't know much about Moms for Liberty I do know anything that the Southern Poverty Law Center says should be instantly and totally disregarded. Much of the so-called "book banning" that has been in the news the last couple of years has been mischaracterized and mislabeled by the mainstream media, any one who has taken the time to actually do some in depth research will find that mostly what this has been about is two things, books and curriculum that advanced the LGBTQ+ agenda that are basically pornography or contain totally age inappropriate material but presented under the guise of fairness and equality and books and curriculum that are anti-American or present false history's such as The 1619 Project and A People's History of the United States.

Jeannie EvansSeptember 13, 2024

A profound article with many thoughts worth pondering.

Karlene DanceSeptember 13, 2024

Are you ever going to bring the desk calendar back. I loved it.

Gary AndersonSeptember 13, 2024

Thanks for this inspired message of how not to be deceived!

JamesSeptember 13, 2024

I love that! Thank you so much!!

MaryannSeptember 13, 2024

I don't believe anyone will stray too far from the path if they are praying and reading the scriptures daily, with real intent. If we then "take the Holy Spirit for our guide," we will not be deceived.

MaryannSeptember 13, 2024

Tip from a 73 year youngster: We do not appreciate being called "cute," "dear," or any other labels that are condescending. Seeing an older couple walking hand in hand is not "cute." It is beautiful. I recently ran into an older friend in a clothing store, and the sales girl was talking to her like she was an idiot. She was a highly intelligent woman with a college degree, and an outstanding teacher. Thank you for bringing this problem to our attention. When we examine our faulty attitudes and thoughts about getting older, we will be well on the way to showing more respect.

Pam BlairSeptember 13, 2024

Reminds me of a friend who became furious when we were eating in the car at a drive-in restaurant. My hamburger with onions made her car smell terrible, and she was furious with me. That's the lesson that taught me to [as it is often said] "not sweat the small stuff, and remember: it's ALL small stuff".

Roslyn Huege de ServilleSeptember 12, 2024

Brother Wallace .. you have hit the nail on the head … thank you

HelenCSeptember 12, 2024

A “perfect” segue to the LDS business support group I attended this evening! Thank you.

BryanSeptember 12, 2024

Exactly right! We truly see ‘through a glass darkly’ when it comes to our current life. Several weeks ago I was pondering on why trials are necessary and all I could think of is, if this life is a training ground and is to prepare us to ‘receive even all that the Father hath’, then eternal life and our future roles as Gods and Goddesses must be supremely difficult and this life gives us an opportunity to prepare for that. But all we must do now is keep our eyes on the prize, trust in Christ and His atonement, and do our best.

Roxanne ThayneSeptember 11, 2024

Excellent and timely article. Thank you for the time, research, and courage it took to write it.

SfischSeptember 11, 2024

Totally AMAZING! Thank you so MUCH. Thank you for your effort. I love this treasure trove of inspiration from our prophet.

Adrian MartinSeptember 11, 2024

I hope that this movie can reach a wider audience than just USA and Canada. I live in Great Britain.

Corey D.September 10, 2024

This article reminds me of a story told to us by our stake president over 20 yrs ago. His daughter and her family lived in Orlando Florida, he liked to go visit especially when the Space Shuttle was scheduled to launch. His daughter shared with him something that had happened with an assignment his granddaughter had at school. This was not too long after one of the big hurricanes had hit Florida, his granddaughter was in Jr. High and one of the teachers had assigned the class to do a report on how to prepare for a hurricane, his granddaughter in her report listed all the things they had at home, emergency supplies, food storage, etc., the teacher calls this young lady in and says to her, that's a nice report but I know you don't have all that stuff so why would you write that you did, she replied to the teacher that she wasn't exaggerating or lying, they really were prepared for an emergency. The teacher still didn't believe her and had her bring her mother to school. She explained to the teacher that everything her daughter had put in her report was true, that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are taught and encouraged to be prepared for emergency's, the teacher was totally amazed.

Walter J GoldthwaiteSeptember 10, 2024

I am one of milliions that have paid the Lord as He admonsheds us to do. But I have received much more than I have paid in over the years - temporally and spiritually. The Lord said in the Old Testament, "prove me now herewith, if I will not open you the Windows of Heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be enough to receive it" (Malachi 3:10). I have proved Him from paying more than an honest tithing for more than 60 years, and have received such blessings, huge and small, and looking back on life my wife and I can see clearly that those promised blessings have come. It makes us aware that there have also been many blessings we aren't aware of although those that we know about are incredibly numerous and miraculous.

Bob WoodburySeptember 9, 2024

Several years ago my wife and I, with two grandsons, made an afternoon visit in this beautiful and charming town. There were also a couple bus loads of Japanese visitors which made the visit a little surreal as by far the largest number of people on the streets, and in the shops and restaurants of this very English village were Asian. They were lovely people (as were the locals) and it made for one of our most memorable days in England. Your photos have captured my own memory of this town.

Nicole SampsonSeptember 9, 2024

I wish you had dug into it more. I was hoping for a little more insight.

Nicole SampsonSeptember 9, 2024

Wow! I cannot wait to study this. Thank you so much for taking the time to create this article!

David MohrSeptember 9, 2024

I have always compared things like that playing hockey. If you want to play hockey then you play by the established rules. If you don't like the tiles then find a different game to play. Same thing with Church rules. If you don't like rules we run by then find a different church. I don't understand how you can join a game or a church and then want to change the rules already established. That's like saying I only play but by my rules. God's rules are for our Benefit.

GerrySeptember 9, 2024

May I add: Reverence for Life, April Gen. Conf. 1985, By Elder Russell M. Nelson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles “It is a war on the defenseless—and the voiceless. It is a war on the unborn. This war, labeled “abortion…”

Doris WilliamsSeptember 9, 2024

Always appreciate whatever you have to say, Daniel Peterson, and the irony of your reply made me laugh. I must say that I have thought this more than once when faced with a bulging parking lot at the temple: "I feel so sorry for all these dang Mormons, paying all that tithing, they can't afford a decent car, as I search among all the late-model high-end cars taking up all the parking places! Love tithing, always will.

Leslie TimmsSeptember 9, 2024

Castle Combe has always been a favorite of mine when we are in England. However the last time we were in Castle Combe it was absolutely overrun with tourists. And many of the fabulous shops selling lovely woollen goods are now selling tshirts.

Gary BealSeptember 9, 2024

This article assumes that the Book of Mormon was written somewhere in Meso-America. Yet I can't find anywhere in the article that identifies this assumption. Have the researchers applied their skills to the area in North America that comprises the region where the Hopewell peoples lived? There is arguably ample evidence of that region as being the place where the Book of Mormon society existed.

Elaine MathewsSeptember 9, 2024

Lovely to see how much it meant to you- I was lucky enough to be born and grow up in the Cotswolds so all the lovely features are so familiar to me! Grateful to have many delightful memories of visits to all the local beauty spots - thanks for sharing yours!

TamaraSeptember 9, 2024

Thank you for taking the time to do this!

Merrill JensonSeptember 9, 2024

I remember seeing these streets in films. I just love the look. I truly want to visit there some day. Thanks for sharing. Merrill Jenson

Rochelle HaleSeptember 9, 2024

I am a many-decades-ago convert. As a teen, one of the first principles I learned was tithing. I would put literal "IOUs" to the Lord in my piggy bank until I grasped the importance of this commandment. I have never looked back. It astounds me that other denominations are not criticized for their fund-raising tactics - the passing of offering plates, rummage sales or auctions, or even coffee shops and bookstores that share campus space with their meeting places. Have they forgotten to read their Old Testament? Or there is criticism of how the Church spends our tithing (and other offerings) donations. My late mother-in-law was wonderful about her charitable contributions, but she had to go through stacks of mail monthly to determine the reputable agencies. I pay my tithing and trust the Lord's servants to use it in the best possible way.

Ronald BarnesSeptember 9, 2024

As with all the principles of the gospel, we are never forced to obey, it is our choice. However, if we choose to not obey, we cannot expect to receive the blessings that come with obedience. There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated— And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated. Doctrine and Covenants 130:20 - 21

Jeff TeichertSeptember 8, 2024

Thanks Wally. I appreciate it!

Gary Stroble, W9NRSeptember 7, 2024

Should have typed two-way radios.

Nancy MSeptember 7, 2024

Such a beautiful perspective. Thank you!

Tim ErnstSeptember 6, 2024

The passing of sacred authority via the Holy Priesthood is essential to the foundation of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ. Dr. Peterson displays a wonderful acumen for getting to the gist of what is important, and he does so in this little article in timely fashion. Without Priesthood authority, none of the ordinances we perform would have efficacy, but with Christ's permission and investiture, the Priesthood is manifest in the world today, within the walls of homes, churches and temples and oftentimes outside of walls in battlefields and mission fields. We of all people are most blessed and honored by this power made manifest from Jesus Christ to a modern prophet named Joseph Smith and passed down individually from prophet to prophet until our day.

Jenny SvendsenSeptember 6, 2024

My husband and I lived in Alberta, Canada, when this happened to Joshua, I clearly remember following the news, and rejoiced, when he was found. I hope this movie wil come to Canada, we live close to bc now, everyone should experience the miracles that happened, I know miracles happen every day!

korinne nelsonSeptember 6, 2024

This was delightful. Thank you. Keep writing, Kimberly White!

Debrah RoundySeptember 5, 2024

I remember the day that record came stapled into the Magazine. We hoped it would not be damaged, and it wasn't. It was hard to hear what he, President Woodruff, said, but still it was thrilling. One used to get short use records on the back of cereal boxes, and one or two in magazines. No idea of what the future would bring, we thought the world was our oyster. Look at technology now! Meridian, thanks for posting this, thanks for the memories!

ArchieSeptember 5, 2024

An amazing story. I will be the first one in line to see the movie.

HelenCSeptember 4, 2024

I remember hearing this amazing recording. I was too young to appreciate the importance of its contents. Thank you for educating us, again.

Scott E.September 3, 2024

Short-"sighted". Also, if you watch movies or television, there are so many countless places where we revel in, marvel at, or laugh at someone's pain. Any sitcom, if told in the form of a drama, is awful tragedy. Often humiliating, distressful and shocking. Yet we laugh away without a care in the world. Horror movies are less about satiating ourselves on other's pain and, through the eyes of another, confront our own mortality. While I don't know if I will watch it. I think it's fascinating. I'm interested in what it is ultimately trying to say. And really hoping it isn't some black as pitch, hopeless affair that portrays LDS as inept insincere and misguided. That said, I can see being critical of a trailer. You see it and you can like it or not. But nobody but a few have even seen this movie. So perhaps we should reserve judgment?

David C HobsonSeptember 3, 2024

Bravo! Very well stated!

Susan StoddardSeptember 3, 2024

Thank you so much for this article. I have recently been called to serve in my ward Relief Society Presidency. As I have begun to really serve the sisters in my ward I have gained a new perspective on "being used". This article brought be to tears. Thank you.

Wally GoddardSeptember 3, 2024

Great insights! Thank you, Jeff!

DianeSeptember 3, 2024

Thank you Sister Clayton! Beautiful and inspiring thoughts and wisdom.

Rochelle HaleSeptember 3, 2024

I want to arrive with my heart on my sleeve, Knowing that I went beyond my own comfort To make sure my disabled friend could experience the temple, Knowing that the worst seat at the table turned out to be the best, When learning how I could better minister, And that appearances may not always show that someone is emotionally or physically well. I want to smell the bread and crockpot meals I made for others. I want to have circles under my eyes because I immediately said, "yes" before I knew what the Primary activity would involve. I want tear stains on my blouse and callouses on my knees, For the many prayers I have offered for others, And my heart brimming with more gratitude than I can ever express for all that my Savior has done for me. I want my heart to show that it was never about my own selfishness. It was all about Him and how He could use me to help others.

KathleenSeptember 3, 2024

Thank you! I LOVE explanations of the origin of expressions. I say so many of my grandmother's without knowing from whence they came, including this one. I recently learned about 'the baby and the bathwater.'

Debbi M.September 2, 2024

Such a beautiful and thoughtful article. This is something I have wondered about, but am content to put it in a box on my "unresolved" shelf awaiting further information and light. I know what I know, that all will be worked out in the end, and look forward to learning more. We have a loving and just Heavenly Father and our Saviour, Jesus Christ, who will oversee all of these issues on day, and it will be glorious to see it unfold!

Chris KingSeptember 2, 2024

Isn't interest income what you can make on leftover funds that can earn interest? The Jewish law surrounding tithing was very complicated. It was detailed out to the utmost specifics so there was absolute clarity. The poor did not pay tithing. (SS or SSDI or Disability income) Tithing wasn't paid on gifts. It was paid on surplus and production. It was never paid on the whole field, only what the field produced. If you had sheep that died or half your field of crops diseased, they were not included as part of the increase. General business and household expenses including food and gas are dead sheep. What is left after the basics to care for your needs is interest or increase. Tithing is paid on that interest or increase. Some say gross. some say net. Some say on gifts. Even to the point of cash and gift values on birthdays, Christmas, weddings, or other special occasions. Basically, depending on the interpretation of leaders, their opinions, and suggestions based on how they were raised or personally applied in their lives. I have seen people pay on their business incomes and struggle to stay in business. Why? They paid on gross earnings from the business rather than having the business pay out dividends or a realized income to them first. I see the same with those running the business of their home. 10 percent on a gross paycheck for 2000 dollars is 200 dollars while if they had 100 left after basic needs to run the home business expenses and affairs, would have been 10 dollars. a difference of 190.00 dollars. 190.00 dollars is not 10 percent on the increase, but rather an overpayment. I have seen those on SS (SSDI, Disability) income who pay tithing only to turn around and have the church write a check for their mortgage and also need a bishop's order for food. In Jewish law, the poor did not pay tithing. They could donate as they saw fit, such as the widow's mite, but it was not required to pay tithing. Ultimately it is between the individual and the Lord and it is not easy when reasoning, mixed with opinions, and judgment, stirs in a mix of uncertainty, guilt, and doubt.

Karl K.September 2, 2024

Take a look at who owns Hulu. Consider carefully where you spend your money.

Joni HiltonSeptember 2, 2024

Just have to share this. When I saw the abbreviated title of your article in my email feed, it read: "Why Kids Need to be Pushed Out" - ha ha! I thought, Wow, Meridian is really taking a stand on getting those young adults out of the house. Alas, controversy averted. But I really did love the real topic of your piece.

Supportive HusbandSeptember 2, 2024

My wife has always been a very private person as far as phone calls and emails. She plainly told me they were none of my business. Through the years I simply trusted her. She rarely if ever asks about my phone or email communique. We trust each other and give each other that bit of privacy. When a general authority preached that a man should be giving his wife all his passwords, my wife told me not to bother; she trusted me. Today my wife runs her Mental Health practice from her phone, and in the state we live in it would be illegal for me to have access to it as I am not employed by her practice. We simply continue to trust each other and give each other that much privacy.

Sherri FarrSeptember 1, 2024

Concern for Tina Descovich speaking at BYU education Week was much more than book bans and making fun of the groups name. I moved to Utah from Tennessee where this group made national news as they actively destroyed our school district meetings, attacking our school superintendent, teachers, librarians and curriculum. I suppose that is a parents right, but they have earned the accusation of being a hate group, And the participants didn’t have children in the school district. Yesterday they had their convention with President Trump speaking, and I would love you to look for the picture of our current president and vice president hanging in the foyer as everyone entered. Look up articles about it on AP News and other reputable sites. This is not a loving group of LDS mothers but a well funded extremist group. (If you can’t find the photo of the picture in the lobby, it is Kamala Harris over the carcass of a bald eagle, blood dripping from her mouth. In the corner is President Biden with a knife protruding from his back.. a large guild framed oil painting). Please do a little research.

E. Wm. JacksonAugust 31, 2024

A great conclusion to a remarkable series... so much exceptional food for thought in all essays - and examples to assist that thought . I especially enjoyed/needed the thoughts on "grandparenting". The Eyres are appreciated by our family. We need this series in boklet form for ease of distribution.

Lori DriggsAugust 31, 2024

Christ didn’t present the Plan the Father did!

ShaunaAugust 30, 2024

yes, there goes summer, but my childhood was full of all these "liberties," I fear that many kids are giving theirs away willingingly, in order to look at a screen

ShaunaAugust 30, 2024

Thank you, I look forward to it. And as for Brigham's critics, "President Hinckley recalled, “When I was a young man and was prone to speak critically, my father would say: ‘Cynics do not contribute, skeptics do not create, doubters do not achieve.’” (Cultivating an Attitude of Happiness and a Spirit of Optimism, Chapter 3 of Teachings of President Gordon B Hinckley) I stand in awe of all that Brigham accomplished in moving the Saints to Utah, colonizing the West, building temples, governing the state, but most of all, I honor him for his steadfast defense of Joseph Smith. He never faltered. Proud to be an alumnus of Brigham Young University, bearing his name. he wasn't perfect, but what a mighty tool in the Lord's hands

MaryannAugust 30, 2024

My Grandmother was only able to have one child, my father. Later, she also had one miscarriage, and then was unable to have any more children, although she yearned for them. Her miscarried pregnancy was advanced enough so that they could identify the fetus as female. I was my Father's firstborn, and my Mother felt very strongly that I was the spirit that my paternal Grandmother miscarried. My Mother was a very spiritual woman. Of course, we do not know for certain, but I believe my Mother was correct. My Grandmother and I were extremely close and very much alike. My mother was very sweet to my Grandmother, and allowed me to spend weeks with her, even as a very young child. I remember crying when I had to return home because home just seemed to be with my Grandmother. Yes, of course, Grandparents and Grandchildren are often very close, and share similar traits, but the bond between my Grandmother and I was unusually strong. I also looked VERY much like her (which I realized could just be because I was her Granddaughter). In the end, it doesn't really matter. I was sent to the family where I belonged, and I dearly loved both my Mother and my Grandmother. The key to peace in this matter is our trust in the Lord. We have been promised by General Authorities of the church that we will be thrilled with the final organization of our families if we keep our covenants. I have faith that all will be well, and everyone will be satisfied with the final outcome. It is also a beautiful truth that when family sealings are completed in perfection back to Adam, we are ALL sealed to one another---ALL the family of Adam and Eve.

Bruce MitchellAugust 29, 2024

Interesting that you would use as support information from The Heritage Foundation and The Washington Examiner. On the Harvard media bias graph both of these skew heavy right. Where is the support from more centrist media?

KatrinaAugust 29, 2024

Sweet stories, Lynne. Thank you for them. I hope you won't mind my saying so: here in America, the proper term is Down Syndrome, not Downs Syndrome.

MaryannAugust 29, 2024

My husband and I just celebrated 54 years of marriage, and I can certainly relate to the very hard struggles and the ups and downs in the marriage relationship. However, I do not intend to "hobble to the judgement seat, oozing infection." And, yes, our marriage WILL" win a prize for beauty." Our marriage, in fact, is the greatest beauty we have attained in this life. I am saddened that a person would believe they have to "stagger to heaven...filthy."

Lisa CroftAugust 29, 2024

It is interesting to imagine what happens to unborn babies. But, with regard to abortion, I think we need to consider the effects of abortion on the mother and the society that supports abortion without limits. Mothers suffer emotionally from abortion. That has not been acknowledged and many women suffer in silence. The loss of respect for life giving powers in our society has severe consequences, which has lead to the promotion of abortion from a profitable abortion industry as any easy solution to an unwanted consequence. Life is sacred in all its forms.

Steven PoulsonAugust 29, 2024

Please provide a citation for the Ezra Taft Benson quote regarding the Book of Mormon being a parallel to our day.

Rochelle HaleAugust 29, 2024

Yesterday we had a ladies' luncheon at the home of one of our ward members. It was lovely and attended by about 30 people. Sometimes I feel left out and don't feel like I do well in social situations. I prayed to have a good time and to be involved in conversation, etc. A much older friend invited me to sit by her. A fleeting thought was, "But I want to sit with women my own age." It turned out that we had four more seniors with limited mobility at our table. A few other ladies and I helped get food for them and responded to their every request throughout the gathering. We had delightful conversation with much laughter, plus I learned some additional ways that I can minister to these sisters.

CarolAugust 28, 2024

According to Topics and Questions under "War in Heaven," we are told that those who followed Satan before this life will not receive mortal bodies. This is also suggested in 2 Nephi 9. So if I understand correctly, only those of Heavenly Father's children who accepted His plan will come to earth and receive physical bodies. The rest remain as spirits, subject to Satan, with no physical body ever, and thus no resurrection.

Patricia HeatonAugust 28, 2024

It would stand to reason that not all spirits need the "mortal experience", especially given the fact of the innumerable deaths of little children throughout all mankind. All spirits, however, do need a physical body. Wouldn't a fetus, no matter how tiny, even at conception, constitute a body? Isn't that one of the main arguments we use against abortion? If that is true, why would a "fetus" need a second chance?

Robert David StarlingAugust 28, 2024

Regarding the "third part" (not necessarily one-third, but variable like the "first part" or "second part"?) of Heavenly Father's spirit children who were "cast out" ..... Although it was Father's *plan* that they all would receive a body (just as it is his plan for all of us to return to him, if we are obedient), they, like Lucifer, abrogated their part of that plan and forfeited their right to be embodied when they rebelled against Father's plan. At least that's how I understand it.

Renee RivardAugust 28, 2024

Prior to my husbands death from cancer he asked me where our boys were. I mentioned the whereabouts of our two sons and he became mildly annoyed. He asked where the other one was and assured me that we have 3 boys. I asked him, half jokingly, if he needed to tell me something and he very clear minded said “No”. I asked him what the other boys name is and he didn’t know. I had had one early miscarriage so I didn’t know the child’s gender. I realized that that was the child my husband was referring to. I named that child and believe he is ours eternally. And I also understood that no matter how developed he was, it was a body.

LoraAugust 28, 2024

My mother told me that while teaching a Relief Society class, the question came up about miscarriage. She remembered a quote by Brigham Young (or was it inspiration of her own), saying that these children don't need to be sealed to their mothers because they never left them. This brought great comfort to the sister who asked. I'm sure that when we get to the spirit world, there will be a way to access FAQs so we can get all the answers. In the meantime, we can trust our Heavenly Father, that everything will work out.

DianeAugust 28, 2024

I had an ectopic pregnancy. When I found out, my fallopian tube was on the verge of bursting. I did not pray about what to do or consult my bishop. Even waiting another hour or two would have resulted in my death. I was never able to have another child. (I had two already, but always wanted more.)

Harold RustAugust 28, 2024

Good questions you raise; however, there is a known that we do know and believe regarding each of these situations in which an innocent life was never allowed to experience mortal accountability: the truth that not only does God love all His children but also every action--good and bad---has eternal consequences which can only be "erased" through repentance and Christ's atonement. For those not personally accountable, then those who are accountable must deal with justice before mercy has any effect.

Eunice RobertsonAugust 28, 2024

I had 6 pregnancies, and have 3 living children. I often wonder if I will see those other 3 children one day.

BoBAugust 28, 2024

To Catherine Gardner, When I work out a contract or business agreement in my daily work, both parties must agree, if not there is no contract, so no, they will not. God will never force His will on someone else nor compel one into a contract. "It’s unclear in the book how this determination is made." It is made on an individual basis, one at a time, per the needs of that specific, individual Child of God.

Rochelle HaleAugust 28, 2024

As one who experienced difficulty bringing children into the world, I appreciate your article. As one who has done a fair amount of family history research and temple ordinances, I question your comment, "The Church does not record stillbirths or miscarriages on church membership records." Often in my research, I have seen children who died at birth (not miscarriages), and no temple ordinances are required or needed, except sealings (in the case of children not born under the covenant). I feel we live in a sad day when abortion seems to be the magic alternative to the beautiful life that God has ordained for us. In our politics, however, there seems to be a one-stop-shopping attitude, rather than an umbrella under which abortion might be an option under certain circumstances. I was speaking to a physician friend who told me that often doctors' hands are tied and often life-saving procedures are delayed because the term abortion is so broad, yet with no specific definition in many cases. Unfortunately, we live in a society where rules/commandments are questioned, and people want to do as they please (drinking, abortions, etc.) believing that they can seek a quick solution after the fact.

Daryl GibsonAugust 28, 2024

Thanks for this thoughtful summary. There are no easy answers. The Church position places responsibility (and consequences) on the parents, which is in line with the principle of agency. It is also clear in our doctrine that no spirit will be denied a mortal experience, however brief.

Ronald BarnesAugust 28, 2024

After losing our last child halfway through the pregnancy, I teased my wife that she might be resurrected pregnant. She did not find it funny, so i stopped.

KCAugust 28, 2024

Thank you for this insightful article. I just want to add that millions upon millions of abortions were not due to the parents but totalitarian govt. laws.

Catherine GardnerAugust 28, 2024

So does this mean that the third of the host who were cast out will one day receive a body if it is the plan that all if Heavenly Father's soirit children will experience mortality?

Ben JonesAugust 28, 2024

I remember many years ago that a legislator in Utah made a big stink about a book called "Americana" being in a school library. The result of his efforts to have the book removed only caused it to be read a lot more by people who wanted to find out what the big deal was.

Steve DoneganAugust 27, 2024

Your description of marriage reminds me of a song by Casting Crowns called, "Broken Together." I wish all could see marriage this way...

KarenAugust 27, 2024

Truthful, vulnerable authenic, and open. It describes what most marriages truly are behind our masks. Thank you so much. It’s a keeper. I want our married children and grandchildren to read this.

Ryan WhiteAugust 27, 2024

Very nicely written. It’s what makes love, marriage, and family worth it. Thank you for sharing!

HelenCAugust 27, 2024

My prayer is that many of the cherished elect deceived by modern Korihors will “See your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matt 5:16

Susan StoddardAugust 27, 2024

Thank you for this beautiful article. It brought tears to my eyes and hope for my own marriage now that my husband has passed through the veil. We had our troubles, but stayed the course together. Thank you for your insight.

T. BarrettAugust 27, 2024

Could hardly finish reading for the tears. Thank you for this powerful description of married life. I read an article in a national publication a few years ago about 100 people, married over 50 years, who were interviewed and every single one said their marriages were the hardest and best thing they had accomplished in their lives.

Steph ZAugust 27, 2024

Kim, this is so beautiful. I cried. Thank you for being such a beautiful soul. ❤️❤️❤️

ValAugust 27, 2024

Kimberly, your talent is to help us all feel real. Thank you for sharing your reality and your journey together and your win. Love you both.

Greg DaltonAugust 27, 2024

I was a teenager when our family moved from New England to Puerto Rico in 1965. There were two tiny servicemen branches that met on the island (one at Ramey Air Force Base on the west end of the island and the other at Roosevelt Roads Naval Base at Fajardo on the east end of the island) and a third branch, the slighter larger but still tiny and mostly English speaking San Juan Branch that met in a military chapel at Fort Brooke at the edge of the grassy expanse that adjoins the El Morro fortress in Old San Juan. The chapel was located beneath the dome of the old and stately building that is now the Puerto Rico Academy of Fine Arts. On our first day attending church we were met outside the building with its views of the Atlantic ocean on one side and the San Juan harbor on the other and greeted by members with hugs and kisses. The hugs and kisses were a part of our every Sunday greetings for the seven years that we lived in Puerto Rico. The tradition lives on.

CarolynAugust 27, 2024

Thank you for this real & raw article. It is beautifully written and a true description of the journey of marriage. As I celebrate my 50th anniversary this week, I am humbled by this article. Thank you!

Ronald BarnesAugust 27, 2024

My testimony of the gospel is based on knowledge given me that the President of the Church is a true prophet. However, there have been times when prophets have confused me and have made me wonder, “Why?” Through prayer, personal revelation can answer that question and give us assurance of his words. Also, in any organization, there needs to be a central authority, otherwise, chaos reigns. In our case, that central authority is the First Presidency, led by the prophet. He will lead the church in the direction it should go, whether we follow him or not. We will always be better off if we do.

Wally GoddardAugust 26, 2024


Rob McGhieAugust 26, 2024

This is beautiful and so true

CASAugust 26, 2024

My husband and I had many trials and setbacks as well as blessings in our 63 years of marriage. I hope you live long enough to be able to go through the refiner's fire in your marriage by caring for one another through old age and its many health issues and challenges as the end of earth's life for your mate draws near. In doing so in my experience, I found the purest of unconditional love and eternal blessings here on earth to tide me over until I can be with my one true eternal love again on the other side.

NancyAugust 26, 2024

This is so great! As an 83 year old who was married for 60 years prior to my husband's passing, I have never read a better description of marriage. It is true and honest. Was it worth the effort? Without question. I am thankful every day that we "stuck it out"...together! So worth it in the end.

EveAugust 26, 2024

Sometimes all you can say is, "Wow! Thank you!

StephanieAugust 26, 2024

This is so, so beautiful! I'm not one to easily tear up, but I did reading this. It is so raw and accurate. We put marriages on a pedestal in the church (a we should!), but we don't often teach of what this really looks/feels like. It's something that has to be lived to be understood and prized <3

Harold RustAugust 26, 2024

Wonderfully written; expresses the path followed by many of us "struggling" pilgrims.

JuliannAugust 26, 2024

Wow, that is powerful and introspective and touching. Thank you. You have put a chink in my heart wall.

AmyAugust 26, 2024

Fabulous description.

AlanAugust 26, 2024

This is one of the best things I have ever read on marriage. Thank you.

JoyceAugust 26, 2024

This is one of the most beautiful things I’ve read. Thanks Kimberly White

Annette AtwoodAugust 26, 2024

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this. This is so true of marriage. Nowadays people are so quick to walk away rather than stay and fight, piece it together and live to love another day. Thank you for this, it’s what I needed today.

Allen AAugust 24, 2024

My contempt for modern "journalists" grows every time I read one of their "news" stories. My Grandmother was a newspaper reporter before and during World War 1 and she would never have tolerated, much less written the kind of biased nonsense that most corporate "news" writers put out. The attacks on the "trad wife" people are like Lehi and Nephi's visions of the great and spacious building and the people mocking the followers of the iron rod.

KathleenAugust 24, 2024

What a privilege and joy you have to help influence young people.

No way could I put my name here and be shamed because of my thougths.August 23, 2024

I suffered 25 years of abusive behavior from my spouse, he was involved in porn, he hit the children and began to strike me. Then he put on a different face at church and to leadership. I stayed and suffered because of the sigma of divorce in the church. Sadly, my children suffered also. I attended the Temple for years with my friends as my spouse refused to attend. I sat on the porch much longer than I should have because of the attitudes like this author. While I usually enjoy reading this magazine, I think this particular commentary is shaming divorced members and displaying the non-divorced members as "I'm better than you" attitude. Honestly, shame on you for allowing this to be published.

Jenny SvendsenAugust 23, 2024

Thank you for such an enlightning article, I learned a lot, and it rang true to me.

LewisAugust 23, 2024

How can I not contribute? Your stories are moving exhibits of the gospel in action. It was the Savior who went among the poor and neglected, and the Book of Mormon is full of admonitions to extend our hand to the poor and needy. You are doing an extraordinary work, and my life is better for your constant lessons of service through your articles. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Charlotte FreeAugust 23, 2024

Your explanations seem more than speculation and I enjoyed some good pondering with your ideas. Thanks for that. I also appreciated that you came around to remind us that in the now can be instructional as well, as it should be for our progression. What gave me great peace, however, were your comments on Ministering Angels and how the time during the Millennium is offered toward "fairness" and, I would add "more mercy". My daughter is single and a teacher so it clicked immediately. I am a divorcee and, although I thought I would remarry, I have not felt inspired to do so. All in all I was grateful for your essay.

HelenCAugust 23, 2024

So thought-provoking! The combined gender possibility creates a little turmoil in my heterosexual soul but it also begs the question is Satan, as usual, perverting a sacred truth in order to justify destroying the lives of so many here on earth? He tried it at least once when he told Christ that He would not be harmed if He threw Himself from the tower of the temple because, “It is written . . . lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.“ Matt 4:6 Still trying to turn light to darkness as when he promised “that not one soul shall be lost . . . wherefore, give me thine honor.”Moses 4:1

Corey D.August 23, 2024

In the modern world one of Satan's greatest tactics/success is the use of semantics. Back in the 70's you were pro-abortion or anti-abortion, then the term pro-abortion morphed into pro-choice, less harsh, even positive sounding and there are many others, gay marriage became marriage equality. When I was younger the word pornography you never heard, it was smut or dirty movies, magazines, etc., then pornography came into use and pretty soon it was soft porn or hard porn and then the term "adult material" came into use, again a much more acceptable term. Look at the drug problem and the terms and definitions used surrounding drug use and the changes and societal acceptance of in particular marijuana, mostly driven by how it gets worded or phrased anymore. Like Paul Harvey use to say, " it's sometimes not what you say that matters, but how you say it" and Satan is great at that.

Dr. MarLynn James, PhD. Physical ChemistAugust 22, 2024

Excellent article!

Joni HiltonAugust 22, 2024

Becky, you are one of the people I most admire!

Ronald BarnesAugust 22, 2024

I have been studying the sciences for over 60 years. Some of the things I have learned have helped me to better understand the gospel. I have concluded that true science and true religion will never contradict. Unfortunately, there are a lot of false scientific and religious beliefs that do. In the 1950’s, Immanuel Velikovsky, a religious, Jewish scientist, used science to prove how some of the miracles mention in the Bible were scientifically preformed. He stated that knowing how they happened did not lessen the miracle.

VjAugust 22, 2024

Question? So is the gospel of Abraham basically a reference to the Abrahamic Covenant?

Carlos RoundyAugust 21, 2024

Satan, claims that in the premortal life that the “Only Beloved”, stole his crown, and that Satan will do all in his power to get it back, Satan still believes that his plan is the best plan. He demanded that Moses worship him, Heavenly Father’s plan is agency, his plan is powered by love, he loves us. Satans plan is to divide us, Heavenly Father,s plan is to unite us. We each make the final choice of whom we will follow.

heather barthAugust 21, 2024

This list is powerful and enobling! We are truly blessed to have prophets, apostles, and leaders of the Church who encourage us to partake of all the promised blessings our Heavenly Father so desires to give us! Thank you for compiling!

Michael GelotteAugust 21, 2024

I had the privilege of studying Egyptian with Hugh Nibley. One text we read was “The Contention of Horus and Seth”. Horus was the beloved Son of God, and Seth (in other spellings Setek or Setan) was the evil brother. Seth is described as “overstepper of bounds”, “source of lies”, “deceiver from his mother’s womb”, “usurper of authority”, etc. Satan, indeed oversteps bounds, tries to usurp authority, and definitely deceives as often and as many as possible! Not only in the Bible, but in other ancient writings, the evil one is clearly known and warned against!

HelenCAugust 21, 2024

Thank you for not suggesting we bury negative thoughts without understanding them. They exist for a reason and hoping they’ll “just go away” defeats their purpose. Understood, they add to our strength.

Irene Clare Holmes TukuafuAugust 20, 2024

Oh, wow, the first time I read this. Being that my maiden name is Holmes, of course this caught my eye and reading. I know that Mark Twain also had some unkind words to say of the Mormons. And I thought this article was going to be about Mark Twain's writings. The used treadmill of untruth goes nowhere eventually. Thank you for the article.

Sandra HamiltonAugust 20, 2024

Great article, I did not know this and have read his novels.

Kathleen AndersonAugust 20, 2024

Thank you so much for sharing this list. As I read through it, tears came to my eyes because I could feel the inspiration in these words from scriptures quoted and from our leaders. I copied and pasted the promises, and will also share them with my grandchildren serving missions. Thanks again for your devotion in sharing the gospel and fortifying our faith through study.

GoodwinsAugust 20, 2024

Thinking that marriage will solve a pornography problem is not only incorrect but a rationalization to postpone working on the problem now. One book that helps people overcome rationalizing and is consistent with church values is Power Over Pornography. Its methodology is different than others, but works. I recommend it.

KathleenAugust 19, 2024

Thank you for identifying and reviewing these promises and blessings. We are abundantly blessed, particularly for temple work and worship, protecting us from the world and the adversary.

Linda K. SpoonerAugust 19, 2024

I know about the media. While we were living in Israel they showed a movie about us Latter-day Saints. I think it was Over the Mountain about a sister (author) whose husband left her for a man and how she learned how to forgive him. A few years later he found that he had aids. She took him in and nursed him until his death. The next shabbat we turned a corner by the Jerusalem Center and someone painted on a sign " Mormons have aids". That's all they took away from the movie but that. It is amazing what people think.

HelenCAugust 19, 2024

The only thing we can offer is out in examples. A friend of mine said one of his friends was passing a Reorganized LDS church and went in, thinking it was ours. He soon realized my friend would not believe such stuff and walked out.

kjcoAugust 19, 2024

I think along the lines of the quote from Parley Pratt--"continued exertions" of "creative power" by which millions of new worlds will yet be formed and peopled, not just by God the Father, but also by king Adam and his descendants.”[6] What does it take to be creative? what do we need to learn enough? Does God give us practice? Does everything in eternity all happen at once? Most of the questions I find are in themselves limiting--and the answers then become limited and less than useful. I appreciate the comment by James Stuart Brown when he said"Boredom is a function of our own limitations." We are limiting ourselves!!! The frightening irony about less than faith filled lines of self-limiting questions and statements is that the boredom will come from being STUCK without the power of God to progress and continue EXPANDING our worlds in whatever way shape or form that is. The Celestial world is the only one that is unbounded and open to all possibilities! By purposely choosing a lesser existence because we haven't put the time and effort and desire into gaining personal revelation as to what might be in store or what our possibilities are is actually purposely choosing to confine ourselves to an existence that was prepared for those who don't trust God enough to believe what great things he has in store and settling in the most permanent way possible. That will get old FAST.

Corey D.August 18, 2024

With very, very few exceptions, marriage is the hardest thing I've done in my life. I have seen and do see so much divorce around me, in fact have two sons going through it. Way to many of the young couples in the church getting divorced. I think in the church we have unintentionally taught the idea that if you get married in the temple all will be well and their won't be any problems. President Hinckley once gave a talk in which he stated, "marriage takes work, hard work", I was glad he said that.

BobbieAugust 18, 2024

All of our relationships cannot be saved. Perhaps you need to conduct some extensive research into the terrible reality that accompanies marriage to someone with a personality disorder. Lying, gaslighting, violence or the threat of violence directed at the spouse and children. Worst of all was the very successful manipulation of Church leaders, getting them to participate in manipulating me. The Church was used as a weapon against me. So yes, sometimes permanent separation from your spouse is necessary and temporary removal from the priesthood leaders who believe every thought that passes through their heads must be inspired by God.

Gary Stroble, W9NRAugust 18, 2024

Cell phones, cordless phones and handheld two-two radios can be safely used indoors or in an enclosed vehicle during a thunderstorm, as long as they are not attached to any type of outside antenna.

Geraldine HamiltonAugust 17, 2024

Being called and set apart as a missionary is done by and through the Melchizedek priesthood power. It is a great blessing to you as you serve in your assignments under the guidance of a called and set apart Mission President and his wife. When you have competed your mission and are released, you no longer need to have the blessing of being called and set apart as a missionary. It is a real thing and needs to be understood as such. Being down after being released is normal and will resolve with time and finding new goals and activity.

RoxanneAugust 17, 2024

Thank you for your wisdom.

Douglas NadybalAugust 16, 2024

Corey D, I would ask you what Church other than the LDS even teaches that there is a mother in heaven? If anything, it is a bible problem, in that the only real reference to Her is that all of the spiritual sons and daughters of God were created in their image (Genesis), and after that really nothing in the bible. My personal opinion is that the lack of focus on her is a part of the apostacy, because in early Judaic thought, she was definitely present, more so than what is presented in the present day bible. God the Father and His Son have their names trashed and taken in vain a billion times a day, and for that reason alone, I am glad her name and Person is shielded.

Douglas E NadybalAugust 16, 2024

So, if I understand it WITHELD, the Lord has a slightly more inclusive definition of understanding than your immediate family, or in your case ex family. You have parents, grand parents, great grand parents, maybe some brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, all important people in their own right. I don't want to down play your pain, it is legit, but there are a host of other worthy people that in eternal sense are our will become your family. Ignoring those possibilities by focusing on your pain, might just cause more pain. As in all things, the wild card is free agency, and as the person who also addressed you, the compensation for the craziness comes later.

Linda Cropper ChristensenAugust 16, 2024

Thanks Tanya for reminding us how precious memories are and that we can record them. What an amazing woman you met.

Rochelle HaleAugust 16, 2024

Boredom in the Celestial Kingdom? I think it beats sitting on a cloud and playing a harp for all eternity. Seriously, we have so much more to learn and so much has not yet been revealed. I believe we will be engaged in a lot of work and serious study, but we put that in the perspective of our mortal minds rather than what celestial beings will be capable of. To me it seems quite fascinating. Does my world have to have mice or worms? How many different kinds of apples are required? Most importantly, we will be with our Heavenly family and our loved ones.

DebbieAugust 15, 2024

There are so many things we do not know about the hereafter. Corinthians 2:9 “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him,” intimates that there is more to the story that we have no concept about! The experience of the Nephites and Lamanites was so profound from being in a Gods (Christs) presence, and hearing and seeing what they did… that they had peace for almost 200 years. Might as well live to obtain ALL the blessings so you can have the have the ability to choose something lesser, than to forfeit any potential for those blessings by giving up now (when you can’t even fathom what the Lord lovingly has instore for us)! Don’t forget the power of The Savior to redeem and exalt those now problematic children! Nor what capacity for joy and peace that an exalted being is capable of. As far as boredom goes. Just think of the endless variety of creative opportunities that are in store in Eternity! Think WAY outside the Eternity box on this one!

JayAugust 15, 2024

Maybe it might be fair to consider one more truth to understand what exaltation, or what God's life is really like. Elder Holland taught in "Of Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments" that we are never more like our Father in Heaven than when we are participating in creating the lives of our children. He further explains that "Father" is the name that He prefers over all others. President Nelson further suggests that while Salvation (eternal life in the celestial kingdom) is an individual matter, exaltation is a "family matter." In other words, when we grasp that being promised the promises in the sealing ordinance, they are not centered on the creation of kingdoms, or worlds for creation sake, but in the creation and nurturing of life eternally and that the state of exaltation is most certainly about having the "seeds forever." Logically, with that view, the creation of places "for (our children or seed) to dwell, is simply a necessary byproduct as a means not an end in and of itself. That thought suggests that in this sense our motives should not and will not center on physical creation of planets and worlds in and of themselves. As section 49 says, the earth was created so that a man and women could get married and have an earthly family. If we don't want to create children in eternity, we most certainly will not create life with God forever and by extension, there will be no opportunity to create worlds for those who don't want to be heavenly parents in an eternal chain of "gods with a little 'g'." To be "gods" is to be parents...period, there is no other way or purpose under heaven than that. My conclusion, being an eternal parent is what it means to receive "all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob" and what is means when we read that Abraham sought the "blessings of the fathers."

CSAugust 15, 2024

To your concluding statement, "And my guess is that most of you have never worried much about being 'bored in eternity,'" I think about it ALL the time. I'm not sure I want to build worlds, but I do want to reside in the Celestial Kingdom. I do want to be sealed to a good and worthy spouse to make up for the unworthy spouse I was sealed to on Earth. I wish for the blessings of the Celestial Kingdom -- but I would also like to know I can read a book once in a while or take a vacation to visit other worlds and not just be a Worker Bee for eternity, and especially not be obligated to pop out spirit babies for eternity. Maybe I'll feel differently when I'm there, but right now, I both look forward to being in the Celestial Kingdom and also dread it just a little bit. I HOPE HOPE HOPE there is more to it than it sounds like there is.

Shalissa LindsayAugust 15, 2024

Thanks for your treatment of this question, which comes up so often! I would like to add something I wrote myself several years ago: "Modern prophets teach that we are gods in embryo, so let’s first think about that comparison for a moment. Embryos (or at least fetuses) already share much of the physical anatomy of their parents and soon begin to have some of the same capabilities, such as movement, hearing, and even very limited sight. But while embryos carry the raw DNA potential to become adults, they hardly have an adult-like existence. Embroyos don’t eat salsa, tell jokes, build snow forts, play the guitar, light fireworks, polka, or hit home runs. They don’t drive, ski, invent, paint, congregate, quilt, procreate, play basketball, hike, bicycle, or compose music. Thousands of joys specific to adult life are simply unknown to the babe in a womb, or even to a toddler. If you described to a fetus the process of birth, it might sound hellish. No more umbilical cord or warm amniotic fluid? Mother far away? No thank you. I’ll just stay right here as long as possible. In the same way, the vast majority of celestial joys and capabilities must be simply beyond our wildest imaginations at this embryonic stage of our existence." (From the book Answers Will Come, p.83)

James Stuart BrownAugust 15, 2024

I greatly enjoyed the article as it is something I have pondered and prayed about for a long time. It makes sense that even within the Celestial Kingdom there will be numerous levels and roles. Not everyone will become a "CEO" comparable to Elohim. It is unlikely that the Final Judgement will be an "all or nothing" sort of thing. We know a little about three levels within the Celestial Kingdom. Those are probably Macro Divisions with their own entry criteria and some room for progression. There may be many further levels of differentiation. Pres Nelson's training at the University of Minnesota was a 7-year program with a few dropping out each year. The seventh-year finishers were considered capable of being University Program Chairs (or a Prophet in his case). There may be 7 levels after Celestial selection. There may be many more than 7 before someone has graduated to the level of Elohim. What will they concern themselves about? Maybe they will work to solve the issue of implosion of the existing universe, or relationship with an adjoining member of the Multiverse. Who knows, certainly not me. Boredom is a function of our own limitations.

Rochelle HaleAugust 15, 2024

Where are we without faith? We stagnate. We prevent ourselves from progressing. We lose the opportunities to learn and experience joy, even though there might be challenges in our path. When my husband and I struggled to have children we didn't give up. We sought counseling, medical treatment, and support groups of people going through similar experiences. Of course, we continued our prayers. When my mother became ill we didn't expect to lose her so quickly, yet my faith propelled me through many decisions that had to be made, and that guidance would come in many areas where we did not yet have the answers or know where to turn for her physical, medical, and end-of-life care.

KathleenAugust 15, 2024


LauraAugust 14, 2024

Thank you for this thoughtful reflection, Kathy. The gospel path is sure, and most definitely worth keeping on!

DIANE ROBERTSAugust 14, 2024

I love this talk, the Lord used it to send me a message. My husband had been ill for 18 months and had taken a drastic downturn a week before Conference. I was sitting on our bed next to him watching Conference knowing he was dying as he had been asleep for three and a half days. When Elder Kearon's talk ended, so did my husbands sojourn in this life. I knew there was significance in his talk at the time and didn't know the name of it and it took a couple of weeks before I was able to listen to it again but it is of great comfort to me. I know where my husband is and I am very grateful for the restored gospel and ongoing revelations which give me knowledge to help me be worthy of joining my husband one day.

LynnAugust 14, 2024

Loved this story. I have done this the better part of my life. Thanks for it and all you do!

Doris WilliamsAugust 14, 2024

Thank you Scot for the amazing pictures of those pyramids...the story line too. I especially loved the close-up of the stones in the great pyramid. Yes, you two have been to some amazing places. Thank you deeply for letting us tag along and enjoy the spirit of your journeys, as well as the sites (sights!) Your photos of Joseph's Nauvoo and environs will always be in my memory.

JillAugust 14, 2024

Elder Kearon was so calming, reassuring, and clear with his message. It's good to see the visuals to match with his words. Thank you!

Phil AndrewsAugust 13, 2024

It's actually a little smaller than the Nauvoo Temple. Just do a google drive by of that temple, at 500 feet away, and you'll see that its footprint is much smaller than shown on the deceptive website that the opposition folks created and disseminated to the residents and town leaders. Also Nauvoo is a much smaller town than Fairview.

WallyAugust 13, 2024

Debrah RoundyAugust 13, 2024

4th mission with my hubby, working hard and enjoying making a small bit of God's Kingdom a better place.

Richard TrippAugust 12, 2024

That was a powerful defense of the Book of Mormon leaders. Thanks Duane

Marilynne LinfordAugust 12, 2024

A lot of fun to read and see. Thanks Scot.

GayeAugust 12, 2024

P. Snow-- CES stands for Church Education System. The title is based on him sending the letter to an employee of the system--either a seminary or institute teacher. ____ Thank you for this great article!

Antonio ArreolaAugust 10, 2024

Excellent, thanks for sharing and I look forward to the second essay very soon.

Jessica WhitakerAugust 10, 2024

They were going to deny it before the meeting started. It didn't matter what anyone said. The money to fight it had been found.

MaryannAugust 9, 2024

Excellent counsel. I also think it is helpful to remember that people sometimes show anger when they are very frightened or insecure about something. For example--financial stress. When we realize the root of their anger is fear, we will better understand the emotion beneath words that sound like an attack.

Scott HoskinsAugust 9, 2024

I had wonderful grandparents, not perfect, but I knew they loved me. My children did not. My wife and I are trying to be good grandparents, and I hope we're succeeding. This article helps clarify what's needed. Thank you!

MaryannAugust 9, 2024

People who read the Book of Mormon and pray daily, and cleave to the words of our living prophets will not be deceived. The Book of Mormon teaches repeatedly about the techniques of those who seek to deceive. It is a prophetic warning for our day. The words linked with the word "deceiving" in Book of Mormon scriptures are: "lying", "flattering words," vain words," "deceiving to destroy," " to lead away," "deceived by the power of the devil," "cunning words," "craftiness," "fair promises." It is interesting to note that after the sign was given of Christ's birth in 3rd Nephi, Ch 1, that deceivings increased. We know that our Savior's second coming is near. Is it any wonder that Satan has launched a renewed and deadly attack to deceive and lead away members of the church, as well as the world? Is it any wonder that deceivings are increasing in this momentous Saturday night in time? The Doctrine and Covenants is also filled with many warnings of deceivings occurring in the last days, and specific ways we can avoid deception. D&C 45:57 teaches us that those who are NOT deceived are "they that are wise and have received the Holy Spirit for their guide..." This is the day that we must cleave unto our sacred covenants, the Holy Scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon, and the words of living prophets. We also need to pray for those who are being deceived that their eyes will be opened to truth, and that they will return. As true followers of Jesus Christ, continuing to love them is essential.

MaryannAugust 9, 2024

Good grief! Our world has gone CRAZY! I feel like I have been dropped into a "twilight zone." Women are women, and men are men. Does it really require an explanation as to why they should not compete in sports?!

HelenCAugust 9, 2024

Thank you for bringing this article to my attention. I was able to read and comment on it in the original source. As a British-born, lifelong member of the Church I was able to reminisce about small congregations meeting in rented houses in the late 1950s and early 1960s before we emigrated to Australia where I later met my American husband and then moved to Oregon. 5th generation Latter Day Saints are rare in England!

Ronald BarnesAugust 9, 2024

I believe it is human nature is to live in three generational family groups. We mature physically long before we mature intellectually or socially. I believe we are meant to have children in our later teen years, and to raise them with the assistance and guidance of our own parents, who we still live with. With our now longer lifespan, we push back child baring five to ten years, but I believe the three generational principal still applies.

CECAugust 8, 2024

Very encouraging and helpful. Thank you for your profound message. I love to hear/read all of your talks,Elder Kearon.

Douglas NadybalAugust 8, 2024

Evidently God loves us enough to send us to earth with the option to self destruct if we so choose. But we, unlike God, are not all knowing, even in our love for others. We presume to think we know what is best for others thus assuming the role of God. Some choices are clearly destructive and we may confidently advise on. Others may involve seeking to impose our will on a loved one. At the end of the day, God affirms our agency, no matter what. Affirming others can simply be no more than affirming the consequences of their choices. I would rather affirm someone than walk away them feeling unloved.

Paula SnowAugust 8, 2024

I believe my father loved the Book of Mormon, not only for its teachings, but also for the truths it taught about war. He flew 27 missions over the European Theater as a waste gunner and a radio operator. For him, and many others in war situations , the Book of Mormon has given peace and light concerning forgiveness to those who had no choice but to fight for their country.

Neal C.August 8, 2024

I did not serve a mission, but did serve in the Navy and more than 50 years later still feel the pull of the sea. One observation I have about return missionaries is that they are mentally older, more mature than their friends and others who didn't serve a mission. They won't quite fit in with this group, and that can be a part of their grief.

D MackeyAugust 8, 2024

Thank you for this thought provoking article. Joseph Smith is truly the key prophet of the last dispensation and stands as a great example of a presidential candidate who revered the US Constitution as a means of protecting minority rights as well as the majority. And let us not forget the sacred record known as The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ that came through his instrumentality and was preserved and given for us in our day, in part to help expose the secret combinations that would plague our government prior to the Second Coming of Christ.

John C. GreeneAugust 8, 2024

I am reminded of that dialogue between Jesus and his disciples wherein he asks, “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” What follows is a very purposeful instruction from the Lord on the key to discerning truth from error. The answers to that question offered by “flesh and blood” all had the ring of possibility, of plausibility, of context to men. But they were all wrong. Then Jesus asked, “But whom say ye that I am?” Peter answered with clarity “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” What a contrast. Peter knew the truth in spite of the fog of the opinions of men, of uninspired error, and of unbelief. Then the Lord gives them – and us – the key to discerning truth from error: “Bless art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 16:13-17). Unfortunately, some in my own ward, and in my own family, have been influenced by “flesh and blood” and have fallen away. Elder Bednar taught that the oil which the foolish virgins lacked was the “oil of conversion.” They were not sufficiently converted to the doctrine of Christ. The oil of conversion doesn’t come, can’t come, from “flesh and blood.” It comes from the Father. If we would not fall ourselves in these last days, and if we can have any hope of reclaiming those who have, we must order our lives so that our knowledge of the truth is, as with Peter, revealed to us by our Father in heaven.

Debra MackAugust 8, 2024

Yep - awesome. Beautifully done

P. SnowAugust 7, 2024

What does CES stand for??

D MackeyAugust 7, 2024

Thank you for this thought provoking article. Joseph Smith is truly the key prophet of the last dispensation and stands as a great example of a presidential candidate who revered the US Constitution as a means of protecting minority rights as well as the majority. And let us not forget the sacred record known as The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ that came through his instrumentality and was preserved and given for us in our day, in part to expose the secret combinations that would plague our government prior to the Second Coming of Christ.

Maurine Jensen ProctorAugust 7, 2024

Maria, In the article I listed several rebuttals with hot links, including Sarah Allen's extensive work. The topic of this article was not about the answers to his questions, which have been answered many times. Instead it was about how his story made vulnerable people susceptible to his specious work.

BobAugust 7, 2024

I first encountered anti material 50 years ago on my mission. When I read Runnell's lengthy letter I was surprised to see so many of the things I heard back then. Much of what passes for new information is simply warmed over material from Joseph Smith's time. I also found his "questions" to be framed in authoritative language that make them appear as credible statements rather than questions from an earnest seeker. His fabrication has been the instrument in a few of my wife and my family to lose their faith and leave the church. It is heartbreaking, especially since it's been so thoroughly refuted over the decades (I've read a couple of the refutations of Runnell's document as well). The difficulty is, for every page of Runnell's false claims it takes many pages to properly refute it. Many who read the CES letter and then claim to have deeply studied the matter, don't have the desire and patience to read the refutations (where they can gain a real education on the subjects). I'm old enough to speak authoritatively myself when I say, It's a bunch of hooey! Hopefully this latest discrediting of Runnell and his motives will stem the tide of the CES letter's reach.

MariaAugust 7, 2024

All this article did was question the author himself. Where is the rebuttal to the letter? Have you read all 138 pages? Have you checked the references in it? Have you found the answers to the questions posed in the letter? Disparaging someone's character does not in fact prove the letter is false.

RaymondAugust 7, 2024

Several podcasts discuss topics raised by the "CES Letters" from a faithful perspective with Latter-day Saint scholars, including:

Ronald BarnesAugust 7, 2024

In the 1975 film JESUS OF NAZARETH, Ernest Borgnine played the centurion at the foot of the cross. No one was on the cross, so he was told to look up at the chalk mark the director had placed on it. These are his words, as published in Guidepost, March 1989: “Then it happened. As I stared upward, instead of the chalk mark, I suddenly saw the face of Jesus Christ, lifelike and clear. It was not the features of Robert Powell I was used to seeing, but the most beautiful, gentle visage I have ever known. Pain-seared, sweat-stained, with blood blowing down from thorns pressed deep, His face was still filled with compassion. He looked down at me through tragic, sorrowful eyes with an expression of love beyond description. Then His cry rose against the desert wind. Not the voice of Zeffirelli, reading from the Bible, but the voice of Jesus Himself: "Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit." In awe I watched Jesus' head slump to one side. I knew He was dead. A terrible grief welled within me, and completely oblivious to the camera, I started sobbing uncontrollably. "Cut!" yelled Zeffirelli. Olivia Hussey and Anne Bancroft were crying too. I wiped my eyes and looked up again to where I had seen Jesus - He was gone. Whether I saw a vision of Jesus that windswept day or whether it was only something in my mind, I do not know. It doesn't matter. For I do know that it was a profound spiritual experience and that I have not been quite the same person since. I like to think that I'm more forgiving than I used to be. As that centurion learned 2,000 years ago, I too have found that you simply cannot come close to Jesus without being changed.”

K WilliamsAugust 7, 2024

Sadly, a number of my acquaintances had read and believed the many half-truths and outright fabrications. I had attempted to explain that the letter existed to lead them astray, not to assist in finding answers to their questions. I was too late. I am grateful for those who made the time to research answers to the questions, but more to research the lies behind the letter. Thanks for sharing.

Douglas NadybalAugust 7, 2024

The odd thing about the entire CES matter to me is it leads clearly to one of two facts about the writer of the letter. (1) he is either an atheist who says it is impossible to believe in a god who does such mean things, or (2) he does believe in a god who does mean things. The mean things refer to the Bible, and is thus an attack on all of Christianity, we should not feel singularly oppressed. Its actually flattering in a way, in that his leverage to get at god by focusing on the LDS Church, as if we are anything but a small fraction of several billion Christians. In my view, the CES is just regurgitated atheism, which by definition says god does not exist, therefore could not have done any of those mean things, The fiction is the writer of the CES letter, this person does not exist, he is a fake.

Douglas NadybalAugust 7, 2024

This is not a recent phenomenon. I observed moderate depression in a college mate when he returned. His brother also had returned about two years earlier, and was still showing signs of severe depression. His own explanation was the he felt he was living so close to the Spirt while on his mission, so that his life now despite his efforts was not anywhere close to this. This was in the early 1980's. The only phenomenon noteworthy is that it just being more fully recognized, which is really an admitting that we have not been living inside of reality.

Jessie GriffithAugust 7, 2024

I have known Mark many years through the LDS Twelve Step program. He is an inspiration to many and a man of integrity. He's like a father figure to me. Gentle giant with a tender heart and a lot of life experience.

Michele SundstromAugust 7, 2024

Thank you, Maureen, for summarizing the findings of this report and making it accessible to so many. The findings of this report need to be spread abroad to inoculate those who may not yet have stumbled across this calculated effort to lead innocent truth seekers astray.

John A WarnickAugust 7, 2024

TY. Great summary of this epic effort to respond to the CES Letter. It's so sad that so many have lost their testimonies as a result of Runnell's "honest questioning". But I believe the Church is moving forward, as Joseph Smith prophesied, and that the CES Letter ultimately will make us a stronger, more compassionate community.

Tim ErnstAugust 7, 2024

Interesting. For those who have not been following the "Critical text" of the Book of Mormon previously, this short article is very informative and condenses a lot of information into a brief synopsis. Dr. Peterson is extremely careful in what he writes, and I am certain that he is only trying to articulate what Royal Skousen and Stanford Carmack have discovered while actually adding very little of his own perspective regarding this achievement. That being said, it seems apparent from the other comments that readers are not fully understanding the import, let alone the impact that this research is going to provide. Nowhere does Dr. Skousen say that the Book of Mormon is not inspired. In fact, quite opposite, I believe that Dr. Skousen will be the first to admit that the book is divinely inspired. What he is noting is the presence of particular words and word forms which are indicative of a process which is not fully understood at the present time. In this excellent article, Dr. Peterson is just advising us in shorthand fashion of the opportunities that this complex work will engender for us in the coming years and decades. Yes, as Joseph Smith testified, the Book of Mormon is inspired and has been translated by the gift and power of God. No, we do not understand everything or even exactly what that statement means or how the gift and power was manifest. The "Critical Text" of the Book of Mormon will ultimately help us understand the translation process a little better, though. Of this, I am certain.

PamAugust 7, 2024

So why not add a category for men who have transitioned to women and keep sports fair for women? If the “world” is going to say there are more than 2 genders, then make that third gender category for sports. But isn’t it INTERESTING that no women who say they are men are trying to compete against biological men. I do not believe there are more than 2 genders but if the world sports authorities want to keep women’s sports safe and fair then they should step up and make the needed changes.

Stephen JanickyjAugust 7, 2024

While I agree with article and the importance of the issues involved, the article is not being honest when discussing the IBA. IBA is Russian led and has a history of corruption and especially poor judging by officials at previous Olympics. It was given several opportunities to reform but did not do so. Several national boxing organisations including US and U.K. supported the IOC removing the right to organise Olympic boxing and have established an organisation to rival the IBA.

Elder Russell CannonAugust 6, 2024

Thanks for the great article, as current Service Mission Leaders we have many missionaries that started as teaching missionaries and then transferred home as service missionaries. These transfer missionaries can go through the same stages of grief as they mourn the loss of having a constant companion and a rigid daily schedule. Your outlined steps can help as they pour their energy into being the Lord’s hands in addition to working with local teaching missionaries to continue their teaching.

Kent BrooksbyAugust 6, 2024

Well said, but I wonder why this is a somewhat recent phenomenon? I mean, in my generation we returned from missions, went back to school, found sweethearts, married, and started a family and career. I never heard of anyone feeling grief over a mission ending until recently! What has happened to make the youth of today feel so lost after a mission experience? What changed? That would be something worth researching. Thanks for a thought provoking article.

Lawrence James NielsenAugust 6, 2024

Thank you for article. I helped me understand what had happened to so many of the missionaries I had served with, and shows me how blessed I was to return home and have employment waiting for me, a former teacher and and Aaronic Priesthood teacher who enrolled me in school as a surprise ministering action, and former fiancé who took me under her wing and married me. Within three days of deplaning, I was employed, going to school at night, and preparing to get married (our temple marriage took place 5 months and 29 days after I returned home). I missed my mission, the people, and my companions and friends, but I stepped right into next stage of life with the help of those good friends and loving people to whom I returned.

Richard HolmesAugust 6, 2024

In my faith the Holy Ghost is a Ghost. Since he has exaltation, then he has to be in an eternal marriage according to D&C 131. And he has to have been given and kept faithfully his Second Estate as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (D&C 132:37). Brigham, who prepared the endowment ceremony as directed by Joseph, taught that Michael, who became Adam, was a resurrected Being who had been faithful to his Savior on a previous earth. And he is the Father of spirits, Jesus being his firstborn Spirit. So Adam is the perfect one to be the Holy Ghost, temporarily leaving his immortal body to comfort his spirit children, teach them and be the Holy Spirit of Promise to seal their covenants.

David Bryan SmithAugust 6, 2024

So true! Well written. These are indeed the latter days. I testify that prayer is a mighty tool for all of us in our everyday day lives.

Cynthia CAugust 6, 2024

An important subject well-addressed. Thank you!

SfischAugust 6, 2024

Sad time in America

Ornella Maria BrennaAugust 6, 2024

When I discovered the Church I was already married, but in my heart there has always been the desire to carry out a mission. So, once I was retired and alone I decided to serve a mission in the Temple. It was a very intense period full of spirituality, and the return home was very hard. I understood why many brilliant young missionaries, when they return home, end up distancing themselves from the Church. It's true: it's mourning! Even though I was aware of this, I struggled to recover: I often felt empty and without purpose…until I decided to serve another service mission from home, for FamilySearch. Thank you for this article, which I will pass on to the family members of a young woman who has recently returned, because they may be of help to her. Ornella - Palo di Milano Ovest- Italia

RobinAugust 6, 2024

Glad to see that you have included S-Anon literature in your resources. don't see a link to, or to any "S" programs, but only the SAL program. That looks great, but it may be useful to provide information to those other foundational programs as well, which have been in existence for many decades.

Dave HansenAugust 6, 2024

Thank you for that article regarding the Widow's Mite. The one thing I wish they would have added is a photo of the anchor side. I have my own mite, but not access to the equipment to show it as nicely as the photos show in the article. For those interested in seeing the reverse side, simply do an internet search for images of a widow's mite. Be aware that there are variations of the details, as well as some that are struck off center or not as round as one would expect. Furthermore, mites are very old, but not necessarily rare.....millions must have been coined. However, they were obviously easy to lose, due to their small size......which is approximately an either of an inch in diameter smaller than a dime. (Mine is 13 mm, or slightly more than a half inch.)

S LindsayAugust 5, 2024

I apologize that my other comment omitted the source of the additional quotes: They are both from the manual of the Teachings of Brigham Young (chapter 38... It's in your gospel library app).

S LindsayAugust 5, 2024

I would add these favorite related quotes from Brigham Young about the Spirit World: "I can say with regard to parting with our friends, and going ourselves, that I have been near enough to understand eternity so that I have had to exercise a great deal more faith to desire to live than I ever exercised in my whole life to live. The brightness and glory of the next apartment is inexpressible. It is not encumbered so that when we advance in years we have to be stubbing along and be careful lest we fall down. We see our youth, even, frequently stubbing their toes and falling down. But yonder, how different! They move with ease and like lightning. If we want to visit Jerusalem, or this, that, or the other place—and I presume we will be permitted if we desire—there we are, looking at its streets. If we want to behold Jerusalem as it was in the days of the Savior; or if we want to see the Garden of Eden as it was when created, there we are, and we see it as it existed spiritually, for it was created first spiritually and then temporally, and spiritually it still remains. And when there we may behold the earth as at the dawn of creation, or we may visit any city we please that exists upon its surface. If we wish to understand how they are living here on these western islands, or in China, we are there; in fact, we are like the light of the morning. … God has revealed some little things, with regard to his movements and power, and the operation and motion of the lightning furnish a fine illustration of the ability of the Almighty (DBY, 380)." "We have more friends behind the veil than on this side, and they will hail us more joyfully than you were ever welcomed by your parents and friends in this world; and you will rejoice more when you meet them than you ever rejoiced to see a friend in this life; and then we shall go on from step to step, from rejoicing to rejoicing, and from one intelligence and power to another, our happiness becoming more and more exquisite and sensible as we proceed in the words and powers of life (DBY, 379–80)."

BeckiAugust 5, 2024

Your statement “ Trump has already promised revenge if elected” is incorrect. He said his revenge will be his success. Meaning in turning our country around from the disaster of the Biden administration. Were you better off 4 years ago? I know I was. That’s what he will do again. Also, J6 was planned as another way to destroy him. You should do some more research on that. There were plenty of people there who were paid to cause the destruction. Even inviting people in. It’s all on video. I hope one day the truth will be revealed. Other than that for me, it’s a good article.

ElisabethAugust 5, 2024

From later in the article: “It is awesome that 31,000 people wished President Nelson a happy 100th birthday,” said Elder Kevin W. Pearson, the Utah Area President. “What would be even more awesome is if now we would all consider giving him the birthday present that he’s asked for. What he wants is for each one of us to reach out to someone in love and compassion and help and support — reach out to the one.”” It was a nice gesture, but the organizers seem to have missed the point.

BeckyAugust 5, 2024

This article is very honest and insightful. Thank you for these words of wisdom!

Sasha William KwapinskiAugust 3, 2024

I was around during the 1960's to see the beginnings of the decline of liberal churches, and I was part of that "out-migration." As the article points out, the Episcopal, Methodist (UMC) and other mainline liberal denominations have been declining in real numbers, ranging into the millions of members, from that time up to the current day.

Wendi WilckenAugust 3, 2024

Fun idea! I love how creative the YSAs are! We signed and wish Present Nelson a wonderful 100th birthday!

Corey D.August 2, 2024

In The Story of Civilization, which has been considered one of the preeminent analysis's of the world's civilization's, Will and Ariel Durrant, who were agnostics, make a point that when it came down to it, there really were not too many factors or causes of societal downfall or a civilization's failing but one of those causes/reasons that was a factor, was when a society/civilization tried to redefine family, we are certainly there.

Kent BrooksbyAugust 2, 2024

"The Book of Mormon is a creative and cultural translation of what was on the plates, not a literal one. Based on the linguistic evidence, the translation must have involved serious intervention from the English-language translator, who was not Joseph Smith." Royal Skousen, "The History of the Text of the Book of Mormon, Part Five This alone is enough for me not to care one bit about any of Royal Skousen's thoughts on the Book of Mormon and its origin. Call me old fashioned, but I still believe that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of God.

Rick LiederAugust 2, 2024

Thanks very much, Holly! We’re hoping to spread the word on all our important pollinators.

Rob McGhieAugust 2, 2024

Excellent and well researched article. I wish everyone could read this.

Maurine Jensen ProctorAugust 1, 2024

This isn't what the Lord says in Doctrine and Covenants 98. It is not what is reflected in the Book of Mormon, where a just war was only a defensive war.

Ned ScarisbrickAugust 1, 2024

The basic foolproof way to stop invasion wars is to go up against your enemy with massive overwhelming firepower. At least double what you think it would take to win. You only have to do this twice. The first time the world will think it is just an aberration and your country will get back to normal. The second time you do it the world will never go up against you again because even barbarians understand obliteration....harsh but tirue

Gale E PhillipsAugust 1, 2024

Sometimes it is difficult to have patience when our prayers seem unanswered. Perhaps that difficulty is part of the test. If answers come to easily we might not be learning the lesson of seeking and waiting.In some cases, perhaps the Lord is letting us wait for an answer because he knows we can find it ourselves with scripture study, discernment from the Spirit and the application of gospel principles.

Gale E PhillipsAugust 1, 2024

Definitely happy 100th birthday to President Nelson. Yet, trying to get enough signatures to make the Guiness Book of World Records reflects the problem of seeking accolades of a secular world and almost seems to reflect a type of hero worship culture within the Church that is not reflective of the doctrine to which we adhere. I have a hard time reconciling these types of actions with the concept of having and being humble servants of God.

Ethan PhillipsAugust 1, 2024

The actress at the center of the table put on her social media that she was portraying "Olympic Jesus". They knew and planned it that way. The rest of the program was about a feast, aka, orgy, so it was reprehensible on all levels.

Gale E PhillipsAugust 1, 2024

The playbill said it was about the Last Supper. Yes, Dionysis was included because it was also about a Bacchanalia, which was basically an orgy. So they superimposed the Last Supper within the orgy. I have heard many dismissing that it was the Last Supper because the Olympics tried to deny it at first, then half-heartedly admitted it, even though it was on the playbill that it was the Last Supper and the actress admitted on social media that they knew they were doing the Last Supper. Those who think they didn't know what they were doing are letting them gaslight them.Some, even Christians, excused it by saying it was about Dionysis and a Bacchanalia. How the rationale works that presenting an orgy as a good defense against a presumed "fake" mockery of the Savior and the Last Supper is incomprehensible, Christian or not.

Gale E PhillipsAugust 1, 2024

If only more academics had the insight of Victor Davis Hanson. What a mind.

Richard HillsAugust 1, 2024

I like to believe that Joseph Smith was inspired to put these peculiar grammatical and colloquial words in and that Joseph himself and others were later inspired to take them out.

Corey D.July 31, 2024

I have contemplated, meditated upon, studied, prayed about this subject for many years and still don't feel like I have an answer, I also struggle sometimes with the answer we hear in church that "sometimes answers to prayers will come later or maybe the answer came in an unexpected or different way or maybe the Lord chose not to answer, etc.", I struggle with it because of the Lord's statement once in which he said " if ye have the faith of a mustard seed then all things are possible or he could move this mountain", I think a lot of prayers go unanswered because we really haven't exercised as great of faith as we think we are.

Corey D.July 31, 2024

I saw a bumper sticker on a car in our neighborhood some years back that pretty much epitomizes society's views about love, it said "All Love is Good". Made me think of the verse in the Book of Mormon that say's " and they loved to do evil more than good".

Patricia WintersJuly 31, 2024

I love Daris Howard's stories, and almost always share them on Facebook for non-member friends. However, the 'to be continued' stories are extremely frustrating. I cannot, in good conscience, share something and then make my friends wait a week (or sometimes two) in order to find out what happened!

erikpeterhansenJuly 31, 2024

And now we most likely need to consider the scenario of two political parties disagreeing with each other's tenets so heartily, viscerally that there begins a civil war. Will some Latter-day Saints agree to fight physically with their very neighbors over what missionary work, debate and diplomacy could resolve? Or will they do what other groups of God's people have also done in the past and gather together for safety away from battle? The Latter-Day Saints didn't involve themselves in the past U.S. civil war, but... what will the Lord/prophet say and who of the Saints will follow Him this time?

Corey D.July 30, 2024

Thanks again for another wonderful story. I turned 67 in March, last year I had been thinking about one of my best friends from my teenage yrs, he's about 18 months younger than me, hadn't seen him for a few years, last time had been at his mom's viewing. I knew he had moved to Montana, I had an impression that maybe he wasn't going to church. I thought to myself I'm retired, it's no problem to run up there, can do some fishing while I'm there. You know how it goes, one day last November I get a text from a friend saying " what do you know about David S.", I texted back "why", he replies " because his obituary is in the paper". The spirit knows all things, I look back like so many other times and realize those thoughts about going to see my friend weren't just random thoughts.

Corey D.July 30, 2024

There are several ways to look at what's going on in society and politics, from a scriptural/religious view and especially for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we know there will be great contention and social upheaval and it will get worse. Historically politics has always been messy/contentious clear back to Jefferson's day, one of the great founding fathers. What is different from the past and responsible for much of the contention is not differences of political views and policy's but differences of moral, social, family values and a true and correct understanding of what the Constitution was meant to protect. What use to be the basic beliefs of most Americans regardless of party affiliation no longer are. Quite frankly much of the fervor and contention happening is due to the abrasive personality of one of the candidates and the extreme liberal views of the other.

Patrick NewmanJuly 30, 2024

This is amazing news! My wife and I lived in Azerbaijan for over two years and learned to love everything about this country - the people, language, culture, and cuisine. İsa Məsihin şagirdləriyik.

Rochelle HaleJuly 30, 2024

I have heard pros and cons regarding what/who the tableau was supposed to represent. Regardless of religion or culture, I thought it was in very poor taste. The Olympic athletes and spectators cross-represent people of all ages, languages, ethnicities, cultures, and personal beliefs. This is not the time or place for a personal statement or mockery of any group or ideology. It demeaned the art and professionalism of (most) Olympic opening ceremonies.

Ed RehderJuly 30, 2024

Good Stuff! Everything I needed in the moment and was put in front of me by Heavenly Father just in time. Thank you to Him for inspiring you to write this and for Meridian for making it available. This happens often. Thanks again to all of you.

Jamie QuistJuly 30, 2024

Thank you so much for this article! I've been trying to have faith about my unanswered prayer for how to take care of my father before he passed. I had received immediate inspiration for my mother's care (she's still living), but nothing to tell me soon enough to spare my father extra pain because of my ignorance. Your definition of faith is a healing balm to my heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

CarolJuly 30, 2024

I don't know what their intent was-the organizers have stated it was Greek related and not connected to The Last Supper. Since I can only take their word for it, I choose to not be offended. I will let He who sees our hearts determine if they were mocking. Jesus asked us to forgive seventy times seven times and He will forgive who He will forgive. It is far easier to change people's perspective of God and religion if we love and pray (quietly) for them and not force God down their throats or get offended all the time. I love the quote by Brigham Young that a previous poster shared. Let's assume the best of others!!!!

JessicaJuly 29, 2024

Absolutely agree! While some so-called children's and teen books blatantly weave in inappropriate content, others do so much more subtly. Subtle themes are often woven in and normalized in younger children's books like "Princess Puffybottom and Daryl," "Have You Seen Gordon," and "Abby in Neverland," all targeting the earliest and youngest of readers. It takes a keen eye to catch these undercurrents. It's important to stay vigilant and aware of what messages are being subtly introduced to our kids. If you find something not quite right, nefarious, or blatantly nasty in a book share it anonymously at

CynthiaJuly 29, 2024

Excellent article - timely and informative. I appreciated how you brought up how we have all this emphasis on "world peace" at a time when on an individual level people cannot agree to disagree but have instead become hateful and spiteful and mean. I also appreciate the distinction between "progressive love" and "affirmation love." Yes, may we love people to better lives. No, may we not affirm those things that destroy who we are and what we have the potential to become.

Stephen JanickyjJuly 29, 2024

He who takes offense when offense was not intended is a fool, yet he who takes offense when offense is intended is an even greater fool for he has succumbed to the will of his adversary.” Brigham Young

HelenCJuly 29, 2024

My ex-LDS, RM husband was appalled! He said, “I’m not a Christian but that was extremely disrespectful!” To the comment about Dionysius, we’re not talking about the blue Bacchanalian figure, we’re talking about the whole feast table setting.

HelenCJuly 29, 2024

I think I keep weeding my mustard seeds! My big struggle is letting God do His Part while I patiently do mine.

Nerita Flake PetersonJuly 29, 2024

The love of truth is the core of our love for others. Thanks for the thoughtful article.

Frank MerrillJuly 29, 2024

We watched the tall ship crawling into the Marseilles harbor and the start of the stadium program but gave up at the parade of living statues because i could have gotten much more entertainment pleasure from changing the batteries in my smoke alarms.

Jocelyn MJuly 29, 2024

It is Dionysis, not Christ. A big flap over a misunderstanding.

AnnaJuly 29, 2024

Great article! Thank you...

Abbie VianesJuly 28, 2024

I totally agree with Maryann Eric and Glen. The death mask is the most accurate representation we have of Joseph. Regardless of supposed distortion from a 3 d death mask to a 2 d photo I can't believe the man in the photo is Joseph. Joseph's cheekbones are high and rounded, his nose is also high and rounded and his lips were full.

Ann MeadeJuly 28, 2024

I so hope to get to see this movie. It looks so good.

Bruce FriedmanJuly 26, 2024

In my community, I have challenged nearly 1000 school library books and about 500 were already removed because they violate law (porn). A considerable database of over 6000 titles with concerning (not necessarily illegal) content has been compiled. Links to ALL my challenge paperwork is accessible. I hope this serves you well. Please visit this link and see the download button at the bottom: (not for children!)

Roger DavidsonJuly 26, 2024

I personally like your comparison of 1968 and 2024. I am fearful for our country and not certain what I can do on a personal level other than vote.

Douglas MillettJuly 25, 2024

What a special gift of the replica of the monument. May you and your family be blessed for the many things you share in this Meridian Magazine.

ShaunaJuly 25, 2024

Thanks for the heads up, As President Nelson says. " Satan knows who you are and who you were premortally, and he understands the work that must be done before the Savior returns. And after millennia of practicing his cunning arts, the adversary is experienced and incorrigible., " (We can do better and be better" April, 2019 Conference It is a fulltime job to be on the lookout for his tactics as parents and grandparents

Marsha NewmanJuly 24, 2024

Excellent article! And grateful thanks to those who grasp the bar of modern day handcart and produce with their “blood, sweat and tears” a film to inspire and inform. Thank you.

Myrna T AndersonJuly 24, 2024

Question - What is "Six Days in August" about? I see one regarding riots in England that is supposed to be a documentary and another about hostages being held in an embassy. What should I be seeing to be the topic of this movie you refer to?

Leilani CookJuly 24, 2024

Very sweet story and perfect reminder for us to remember what is important every day. I mean, eternally important. Thank you.

LAJuly 24, 2024

The similarities are striking! Thank you, that was insightful.

Darflene HutchisonJuly 23, 2024

Thanks so much for this information. I have an ancestor buried there and when I tried to research the exact location I was told the Church owned the lot and members who could not afford a separate burial was buried there, and they couldn't tell me the exact location.. I would love to put up a monument, I guess I will go back to the sexton's office for more information. The plot picture was too small to make out a parfticular name.

Sandra BrockJuly 23, 2024

Biden didn't resign. He's still president. He withdrew as candidate for the office of president in the 2024 election. HUGE difference.

KJBJuly 23, 2024

First off, Biden is not resigning and says he’ll finish out his term (and he’s the Democratic president, not “Democrat”). Second, the Democratic Party is rapidly coalescing around Kamala Harris and she already has more than enough delegates to secure the nomination. Save a few protesters who who might show up outside the venue, this year’s convention isn’t going to be a repeat of 1968. Sorry if that bums you out.

SonyaJuly 23, 2024

Wonderful article! Every person matters. Thank you for sharing this information.

LewisJuly 23, 2024

What a fabulous story of unselfish love, doing what the Savior would do. Thank you for your gift of sharing these wonderful stories.

Linda WestoverJuly 23, 2024

What an interesting article! Identifying all those in the unmarked mass grave is a worthy project and undoubtedly a blessing to all involved.

Chip WhitmerJuly 23, 2024

It has been said that in the Catholic church, official doctrine says the Pope is infallible -- but nobody really believes it. In the LDS church, official doctrine says the Prophet is NOT infallible -- but nobody really believes it.

Marsha NewmanJuly 22, 2024

Corrie Ten Boom had a similar experience. While visiting such a leper colony and helping wash those wounds, a news reporter said, “I wouldn’t do that for a million dollars!” Sweet Corrie answered him with this: “Neither would I. But I do it for Jesus for nothing!”

Peggy L LauritzenJuly 22, 2024

This entire article made me smile. First, I am beyond thrilled about the church history videos. I can’t wait to see them. Second, you had me at family history. Most people feel a need to connect, and you are providing the perfect way.

Judy DoneJuly 22, 2024

We remember the blessing of meeting both of you and hosting you in our home during that trip. It was a special time for those of us living in Vermont.

GrandmaMASJuly 22, 2024

Thanks for sharing this unlikely turn of events! Hope the momento makes it to the Church History Department!

Debrah RoundyJuly 22, 2024

This was such a good story, I am glad you posted it. It must have been such a life-changing adventure. Thanks for sharing.

Ronnie Bennett Aubrey-BrayJuly 22, 2024

Very moving. I felt I was there beside you, praying, hoping and mingling my tears with the hopeful. Thank you, Ronnie

CarolineJuly 21, 2024

Thank you so much for writing so well what I have long felt.

Corey D.July 21, 2024

There seems to be a belief that things are more contentious today than in the past, particularly when it comes to politics, politics has forever been contentious even here in the US. I think the ease and quickness and ability of everyone to get online almost instantaneously the minute somebody says something or an event occurs has contributed to the seeming atmosphere of contention. People have forgotten, probably because he was so popular and a genuinely humble person that there were those who hated Ronald Reagan. In the Journal of Discourses Vol 18, pages 335-348, Elder Orson Pratt makes some interesting comments about the politics of the day and the slander and contention. In Vol 5, pages 60-62 of the Journal of Discourses, Elder George A. Smith gives a talk and comments about the situation in the nations capitol, it is as timely and applicable for today as it was 175 yrs ago, great analysis of politics. Thomas Jefferson was hounded and slandered by many, one in particular a man by the name of James Callender who published and said all kinds of slanderous, false and vile things about Jefferson (ultimately Calender drowned himself) but as the great man he was and unlike today, Jefferson took the high road and never worried about his critics or responding in kind, great example for us all.

SallyJuly 21, 2024

My life completely changed when I gained a true testimony of the sacrifice and atonement of the Savior. I am no longer miserable. I repent of my many follies and I now know that I can have the opportunity to be with Him again. Oh what joy!!

Douglas NadybalJuly 21, 2024

The binding of speaking or inability to speak does not necessarily come from Satan. In the Book of Mormon a man was struck dumb by I assume the power of the Spirit of God. I have a similar experience while giving a priesthood blessing, a short period of time unable to say anything after laying hands upon the recipients head. I later learned that when a person not part of the blessing left the room, my abilit to speak returned immediately. We either do or do not have power over Satan, you can't have it both ways. The scriptures seem to hold out the hope that in certain conditions Satan has no power over us, especially when we resist Satan. I know that God and Jesus Christ do have superior power and strength. I know that as I am able to honor my covenants, the Spirt can dwell within me and that the Spirit of God also imparts to me sufficent power to overcome. We have a sure tool in the priesthood. Faith is another tool, but I fear my faith might melt in fear should I have been confronted as Joseph was. The priesthood never fails, save it be mishandled.

Bill BellJuly 20, 2024

I recently read Kurt Francom's book "Is God Disappointed in Me?" (He is not!) As I read this essay, I could not help thinking of Father in Heaven & Mother in Heaven & me & my wife & all of OUR children & all of our brothers and sisters. There is so much to think about and so much work to do!

DanJuly 20, 2024

When My first wife passed, and later I started dating my second wife, we followed the "For The Strength Of Youth" guidelines, judging them to be just as valid for us in our 60's.

Wendy LanderJuly 19, 2024

Ha, ha! Love it !

SandyJuly 19, 2024

Thank you. I needed your article today.

Glen S. HopkinsonJuly 19, 2024

The older man on the left is not Joseph in my opinion. His nose is shorter than the death mask and he doesn’t have the higher cheek bones of the death mask. The provinance of the photograph is too sketchy. There are two visual witnesses (so far) of Joseph done during or shortly after the lifetime of Joseph; The death mask and the drawings of Sutcliff Maudsley. Maudsley’s drawings lack the three dimensions of a good portrait but his profiles drawings very accurately portray the profile of the death mask. There is a lot of effort to make the death mask match the photograph of the gentleman on the left.

MaryannJuly 19, 2024

I do not believe this is a photo of the Prophet, Joseph. When I first saw it, I was impressed with a feeling of coldness, almost a harshness. My husband had the same impression. The church has also made a statement that we do NOT know if this is a photo of the prophet.

David HallJuly 19, 2024

With this discovery and the careful work using all of the source information we will finally have new images for Joseph. This will be the only dispensation where we have actual photographic quality images of the founding prophet.

Corey D.July 18, 2024

Great article ! We could all do more, there are so many ways to serve and so many needs.

Scot ProctorJuly 18, 2024

Dear Tiffany, you are absolutely right. I did not begin to touch on the power of the faith of women (or anyone) who also can cast out Satan in the name of Jesus Christ. It is a big enough topic to make me want to do more writing on that. Thank you for your insight and correction. --Scot.

Corey D.July 18, 2024

You have touched upon a subject that way too many of us have dealt with or are dealing with. In my situation and I'm sure many others, pretty much it boils down to the loss of the spirit in those who have stopped communicating or are angry with us.

Myron MachulaJuly 18, 2024

The first photo in the article has captions on the death masks indicating both are of Joseph; however, the left must be that of Joseph and the right that of Hyrum. Perhaps there needs to be a correction . . .

erikpeterhansenJuly 18, 2024

I'm sorry, good effort, but Brother Joseph's death mask has always shown, to me, a much more beautiful looking man than this other man. Look at the big eyes like his mother's and the little overbite and a full rounded nose. I think someone's going overboard trying to prove something.

HelenCJuly 18, 2024

Thank you for doing this work on it beloved brothers Joseph and Hyrum.

George LucasJuly 17, 2024

Is there some deeper meaning that the woman has on a wedding ring but not the man? Usually after a divorce, no one wears a ring.

Joan HalesJuly 17, 2024

I was impressed about this last article on the impact family history can have if missionaries use it when talking to people. Is there a way we can send only that article to someone by email without sending the whole magazine?

Sara GrovesJuly 17, 2024

Scott, this article is so timely! It opens our eyes and understanding that though the evil one is powerful, God's power is greater! That though the darkness that can surround us and fill our minds with fear of destruction, the Light of truth and Christ is a winning power that can fill out hearts with the strength to push that darkness away for good! Thank you for sharing such insights and wisdom. Looking forward to part two!

Diane ThayerJuly 17, 2024

I’ve been teaching with the BYU China Teacher program this last year. I taught lessons about family history, without any mention of church, but could share the Family Seach site. I was pleased when some students tried it and used it for their English Family History Presentations!

TiffanyJuly 17, 2024

I love the article, but one thing I disagree with is your statement about only male Melchizedek priesthood holders could cast out the devil. This is not found in the scriptures to be true and is not backed up by the handbook of the church or D&C 35.:8-9. Essentially, anyone who has faith and calls upon Jesus Christ name can cast out the devil.

FredJuly 17, 2024

I haven't been able to get the Pedigree Pie website to load in years.

KathleenJuly 16, 2024

Good points substantiated by solid examples. Thank you

DougJuly 16, 2024

In careful reading of the scripture, there is never a suggestion that we are yoked WITH Christ. It only says that it is His yoke. It makes much more sense to read this as it is written. That we are to put upon us His yoke and let him be our teacher. Putting on the His yoke suggest that we submit to do His work. He is the farmer. the Master. The caretaker of the work. We yoke ourselves with other saints who have also agreed to take upon ourselves the yoke of Christ. We are yoked with our spouse, with our children, with those that we serve with. Yoked with those that we are making an effort to become one with so that we can be the people God and His saints. The body of Christ. This makes Jesus Christ the master who drives the ox. Sets the work and the pace. giving us work we can handle. Not giving us labor that is pointless and useless. pushing us to grow. and making the work easy and light because he knows how to properly yokes his oxen together which includes yoking animals of equal strength and stature and teaching us how to pull together. He wants us to learn how to become a good ox because symbolically that is what He is. In the Hebrew alphabet the first letter represents God and is a pictograph of an ox. taking upon ourselves the yoke of Christ means that we covenant to do His will. to obey Him and do His work. In return he teaches us to be a good ox. or in other words, teaches us to become more like God. I know this is an old article and I have heard plenty of conference talks that references being yoked with Christ as if we are in the same yoke as him, but the reality is that oxen are never unequally yoked because it makes pulling the weight nearly impossible. There seems to be plenty of insight in the way the analogy is actually written without stretching it into something else. I really hope this just prompts people to look at the analogy a little closer.

DaveJuly 16, 2024

I've often thought that some eternal law must require equal access for influence in our lives from both heaven and hell. Adam & Eve, Moses, Jesus, and Joseph Smith all received heavenly communications with God which were followed or accompanied by temptations or visitations with Satan. God showers us with love and encouragement; while Satan surrounds us with fear, doubts, and shame. On a vacation cruise this year, I noticed how the cruise ship is secured in port. Each end of the ship has multiple mooring ropes that extend from the ship to the bollards or rings on the dock. These ropes are pulled tight to ensure that the ship is not moved by the waves of the sea. Similarly, our covenants that we make in church and in the temple bind us closely to God. As we keep those covenants, God provides us additional help in overcoming the world, including discerning and dealing with evil influences in our lives.

HelenCJuly 16, 2024

LOL; I tried to get Hubster to read out the number for me & he said he doesn't go over 1 trillion! ;-)

GSJuly 16, 2024

This is so true and timely. Thank you so much Scot!! Exactly what I needed, as I have been in the biggest battle with the adversary in my life.

Kay BaylyJuly 16, 2024

My son and I have had amazing success finding missing fathers using dna. We have solved this problem for at least 20 people including my grandfather who died in 1970 not knowing either of his parents

TJJuly 15, 2024

We have been working on placing such a program in our stake. Missionary work and Family History go hand in hand; they are one work! Thank you!

Susan Zimmerman D'AndreaJuly 15, 2024

One month after I joined our Church in 1974, I received my Patriarchal Blessing. It told me there was great rejoicing in heaven, that I had come to know this Church is true. It said I have the great privilege and responsibility of seeing that temple work is done for my ancestors. I began to do that immediately, and now, fifty years later, and living ten minutes from a Temple, I go every week, and never run out of names. I am thrilled that the Proctors are using Family History in their mission. I have connected with distant cousins (my husband's and mine) and shared information about our families. I seldom make the connection between Family History and our Church with these cousins. Hearing the Proctors' stories has motivated me to try harder to share the joy of the restored Gospel and Forever Families with these cousins. Praying they will find this joy too. Thank you, Scot and Maureen, for serving a mission, for tying Family History and missionary work together, and for sharing your insights with us. Sincerely, Sister Susan Zimmerman D'Andrea

Sherry McMullinJuly 15, 2024

How and when can we access the new docs about Joseph Smith? Please let all your readers know. Have loved your podcasts since the beginning of the pandemic. Can you send me a list of the scriptures you think everyone should memorize? Thank you.

Karen HaeringJuly 15, 2024

Maurine and Scott, I think this is just an amazing incredible opportunity for us all to come and know and love the prophet Joseph more. I cannot wait to see what you are putting together. The only thing I would love more is if I had been able to travel with you there to these places as you share him and the events that occurred. I am in Nauvoo for the summer doing the same thing sharing the prophet Joseph as much as I can telling his stories and sharing his dreams and visions and gift to the world. Looks like we’re doing similar things because we feel the prompting of the Lord to do so . Thank you for all your doing. I miss you guys so much.

Wally GoddardJuly 15, 2024

You two keep blessing the world! May God prosper you!

Jill BergmanJuly 15, 2024

I love reading about your missionary experiences. I think family history touches people on a level they haven't experienced before. And I can't wait to see your Joseph Smith series. You are doing great work!

Judy PetersonJuly 14, 2024

I have two sons, whose wives have decided their families should have nothing to do with me, and have very cruel he cut me off. It is true there are parents who have been abusive or toxic or manipulative, but I have not, and in truth, I’ve had much therapy that has verified that whatever issues I have, they are not any that would affect these families in any relationship with me. I have three daughters in law, who think I am an amazing mother-in-law. This article is so true. My heart is broken for all the time with my grandchildren that I am missing, and even more than that, what day are learning or perhaps I should say, but they are not learning about communication and relationships and loyalty. I know that my savior can heal my family. and I trust that he ultimately will. I doubt that it will be in this life, however. I send birthday cards to my grandchildren. Whether their parents let them have them or not, I don’t know. All I can do is pray for them. and let them go and spend my life thinking about the many people in my life who love me and think I’m a fabulous person. And that includes my Savior and my heavenly father. I am responsible for my faults and weaknesses, and my repentance is my business, but none of it has had anything to do with my treatment of these children and grandchildren that I love so much. It is so sad.

Kathy SandersJuly 14, 2024

I too thank you for this answer of hope and counsel. All five of my children and their spouses have left the church and I too have had to find new ways of staying connected with my children. How I long to share treasured traditions of faith with them. Instead I find myself searching for ways to connect on their terms. And striving to be joyful despite the sadness I am always feeling. I loved your reminding us that the Savior was a “man acquainted with grief”. It helps me have courage to build my own foundation and live life with Joy and leave the rest of it all up to God. My kids will see my joy and that is the best gift I can give to them. Thank you for your wise words.

Corey D.July 14, 2024

I understand why and where Brother Eyre is coming from and the intent and hope of his message but don't think much is going to change, at least in society in general, yesterday's events being a perfect example of the division in society, also very predictable events. Like most everything else in the gospel it all boils down to what does an individual decide he or she will do in his life and how will they treat or talk to others. I must say though not sure I agree with his answer/reasoning behind why we don't hear or read much about our Mother in heaven, I think equality in heaven or in God's plan is different than how we view/define it and I think our Heavenly parent's relationship is different than we imagine, not to say it's not a loving relationship, God is love but I think things are a little more different than we think.

Corey D.July 14, 2024

That is so funny and not so funny and I'm sure a lot of us can relate. I could tell so many stories similar to that. A co-worker shared how one time he figured out how to handle driving on vacation, he went and bought a pair of headphones, this was years ago and they were the big ones, 20 minutes into the trip his wife taps him on the shoulder and motions to him she needs to say something to him, he removes the headphones and she says "if I have to listen to this, so do you" and that was that. Another co-worker told me once and he had 5 boys, that he and his wife decided maybe if they gave the boys Dramamine before they left that the boys would sleep during the drive, each boy was given a Dramamine to take, hour into the trip four of the boys are still going strong, youngest is asleep, 2 hrs later same thing, 3 hrs same, etc., finally they got suspicious and upon questioning the boys found out that they had talked the youngest brother into taking all the Dramamine !

MaryannJuly 14, 2024

Cute story. However, I can't help but wonder if the kids would learn to work out their own problems if mom and dad weren't so quick to intervene.

HelenCJuly 13, 2024

I saw so much of my own pain in this article. Joy and rejoicing is amazing but the closest I have felt to Father and the Savior was in those moments of deepest lamentation.

Richard GardnerJuly 13, 2024

BTW the book--Who is the Holy Ghost--of which these articles contain just a few excerpts, is available at

Louene PerryJuly 12, 2024

I've been following this amazing artist, patriot and doctor for many years and I'm thrilled to see his dreams for this beautiful park coming to fruition in Utah! God bless Dr. Steven Neal.

Robert David StarlingJuly 12, 2024

Dang it Richard! You've given me more work to do! This article is SO insightful and SO brilliant that now I feel I haven't paid close enough attention to yours and Linda's other writings, so now I have a lot of re-reading and study to do! But seriously, this is awesome. Thanks for opening up new levels of understanding divine truths. & & & & & Maybe I'll make up some T-shirts for me and my Eternal Companion: "She&Me", and "He&Me". Whaddaya think? & &

Tracy TippettsJuly 12, 2024

Absolutely true. I have a personal testimony of this from my own experience. I enjoyed reading about your own history and experiences that qualify you to speak on this difficult and delicate subject with authenticity and authority! I have a belief and conviction that my new wife was DELIVERED to me, rather than just discovered by me.

HelenCJuly 12, 2024

I’m taking these headings and posting them for my Grief clients!

Haze KompelienJuly 12, 2024

I found the article thought-provoking. I agree with the comment from Key of Knowledge about the importance of ancient Hebrew and its meanings: "I think sometimes we have a very narrowly defined version of what the Holy Spirit is ... Because the concept of the Holy Spirit is ancient and Jesus/Yeshua, not only understood the ancient understanding, but is in fact one with the Holy Spirit ...then we have to view The Holy Spirit from the ancient Hebrew perspective, which is God's perspective."

Withheld for privacyJuly 12, 2024

Thank you so very, very much for your sound, and understanding counsel. So many of us today are facing the heartbreak of children leaving the faith despite our best efforts as parents in raising them in the Gospel. Your advice has given me comfort and some peace, which has been so very difficult to come by.

HelenCJuly 11, 2024

Amen and Amen! We really need to find a way to remove the “-ites” (3 Nephi) from among us.

LarsJuly 11, 2024

I agree. I hate horror movies. I used to watch some of them (mostly the old black and white ones) but at some point it occurred to me that you are watching someone get hurt for enjoyment???? It doesn't really make sense. It would not be enjoyable if it happened for real.

Chip WhitmerJuly 10, 2024

The label "pro-choice" is itself a lie. Anyone who gets angry when a women who was considering abortion changes her mind and chooses Life for her child, is not pro-choice at all; they are objectively pro-abortion.

Angel EllinghausenJuly 10, 2024

I got canceled by my 28 year old daughter for saying the name of her former husband. I didn't even mention anything about him, exactly. I referred to the period of time when she was married to him, during which time her anxiety was severe. She has since improved somewhat. I did not know that her "boundaries" extended to Pluto. I don't call or text. I send gift cards or have Amazon drop ship her things. I try to stay in her life, but it's not working. Her siblings have mercy on me and let me know how she is doing. I'm grateful for them.

SallyJuly 10, 2024

About 2 years ago my oldest son and his wife cut off a younger brother whose behavior they did not like. There was no warning, no let's talk about this, no discussion with me or him about what his offenses were. He did not commit a moral sin or harm any family member. He is out spoken. He jokes, he teases. He is the unmarried favorite uncle of most of the kids. He is a lot of fun! He's not perfect. He can get on your nerves but he does no harm. To us it seemed out of the blue that they had decided to cancel him for 2 years as a probationary time. They will not come to family events or to our home if he is present. My husband had passed away from cancer just 8 months prior. We were very vulnerable still dealing with grief. It was crushing to me. They apologized the "timing was bad" but none the less, did it it was not up for discussion. He tried to apologize and find out what he did so he could repent and repair the relationship. They refused to discuss it with any of us but they did text me a "list of sins". None of them punishable by law or church court. They were simply dealing with hurt feelings. it was the only conclusion we could come to due to the no discussion rule. He couldn't understand why they had a list and why they didn't say something sooner about this list so he could be more careful or their feelings. They had gone to their bishop and with him decided the punishment of this 2 year banishment or cancellation. He was not allowed to contact any of them or their children. If he came to their house they would call the police. My youngest daughter get engaged. She wants her older nieces to join the bridal party as brides maids and all the little girls, there is a bunch of them, to be flower girls! She is only 7 years older than her oldest niece and that niece was 18. She asked the 14 and 18 yr olds to be bridesmaids. And the little one to be a flower girl and wants her oldest brother to lead off the father daughter dance as she switches form brother to brother. She has four of them. They agree. When they realize the "other brother" is also coming to the wedding they back track everything. That brother said he will not talk to any of them or their children and will stay far away from they. He is is very close to this youngest sister and she wants him there. In the end only the oldest son will come and his oldest daughter if she wants, she can choose, she's 18. the rest of the family will not come. That means all 3 of her nephews, and 2 nieces. My daughter is heart broken. She loves those kids. She doesn't have a list of sins, but they will make her pay. I try to negotiate a compromise. Just come to the temple for family pictures. They say no. Just come to the reception for family pictures. No. I use the words right out of the Book of Mormon and beg and plead with all the words of a tender parent but they will not relent. she has to chose the older brother and his family or the brother she grew up with and loves as well. It's not right. I intervene again and remind my DIL, because all of the communication is coming from her, that when they got married we sacrificed any of our desires and deferred everything to her parents who ignored her and my sons wishes for type of reception they wanted. They asked me if we could do a second reception with the music and dancing and fun they wanted. We agreed. As a result her mother would not speak to me again. We had served as mission companions years ago. Her dad remained friendly but we didn't interact due to the different towns we lived in. Some 10 years later they move out of state and she sends me a text apologizing for her behavior and acknowledged that i had extended the olive branch and she refused it. All these years we might have been friends and our families might have been friends. She regretted that. I pleaded with my DIL not to make the same mistake, have some compassion and come to the wedding. This sent my DIL is a frenzy and she pulled out my "list of sins" and cancelled me on the spot and told me NEVER to communicate with her in anyway again. I could talk to my son if he is agreeable and all interaction with the grandchildren will be chaperoned. It's been 2 years and my son's "probation time" is coming up. He still doesn't know what he has to do to prove he is worthy. No one knows. All 5 of his other siblings and their families are touched by the consequences of this cancellation. And perhaps me the most since mine probation is forever. We await to hear from them. I don't understand how they can justify all this, hold a temple recommend and serve as a Relief Society president. I served as one 3 times in my life with many other callings and it pained me to see this kind of control and unrighteous dominion in families and never once thought is would happen to me. We loved each other. There is nothing we can do except pray for hearts to soften. They have all the power and you get to live with all the pain. I'm grateful for my other children who support me and grandchildren I get to see and hug. My DIL once told my other two daughters how she was glad none of this affected their friendship. My oldest told her point blank that she was mistaken. "You hurt one member of the family and you hurt us all. Nothing is the same." Cancelled, what a word, describes exactly how I am.

Patricia WintersJuly 10, 2024

It would be nice if we were told what state the live screening will be in!

HelenCJuly 10, 2024

Ah; to disagree with grace and compassion! It’s time I watched this. Thank you.

RobynJuly 10, 2024

Bro. Goddard, Insightful and uplifting, as ever. Thank you

Patsy SwinsonJuly 10, 2024

It is NOT rare for parents to be toxic and abusive. There are many instances of offspring having to cut ties with parents who treat them badly. It's not the fault of the children, who may have spent many years struggling to have some kind of relationship with people who never even wanted them. I've seen this a number of times and I have lived it myself.

Laura S.July 9, 2024

In my setting apart blessing for my mission I was specifically blessed to know what doors not to enter. I was always mindful of that promise, both in living worthy of the guidance of the Spirit, as well as always trying to listen. There was only one time that I’d say I had the distinct impression not to tract a certain building. I don’t know what might have happened if we had, but no harm ever came to me and that promise was fulfilled. It’s no secret that Satan is after the missionaries, but while I was out there, I felt the words of Elisha when he said, “They that be with us are more than they that be with them” (2 Kgs. 6:16). Missionaries that are obedient in serving the Lord with all their might mind and strength will be blessed no matter what befalls them, and no matter the outcome.

KyleJuly 9, 2024

My wife and I just recently completed one year of being shunned or cancelled by our young adult son and his wife after making the grave error of sharing a couple of pics(on social media)of their newborn daughter just two days after having been born. The post was deleted 2 hours later but the damage was already done. It's painful and hurts your heart so much. They live 3 miles away but they might as well live on the other side of the planet. We don't seem to bump into them ever. We invite them, via text, to every get together we host. Super bowl party, Thanksgiving, Easter, Memorial day bbq, etc but they don't reply. They don't invite us or any of my son's siblings to any of their events. None of the children's birthday parties. Oh yeah, my son has 2 children. One who is 4 yrs old and one who is a year old now. When they had an LDS baby blessing none of my son's family was invited. We learned of it after the fact in the evening when a few relatives saw some pics on social media and noticed a lot of family members were curiously absent. My wife cried hard that night. She had asked them 2 months earlier to please invite us to a baby blessing. We are ok with sitting far away. That's fine, but please let us know of the date and place. They didn't say a peep until it was already done. Not a single person from my son's family got the invite. Not even the siblings he still likes or his grandparents that I think are still very much beloved. I have no idea how long this will go on? I did not think it would be one year and counting. I thought and kept thinking through 2023 that I would think of something that would be effective in establishing some communication and good will between us. I sent him texts every month or 2 to let him know I missed him and missed having him and his family in our home. I sent him a card through snail mail just letting him know we missed them. And I do miss the young man he was just 2 years ago. So helpful and cheerful and lovely. Now it feels like I lost him to a cult. Never replies to texts, never calls, never invites us to anything, never shares photos or video of his kids with us (even after we asked him to). This should be viewed and discussed as a form of adult bullying or something akin to it. I think this could be the most hurtful thing you can do to parents without breaking any laws? I wish I had a happy ending to share but as of yet there isn't one.

BoBJuly 9, 2024

I enjoyed the article. Thank you. Some of my understanding (you can all pick up your rocks now), the more I understand the Holy Spirit and the more a I seek the Holy Spirit and interact with it, the more I believe that He is not a he, and I will leave that at that. May God bless us all.

Mark MathesonJuly 9, 2024

So God the Father loves Jesus and Satan equally?

JuliannJuly 9, 2024

Horrible. I’ve liked High Grant and it disappoints me that he would accept such a script. It could be any set of missionaries as the Church is not the only religion that sends out “missionaries”. They are always at risk, but discernment caution and prayer for protection have aided many. I’ve never understood why people go to horror movies or watch graphically violent movies. They affect the body and psyche so negatively.

Abbie VianesJuly 9, 2024

The Holy Spirit is especially strong in missionary work. Our prayers should be that missionaries recognize and heed the Spirits promptings to keep them from dangers. But this IS a sick idea for a film.

STEVEN S.July 9, 2024

In studying the teachings of the Temple, one must carefully consider the identities and roles within the Godhead. The question arises: is the position within the Godhead subject to change? If Michael, also known as Adam, comes to the earth, who then assumes Michael's former role? To explore this further, we might frame it as an equation: if A + B = C, then who might best fulfill the role of the Holy Ghost if not those who have been key figures in the restoration of truth? This line of inquiry invites us to ponder the eternal and divine nature of the roles within the Godhead and the profound interconnectedness of those chosen to fulfill these sacred duties.

Michael HogganJuly 8, 2024

I do not believe Joseph received all that information in the First Vision. That theophany was only one of many he had in his life. The other theophanies recorded apparently happened with prophets who were much older and more experienced than Joseph. I firmly believe that Joseph was taught piece by piece, according to what he could understand and what was most important for him to know at a given time. The First Vision occurred in spring 1820 and Joseph died in the summer of 1844. Joseph had a lot of time to learn additional things after the First Vision

GramJoyJuly 8, 2024

This really hit home! Not with my children, but with my daughter-in-law. She was offended by a remark that 2 of my children said about Covid 4 years ago. She didn't want to participate in any family activities, blaming Covid and fear of getting ill, and so when I sent an email to my children and their spouses, I closed with a paragraph directed to her, saying that if she didn't want to come I understood. She was offended that I singled her out, and then told my son that I wasn't to comment or 'like' any of her social media post. I commented on one post about one of my grands and she had my son text me to say that I crossed her boundary!!!! PURE manipulation.

M TribeJuly 8, 2024

Very insightful look into the causes. The "what can we do" at the end focuses on prevention. I was hoping for "what can we do" once it has happened and parents have been completely cut off from a young adult.

AnonymousJuly 8, 2024

This has just recently happened to me. It came out of the blue from a daughter who called almost every day. The heartbreaking thing is I now am not able to see or talk to my grandson. The grief is real and so deep. I called to ask her if I had done anything etc and she said they were just busy and she wanted to focus on her IMMEDIATE family and no one else. Prior to all this, we had a close, loving relationship. It's been devastating.

WendyJuly 8, 2024

After reading this article I wanted to ask if you always disagree with breaking from a parent, regardless of the history ? My husband and I have done this with his mother after 30 years of marriage, and asking her countless times to treat us with respect and kindness, and she has continued with the same behaviour. Don’t get me wrong, this comes with guilt and wondering if we have done the right thing, especially with how we feel about family relationships and the importance of them. But even with the conflicting feelings, we feel more peace now than when we did having her in our lives with her constant need of control, always wondering what would be next. I am a mother and a grandmother now and it isn’t t difficult for me to be kind to my adult children and spouses and let them govern their time themselves. In fact we feel that because they are in control of their own lives, they actually want to be a part of our lives and we are grateful for that. I am worn down from being a doormat for so long. and I feel like I have tried my hardest to make things better with her, but every time we have talked to her, she tells us she has absolutely no regrets and sees no reason to change her behaviour, even when we have taken the initiative and apologized for bad feelings between us and looking for ways we can do better. . Long story short, are there times when it is healthy to not have contact with parents?

JudithJuly 8, 2024

We have experienced this painful situation as a parents. I know of other good, loving parents that are coping with this in their families too. Your suggestions are sound. Showing love and being patient and consistent resolved our estrangement. Grateful that you named some of the underlying causes for this epidemic.

Duane BoyceJuly 8, 2024

Impressive! I love it.

ClaireJuly 8, 2024

My partner and I cared for a beautiful husband and wife that were danish. I think they maybe related to the article. Betty Paula Alwine(nee Niebuhr)Hansen born 1909-2008 and Anton Sven Dagge Hansen born 1924-2006 deceased east Rockingham cemetery Western Australia. We have some photos of them. Thanks

John GreeneJuly 8, 2024

The youngest of my three children, now age 42, hasn't spoken to me or her mother since 2005. There was no argument or situation that led to this. She just stopped communicating with us. We don't know why. She had continued a close relationship with her two siblings (they all live in the LA area, we live in the East) until about two years ago when she cut them off also. She has aunts, uncles, and cousins who haven't seen or heard from her in twenty years. She has cut off the whole family. In my view, there is nothing I can do but be patient and wait. Every day I ask my Father in heaven to watch over her, to speak with her, and to bless her. I am confident that He sent her to this family for a reason. And when the time is right, He will bless her in some way that will change her heart.

Janet DoiJuly 7, 2024

Please give us back the transcripts of these podcasts again.

Vaughn J BarrusJuly 6, 2024

Brother Eyre, this has been such an inspiration to me as I have read it this morning. It summarizes all that I have known and hoped for. In today’s world so many of our children, nieces and nephews and even friends and acquaintances have fallen away. My cousin and my nephew have both been overcome by the trials of life and taken their own lives. And yet I see so many good people both in and out of the church striving to bring others unto Christ. As of late I have been so discouraged by the lack of temple attendance in my temple district. They have even cut back the number of endowment sessions due to lack of patron participation. Your article has given me so much hope and renewed understanding. I am so grateful for the sharing of knowledge and understanding shared by those who possess it. Thank you so very much for sharing your knowledge.

Mark ErnstJuly 6, 2024

Why is there no transcript?

MaryannJuly 6, 2024

Since this movie is rated "R," it is strange to see it promoted in this article.

ChrisJuly 5, 2024

Thank you for this perspective on a very difficult day with a child.

Elaine KempJuly 5, 2024

Love this article by Daniel Peterson and Lisa's comments. I concur with Daniel Preteen when he said he couldn't call this year's political discussion's debates. I have repeatedly said to my husband that I have felt I am living in days such as those days in Helaman and 3rd Nephi before Christ visited America after his death and the destructions in this land. God bless our righteous Prophets, Apostles, and all who follow their counsel. God bless us to be one in love and unity though we have differences of opinion. May I be a better disciple of Christ. Elaine

Helmut A. WorleJuly 5, 2024

"They'll get over it" is a comment about their children one often hears from parents who are planning a divorce. Little do they know or even acknowledge that divorce of the parents is generally really hard on the children. Staying together "for the kids' sake" may be one of the more heroic things parents can do in such a situation, but it is bound to earn benefits.

Key of KnowledgeJuly 5, 2024

The Holy Ghost, is the same as the Holy Spirit, depending on which Greek translation it was taken from, and that Holy Spirit/Ghost in the original Hebrew is the Ruach Hakodesh...or Holy Wind, spirit or breath, which absolutely can and does abide in more than one person at a time. This is most evident during Pentecost, after Jesus Resurrection, when everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit and it was evidenced by flaming tongues, speaking in tongues, the Holy Wind coming into the room and everyone feeling it, and the same manifestations of the Holy Spirit were seen and felt by many attending the Kirkland Temple dedication. When I'm in church and someone speaks who is full of the spirit I, and others in the congregation, when open to receive the Holy Spirit, feel the presence of the Holy Spirit/Ghost at the same time. In Doctrine and Covenants 50:22 it reads: "Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth,understand on another, and both are edified and rejoice together." I think sometimes we have a very narrowly defined version of what the Holy Spirit is or whom it is, taken from modern scripture and potentially misquoted or misinterpreted scriptures and/or experiences. Because the concept of the Holy Spirit is ancient and Jesus/Yeshua, not only understood the ancient understanding, but is in fact one with the Holy Spirit (as we all should strive to be, even as King David was) then we have to view The Holy Spirit from the ancient Hebrew perspective, which is God's perspective. The basic ancient concept of the Holy Spirit, based on ancient pictograph meanings, is nicelyl laid out in this Rock Island YouTube video Modern rabbi's can also give great insight.

Lisa ReisingJuly 5, 2024

Thank you for these thoughts! I particularly like that you brought forward the counsel of Elder Soares from the last General Conference. Perhaps this is a reason for the proliferation of temples around the world, to teach us how to seek to live in higher ways and see each other as God sees us. And as far as your last comment about tumultuous times ushering in the coming of Jesus Christ... haven't we been told we need to be preparing a Zion people to receive Him the second time? I want to be in that camp, and that requires me to view my "political adversaries" as brothers and sisters.

Gail G GrovesJuly 4, 2024

Where is the text please? Love, Love these podcasts and depend on the text as I listen. Thank you very much for this incredible source in my study of the Book of Mormon and it also helps me as a Primary teacher!

Joel R MarksJuly 4, 2024

It is certainly axiomatic and miraculous that Mr. Jefferson was 83 and Mr. Adams was 91 when heaven opened its portals to make entrance on July 4 th 1826 to two ‘Colossus of Independence’. Certainly Mr Adams was the voice, Mr Jefferson the pen and General Washington the mighty sword. Quite Providentially in a year at Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year, September 22, 1827, a new Epoch opened when a young farm boy ascended a hill called Cumorah to receive the new and everlasting covenant in the form of ancient plates and the world was started all ‘over again.’ May freedom and Independence always ring from the highest mountain in the highest beacon of liberty in history called America.

Don LaytonJuly 3, 2024

I've heard or read this story before but had forgotten the details. What a timely reminder of the precious freedoms we enjoy! Thank you.

MaryannJuly 3, 2024

I am assuming this article is to inform us of the craziness going on, and NOT to suggest that we should join in this lunacy! A he is a he, and a she is a she. PERIOD!

MaryannJuly 3, 2024

To Withheld comment: You have EVERYTHING to look forward to. Keep your Sacrament covenants. Go to the temple often and keep your temple covenants. You will one day receive EVERY blessing you desire. Rather than focusing on your losses, focus on faith and work to build your relationship with your Savior. All of your losses will be made up to you if you do these things. As you keep covenants to love others and to serve, you will also have greater joy right now.

JackieJuly 2, 2024

A woman once shared that she thought the Holy Ghost was an elder brother in the preexistence, like Jehovah, who was chosen to perform his role. And she wondered if the Holy Ghost will get his body at the very end of the Millennium, being the last child born before the earth as we know it comes to its end. That may not be how things are planned to happen, but just an interesting thought.

Bob SpielJuly 2, 2024

Thank you, Maurine, for this poignant reminder. God bless you and Scott on your mission.

LaWren BoothJuly 2, 2024

Thank you for writing this piece!

Mark MathesonJuly 2, 2024

I liked Richard Gardner's article. It caused me to think and as Dr. Gardner wrote "speculation isn’t all bad." I fully agree that Gospel writers interchange the use of the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit or the Spirit of the Lord or God. As Richard noted, we don't know all about the Holy Ghost because the focus should be on Christ.

Chuck BennettJuly 2, 2024

Hi...I would like to introduce you to IT here. It is my wife, but I can't tell you if she (can I say she) is because I don't know how to explain her. She is my eternal companion, and I love her with all my (can I say my?)heart. These are my children, but I can't call them these people here, along with the (Can I say female?) are what I value above all. Can I say all?

BruceJuly 2, 2024

THANK YOU for sharing the profound details about our founding fathers dedication to bringing freedom and liberty to this promised land. I believe there were as many heavenly messengers at all the proceedings that culminated in the Declaration of Independence. And on that 50th celebration those messengers were there to welcome these two great men back home. What a celebration that must have been. I ache for the same fever to be with our current leaders and pray for heavens help to help them focus on our freedoms and not for personal recognition and financial gain. God Bless America

AnaJuly 2, 2024

I've always wondered if the Holy Ghost isn't an "office" or "assignment" that gets filled by various individuals. Like, maybe it is a prophet who has died and not been resurrected yet? IF this is the case, it kind of explains that more "generic" way the Holy Ghost is talked of--unlike Heavenly Father and Jesus who are always personalized. Just a guess.

ScottJuly 2, 2024

And not just any 4th of July, but the golden one. They died in 1826, exactly 50 years after the original.

Lexie StatonJuly 2, 2024

Thank you Maurine....both beautiful and inspiring!

tfJuly 1, 2024

I have, and have read that Arbinger Institute book, and thought it was wonderful. I've never heard anyone reference it until you did just now. I think it should be quoted in General Conference, so more people would get acquainted with some of those ideas.

JeffJuly 1, 2024

Could The Holy Ghost be different people at different times? After all, worlds without number, offer multiple options to The Father. Trying to determine “who” is the Holy Ghost takes us out into the weeds. I have no answer or idea to your thesis, but I have wondered.

NanceJuly 1, 2024

And why is this article in Meridian magazine? It goes against all the gospel teaches us & only supports a liberal & evil political platform.

HelenCJuly 1, 2024

I recognize the full truth will be given to us at some future date but I question the statement that the Holy Ghost cannot dwell in more than one place / person at a time. My only reference for this is the moment when my actions required Him to withdraw. I felt something physically leave my body, followed by an intense loneliness. My Friend had gone and I knew it. He had been with me since my baptism, undetected until He left. So I believe He dwells simultaneously in all those who have been confirmed unless they become unworthy. Marvelous feelings accompanied the restoration of my blessings but His return was not as noticeable as His exit.

LindaJuly 1, 2024

What a wonderful article! Thank you for such inspiring content that testifies of truth and strengthens my testimony of the prophet Joseph. What a time we are blessed to live in!

WithheldJune 29, 2024

So, my husband a past bishop divorces me (I am not worthy to be a member of his family and goes off to be happy) short story. Two of my adult children decide to leave the church and one of them decide to cut all ties with me. Where does that leave my celestial marriage and forever family? Not much to look forward to

Robert BaileyJune 26, 2024

What an inspired idea. Trek is such a meaningful and memorable activity for youth in the Intermountain area. This idea can be easily adapted for the rest if us!

JeffJune 26, 2024

The glyph is found at many Classic Maya sites including in nearby Dos Pilas.

Wendy HallJune 26, 2024

So happy the new songbook has come out. We are excited to have it in our Wards, and can't wait!

Wendy HallJune 26, 2024

At least he tried... I want to see the dog house!

David C HobsonJune 25, 2024

The words to It Is Well With My Soul have become very meaningful. I accepted the atonement, but somehow had always felt that there was to be a degree of suffering first. The hymn points out that the atonemtn is NOW, not effective come time in the future. But Spafford and Bliss had great tragedy in their lives. But that didn't stop them from moving ahead and making the world a better place!

Rochelle HaleJune 25, 2024

I love this! Just this morning, something caught my attention, and I delayed my morning prayers. Recently I have tried to be more specific when praying for my family's and others' needs. I have realized, in one case, that I could not put limits on the Lord. I have to express my heart's desire, ask for His blessings, and ask that His will be done. I can't pray, then make exceptions or ask Him to do it this way or that way. Always, always I have to express gratitude.

Rochelle HaleJune 25, 2024

I had been a member of the Church for about four years when I served on my mission. I first learned many of my favorite hymns and children's songs in Spanish. I have so many favorites in our current hymnbook, many that are not the old standbys. I am excited to see the treasures that will be revealed in our new hymnal, but I hope some of my favorites will still be there.

Daniel E GawthropJune 25, 2024

As the composer of "Sing Me to Heaven" I would like to offer one small but significant correction to your footnote about the piece, which is to note that the wonderful words which drew forth the music are not by me, but by my eternal companion, Jane Griner Gawthrop. I have been a full-time commissioned composer for more than twenty-five years and have published hundreds of pieces of vocal music--my sweet wife has written the texts for about half of those pieces. Currently we're working on a major work for the BYU Women's Chorus which will premiere in early November.

BonnieJune 23, 2024

I'm so grateful to have read your article. It describes what I have been experiencing. God's perfect love and regard for me has been made manifest through a current trial, and at times has felt like I have been tied to the whipping post. It has increased my faith and complete trust in the Lord. It has transformed me fundamentally. It has enlarged my heart and my capacity to feel and understand other's pain. I have laid every feeling and suffering at his feet and He has strengthened me in miraculous ways. It is liberating to come to a knowledge that "lament" is a form of complete worship. For I have come to know him through this excruciating experience. Thank you sincerely for your time and effort in studying such a phenomena. It's one more tender mercy for me added to the many that have been given.

Corey D.June 23, 2024

Wonderful article. Makes me reflect a lot on what and how I taught my children. I'm 67 years old, have 4 children and 9 grandchildren, I look at the struggles some of my adult children are having in regards to life, religion, etc., and now some of my grandchildren, wonder if maybe should have put more emphasis on their being children of a Heavenly Father and not making the emphasis about church activity and all the normal stuff we usually do. Those things are important of course but maybe the number one thing they need to know is they have celestial dna.

MaryannJune 21, 2024

I am so grateful for the knowledge the Lord has given us of our pre-mortal existence. It makes me feel more connected to my Heavenly Father and my Savior. How wonderful to know that I belong to God's family, and he loves me! It is also comforting to know that they had a divine plan for my life before I was ever born, and that I did have a choice about whether to come to earth. Although I probably was not shown everything that would occur in my life on earth, I do believe we were taught what general conditions would be, and that it would not be easy. I don't know how much I could understand, since I had never experienced physical pain and many other things of the mortal condition. However, I am sure it was explained to me as much as possible. It makes me feel good to know I had faith and great love for my Savior even then, and that I believed He would atone for my sins and do all that he promised. There is one thing that bothers me--I wish we could stop referring to our pre-mortal life as the pre-existence. There is no such thing as "pre-existence." The Prophet, Joseph Smith, taught that we have always existed, and are "co-eternal with God." Although we are literal Spirit Children of our Heavenly Father and Mother, we are also intelligences, which were not created.

William BellJune 21, 2024

Life is hard. It's hard for all of us. Hard in different ways for each of us, but still hard.I have always felt the reason we are here is to help each other get through this life. Imagine if we all saw everyone as truly our brother or sister, how much easier it would be for each of us.

HelenCJune 21, 2024

So illuminating in my research as a Grief Coach. Thank you.

Steve DoneganJune 19, 2024

Again, Sister Joni, you’ve written a powerful piece. Thank you

Marc OrvinJune 19, 2024

Aww! The good old days. When you could read a newspaper and see both sides of a story. I miss him.

Colleen ShieldsJune 19, 2024

I agree that it was a disappointing attempt at continuing the same level of fun entertainment, as the 1st one. I, too, was let down by the flat character replacements and lack of stimulating story line. It could have been soooo much better, as it was rich material to be working with. Hopefully the creators will follow the 1st one's template, should they consider making yet another 1.

JeanJune 18, 2024

Thank-you for another insightful article, Becky. As you know, (because I wrote to you because I was so excited) after your last article I made the leap and changed from an occasional donor to RisingStar Outreach into a sponsor of a child. I’m still excited. I was assigned a sweet 7-year old who was about to turn eight, and so right off the bat I had the opportunity to make a little video of birthday greetings to send her. I learned from websites that some of the various meanings of her name are “golden” and “glowing.” I thought, “How appropriate for a Rising Star.” Readers, if you have ever considered taking on the sponsorship of a child, I give you my sincere encouragement. The person to person touch adds a lot to life.

Heidi StarkJune 17, 2024

What a tender moment for all involved.

Dan BradshawJune 16, 2024

On my mission we challenged a Navajo woman to read The Book of Mormon. Her day consisted of herding sheep, so she read as she walked or stood. The spirit suddenly bore witness to her the truth of that book so strongly that she lost strength in her legs and fell to the ground. I suppose if she were sitting, as most of us do while reading, that experience would have been a bit different.

PreciousJune 16, 2024

It really helped me today am grateful

Marc OrvinJune 16, 2024

Excellent article. We are being herded, like sheep, by forces that we don't fully understand. Please take the time to read the entire article. It will open your eyes. Ultimately, I hope it will open your mind to how we are being manipulated.

BJMJune 16, 2024

I strongly disagree. The reviewer here completely misses the mark (and, apparently, several plot points) with this film. It’s simply inaccurate to say that Riley faces no consequences for her actions. She is punished on the ice, damages friendships, and loses some of her sense of self/feels guilt for going against her core beliefs (spoiler alert: she returns to her core beliefs at the end after acknowledging the wrongfulness of her actions and apologizing for them). The truth is, anyone living in the real world faces challenges to their core beliefs at different stages of their lives. We all have to constantly re-assess them when faced with new challenges and information. That’s even true of faith—if it stays the same, it stagnates and dies. We have to constantly be striving to grow and expand it, which means making room for new revelation and information. One of the other key messages here was to acknowledge your self-worth and value regardless of your circumstances and changes in your life. That is completely in line with the teachings of the church and the belief that each of us is a beloved and valued child of heavenly parents, and that the Savior loved us enough to lay down his life for us. Also, as one who has dealt with actual anxiety and panic attacks, this film’s portrayal of both ring completely true. As my own daughter said, it was absolutely relatable. The fact that this reviewer has not experienced full-blown anxiety and panic attacks prevents him from understanding the impact of that portrayal—including how anxiety can completely take over and change one’s sense of self. To those who have dealt with such things, this movie sends a clear message that you are not alone and can get help, which is a critically important message for so many of us.

Christopher CunninghamJune 15, 2024

If Riley repented, the film took no effort to show the audience. Yes her behavior changes in the last moments of the climax, but only because a different inner self was installed for her to be true to. She didn’t change because it was the right thing to do. And as the denouement showed, choosing the right is not the priority, being true to yourself is, even if that means continuing to live in sin. That is certainly a message some brands of therapists try to sell their clients, and perhaps this movie will aid them in doing so, but for the sake of healthy kids I hope they see through it.

Jonathan DeckerJune 15, 2024

I could not disagree more. This film does justice to the first and conveys an important message that is aligned with the Gospel. There are PLENTY of negative consequences for Riley's behavior, they're just largely inside of herself as she feels the weight of going against her core values. Learning to love herself instead of being trapped in shame and self-loathing frees her up to feel healthy guilt instead, leading her to take accountability for her actions, make amends with the people she's hurt, and change the behaviors. This is the very essence of repentance. Paul talked about godly sorrow leading to repentance and the sorrow of the world leading to death (2 Corinthians 7:10). The sorrow of the world is what Riley feels for most of the movie: afraid, anxious, and full of self-loathing. The climax of the film finds her changing to a place of self-love, accepting herself and working on improving her behaviors without self-hatred. "Love your neighbor as yourself," Christ said. The hidden command their is to love ourselves. This movie brilliantly demonstrates self-love, accountability, and changed behavior. It can open up conversations about loving ourselves because God loves us, loving ourselves because we are children of God, and repenting because we want to be good to ourselves, not because we hate ourselves. All due respect, the movie didn't miss the mark. The reviewer missed the movie.

Corey D.June 15, 2024

A tremendously personal, touching and inspiring article. God bless you.

MeganJune 14, 2024

Please do not put all LGBTQ people in a box of infidelity. I am personally aware of many LGBTQ couples who wait for sex until after marriage and who are then completely faithful to their partner afterwards. They are absolutely wonderful, contributing members of society that have many facets to their identity.

LorettaJune 14, 2024

From my personal experience as an avid reader, I wasn't aware as a teen that 1. pornography could be written and 2. that it's rampant in fiction marketed toward young adults. I stumbled across it a lot, without seeking it out, and then didn't know what to do about it. Here's what I wish I had growing up: Please make sure that in addition to letting your daughter know the boundaries that she also feels safe reporting to you. My parents would yell and berate me if they found an inappropriate passage in a novel I was reading, even though I didn't know the book I'd checked out was inappropriate. The shame without compassion drove me more into hiding what I was reading. Contrast this with my husband: to this day, I will let him know if I started a book and came across something inappropriate, just as an accountability partner, and he does the same when he encounters inappropriate content. It makes it easier to not fall into the trap of keeping secrets. If possible, try to coach your daughter on how to find good material. It can help to look up reviews on Amazon or Goodreads before starting a book to see if anyone reports sexual content (I ironically found a great series because someone complained in a review about the LACK of explicit content). If she's an avid reader, she probably doesn't want to wait for you to get through the pile of books she wants to read, and this skill is something she can practice into later teenage years and adulthood as well. It might also help to discuss with her that while it's hard to set down a book (especially if it's one peers are reading), there is still clean fiction available. Discuss the genres she likes and try to find authors that write clean fiction within those genres.

Anti-WokeJune 13, 2024

What else can you expect from woke corporations like Disney? They are not in business to entertain. They are in business to indoctrinate. They are losing money at a high rate of speed.

S LindsayJune 12, 2024

This was delightful! Thank you for the smile!

LindaJune 11, 2024

What an outstanding article! You think you understand a concept only to find there is sooo much more depth. There are crucial elements and insights expressed that were truly beneficial to me. I am excited to study and ponder this even further. THANK YOU!!!

D. Lynn JohnsonJune 11, 2024

Thank you for your insights. Years ago I discovered the chiasm, and it is a little different from yours. A a And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; b and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people. c And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; B and he will take upon him their infirmities, C that his bowels may be filled with mercy, D according to the flesh, E that he may know D’ according to the flesh C’ how to succor his people B’ according to their infirmities. A’ a’ Now the Spirit knoweth all things; nevertheless the Son of God suffereth according to the flesh b’ that he might take upon him the sins of his people, that he might blot out their transgressions c’ according to the power of his deliverance; The second level parallelism is instructive. Placing sins parallel to pains and sicknesses is consistent with the concept that sins are, in fact, wounds as discussed by Fiona and Terryl Givens in “All Things New.” And resurrection clearly is deliverance. The big and significant difference is the point of emphasis. I think “that he may know” is, in fact, the central purpose of Jesus’ suffering throughout his mortal life.

kazaksJune 11, 2024

this is good...

MaryannJune 10, 2024

Great points made here, but the title of the article is misleading. Yes, we DO pray for what we want! The Lord has invited us many times to offer up the desires of our hearts to him. However, I was taught by my family to pray with an attitude "If it be they will." As long as we want His will to be done, of course we pray for what we desire! The Holy Ghost can guide us to know if we are praying for something that is inappropriate. In connection with this subject, I have occasionally heard people say: " Praying in faith is not hoping God will grant your desire, but KNOWING that he will." I disagree. We do not dictate to God. The Lord has taught us that if we ask in faith, we will receive, but receive what? We will receive what HE knows is best for us. We would be in big trouble if God gave us everything that we ask for, even in faith. He can see much further down the road than we can, and something that looks very right to us may not be right in His wisdom. When I am in need of something for myself or my loved ones, I pray with an attitude that God may not give me what I am asking for, but he WILL give me what I need.

MaryannJune 10, 2024

Thank you so much for affirming the words of our Prophets and Apostles concerning the fact that marriage is ONLY authorized by God for a man and a woman. Thank you for emphasizing that this truth is not going to change. False hope helps no one.

RC LakipJune 4, 2024

You are amazing! Your strength inspires all! Thank you for sharing your testimony of temple work and Christ's healing power.

Rich BowermanJune 4, 2024

What an awesome and inspiring article! Thank you!

DavidJune 4, 2024

Thank you very much for sharing your astounding story and your powerful testimony. It’s amazes me how you are able to share this. I for one am deeply moved by your story. I’m certain as a noble and great daughter of your Heavenly Father you were assigned to your family to be a Savior to them.

Christopher C DeSantisJune 4, 2024

“The Prophet Joseph Smith declared—and he never taught a more comforting doctrine—that the eternal sealings of faithful parents and the divine promises made to them for valiant service in the Cause of Truth, would save not only themselves, but likewise their posterity. Though some of the sheep may wander, the eye of the Shepherd is upon them, and sooner or later they will feel the tentacles of Divine Providence reaching out after them and drawing them back to the fold. Either in this life or the life to come, they will return. They will have to pay their debt to justice; they will suffer for their sins; and may tread a thorny path; but if it leads them at last, like the penitent Prodigal, to a loving and forgiving father’s heart and home, the painful experience will not have been in vain. Pray for your careless and disobedient children; hold on to them with your faith. Hope on, trust on, till you see the salvation of God” (Orson F. Whitney, in Conference Report, Apr. 1929, 110). This and other similar pronouncedments by the Prophet Joseph, Brigham Young, Lorenzo Snow, and others, have been of great comfort to me in similar circumstances. Thank you for sharing your story and your testimony

CynthiaJune 4, 2024

What a beautiful and inspiring story, Christy. Thank you for sharing your heart and soul. Your faith shines through. I am also a convert who has and continues to experience earthly family ruptures and finds hope in the Gospel. May God continue to bless you and your daughter.

Bob WJune 4, 2024

This is one of the most breathtaking stories of the redemptive power of Christ working in the lives of people on both sides of the veil. Thanks for your courage to tell your story, painful and harrowing then glorious and joyful—though still challenging. God bless you Sister Lakip and your children.

K. Chin - Modesto, CAJune 4, 2024

WOW! What an amazing journey you’ve had— through so many of this life’s challenges. Thank you for your sharing HOW you have sought the Lord and His healing balm. Your example is one of thriving, progressing, and applying President Nelson’s recent counsel to “think celestial!” Broken families are so common in these wrapping-up years before the return of our Savior. We’re warned of this in the scriptures and from our modern day Prophets. Yet, when devastating family dynamics seem to take away our courage, resolve—even our very ability to BREATHE—we suffer, grieve, and seem to become consumed with all of the grave wrongs and gross sins committed against us and other innocent family members. It’s part of Satan’s plan to destroy each of us by destroying our families. Last month, our area, also, had a special women’s devotional with Elder Renlund. I found him to be pointedly practical and demonstrably in-tune with the Holy Spirit as he exercised his faith to confidently share what was needed. As he encouraged an eternal perspective in attending the temple, he walked us through HOW to practically apply our sacred temple covenants to our current situations. I deeply appreciate what you shared from his explanations regarding mental illness and the tremendous difficulties created for, not only, suffering individuals—but, also their families and extended families, as well. It gives me great hope and encouragement for those of my family currently dealing with mental illness and trauma…as well as other family members trying to heal from the great emotional damage and trauma inflicted (not always consciously) upon them by those who are mentally ill. After reading this, I truly SEE a way forward that draws upon family on BOTH sides of the veil to replace great sorrow with healing, joyful blessings of HOPE. You’ve shared active, effective choices I can make to help myself and ALL of my family members. Indeed, our Father in Heaven’s timing IS perfect. Thank you for so beautifully showing and sharing this!!!

Corey D.June 2, 2024

My aunt shared an experience that I have not forgotten, when she went to the cancer center to start her treatments she was scared to death, terrified, she was all alone, one of the other patients could tell she was scared and came over to talk with her, she expressed how scared she was and he said to her, "a year from now you will look back on this and think what an amazing year, what a great learning experience", she said her first reaction to his comment was pretty much disbelief but after a year she had come to realize and know what he knew.

Wendy BeamanJune 2, 2024

The complete English hymn book seems to be in the LDS library now. We sang His Eye is on the Sparrow for our devotional today.

Corey D.June 2, 2024

We are in a sad situation no doubt. The upcoming election feels like nothing more than a choice of the lesser of two evils. I'm a deeply patriotic person and am saddened by the status of things but at the same time it's all been prophesied, we just have to keep reminding ourselves the Lord is in charge.

Corey D.June 2, 2024

I think everybody knew that Come Thou Font of Every Blessing would be back. We have a sister in our ward who does a lot of her own arrangements of hymns on the violin, her arrangement of Come Thou Font of Every Blessing is simply amazing and beautiful. I asked her to play it once when I had a speaking assignment when I was on the high council, the instant she started to play the whole chapel went silent and I mean silent, no little kids making noise, no babies crying, I had one of the sisters with young kids came up to me after the sacrament meeting and tell me she had never seen anything like that, it was almost a surreal moment. Interesting also that depending on the song different instruments may be used for accompaniment, when I was branch president at the Veterans Home one of the wards that came to do the Sacrament Meeting one of the members came in with a guitar, I thought oh no, hope he isn't planning on using that during Sacrament, I talked with him and he said he didn't know what we had available for accompaniment so had practiced on the guitar, we were pretty flexible so I said okay, have to admit I was thinking to myself, what would Elder Packer think, don't remember which hymn it was but it turned out very nice.

Robert WilliamsJune 1, 2024

You never told us in the end which stones corresponded to which tribes or zodiac constellations. He said he kept down to table 4, but table 2 is the last table that’s listed on this page.

Dave DuncanMay 31, 2024

There are lots of resources for helping to deal with situations like this. OurFamilyWizard, for example, can help with communications in high conflict divorces/custody disputes like those in this article. And it can be had for free, if needed. There are free legal clinics often associated with law schools. If you are in Utah, make an appointment for free legal advice at (BYULaw) or (ULaw).

KarenMay 31, 2024

If he doesn't send back their clothes tell him he needs wash them so that they are ready for when they come the next time. Why do you need to send more clothes when he already has their clothes. Or you could explain that if he threw them out, he will need to buy them more clothes to wear. Not in a confrontaional manner but somethinhg like, you have their clothes from the last visit so I haven't sent any with them this time.

KathleenMay 31, 2024

"Teach a child in the way they should go . . ."

Ronald BarnesMay 31, 2024

I’m glad they brought back Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing; and included the Christmas classics He is Born the Divine Christ Child, and What Child is This? For me, the tune makes or breaks a song. I’ve listened to all the others, and several tunes have impressed me. When the Savior Comes Again, flows like a river. Two remind me of Primary songs: I Will Walk with Jesus, is sweet; and Think a Sacred Song, is reverent. His Eye is on the Sparrow, is very graceful. Gethsemane, reminds me of a Renaissance ballad. Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise, is uplifting. Star Bright, is a waltz, a Christmas Waltz. I look forward to seeing these in our hymnal.

LewisMay 31, 2024

What amazing work! I am so grateful for all you and the others at Rising Star are doing, it would be selfish not to do my small part to help. I have long enjoyed your stories and the incredible lessons embedded in them. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to join in.

BillMay 30, 2024

I don't agree with the premise that the church takes no stance. That simply isn't so. President Benson named Darwin as one of the anti-Christs. President Joseph Fielding Smith wrote an enormous and excellent book about the topic called "Man His Origin and Destiny." I am an engineer and consider myself somewhat "scientific" however I see no conflict at all here. Evolution is a theory, based on surmise and storytelling, not actual observations of our world. It is promoted to push a world-view adverse to belief in God and against the ideas of human dignity. If this whole thing is the result of a series of happy little accidents and survival of the fittest, then murder would be a net good for society. Thankfully, its not, so it's not!

Big Jim from NoCalMay 30, 2024

I've wondered why California Governor Gavin Newsom refers to his wife as "first partner" rather than "first lady" as is customarily done.

RLHMay 29, 2024

I have always found it very interesting that when the Savoir established our current four year reding cycle of the scriptures that the Book of Mormon is studied in an election year. You can't tell me that the Savior doesn't know what will happen and how important the Book of Mormon, as a witness to His divinity, is for our survival.

Rochelle HaleMay 29, 2024

I don't see a problem with praying for what we want as long as we learn to wait on God's timing and learn to recognize His answers when they come in a moment, an hour, a day, months, or even years. Too often we are so focused on what we think should be the outcome that we miss even greater blessings and direction. Sadly, many curse the Lord or blame Him when the results aren't what they expected. I believe in the recent teachings of President Nelson that we should all seek for personal revelation and inspiration. If we feel we aren't getting answers to our prayers or we aren't recognizing the answers, then perhaps we need to pray that the Holy Ghost helps us modify our prayers and helps us overcome any discouragement while we are waiting.

Jenny SvendsenMay 29, 2024

Thank you so much for that beautiful uplifting article! I pray for my boys, that angels may be by their sides, to help them through the hardships they are experiencing, through their life due to their actions, but I always let heavenly Father know, that He knows them intimately and they are in His hands.

Pat StanfordMay 28, 2024

Great piece! Thank you.

Bob JonesMay 28, 2024

Every time I slip on a clean garmet I feel as if I have just put on the "whole armor of God"

HelenCMay 28, 2024

Thank you for this. The current culture of demonization MUST be stopped. A dear family member is suffering because their children have been allowed to escape the discomfort of discipline under the mistaken believe that it is cruel. So sad!

CASMay 28, 2024

Many are deceived by the actual horrors of the present Gadiantin robbers (elected officials) on the state and national level. May our hearts be opened, and our hands elect righteous leaders again nationally and locally here in Utah.

Rick DaltonMay 28, 2024

One of the most important axioms that we can uphold, is to in unity discard the deceitful discussion of left and right, and instead Focus on the foundational truth of right and wrong. And one absolute foundational pillar in the structure of America, is the Constitution of the United States, inspired and endorsed by God himself. President David O McKay had this to say: "Other than being one and worshiping God, there is nothing in this world upon which this church should be more united than in upholding and preserving the constitution of the of the United States."

SamLMay 27, 2024

This is a great synopsis of one of the many lessons of the Book of Mormon. Thank you for taking the time to research and write it.

Brian D. StubbsMay 27, 2024

Good and relevant article. Angel Herrero’s comment is solid. Beyond national leaders, the book warns of “secret combinations” which are many, nationally and globally, the former subservient to the latter. The Controligarchs (by Bruner) is a start to clarifying which Americans serve the anti-American combinations, seeking power, not peoples’ freedoms. Most presidents do little to dent the combinations founded by the evil one (2 Nephi 26:22), a few facilitate them, but the combinations know which among recents is the greatest threat to weaken their power, thus he is the most persecuted in history, while the facilitators are free to facilitate destruction.

SimplicioMay 27, 2024

The Book of Mormon speaks of ambitious men and political leaders who "stirred up unto anger" their people for the purpose of gaining power and influence, often resulting in war and conflict. (Alma 48:3;51:9;63:14.) Lamanite kings are not the only ones who employ such tactics. How I wish that we could all recognize that for what it is: knee-jerk politics, or at its worst, radicalization! "It is the wicked that stir up the hearts of the children of men unto bloodshed." Mormon 4:5 So: Don't vote Lamanite! Their leaders and pundits are forever using false (but alluring) traditions to stir up anger, resentment and distrust in their unwitting followers.

John JacksonMay 27, 2024

An eight-year-old article that speaks even louder as we approach the 2024 election. Will our nation be blinded by cunning and flattering words? There are plenty of news stories making it clear what is happening, but we are being told not to listen to them; don't trust the mainstreet media. I think of the scripture that warns there would come a day when the people would not accept the truth, but be turned to fables. I would suggest that instead of setting aside the warnings of the mainstreet press, spurn the media that has sprung up to counter the truth, dealing in fables to our destruction.

CarolMay 25, 2024

I love that you taught the empty room - just as your were scheduled to do! And it surely was merciful to give the extra credit. GREAT LIFE LESSON!!!!

Melanie SteinMay 25, 2024

Thank you for this beautiful article. What a wonderful reminder that we shouldn't "sweat the small stuff" and in the grand scheme of things most earthly things are "small stuff." Even things that we may THINK are big stuff, like a messy garage, are really only small stuff. Thanks for reminding us to focus on the small ONES who are the most important.

Annie JensenMay 24, 2024

This is exactly what I needed to help me submit in my prayers! I can connect with “priorities.” A huge thank you!

Loa AndersenMay 24, 2024

Wonderful story and exactly what I needed today! My living room has been a disaster zone since my son passed away last year...and I'm embarrassed about it. However, other things seem to take priority....some of them important and some not so much! I'm going to take your advice and ask Heavenly Father to help me prioritize! Thank you so much!

Linda OwenMay 24, 2024

While I am sure some of those other things weigh on you as well, I am thankful for your priorities. It reminds me that people over projects is always the right choice. Projects will always be there and we will get to them as soon as possible but I will remember this wonderful reminder of the BEST choice.

Jenny SvendsenMay 24, 2024

WOW! Thank yo so much for this article! I lie on Salt Spring Island bc Canada, to get to our Stake center I have a 15 min. drive to the ferry, usually get there 1 hr. before sailing, to make sure i get on, then just a 25 min. drive to the Stake Center in Victoria. So this morning I'm so thankful for your story, I will leave at 10:40 to catch the 11:50 ferry, stay overnight in our camper van and catch the 9am ferry back, in the morning, to be home at 10am. I could have chosen to stay home and miss out on our Stake Talent Show and taken care o things at home, but I decided to support the Stake leaders who have put so much work into this event, they and I will be blessed for this. As I took down from the walls my crosstitch picture I have made through the years, I noticed they were dusty, but noone would have known that!

Rochelle HaleMay 24, 2024

Thank you for the article. While I appreciate that the "messy garage" may be a sign that the family or persons are engaged in other worthwhile causes (and I hope they are), I see it also as a sign of neglect. Does it cause issues within the family? Does it affect the budget when items can't be found and new purchases must be made? Does it prevent the storage of other necessities or worthwhile items, such as camping equipment or emergency preparedness supplies? Is it a fire hazard?

Steve DoneganMay 24, 2024

This is one brother who needed to read this today. Thank you for sharing. There are two sides to the Lord’s work: ministering and administering. My Eternal Companion says I’m really good at administering, but woefully deficient in ministering. I’ll try to move forward with your suggestion, even if it means doing things that are uncomfortable for me.

David ShafferMay 24, 2024

Great story. Thank you for reminding me of what is important and how to find out what to do about it. A wonderful message for all of us.

Mary TarbetMay 23, 2024

Thank you! So many intriguing thoughts and parallels!

MaryannMay 23, 2024

Great points made here. I would add that we need to keep our statements simple. I thought the suggested statement about how to talk to a neighbor about not returning tools was too long. Keep is short and simple. Example: "Sam, I'm really happy to lend you my tools, and could you please return them as soon as you're finished?" No need for more than a sentence.

MaryannMay 23, 2024

The older I become, the more I treasure wearing my temple garment. "Putting on Christ" every day is a great blessing. I feel the Savior has clothed me with great tenderness and love. If we train ourselves to think about the act of dressing in the garment each day as a renewal of our covenant to follow Christ, it will strengthen us throughout the day. Also, we need to remember that, Just as we would never allow the flag to touch the ground, we should show respect for the garment by caring for it carefully.

Cynthia VaughnMay 21, 2024

I LOVE your article, Mariah. Well thought out and well written, Such a great reminder as to why we wear the garment and the blessings that we receive when we do. Thanks so much for this.

LindaMay 21, 2024

Very well written and thought provoking. Good to share with young missionaries and YSAs. I recall a book I read many years ago. ( I believe it was titled, THE BROKEN COVENANT) The adulterous woman, while communing with her bishop, was deeply contemplating when she first committed adultery. The answer.....when she made the decision to remove her garments. WOW! I have never forgotten that!!! THANKS, Mariah.

Joni HiltonMay 21, 2024

Simply beautiful, and beautifully simple.

Charles McClellandMay 21, 2024

Thank you, Mariah. We need to remember the purposes of the garment.

Charles McClellandMay 21, 2024

Wonderful advice from our wonderful Prophet.

Dan BradshawMay 21, 2024

I would refer to a book, Earth in the Beginning, by Eric Skousen. Very good science against evolution. Yes, there may have been natural selection and adaptation, but no evolving into different kinds. Also, the series, Is Genesis History?, puts a whole lot of serious doubt into evolution and the age of the earth.

MattMay 21, 2024

If the Lord created us through evolution, so be it - He can do all things. However, 13 years of public education, and 8 years of higher education has failed to show me sufficient evidence for macro evolution. In fact, from what I have seen, those who tout this view have way more faith than I do. I just can't make that leap - and they take many leaps of faith. There is some good, solid evidence to the contrary, as I later discovered, but it l doesn't always make it past the academic filters which protect the narrative (not the truth). I've seen this narrative protection in progress in my own courses, a kind of circular reasoning.

Dan ShewellMay 20, 2024

This theory of evolution-- and it is a theory, it's not provable science--appeared on the world scene roughly at the same time as the Restored Gospel was beginning to gain a foothold. It is, in my opinion the blackest of lies from the deepest pit of Hell carefully introduced among the world's elite to deceive and to discredit God. Elder McConkie said as much in his landmark address, the Seven Deadly Heresies". I'm no scientist but I know enough to assert that mankind, the children of God, did not at any time or in any sense "evolve" from lower life forms. All life was commanded at creation to multiply "after its own kind", not to morph from one kind to another. In sacred places we hear that fact stated over and over.

Ronald BarnesMay 20, 2024

I have no problem accepting both evolution and religion. To evolutionist I say, nothing about evolution makes it necessary to exclude a supreme being. To the religionist I say, nothing about creation excludes God from using evolution to help bring it about. While I believe in evolution, I realize that it is just a theory and not a fact. It will not become a fact until scientists can change one type of life form into another type of life form.

Steve DoneganMay 20, 2024

While studying at the University of Nebraska I found science books published by BYU. In one was a forward by the then current president of the university. In it he wrote that as far as evolution was concerned, he had only the opinion that evolution may happen, but the first humans on earth were Adam and Eve. I agree with him wholeheartedly.

Jackson PembertonMay 20, 2024

I am surprised that Peterson makes no mention of Darwin's doubts about his theory. He was especially concerned about the large gap in the evolutionary tree where hundreds of species seem to all appear at once with no transitional evidence. He was deeply moved by the eye saying that it seemed an impossible thing to create by pure random mutations.

LewisMay 20, 2024

I commented earlier, but it seems not to have posted. I want to comment again because I feel so strongly about this. I have been given so much in my life - a wonderful family, the gospel,healthn and for the last several years, these wonderful articles. How can I not give back just a bit and give life to one of these precious children! These are truly "the least of these," and I hear the Savior's admonition to all of us. I am grateful for all you are doing, and delighted to give back just a bit as a token of my gratitude.

David DuncanMay 20, 2024

Neo-Darwinism is bankrupt. Even honest Darwinists realize the more we learn about life, the further we get from Darwinist explanations. Even Charles Darwin knew of the holes in his theory, he just expected them to be filled as research progressed. The opposite has happened. Natural selection? Sure, we can observe that. Speciation? The few times it seems to have happened looks more like de-evolution than evolution. And at the genus level, evolution looks utterly out of the question. The Discovery Institute is a good place to get info on evolution from a faithful perspective. Intelligent Design is a scientific theory that is quite compatible with creationism, the Bible, and the Pearl of Great Price. (see and

Ben JonesMay 20, 2024

As a member of the LDS Faith, I have no problem with the age of the universe. If God is eternal, as we and all Christians believe, and eternity is a very long time, we should not be at all surprised that the Earth and the Universe appears to be very old. The Genesis account describes a sequence of events, with the idea that things were done in a certain order. Even the concept of "survival of the fittest" implies an intelligence deciding what works. And at what point does intelligence begin to change the destiny of creation? Just look at Man. He is not content to let evolution mindlessly go on. He farms, he selectively breeds, he develops technology to control his environment and beat the odds...

Harold RustMay 19, 2024

Thanks! A profound but very unnerving awareness of what we can expect here in America as a land of promise but also a nation in which there are so many destructive elements competing for dominance in our society, government, and spiritual interactions. I appreciate the selective quotes from one of the greatest contemporary historical evaluators of our time. May we as a people ponder deeply the implications of those actions we take--or fail to take--which have proven soi disastrous for civilizations on the past.

SarahMay 19, 2024

This was an excellent and insightful article. We have read this as a large family with a struggling sister. I will now share it with my children. Thank you so much!

RobertMay 18, 2024

I love Sister Inouye. I listened to one of her podcasts and purchased her book called "Crossings" because I loved her analogy of the gospel being like a string of Christmas lights. When a bulb here or there are not working do not through out the string. I reached out to her when I heard her cancer returned and I expressed my gratitude for her book. She actually responded. I have since listened to all of her podcasts I could find and just relished her as a scholar and voice for the church and it breaks my heart that she has gone so early. As she would say, cancer is cancer. Her living faith and example in discipleship amidst her pain, is a lifelong lesson for us all. We honor her legacy by serving one another and making our wards and branches stronger by serving them.

Chris HillMay 18, 2024

I like your logic Scott. I try to follow a LDS liturgical calendar commemorating sacred events of the Restoration and it has always bothered me slightly that I don't have a Melchezidek Priesthood Restoration date. Well done you!

Paulette D.May 17, 2024

The main heartache of my life has been that I am single and have never had children. I have learned, though, of the compensatory blessings that come from the Savior. My sister had seven children and I have been blessed through being an aunt and now a great-aunt. At the time I would have been the mother of young children, I served in Primary. At the time I would have been the mother of teenagers, I taught early morning seminary. Now, when I would have been a grandmother, I am teaching the youth in Sunday and early morning seminary again. I love, love, love being the grandmother of the ward! Still, when I go home after work to a silent home, I do feel lonely. I also hope that mothers who have given birth to children or who grieve their infertility or loss of a child do not feel like their sacrifices do not matter when we now learn about the expanded vision of motherhood includes all covenant daughters of God. I stand in awe of their lifetime of service to their children.

LewisMay 17, 2024

I look at the rich blessings that have been poured out upon my life - health, family, the gospel, as well as the precious gift your ariticles provide each month - and I ask myself, “how can I not give?” Perhaps in a small way I can do something for “the least of these my brethren.” Thank you for allowing us to participate in this great work.

Dorothy ThompsonMay 16, 2024

Yes…I have a copy of my Gr. grandfather’s journal ( which the original is in the Church archives). and he was in attendance at an outdoor meeting where he experienced this , also…he said that those who were not in attendance did not have the assurance the Brigham Young was to be their next leader and prophet…and followed after Sidney Rigdon or others! He also describes the Prophet and he had great admiration for him!

WallyMay 16, 2024

Beautiful! And it was just last October 8 that we stood on the shores of the Susquehanna River and were lifted by Scot and Maurine's testimonies. We are forever grateful!

MarianMay 16, 2024

That is very beautiful!

Stewart LangMay 16, 2024

I served my Mission in the Minnesota Wisconsin Mission 1972 to 1974 with President Vern R Peel and Sister Hilda Peel. During one of our Mission Conferences Sister Peel read from her Great Grand parents journal about this part of Church history as they were there and saw and heard in detail of what had happened. I am sure there family has the Journal of this event.

KarenPMay 16, 2024

Absolutely beautiful painting! Thank you for sharing your gift with the world.

KathleenMay 16, 2024

Love that we have documentation of this most important event. Thank you for the beautiful pictures to accompany the history.

Gerald SmithMay 15, 2024

Love the story from Borrowman. James Park is my 3d great grandfather's brother! Wonderful story to share with my family.

Jackson PembertonMay 15, 2024

I was glad to see so much detail! It would be interesting, but not particularly significant, to know the order of ordination of these brethren to the Office of Apostle.

Bruce BarlowMay 15, 2024

Beautiful pictures, wonderful memories of this quiet, profound experience with heaven. The Lord is good. So are you. Thank you for sharing these wonderful heavenly experiences. Bruce

Helen FurrMay 15, 2024

Scot, your video is stunning! You are a beautiful photographer and your voice is so calm and assuring. I am so thankful for videos such as yours that allow us to see in our mind these sacred places, and hear in our hearts the truth of the restoration! Thank you! Helen

Jackson PembertonMay 15, 2024

Great film! I had forgotten that so much had happened right here!

Ronald BarnesMay 15, 2024

Whether or not Brigham was transformed into the voice, or even image, of Joseph is irrelevant. In the revelation on priesthood, given through Joseph at Kirtland, Ohio, and dated March 28, 1835; “The twelve traveling councilors are called to be the Twelve Apostles, … And they form a quorum, equal in authority and power to the three presidents previously mentioned.” (D&C107:23 - 24) With only one member of the Quorum of the First Presidency remaining, it could no longer function as a governing body. That made it necessary for the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to take over as the next body with the same authority.

Piero Mazzei, Toronto, Canada.May 14, 2024

In 1977 or thereabouts I attended a devotional at the Marriot C. in Provo. An aging Elder Le Grand Richards was the designated speaker. He related an episode in his life when as a little boy he sat on his grandmother's knees. His GM took told him of the day she was present when Brigham Young took the stage following Sidney Rigdon. She said that she witnessed the changes in B. Young's countenance and in his voice which made him appear as if Joseph Smith was addressing the congregation! Elder le Grand Richards bore powerful testimony of that experience, adding that his Grandma would not tell him something that was not true! Elder Richard's powerful testimony became my testimony as if I had been there myself! A life changing event for me which is still vivid in my soul!

Rebecca HANSENMay 14, 2024

My Great Great Grandmother was in Nauvoo when this event took place and also said that she saw and heard Joseph when Brigham spoke. Susan Noble was her name and she later married Jedediah Morgan Grant who is the father of my Great Grandfather. Joseph Hyrum Grant.

MaryannMay 13, 2024

Praying is a wonderful way of keeping our Sacrament covenants to always remember our Savior, and to keep His commandments. Also, when we pray in His name, we are also taking upon ourselves His name. Because of this, prayer enables us to keep all three of our Sacrament covenants every day! Prayer strengthens our testimonies. You feel a confirmation that the things you are saying in your prayer are true. When we thank Heavenly Father for our Prophet, we feel a reconfirmation that we really do have a real Prophet on earth today. When we thank Him for the beauties of the earth, our faith is confirmed that he created all things for us in his great love and that we are important to Him. The Spirit witnesses to our souls once again that the things we believe and are speaking are true.

MaryannMay 13, 2024

Perhaps people would not object to a temple in their neighborhood if they knew that their property values will probably rise as a result. The temple elevates the area surrounding it.

ParlMay 13, 2024

Thank you for that wonderful article. For years I've been anxious about not offending on mother's day. Your article really helps.

Jana KeenMay 13, 2024

Thank-you for the informative article. It sheds light on some important details of the process of building temples.

Rochelle HaleMay 13, 2024

Yesterday we attended a ward while out of state. Sacrament meeting was wonderful, but the bishop expressed his concern that over the years he has had trouble asking people to speak on Mother's Day. As I reflected on his remarks, then later had time to ponder in Relief Society, I thought about my motherhood journey. My own mother passed just a few months ago. My husband realized that this was our first Mother's Day without either of our moms. My life has run the gamut of infertility, divorce, step-parenting, the heartache of wayward children, and becoming an "orphan." I cannot think of a single Mother's Day that I did not attend church or felt unworthy. Yes, there were probably Sundays when I didn't want the flowers or cookies that were offered, but I was in church because that is where I knew I should be. If we believe in all that our Savior has done through His Atonement, then the challenges of motherhood should be no exception. I pray that my own difficult experiences will make me more compassionate, but Mother's Day (or any other holiday) does not make us exempt from trying to stay on the covenant path.

K.Chin—Modesto, CAMay 13, 2024

This is such a timely article. Thank you for writing it! A favorite tool of the adversary—to provoke individuals to take offense—is sweeping our world with great success. As members of the restored Church of Jesus Christ, we TRY to live IN this world, but be not OF it. Still, these worthy efforts do not always keep us from being “tricked” into following worldly ways. All around us are individuals seeking such worldly validation. IF their particular circumstances, lives, choices, difficulties, etc., are not reflected as they feel is appropriate…modern thinking requires a call to action—or a WAR—to demand they be recognized, included, validated, honored, etc., as the world has lead them to believe their over-emphasized DIFFERENCES require. During the seasons of my life, I have fallen into several categories when it comes to celebrating “mothers.” We need articles like this to remind us we are more alike than we are different! Yes, there is definitely a need to be inclusive of everyone; yet, this is best achieved by listening to promptings from the Holy Spirit, and walking our talk—as professed disciples of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I remember a Know Your Religion speaker who reminded the audience; the term diversity connects to the idea of “divide and conquer.” This tactic presumes to isolate individuals and groups by focusing on DIFFERENCES and creating internal conflict as a means for their ultimate destruction. Jesus Christ, through His unfailing LOVE, taught and showed that ALL are included, welcome, and appreciated! We are daughters of our Eternal Parents. It is right and good to honor this. We need to extend some grace to ourselves, as much as most of us earnestly wish to extend grace to others. CHOOSE to NOT take offense. CHOOSE to be a peacemaker. CHOOSE to focus on the Devine creation of woman—then the very mortal attempts to honor mothers, and women, need not become additional tools of Satan to divide and conquer us. We can fully participate in and appreciate the good that comes from a special day, and an occasion, to celebrate and honor daughters of God.

KathleenMay 12, 2024

Clearly an expensive endeavor!

GusleyMay 12, 2024

I cannot bear children, a fact I learned at a young age. In half a century of live, I have never been married. As a woman, I have eternal potential for being a wife and mother, even if I cannot experience it here in mortality. Eve was called The Mother of All Living before she had ever borne a child. God saw her eternal potential just as He sees mine. Thank you for a beautiful article honoring all who are currently mothers and those of us who look forward to that blessing with hope in Christ.

RachelMay 11, 2024

I really appreciated this message, thank you.

MJMay 11, 2024

my daughter and I are so saddened to hear of her death; we loved listening to her insights on Come Follow Up with Ben Lomu. Prayers and peace for her husband and children.

Daryl GibsonMay 11, 2024

I bought multiple copies of "Sacred Struggle" and am passing them among my friends.

Pamela DeanMay 11, 2024

Those are all excellent points. My big beef is that in every Ward that I have been in in the United States, the aaronic priesthood campout is held on Mother's Day weekend. On the one weekend a year dedicated to mothers in over a hundred countries around the world, the men and boys take off to go camping by themselves , leaving their wives and mothers behind to take care of the house and take care of the younger children and whatever else needs to be done. Why can't they go camping the weekend after Mother's Day? Or the weekend before? Where is the mother and daughter camp out?

Corey D.May 10, 2024

Robert Fulghum one of my favorite authors, best known for the book "All I Really Need to Know I Learned In Kindergarten", writes in one of his other books that Mother's Day was the one Sunday he dreaded preparing a sermon for when he was a minister, somebody always had a critique or complaint about the sermon on Mother's Day, one time he just let go and told the cold hard reality, said the congregation got pretty quiet and seemed pretty attentive, he thought to himself " finally reached everyone, that is until a little old lady who was visiting for Mother's Day came up after the sermon and pretty much told him he would end up in hell for that sermon. My wife worked at a flower shop for about 10 yrs, Mother's Day and Valentine's Day were the two biggest days, she would have a long day the day before. I would usually drop in sometime during the day and would say out loud, "how's the guilt selling today", she never thought it was funny but the other ladies did.

MeganMay 10, 2024

Mariah, I wish I could give you a huge hug. You speak so many words I've felt myself--the frustration, the lack of control over the growth I'd like to experience vs. the growth I'm forced to experience, the longing for former opportunities, the desire to lean into the stage I'm in with more fullness of heart. Your stage of life is so tender and delightful, and so exhausting and repetitive. Many other delightful stages are ahead! And they'll come with their own challenges (my girls are now 15, 13, and 11 and their problems at this age are less simple to solve). I gobble up every article you write and am so appreciative of your depth of perspective. You're a wonderful mother--and the particular struggles you face will add nuance and wisdom to your experience that will lift and comfort others.

Ana BlakeMay 10, 2024

This so spoke to my heart although I am a little further down the path of motherhood than you--six of my 11 kids have "flown" but I SO remember experiencing many of the frustrations you mentioned. It IS frustrating to have gifts you want to express but that have been put on "hold" for less satisfying stuff like laundry and dishes. What was hardest for me was the near constant bids for my attention, often leaving me feeling fragmented by the end of the day. "Will I EVER get to have a complete thought again?" What I can see now that was less apparent then is that what you are doing WILL stick. When I see my grown children raising their kids, faithfully holding callings, and attending to their prayers and scripture study and bearing vibrant testimonies of the Restoration, I can see that all those days and nights where it seemed so much was "temporary" wasn't. It just takes a long time to see the results. This does not change the day to day grind that can feel so heavy and burdensome, especially when you have a certain intellectual gifts like you do. This is all process of refining and growth and if we keep trying and trust the Lord, he will show ways to find joy NOW as the oh so important work of rearing these previous, natural man little kids goes forward. Thank you for your article!

Linda WestoverMay 10, 2024

Yes, it is a long hard struggle to become the kind of mother we long to be, especially if we feel that we're expected to be perfect. I believe it is BECAUSE we love so much, we place extra pressure upon ourselves to be nothing short of perfect. But we have no way of knowing what "perfect" looks like for our particular family members. I'm convinced that doing our best over the long run IS PERFECT to Him who knows our hearts and desires. Motherhood is as much about the effect it has upon our becoming refined as it is about the effect we have on shaping our children. Slow and steady wins the race!

LindaMay 9, 2024

I am sorry to hear of her passing. I’ve always enjoyed her input. She was insightful in so many ways. There is a gentleness in her voice. My prayers go out to her family.

Patricia CarrMay 9, 2024

I am so sorry to hear of her death. I so enjoyed listening to her wisdom ensight on "Come Follow up" with Bn Lomu.

KathleenMay 8, 2024

What a legacy for the most important and sacred covenant in which members participate each week.

Jamie QuistMay 1, 2024

Interesting article! How dates are determined and how the timing can change perspectives. I always look forward to your articles!

Lois CleggApril 30, 2024

I was so touched by his words . they are so true and meaningful to me. Thank you brother Holland. I love the Gospel and I thank you for sharing .

LeciaApril 30, 2024

Please tell us the name of the book! I can't find anything online by Larry that seems related to the power of faith.

JUNE GAMBLEApril 30, 2024

What an amazing article. I was so overwhelmed with emotion I could not speak

ColinApril 29, 2024

Well put. What King Benjamin said flies right in the face of the whole self-esteem movement — more like a universal article of faith these days. Many members of the Church regularly teach that “love thy neighbor as thyself” is a command to practice self-love. But when the Giver of that command told a story to illustrate what He meant, not a word of the story was about increasing one’s own self-esteem. Not one. The Samaritan’s actions and thoughts and love were all for the injured traveler, not himself.

HelenCApril 29, 2024

“Nothing + the Lord = Everything” Brilliant! As Ammon says, “Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength, I am weak. Therefore I will not boast of myself but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things.” Alma 26:12

Lawrence BarryApril 29, 2024

Someone once said “Compared to God we are nothing, TO God we are everything”

Donald CyrApril 29, 2024

Dear Maureen, thank you so much to helping me understanding a " Paradigme " of such of an important matter to guide me throughout the abysmal challenge of worthiness, while surrender in the depth of humiliation to grow and learn more, one step at the time, about the real purpose of our struggling existence...‍♂️

JennyApril 29, 2024

I echo the above comments. I have watched in great dismay as 5 of our 6 adult children have left the Church I love. Your article is so inspiring and brings great hope not just to me but to many friends who are going through similar intense struggles as I have forwarded the article to them. Thank you for the amazing insights into this allegory that I have not seen in such a personal way before

Shelly NApril 29, 2024

Maureen thank you for this utterly inspired article. I don't think I've ever read a better one and that's saying something since I enjoy so many of the articles here. It is a masterpiece. Truly. The writing itself touched me deeply and the doctrine is so clearly laid out. Simply, thank you. Now, back to read it again.

Jerry WorthenApril 29, 2024

Is this going to be available to attend virtually? I live on the east coast.

Helmut A. WorleApril 28, 2024

This is only generally related to the subject: I was 17 when I investigated the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I can still recall pleading in my prayers "please do not send me an angel." I would have been very much afraid of such a visit.

Kathie RamptonApril 27, 2024

That was one of the most brilliant things I have ever read. I am sending it on to others. Thank you. It is a faith strengthener

Duane BoyceApril 26, 2024

Great article! An important principle very well put. Thank you.

Abbie VianesApril 26, 2024

This was such a great article. I loved it. I know it but will write down the Really Really important questions and review them and recommit my intent and desire to grow in them. Thank you so very much. I can say I have since I joined the Church wanted to spend an hour inside the Saviors heart and another in His mind to hear His thoughts and feelings. And try to shift mine to His.

Jenny SvendsenApril 23, 2024

Thank you from deep within my heart for that wonderful uplifting article! As I was readingit, all of a sudden I found myself talking o our 43 year old son, who passed away 5 y6 years ago, when he passed, he came to me and has visited me several times since. My husband has feelings that he is 'on the way', he had a tumoulteous life, into drugs etc. Our other 2 sons also use drugs and alcohol, and this article helped me realize that 'heavenly Father is on their case' and when the time is right, we will see how He has gided them, as He did my husband, it's all in His hands and timing.

NicoleApril 23, 2024

Thank you for writing this. We have a couple "Daves" in our family, this article gives me hope for them.

Linda WestoverApril 22, 2024

These were some very helpful suggestions. I especially loved the idea of sending paper hugs. Just "showing up", whether in person or on paper, gives the Spirit opportunity to move us forward toward the next step of ministering. Thanks for addressing this topic. We can all improve.

BonnieApril 22, 2024

Thank you so much. Our son passed away unexpectedly as a young adult 25 years ago. I can still feel how much it meant to me to have friends show up. It was such a wonderful example to me what to do for others. One of my sisters had passed away a few years before and her sweet daughter came and said "my mother sent me". What a blessing for me to hear that. A wonderful article, thank you again.

Corey D.April 21, 2024

Eloquently expressed, thank you and thank you for your defense and testimony of a prophet.

Craig FrogleyApril 19, 2024

Thank you, Joseph! This was so well written, as usual!! This meshes so well with the Words of Mormon-Small Plates- lost 116 pages story. I have been an admirer of your work for so many is so good to see you in print again and hear that TOSA is still instrumental in saving so many!!

Holly DudleyApril 19, 2024

This story really hit home to me as I have a granddaughter who is a meth addict & is presently serving time in jail for theft. She has 2 children & a significant “ other”, Who loves her, but struggles with the ups & downs of not only her addiction, but also her bipolar disorder. My daughter does all she can to help but is very discouraged. This story is a story of hope that they all need to hear. Thank you for sharing it.

HelenCApril 19, 2024

Once again the Spirit has put an article I need in front of me. As we approach our 30th wedding anniversary I find myself bombarded with messages that tell me Father is intimately aware of my ex-RM’s 35 year journey in the “wilderness” of agnosticism. I know He hasn’t given up, so I don’t need to, either.

Rochelle HaleApril 19, 2024

What an amazing work you do! Thank you for sharing. Many years ago we visited family friends in another state. On Sunday all they could do was tell us over and over that we had to meet so-and-so at church. During the meetings, we saw no one out of the ordinary. As we were leaving, our friends pointed across the room to the man they had been telling us about. He did not stand out. He was clean and dressed nicely. This experience has stayed with me over 40 years because I felt our friends (and perhaps their ward members) were looking back to where this brother had come from and what he had overcome instead of where he was and his future potential.

Lisa ReisingApril 19, 2024

Thank you for this writing Brother Petersen. I also stand with Brother Brigham despite all his perceived failings by our current sensitivities, because I surely have more of those failings and hope to be afforded some mercy for intent of the heart. I'm so grateful we have the snippets of primary sources available to us - to those who dig - to shed light on what some tend to twist up for character assassination.

CubbyApril 19, 2024

Interesting article. I especially appreciated reading “Its nothing to do with the blood,” replied President Young, “for of one blood has God made all flesh.” Gladd the world has changed.

Angela WalkerApril 18, 2024

You did it again Brother Grenny! Your life’s work is incredible! Thank you :)

HelenCApril 18, 2024

Sweet friends, I have been searching for a better head-heart connection as my ADHD just seems to make meditation impossible! Your story has pointed me more earnestly towards a spiritual approach. Thank you, again!

Linda WestoverApril 18, 2024

The Lord truly is in the details of our lives, even when it takes us a while to recognize His hand! Thanks for this tender story of your experience in learning "Be still and know that I am God."

RobinApril 18, 2024

This was such a beautiful post! I am so grateful that you are sharing your experiences from your mission! I’ll be thinking about the lost key fob for a long time. What a sweet blessing-actually many blessings! Thank you, Elder and Hermana Proctor!

Jeanette SmithApril 18, 2024

Those missionaries are so lucky to have you there. The mission leaders must be extático as well.

Pat HealyApril 17, 2024

Thank You for this wise and informative article. I wish every parent and young person could read it. I couldn't agree more about the need for face to face interaction for all ages. I personally have never signed up for any type of social media. I've always thought it to be a counterfeit in-the-way of genuine communication; as well as a waste of time. Thank you again. You are a wise woman!

VivienApril 17, 2024

These last words were so touching and beautiful to read. Thank you

Tressy BrownApril 17, 2024

So nicely done! Thank you for sharing the video with us.

Richard ChristensenApril 17, 2024

I really enjoyed Meg Stout's book - Reluctant Polygamist: Joseph Smith Jr. I found it very faith-promoting.

Jenny SvendsenApril 17, 2024

Thank you so much for sharing your esperiences. Regarding fb...I have cut down drastically on fb, I like it because I can read articles andother good uplifting words from church leaders, I like keeping in touch with my real life friends, I do need to learn how to delete ads and other things. I also had the thought, that when the Saviour comes again, I wouldn't want to be caught on fb.

LewisApril 17, 2024

This article, and the story that forms the basis for your article, is quite thought-provoking. In many ways, I think this i one of your best. I am afraid we all too often swim with the crocodiles, knowing they are lurking, but believing we are invincible. While we can innocently swim in dangerous waters, all too often we do so intentionally, somehow hoping for divine protection.

KathleenApril 16, 2024

And thus we see that by small means the Lord can bring about great things. Thank you for pointing out the treasures in this small book.

KathleenApril 16, 2024

Beautifully inspiring!

Monica ChamberlandApril 16, 2024

Hello, I read and I want to thank you very much for sharing your talents and thoughts which have inspired me also very much! Thank you! Monica

KarenApril 16, 2024

Beautiful words. Beautiful poem. I just read Jarom's book and now I appreciate it even more. Thank you!

Steve DoneganApril 16, 2024

After your article listing the four books you mention here, I ordered them and read them. My Eternal Companion is reading them now. I’m getting to that point in age where I’ve given up on being the scholar I wish I was, so I read your articles with great enthusiasm. Thank you for studying so much and sharing what you’ve learned with us. You are appreciated.

Gary BealApril 16, 2024

WOW!! Wonderfully done. I don't remember Meridian doing anything like this before (but I'm a little slower in my old age). Thanks so much for the stunning video overlaid with the magnificent and inspiring counsel of the prophets and apostles.

Jean CalllisterApril 16, 2024

I side with your Mom -- I love your writings! When I see your name as author, my heart quickens and I feel excitement and expectation. Thank you for endorsing Jarom. (His Mom thanks you too.) I loved your Ode to Jarom. Keep on keeping on. I will keep reading.

Steve DoneganApril 16, 2024

Sis. Linford, don’t think you’re a smaller author than Jarom! You are gratefully read and we’re lucky to have you. Thank you for penning your thoughts, especially on such an important subject.

ScottApril 16, 2024

Reestablishing intimacy after a trust violation brings up the issue of comparison: questions, is that how she did this, is that what he did to get your interest, did she wear perfume, did he …. These are the more inhibiting factors in regaining trust and interest. Is it real or just a technique of lust? Giving or receiving intimacy always has the question of how am I doing, was it good, did he do this or that, did she enjoy…. All these questions influence the affection and commitment or overcoming timidity and unabashed activity. Comparison is the bomb!

Spencer MacdonaldApril 16, 2024

Thank you for this article. I have sometimes thought to myself that few of us are situated to speak as momentously as Nephi, Alma, Mormon, Moroni, etc. Instead, the Lord calls on most of us to do, as Alma put it, "small and simple things" by which "great things [are] brought to pass" (Alma 37:6). Chemish, for example, wrote a single verse in Omni 1:9. He did not set forth profound doctrine, but he maintained the continuity of the Nephite record.

Patsy SwinsonApril 15, 2024

This is typical of how the world at large chooses to depict the Church. Journalists put their negative spins on anything they don't like, don't agree with, or don't know squat about. Hopefully it will inspire curious readers to actually listen to the Conference talks and find out for themselves. There are some who criticize the Church no matter what it does or doesn't do because they are anti-religion in general.

Sasha KwapinskiApril 15, 2024

I venture to state that if this article had been about a conference of Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, or about the Sikhs, Baha'is or Shintoists, it would have put forth a much different tune.

Neal ChristensenApril 15, 2024

The AP is just part of the Left's propaganda machine. None of the MSM could report on even a bread recipe without prejudice.

Lisa ReisingApril 13, 2024

This writing contains wonderful insights. I have sent it to a number of family members and friends, and in reviewing it again today can't believe there are no comments. Please don't stop sharing the insights you have learned through your work Brother Grenny. My big takeaway is that when I start to feel discouragement or despair, I need to repent and refocus my attention on the Master of the vineyard because He is indeed in charge and capable of doing His work. He will let me know how to help and where to put my efforts in assisting in HIS work. As Elder Kearon said last weekend - God wants each of us back more than we can possibly imagine and will patiently wait for our growth,

T NeiderApril 13, 2024

Wonderful, insightful article. Thank you!

AnnaApril 12, 2024

What a wonderful article! And such inspiring work! I know of the excruciating waiting game from my own experience with ministering to those in need.. Thankfully the Lord directs my path also, but it's no less heart wrenching to go through the long stretch to see faithful prayers answered..

David AllenApril 12, 2024

For years my wife and I have had wonderful experiences with those who are working with the Other Side. We look for ways to increase our chance to donate to the Other Side, to hiring them to do work for us. They are always friendly, kind and considerate with us and those we refer them to do work for. Great program, - The lord is watching over each of them as they learn and grow from what they used to be to what they have become and are becoming. Just like all of us. Love this program

Gayle WilsonApril 12, 2024

Wow! The insights into the book of Jacob has stunned me and expanded my understanding of the allegory of the olive tree that has given me a glimpse of an eternal perspective of God's work with His children. Thank you!

Bonnee B.April 12, 2024

This brought tears to my eyes. I have always known there was hope but never understood how it all worked. Thank you so much. I feel I have been doing the right thing by patiently waiting for promptings to action as I spend loving, supportive time with my adult children & grandchildren.

Lawrence BarryApril 12, 2024

Brother Grenny, my wife and I are most appreciative for your insights regarding wandering family members. 3 of our 5 children have left the church influencing most of our 32 grandchildren to also abandon the faith. Your inspiring article reinforced our resolve that our job is to love these precious dear ones and God’s job is to reclaim them. Again, thank you so very much for your wise counsel.

sdgApril 12, 2024

Thanks for sharing this incredible story. When I read Jacob 5 this month I saw how God works in our lives. He doesn't give up. He keeps working tirelessly. This article articulated this beautifully.

DH HamillApril 12, 2024

The insights to Zenos' allegory experienced and shared by the author are AWESOME. Thank you for this inspiring essay. I see this allegory in an entirely different light, now.

Holly HortonApril 11, 2024

This gives me validation. It explains what I can't quite verbalize to others. People who look at me like "Why do you say you are in so much pain? You should be moving on." I see a counselor mostly to have someone who tells me my grief is justified. Even in the grief I know it will get better eventually. I cling to Gordon B. Hinckley's words that "everything will work out." But SOMEDAY feels so far and things hurt now.

Mary-Rose McMullinApril 11, 2024

Thank you for this eloquent description. When our son died, I didn't want to keep living. I didn't think the pain would ever end. Slowly, in spurts, my bereft heart healed. But the grief was the also the path to growth and healing of old wounds. Our Father knolws our needs and send the trials we need. We can heal and grow as we turn to Him and come to know our Saviour.

AnnaApril 11, 2024

Thank you, Tanya, for sharing these sweet memories. I have been serving for a number of years as a mission nurse and have been privileged to work with several missionaries who are "on the spectrum." They ae truly special and wonderful souls who bless many lives.

RaLee HallApril 11, 2024

Kimberly, Your prose reads like poetry. Your message was profound,it took my breath away. The artwork is fabulous. Thank you for posting this.

ReyLain BloxhamApril 11, 2024

I was so pleased to see Brother Gibbons name as a contributor today and thought maybe I was mistaken that he had passed away. His teaching has always touched me and I followed his work through the standard works. But sadly, he has passed away and I appreciate this reminder of his way of teaching. Thank you for pulling his lesson out of the archives and I look forward to each one!

LorraineApril 11, 2024

Wow. Beautifully and perfectly expressed. So accurate in its depiction. Thank you for putting into poignant words this oh so painful journey.

S LindsayApril 11, 2024

Oh how I love this beautiful article! I am bookmarking it to share so many times over with so many different people, now and in days to come. Thank you for putting words to feelings that seem so indescribable!

Mariah Proctor (author)April 10, 2024

@Jenny, if you're a longtime reader of Meridian, you may remember reading portions of the story from Terry's book as articles some time ago.

Terry MontagueApril 10, 2024

Great insights, Mariah! I enjoyed your article and am sharing it with friends.

Jenny SvendsenApril 10, 2024

Great article! Question: I feel like I have seen this before, but not on the big screen, could that be?

Claudia Henderson SmithApril 10, 2024

I don't live out West, so where will it be playing in the East especially Virginia? Will it be on any streaming services?

Catherine GardnerApril 10, 2024

My mum had first hand experience of WWII and she always said if you were American you could come and go as you please until 1941. I hope this movie gives a true account.

RobertApril 9, 2024

I thought President Hollands talk wasn't the normal President Holland talk. It was quite different which makes sense when you tie it back to his visit to the Spirit World, the instructions he was given, etc. It was also great to see members of the 12 conducting conference sessions; and great to see that like us with health issues, they have them as well. Nobody is exempt!

Stephen M FennApril 9, 2024

"part of what I received was an admonition to return to my ministry with more urgency, more consecration, more focus on the Savior, more faith in his word." It is certainly humbling, to me, that he returned with the imperative to step up his game in these ways. It's hard to think of another apostle who has spoken more persuasively about the Savior than Elder Holland during his ministry. If he has room for improvement, what does that say about our calling to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all places? Even when we think we are doing all we can, a loving Father tenderly entreats us to return and do a little better.

Julia BernardsApril 6, 2024

I agree that regardless of sexual orientation, all of us "will have a greater capacity for love, connection, and intimacy with others," the closer we are to God. I agree that love is the highest law, the greatest commandment, and the key to becoming like God. Having a society capable of fully extending Christ-like love to all regardless of sexual orientation or the factors that create sexual orientation would be amazing. Those are beautiful but broad strokes. What is harder for me to discern, even given the length of your letter, is what you are suggesting about how those who identify as sexual minorities live now. You caution against "the false dichotomies of [sexual] suppression or indulgence," which is fitting (for anyone). For heterosexual people in the LDS Church, the path for avoiding those false dichotomies is clear: monogamy and fidelity. Are you also suggesting monogamy and fidelity for homosexual folks? In the LDS Church marriage is the most touted God-ordained opportunity for us to practice the great commandment in this life. I think your focus on love is laudable, and also that you missed or skirted the painful points for LGB folks: 1) How, in this life, and while remaining in the Church, is it possible to avoid sexual repression or indulgence? 2) Why is a desire to practice the great commandment through a marital relationship unacceptable?

Kody L. ThurstonApril 5, 2024

Outstanding...kudos for this masterpiece. Of course, don't believe all the accolades as this may promote pride. Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed your creativity, approach and including all of Screwtapes/Wormwoods tactics.

CubbyApril 5, 2024

As a teacher with an occasional irritating student, not to often but once in a while. isn't it a little humorous when Karma gets her turn?

Rich BowermanApril 5, 2024

Brother Peterson, thank you not only for this article but for the many posted on Meridian Magazine over the years. I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every one and always look forward to the next one! I am going to try and follow Sister Madsen's example also by finding something related to each Conference talk I can work on.

Rob ChappellApril 5, 2024

So full of quotable nuggets of truth! Thank you for dispelling so many common myths in such a clear and compassionate and empathetic way. This is a masterpiece on a very important topic for our time!

Scott LawApril 4, 2024

I think even C.S. Lewis himself might be proud. Nice job!

Mike MansfieldApril 4, 2024

Well said, Ty. You have eloquently set forth the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your variance in understanding the Plan of Salvation that our Eternally Loving Father has provide for our blessing and benefit. May we all find the joy that Heavenly Father desires for us to have - in this life and in the next. Thank you!

Debbie LondonApril 4, 2024

It is never our place to judge; that is the Lord's. Nevertheless, we often confuse discernment with judgment. We want to discern safe spaces and safe people to be around. That said, I am a mother of a child who has strayed from gospel teachings. It is heartbreaking, and I wish he could understand how much our still loves him. Nevertheless, he was the Lord's before he was mine, and I hope someday to have an intact and eternal family. I was reminded of a 2023 Conference talk by Sister Tamara Runia. She recounted a time when her own actions were of concern to her parents. Her father said, "you don’t chase after your loved ones who feel lost. “You stay where you are and call them. You go to the tree, stay at the tree, keep eating the fruit and, with a smile on your face, continue to beckon to those you love and show by example that eating the fruit is a happy thing!”

ShaunaApril 4, 2024

Wow-- Br./Professor Mansfield, this was SO helpful and eye opening, and I absolutely respect your commitment to your faith and your willingness to set aside questions, concerns etc., and keep loving God, while navigating your life experiences. As you rightly point out, we all have to learn to trust Jesus Christ, whatever our circumstances...and we have to trust him one day at a time, as well as with eternity. I appreciate all of your discussion of gender, sexual-orientation, identity etc. and particularly the idea that one is not "born gay," an idea that I had accepted to a certain extent, and the context you place them in of the restored gospel. Thank you so much for your incredibly insightful, heartfelt and faithful comments here. You have raised my sights here as you've sought to contemplate eternity and the nature of God

AnnetteApril 4, 2024

Whoa, that was a long letter. But then you didn't call it a note, did you, Ty? Beautiful. There is so much goodness there to digest. How will I ever get through all those links to studies, talks, etc.? Haha. Thanks for your faith and hope and the truths you shared about the nature of Godly love. May we all come to know God's way of loving better.

KarenApril 4, 2024

Thank-you so very, very much Ty, from the bottom of my 'heart that I knew needed to repent.' In all my years in Christ's church I have not been able to feel Christlike love and charity in the way I should, for ALL His children, to include sexual and gender minorities. Your words have turned me inward in my heart to a place Christ needs me to search and change as I enter His Temple and truely renew my covenants with Him.

Jessica WhitakerApril 4, 2024


LindsayApril 4, 2024

What a beautiful, compassionate, and masterfully composed perspective, backed by the moral authority of a life lived with integrity! Thank you for taking the time to articulate all of this for us!

AmberApril 4, 2024

Thank you for writing this. You put into words something I could not. I felt this and knew this but could never put it as eloquently as you did. Most of this info can be applied to members that find themselves divorced and single. It’s kind of crazy to me to think I could be similar to gay people. But that’s how it seems to go, we are all more connected and similar than we know. I truly believe that with all of my heart. We truly are just learning how to show the most love and respect possible. If we did that, I believe it would solve all the suffering in the world. Think about it, it’s truly an amazing concept! God is trying to teach us this type of love.

Douglas NadybalApril 4, 2024

This was far more than just an open letter to some guy named "David". For those of use who live out on the outer banks of suburbia where we are not on the front-lines of the constant social experimentation this was a real primer on how to act and behave when it comes our way. This was the next step, to love more, not less, to re-direct all of our conversations to a higher sphere. It's such a simple idea, really, I wonder why it never occurred to me? I've probably not been doing a good enough job and "Hearing Him", who created us all. If your goal in life is to really and truly get along well with everybody you can, then you will find this article useful, and that is the highest compliment I can give any writing.

Chip WhitmerApril 3, 2024

The general framework of the modern endowment was summarized by Lehi in the Book of Mormon, published long before Kirtland or Nauvoo. In 2 Nephi 1:10, Lehi describes blessings of knowledge that the Nephites had received, including specific knowledge about the creation of the earth, and about the "great and marvelous works of the Lord" after the creation, and about "all the commandments from the beginning." Lehi even echoes our modern phrase "endowed with power from on high," when he says the Nephites had "power given them [from the hand of the Lord] to do all things by faith."

Pam Rhodes HarrisApril 2, 2024

I had the pleasure of serving in the ASBYU Women’s Office in 1980-1981 as the Secretary. Sister Kapp was our Advisor. She spent so much time with us and helped us be able to do great things. We had Sister Kimball come speak, President Kimball came too and we had a luncheon with this amazing couple. Sister Barbara B Smith General Relief Society President also came and spoke. President Jeffrey Holland was in his 1st yeas as Pres of BYU. We held a Women’s Conference, that was the beginning of todays Women’s Conference. She helped us meet snd associate with the many Women leaders at BYU and in Church leadership. She taught us that we could do anything we put our minds and worked to do. She is an amazing leader and truly showed us love.

Robert David StarlingApril 1, 2024

I LOVE BYU, and I love President Holland's admonition to the faculty and staff to return to and preserve the unique nature of the Lord's University. Like many alumni, I have been concerned for years about the creeping descent of many at BYU toward the creepiness of the World. I was delighted and encouraged to hear (then) Elder Holland call the creepers to repentance. There are two kinds of people in the world - those who listen to the prophets' voices and obey God's commandments, and those who embrace the "natural man" and sit in the Great and Spacious Building, mocking those who cling to the iron rod. Let them mock. We know their ultimate destiny. But that attitude has no place at BYU. If the mockers don't "feel welcome" on that sacred campus, there are plenty of other places they can to to gain a university education where they will be more "comfortable". I was privileged to attend another major well-respected college in the turbulent 1960's, before I transferred to BYU. I say "privileged", because it enabled me to see the contrast between the two institutions. It helped me to fully appreciate the "spirit of the Y". I produced the first student film at BYU for class credit, in 1971. It was a campus romance called "Ice Cream and Elevators", intended to portray the BYU campus experience in that era. We submitted it to a film festival in San Francisco. I received a call from one of the judges who said that if the movie accurately depicted the BYU campus lifestyle, he wanted to send his daughter there! Later in life as a father, I was able to send two of my own daughters there, with confidence that the "spirit of the Y" still permeated the campus. My prayer is that Elder Holland's talk will bring that spirit back, and quickly. It's time for my granddaughter to go to college.

Sasha KwapinskiApril 1, 2024

Many in today's society have confused love with relativism. As a Latter-day Saint, I am proud to be a member of a faith which recognizes that distinction and does not give in to that manner of confusion.

JoeApril 1, 2024

The truth hurts! That is all I can say. As true followers of Christ we need to stand up strong against the evil teaching of the world. You are who you are . If you want to act against the laws of God, it’s your choice . God will not change His laws, ever. He does wants us to show compasión, love and understanding but doesn’t want us to support more the evil ideas of our society. Stand on holy ground, repent , have faith and you will find happiness..remember God never walks away from us, WE move away from Him, and the consequences will have to be paid by us alone..

SD K'sApril 1, 2024

Our family has loved this story as well and continue to watch the video the Church produced of it. We used the video as the main "movie" at a Primary drive-in movie and even used the story as basis for a YW camp shadow puppet show, which our family repeated over Zoom during covid to show to other families in our ward. We do have a good feeling when continue to hear this good story!

ShaunaApril 1, 2024

Thank you. I heartily concur with you and I also wept as I listened to president Holland's talk (as acting President of the Quorum of the 12 , he is indeed "President Holland", but I always called him that as he was president of BYU when I was there). As he states no one loves BYU more than he does, but I love it too I have learned that when there is controversy surrounding a talk, essay whatever, to make sure to read the actual talk/essay myself. You are spot on in stating that outraged persons had not read, or more importantly, listened to the actual talk, but were merely reactionary, or actually looking to be offended. BYU's board of directors, include our prophet, President Nelson, and 4 other apostles as well as other leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and are accountable to God. BYU absolutely must put that loyalty first or in my opinion, can't justify its existence and it's huge dependence on tithing funds. Both of my children are there now and I thank God for President Holland and President Reese and the course corrections that are being made there. thank you for your article

AEatonApril 1, 2024

What a wonderful article. Shouldn't BYU administration and faculty be concerned that this is at least the fourth time this topic has been addressed? I currently have two children attending BYU and this is a concern they talk about regularly. It is a tough balance, but it is one of the reasons that students choose BYU over other universities.

VjApril 1, 2024

This talk was just an excuse for those lying in wait to use as pretext for jumping on the out of control woke wagon at byu);

Tracey GrowApril 1, 2024

Thank you. I also cried when I watched Elder Holland give this talk. I could feel his love for BYU, the gospel, the Lord, Jesus Christ and his love for all of God's children.

SfischApril 1, 2024

Well said. Loved and appreciated Elder Hollands talk. It was timely and inspirational. As an alumni I have been heart sick with all the controversy happening at BYU. It was time to take a stand and Elder Holland gracefully did just that.

Abbie VianesMarch 29, 2024

I highly suggest neurofeedback for trauma as it can heal ptsd. Be sure to get a technician using the Othmer method as it has over 20 years of research behind it. I am a trained professional counselor and trained as a neurofeedback provider. It truly is amazing. It is not yet covered by most insurance and can be pricey but the outcomes are so phenomenal.

Debbi M.March 29, 2024

We had that horrible, relationship strain yrs ago with our 17 year old daughter. She was so oppositional that she was placed at an adolescent hospital treatment facility.. Insurance paid but determined she could be moved to a residential facility, which insurance was not going to pay for and a long waiting period...She did outpatient for a while. She was rather a black hole in our family with our other children getting pretty resentful of her. We more or less just waited her out until she was18 and left for a few years--also sad. She did get somewhat better, but had several pregnancies--one adoption and two she kept, both by different dads. As she got older, we butted heads and she lived with us solely because of her kids.She was not de pressive, but did try one time to take an overdose of aspirin. Fortunately we could get support from our friends and family. Please know you are not alone, and take care of your marriage because spouses are also hurting, and our marriage needs to come first. I remember so many sleepless nights waiting for her to come home, and sometimes wishing she wouldn't! Mostly praying so so much that she would not harm herself or others.

Anonymous to protect my child's privacyMarch 29, 2024

What a timely post this is! My husband and I just placed our 17-year-old daughter into residential treatment a few days ago. While she is specifically in treatment for an eating disorder, we have faced many of the same sorts of issues this poster mentions--a past trauma, unsafe behavior, bouts of suicidal behavior, prior hospitalizations, years of outpatient therapy that haven't worked, etc. We were also facing the fact that our daughter becomes an adult very soon and we needed to do something before it was too late. The road of getting her into this treatment was one of the most difficult things I have ever gone through, even after many years of extremely difficult and intense parenting challenges. What helped me most was having an excellent therapist for ME. My therapist has provided strong support, has been a safe place to land while sorting through complex options and my own complicated emotions, and most importantly, she has held me accountable to myself each step of the way. She told me that it was time to disengage my heart and engage my mind and my will to see this through. Of course I love my daughter with all my heart, but my emotions were blinding me to the realities of what was needed and keeping me from doing what was best for her. I also want to say that God has been very close to me over the past few months as my husband and I made and carried out this decision. I have been on my knees constantly--sometimes multiple times a day--pleading for direction, peace, and the ability to do hard things, and those prayers have been answered 100-fold. I have fasted and spent time in the temple. We have had family, close friends, and ward leadership praying for us and keeping our names on the temple prayer roll. I have seen literal miracles happen as roadblocks in this process that felt insurmountable melted away so that this could happen--financial roadblocks, roadblocks in terms of gaining our daughter's cooperation, etc. All of these big and small miracles have helped me know we made the right decision, this is where she needs to be, and it will all be okay in the end.

Sami V.March 27, 2024

I just wanted to write to thank you for your clear and in depth analysis of this book I am not a member of the LDS church so am not knowledgeable about any of this. I heard about this book because of all the recent court documents release with Ruby Franke and Jodi H. and apparently the book greatly influenced Jodi. I found this site because I was trying to find out about this book, not just reviews from a site selling it. You did a good job comparing it to other books and beliefs and showing the issues. I just wanted to commend you for such a deep diving article and tell you how I valued it, even if we have different beliefs. Thanks again.

Ron BarnesMarch 27, 2024

That talk by Elder Wirthlin was one of my favorites that I've ever heard. It's one of the few that I have recorded and kept in my files. There are many Sundays that I'm waiting for, not just because of death, but because of other griefs I've experienced in life. For me, the meaning goes well beyond just the resurrection, but to other aspects of life that are hard to bear. The day will come when we will be relieved of all of them.

David A. HickenMarch 27, 2024

Thank you, Brother Woodruff. Thank you, Sister Clayton. We all need reminded of this in our lives.

Rochelle HaleMarch 27, 2024

A few days ago we met a new neighbor. The ladies who live on either side of me were explaining "This person is a police officer, this is a fireman, this one has children close in age to yours, this one does...." I offered a few comments. Then one friend turned to me and said to our new neighbor, "And [my] home is where you go if you need food.

Rochelle HaleMarch 27, 2024

I am sorry for your recent losses. My mother passed away in February after 6-7 weeks of hospitalization. In the beginning we never expected her to be taken from life, but suffering was unbearable, and we prayed mightily for release in some form. As difficult as losing her was, we were calm and at peace that she was free from her horrific ordeal and safe "at home" in the arms of loved ones. Our joy was increased upon learning we only had to wait 30 days to begin her temple ordinances.

Elizabeth RichardsonMarch 27, 2024

Is this the whole story? He went to change his underwear?

JaniceMarch 26, 2024

Brother Goddard, I would love to know more about your file of greatest phrases about the doctrine of redemption. A few examples of how you did it. That sounds like a great way to study the Book of Mormon.

Valiant JonesMarch 26, 2024

What a testimony of our value and worth in Christ's eyes! This is so appropriate at this Easter time.

Mary-Rose McMullinMarch 25, 2024

Thanks for sharing these sweet experiences. My husband and I have just submitted our mission papers and we need to find the right family to rent our home and care for our pets and yard. We needed the reminderof your counsel to pray specifically with faith for our needs. It's such a blessing to know of our Father's love and direction.

gregoMarch 25, 2024

Dan, the books Supernature and Beyond Supernature (both by Lyall Watson) might interest you. They are old, but still good and insightful.

Laurie RuizMarch 24, 2024

I so enjoyed this article, after reading about the lives of the grandparents of Josiah Quincy (President John Adams and his wife Abigail), in David McCullough's book John Adams and Edith Gelles book Abigail and John. Then I stumbled upon your article, and am so happy to know that the grandson of John and Abigail met the prophet Joseph Smith. Loved the comment someone made that the Book of Mormon given to Josiah Quincy was prized enough to have a place in the Adams Family home.

Gail GibbsMarch 22, 2024

Thank you Scott and Maureen. Your mission reports bring tears. I can relate to the pull of the Spirit of Elijah. That is what helped me be baptized in 1966. Still doing T&FH in ward, stake and FSCenter. Been to P.R. a few times to visit son Spencer in Metro ward. Can relate to cinder block, wiring and road system. Can also relate to seminary where I did an online group to the boonies of Indiana Pennsylvania. I also did not see who I was teaching. Just put up materials. It was before zoom. Have been following you two since you spotlighted me at Humans of Rootstech in 2018. Keep up the wonderful work you are doing. Yes, the Gospel is true!!!

Peggy StallingsMarch 21, 2024

Those songs were so beautifully ethereal and uplifting. They touched my soul, and resonated with my spirit, like I had heard them before in Heaven. I shared them online, and hope they will touch others as they did me. Thank you for sharing your gifts of light.

LewisMarch 21, 2024

Sometimes we get so caught up in the outward manifestations of faithfulness that we forget that the power of the gospel manifests itself in the quiet acts of service. I am grateful for your ability to use stories to teach us the truths of the gospel. Please keep writing. These stories cause me to pause, to reflect, to ponder and to change.

Ron BarnesMarch 21, 2024

I’ve been reading about this for decades, and there is one prospect that I have never seen postulated. Perhaps the universe we live in is the only one possible. Even if there are other universes, it might be that they all have the same universal laws, because there is only viable set.

KarenMarch 20, 2024

Thank you Casey for sharing your expression of tender thoughts about this important exchange. I too feel great gratitude for the members of the Community of Christ who have faithfully followed the peaceful example of Joseph III, and have been good stewards over these precious historical sites and artifacts these many years. I feel for their sense of loss at this transfer, and hope they will feel our gratitude and support. We can yet learn a great deal from one another, and benefit from the goodwill that has been shown through this exchange. Kind regards to all those affected by this transaction, and it is my prayer that we will continue to build a strong relationship of love with our dear brothers and sisters in the Community of Christ.

Ron BarnesMarch 20, 2024

While all this is interesting, it’s missing one vital component. The Book of Mormon is a Jewish work intended for Jewish readers. In Hebrew, numbers have meaning. Peter asked Jesus if he should forgive his brother up to seven times. In Hebrew, the number seven stands for “completeness.” Peter was asking if he forgive seven times would he complete his efforts. By the same token, the number one stands for “unity, undividable.” “… a man… shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” In other words, “they shall be united, undividable.” Jesus told the Jews, “My Father and I are one”, or “My Father and I are united and undividable.” To the Jews, this made him equal to the Father, which is why they accused him of blasphemy. The Nephites understood that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not different magnifications of the same being, but rather three beings that are united and undividable.

Ann-Marie JensenMarch 20, 2024

Thank you for sharing your insight. I enjoyed this look from the other side.

JeffMarch 20, 2024

Thank you for sharing this personal story of a church leader's selfless example worth emulating.

NealMarch 19, 2024

I've always found it interesting that those who consider themselves as experts on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, are not and never have been members.

Geri CampbellMarch 19, 2024

Nice one, Daris!

Stephen & Marcia WestMarch 19, 2024

Wish a transcript were provided.

Doris WilliamsMarch 19, 2024

Oh my goodness, thank heaven for people like "your leader" in the world who go way and beyond expectations to teach us all. Thank you for sharing this, Becky. I know from experience that anything that comes from Sister Douglas is worth paying attention to, since I know you have already sifted through the chaff! Your and your husband's life is so amazing. I included your article on love and the little things your husband did to demonstrate his love for you in my weekly email to our large family. Bless you all.

JenMarch 19, 2024

I agree 100% with Mickey's comment. You need to seek help from a professional therapist. You may need to go to several to find a good fit. I know someone who lived in a similar circumstance. Communication was futile until her husband realized that he needed to change. I pray you can find the help you need to improve this toxic situation for you and your children.

Richard GarrisonMarch 19, 2024

What a wonderful and inspirational example of a true "servant leader", Christ-like in every way! Thanks so much for sharing Becky. You made my day!!

D. NantoMarch 18, 2024

Beautifully done. Thanks for sharing.

John RogersMarch 18, 2024

Scott, I am always amazed and gratified and blessed by your photo essays... From Nauvoo to the shores of Bountiful, your photography always brings added light! Thank you.

Stefanie EskanderMarch 18, 2024

Your observations are so true! It's such a shame that the "Opression Olympics" seems to be an international sport.

HelenCMarch 18, 2024

This warmed my heart and had me back to the 1830s, seeing and feeling all our beloved founders went through. They truly were a magnificent bunch!

Glen WilliamsMarch 18, 2024

Amen and Amen

Daphne Bushman KessingerMarch 18, 2024

Thank you for your beautiful photos & touching historical notations on these wonderful Nauvoo sites. My husband & I loved visiting them often when we served our amazing 6 month mission in Nauvoo Temple .

MickeyMarch 17, 2024

Dear Sister, you are being horribly abused. Please look up narcissistic abuse and find a therapist for yourself without your husband present. It’s is not safe to attend therapy with your abuser. He has manipulated you into you taking ownership for his abusive behaviors. You and your kids deserve better than this.

Doris WilliamsMarch 16, 2024

Oh my goodness, we are so grateful to you Scot for your photo essays over the be up close to these precious, sacred sites is a sacred experience in itself. You and Maureen just continue to amaze with your total dedication to Jesus Christ and his precious restored Church and with Meridian.

Chuck DeWitMarch 15, 2024

Great photos and comments. They lived hard lives. Thanks for mentioning Church History Photos in the app.

Claudia Henderson SmithMarch 15, 2024

Great photo essay, Scot!! I always love seeing your photos and reading the text. I learned a lot. I hope I get to go to Nauvoo soon.

GeorgeMarch 14, 2024

I do not see in your article where you explain the difference between love and charity except in degree. Which of the 15 attributes for charity are absent from the attributes of love. Is not the need for all those attributes present for both love and charity? Why cannot you feel love for all men? Every conference we have the speakers express love for each of us even though they have never met us. Are they mistaken in their feelings and should I ignore their good feelings and wishes for me? It would seem there is no difference except in degree.

Karla BurkhartMarch 13, 2024

You are doing a fantastic job and have, in my estimation, always been a great writer from childhood. My love and wishes continue with you always.

Harold RustMarch 13, 2024

One of the special rewards that comes from reading articles by you and your parents is that a person like me can imagine your being a neighbor or a member of my ward or a close friend----a real person---rather than some distant distinguished scholar. As such, one request I would make of you, my friends, is for a pathway (a website or email address?) to submit some short article which you just might publish if it met the high standards you expect for whatever you do include in Meridian. Every now and again I write something for my family or my own journal that I think could be of value and insightfully inspirational for your readers. Thanks.

Valiant JonesMarch 13, 2024

Thank you. You are doing a great work and carrying on an important legacy.

James WorkmanMarch 13, 2024

I attended a writing class with Orson Scott Card in Virginia, and I believe you attended that same class with your mother. I had not begun to read from the Meridian web site yet but started to be an avid reader shortly thereafter. The website has matured and the topics and articles are top notch. I now read every day from the web site. I am acquainted with many of your contributors. Thank you for the very professional effort in bringing top notch "experts" to discuss relevant issues, and doctrinal subjects. (It sure is fun to "watch" your parents on their mission to Puerto Rico).

Jim ScottMarch 13, 2024

I caught some of the intrepid feelings of a mom approaching you to assume a leading role in a most cherished project. I thought about the discussion your mom and dad had in considering the assignment and the enormous trust in you for them. I’ve been a reader for years and have enjoyed doing so. Congratulations for your successes and growth.

Claudia Henderson Calissie SmithMarch 13, 2024

As usual, a great article. Watching you grow up in person and from a distance has been a joy. You definitely take after your mom’s writhing ability. Thanks for sharing!

Janna MorrellMarch 13, 2024

Mariah, I have loved reading this darling (if not daring) piece on what it is like to be with Meridian as a writer, associate editor as well as daughter of the publishers! I often wonder how it would be to be in [any of] these positions and also think about the day to day goings on of publishing such a long-lived, well received journal. This was delightful and I could have read much further, in the early morning hours as I recover from back surgery, as your stories to be told were surely only scraping the surface! I enjoyed the bangs incident, becoming known as “the girl who walked” and knowing that people like you actually do read the comments and can be affected as you must sift though the debris! In a world of online anonymity, I’m not too surprised but still sorry for the sadness you’ve endured from irate commenters. Candidly, I read one thing here I felt was misplaced in this magazine but, during these last four or so years have proven that we all can be wrong about pretty much everything and I’ve had to do much soul searching and prayer to find more solid ground on a few subjects. I love yours and your parents articles and have come to appreciate even some differing viewpoints of your many authors. It’s been a wonderful journey as I’ve laughed, cried, resonated with, and shared many an article with my family or friends. Thanks for the journey!

KaplinMarch 12, 2024

If prayer involves reconciling our will to God's, maybe more of our faithful prayers get answered than we think. To me it seems Jesus's prayer WAS answered. Yes, He prayed if possible let this cup pass, but then further prayed: NEVERTHELESS, not my will but thine be done. So that latter phrase was His overriding ask--thy will be done. And that ask was answered, because it was not possible to let the cup pass and still redeem Father's children. When we really see prayer as finding out what the Father wants for us and having courage to go with it, then are any truly faithful prayers are unanswered?

Corey D.March 11, 2024

Much of what is being said in society about race and racism and prejudice is media driven, hyperbole to get attention. Some years ago I asked a fellow who lived down the street from me and was black a question regarding racism, his reply I have always remembered, he said, "yes racism exists, I would be wrong to say it didn't, are there those who use racism as an excuse or blame something on racism that wasn't, sure there are, I will tell you this though, there is a whole class of poor white people in this country that nobody cares about", that's from a black person. The racial divide is not as great or big as it's portrayed in the media and by certain groups as being, my experience and the experience of others is that most people get along.

Ginger ElshireMarch 11, 2024


SallyMarch 10, 2024

Thank you for putting the importance of this acquisition into perspective. The Lord has created a way for the Church to acquire it at this time. How blessed we are. We will sing and shout!

Marcy FowkesMarch 9, 2024

I remember that night, as we were waiting in the stadium for the performance to start, it started raining. Just a bit to start, We came prepared with umbrella's, the family behind us had a plastic sheet for their cover! We thought we had it handled pretty well until it became literally a torrential downpour. We retreated under the stands to wait it out. All of us drenched but hopeful it would pass so we could celebrate the wonderful new temple we were being given. I took videos of the storm and it was a downpour! Suddenly someone yelled, " Everyone, we're having a prayer! Let's pray that this storm will stop so the kids can perform!" We all knelt down, ( on the cement, drenching wet, under the stadium). Humbly. The spirit was like electricity as someone said the prayer. I couldn't really even hear it because of the pounding of the rain and the amount of people packed under that stadium, kneeling in prayer, but I could feel it and the power of the faith of each of us praying for this miracle. It didn't happen immediately, but gradually the rain subsided and then stopped, We took our wet seats with gratitude in our hearts for God's tender mercies. We knew we had just witnessed a miracle. At the end of the performance, the kids became a rainbow in the stands, representing the token of the covenant God made with Noah. I felt it was so appropriate to us that the rainbow ( the kids) appeared, after that terrible storm, as a token to us of the covenants we would now be able to make with Him in our new temple. . It was definitely a God thing. He has a way of doing amazing things like that. I'm so glad I was there and got to be part of the wonderful celebration of the Payson Temple that night. I will never forget it.

Keith HansenMarch 8, 2024

Thank you for the photos, the history and the marvelous words.

GerryMarch 8, 2024

I found out that Heavenlly Father can deliver pizza after I had back surgery years ago. I was laying in bed watching a small black & white TV that was sitting on a chair by my bedside. An advertisement came on for pizza and I thought wouldn't that taste wonderful. About a 1/2 hour later there was a knock at the door and it opened by my friend Lou who called out my name and said she brought me a pizza. And she wanted me to eat it now before the kids got home from school. I was amazed then and still am as I consider this event.

Claudia Henderson SmithMarch 8, 2024

How did you get to take pictures inside? When we were there, the guide told us no pictures inside.

Traci WalkerMarch 8, 2024

Oh, I love your photos, Scot, and thank you both for putting all of these glorious visitations in one place for me to share with my family. It was truly a pentecostal outpouring of the spirit, and how blessed we are as a church to accept custody of this building now, a building that has seen and heard things unparallelled in history of the world. Thank you, Community of Christ, for saving it from wreck and ruin.

Bonnee B.March 8, 2024

I used to wonder why God made a point of saying that he created man, "male & female created he them". . . it seemed so obvious, but now I know why that was such an important statement. . .

Bonnee B.March 8, 2024

Wonderful news! I grew up on the west side of Cleveland, prayer led to me to go to BYU to find "the true gospel of Jesus Christ" & I received my own beautiful confirmation that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is indeed the true church of Jesus Christ. Returning to Cleveland, married & raising children, we visited Kirtland, became friends with Karl Anderson & were thrilled when our church began restoring the city. We loved seeing the Temple at that time but there was something missing there then - it was the warm comfort of the Holy Ghost that accompanied the other sights owned by our church. It will make a difference when visitors come to see the Kirtland Temple now & it will once again be a House of the Lord. I am in Utah now, Would love to go see it again. So happy.

Helen WilliamsonMarch 7, 2024

Bless Apostle Mackay for his sweet, honest sharing of his grieving and his hope. It is important to honor the past, live in the present and prepare for the future. He seems to be doing all three. Thank you brother Mackay and to all those who did not make this decision lightly.

MaralynMarch 7, 2024

Thankyou for the details of which I have never heard. I felt like I had witnessed it myself!

Bradley KramerMarch 6, 2024

A timely and important article. Thank you.

MaryAnneMarch 6, 2024

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed these videos! They were so inspiring and heartwarming. Thank you! Thank you!

David SylvesterMarch 6, 2024

One of the most heart-warmimg announcements in decades and one we will never forget!! We have witnessed another incredible miracle!!

JuliannMarch 6, 2024

This is of utmost importance. If we believe we stand as a witness for God at all times, in all things, and in all places then we must stand up in defense of Gods greatest creations— men and women. We are not “it’s”. We are not of our own creation. We are sons and daughters of God.

Tanya NeiderMarch 6, 2024

Wonderful news!

Bob MartinMarch 6, 2024

Another final jigsaw puzzle piece has come until we have the final picture is exposed.Heavenly Father and our Savior are in control. Great news

Mary TarbetMarch 5, 2024

Shar S Please note that on October 7, atrocities were committed against innocent Israeli babies, women and children by Hamas, a well-known terrorist regime. Please note Hamas used and continues to use hospitals, schools, daycare facilities and hotels as a base of operations. Please note that Hamas will not release the hostages- those that are still alive - including babies and children and women. What will stop them from pursuing the same type of government with horrendous policies unless they are gone? Who voted them into office? The people living in Gaza. They know who they are. They knew about the tunnels. Both young and old celebrated the actions of those October 7. Israel deserves and is entitled to defend itself.

MaryannMarch 5, 2024

There has never been an article that makes it more clear that it is imperative that we close our borders. I have also read that the United States is the biggest consumer of child sex slavery. How much worse do things have to get before we CLOSE the borders?! The crime that has escalated in our nation is sickening. Ranchers in our border states have had to move because of the vandalism of their property from illegal aliens. I recently watched an interview with an older rancher who refuses to be driven off of his land, even though other ranchers have given up and left. The government ignores it's own citizens and allows this criminal activity to continue. How can anyone support this? YES! Know what is going on, do not be naive, and protect our children.

MaryannMarch 5, 2024

I, too, have awaited this day and I am thrilled! This article reminds us of the miraculous revelatory experiences that took place in the Kirtland Temple. I have loved reading about the dedication, the presence of angels, and the powerful Spirit of the Lord that was felt by the Saints, both in the temple, and as they visited house to house. Of course, the most important and sacred event was the appearance of the Savior in the temple, and other heavenly messengers committing Priesthood keys. We live in a day of continued restoration, and this is certainly one of those great days.I am so thankful that the temple has been restored to us. Much love and thanks to the Community of Christ. I am happy that the two churches work together in harmony.

MaryannMarch 5, 2024

Many of us have been in this situation at one time or another. As members of Christ's church, we want to make things right with others. We want forgiveness, healing and reconciliation. We want to tie up things with a nice bow. If the other people involved are unwilling to discuss, or to forgive, we feel stuck. As difficult as it may be, often, we just need to accept the current situation, forgive ourselves, drop our burden at the Savior's feet, and focus on living our lives in loving, positive ways. One thing that can help is to pray for those who will not forgive and put their names on the temple prayer roll. Continuing to agonize over the situation will only cause more pain. This is a time for patience and trusting the Lord.

JimMarch 5, 2024

Terrific. Thank you for this series.

ShaunaMarch 5, 2024

thank you Bari Weiss, for your bravery in the face of cultural elitism and it's misguided "gods." You have helped open my eyes

Bob SpielMarch 5, 2024

Maurine, thank you for the extensive quotes from her speech. She is spot on in her analysis. Her online magazine,, is eye opening. I don't agree with all she has on there, but the perspectives are very well thought out.

Charles RichardsMarch 5, 2024

Thank you Maurine for lifting up Bari Weiss’s voice on your channel. We follow her The Free Press and follow you and Scott

Helmut A. WorleMarch 5, 2024

Thank You for posting this. Question: Why post this article in an LDS magazine? Because one could easily exchange Jew for LDS. We, too, have come from a history of persecution and are wont to think that this is all in the past. I am afraid I see the shadows on the horizon. Bad times may come for us also. If we now do not help Jews, who is going to help us?

Joel MarksMarch 5, 2024

What we all know is there is no freedom without sacrifice. Think of Trenton, Valley Forge and Washington!

Shar SMarch 5, 2024

I like Weiss. I also understand the history of Israeli policies, studying them for a long time and visiting Israel and Palestine and seeing for myself. Our world will not be free until we truly treat each other as equals. It is not anti semitic to disagree and protest against government policies. I believe the policies of Israel toward Palestinians have gone beyond what is humane. There are words by Israelis themselves that show they believe in ethnic cleansing. There are Jewish historians who argue this as well. Israel has broken international law. I believe you are charging people for being antisemitic who may just be protesting Israeli policy.

PennieMarch 5, 2024

The Latter-day Saints are of the house of Israel and are connected to the Jewish people. We too have suffered pogroms in our history. The doctrines of the church are under attack. Thank God for apostles and prophets.

Laura LesebergMarch 4, 2024

This will help me so much for my lesson tomorrow! I was very excited to see this. Not only that, but dear Newell is my cousin & I’m always glad to hear from him!

LaurieMarch 4, 2024

How heartbreaking! To Elder Chappell's family and friends: Our deepest sympathy and heartfelt prayers go out to you. ❤️

Leon LeavittMarch 4, 2024

Thanks so much for this insight as it has given me courage to understand and learn more from Isaiah. I, like many I'm sure, tend to skip over these Isaiah chapters because they are " just to hard" to understand. . . . . but in reality it has been my laziness not willing to put forth the effort, time and diligence to do so. I'm going to try again. Thanks.

KathleenMarch 3, 2024

Loved this well articulated article with the English flair. But the lesson to always do our duty resounds loud and clear.

MaryannMarch 2, 2024

They really needed to conduct a "study" to figure this out? Of course, women are scanning the shadows and bushes for possible attackers. They have a LOT more to lose, and are generally much more vulnerable.

MaryannMarch 2, 2024

Unfortunately, Orson F. Whitney's often quoted notes of the Prophet Joseph Smith statement, have led to some confusion among members of the church. Elder David A. Bednar clarifies this subject for us in his address: "Faithful Parents and Wayward Children, sustaining hope while overcoming misunderstanding." Elder Bednar refers specifically to the quote from Orson F. Whitney's notes recorded from the Prophet, Joseph Smith. Elder Bednar informs us that "in a more complete set of notes recorded by Howard and Martha Coray, Joseph is shown to have QUALIFIED his statement to make promised blessings CONDITIONAL upon the obedience of the children: "Joseph qualifies his statement: "When a father and mother of a family have been sealed, their children WHO HAVE NOT TRANSGRESSED are secured by the seal wherewith the parents have been sealed..." Elder Bednar goes on to affirm: "This clarification is more consistent doctrinally," and "Ultimately, a child must exercise his or her moral agency and respond in faith, repent with full purpose of heart, and act in accordance with the teachings of Christ." I am reminded of Section 137 in the D&C when Joseph was so surprised to see his brother, Alvin, in Celestial Kingdom because Alvin had died before the opportunity for baptism. The prophet records in 137:7 "Thus came the voice of the Lord unto me, saying: All who have died WITHOUT A KNOWLEDGE OF THE GOSPEL, who WOULD HAVE RECEIVED IT IF THEY HAD BEEN PERMITTED TO TARRY, shall be heirs of the celestial kingdom of God.." We are consistently taught through the scriptures, modern day prophets, and in the temple that enduring to the end is a essential to obtain the celestial kingdom. Elder Bednar affirms: "I recognize that now is the time 'to prepare to meet God' (Alma 34:32) Elder Bednar again: "Mercy will not rob justice, and the sealing power of faithful parents will only claim wayward children upon the condition of their repentance and Christ's atonement. Repentant wayward children will enjoy salvation and all the blessings that go with it, but exaltation is much more. It must be fully earned. The question as to who will be exalted must be left to the Lord in His mercy." I hope everyone will read Elder Bednar's address because it clarifies a great deal of confusion, while still giving hope. We must not, however, preach that all of our children who have gone astray will be saved in the Celestial Kingdom merely because of the sealing power, or because of righteous parents. It simply is not true. We each will stand to be judged, based on our own individual choices, according to our knowledge and opportunities, and the Lord's justice and mercy.

Dave BarkerMarch 2, 2024

This is a nice article. If everyone would follow the advice of President Oaks, this world would be a much nicer place where all can be heard. As always has been the case, however, as a follower of Christ, you must be prepared to take a lot of abuse and persecution by those who disagree with you. Don't fool yourself. Many will never be civil. It is difficult to turn the other cheek and love your enemies when they won't let up. It takes a lot of courage to be a disciple of Christ in today's world..

Clyde LivingstonMarch 1, 2024

Ah, Brother Staheli, good to see something from you again. I remember how you yourself also demonstrated duty-filled characteristics as you were a young missionary in Belgium and France. I learned a lot from your example.

EricMarch 1, 2024

From all I've seen over the past six years regarding the Church's name, I've concluded that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has the most powerful name in the world because people are so reluctant to say it. Even when they're challenged to do so, they'll 1) refrain from saying the full name, and 2) always remove Jesus Christ's name from whatever name they end up using. Always. President Nelson was right. At the same time, been pleasantly surprised to realize how empowering it is to use the Church's correct name. I highly recommend it.

Chip WhitmerMarch 1, 2024

"Wherefore, confound your enemies; call upon them to meet you both in public and in private; and inasmuch as ye are faithful their shame shall be made manifest." (Doctrine and Covenants 71:7) It is true that Jesus was kind and compassionate in ministering one-on-one to people of all backgrounds and persuasions. But he was not so kind to the corrupt political class of his day. He called them out, called them names (vipers, hypocrites, etc), and told them they were going to hell. I'm trying to be like Jesus.

JustinMarch 1, 2024

Highlighting this is a great to start. Sadly, the trust in MSM is driven by engagement more than truth - and often the truth does not get as many ‘clicks’ as polarisation and division. Those who love truth and unbiased reporting recognise it

Ron IaconoFebruary 29, 2024

Thank you for such counsel. It is sorely needed by all.

Erika P.February 29, 2024

If more people would be talking to each other instead of hiding behind their computer, society would be entirely different. It used to be normal that people looked out for each other and helped when necessary. All of that is lost and hate is spilled all over the planet between people that don't even know each other. I baked bread at home and decided to make a few more loaves and take them to four neighbors. Their thankfulness shone in their eyes and the smiles and thank you I got, made me happy. Love thy neighbor as thyself is such a great commandment and makes a society really great.

Linda Starr WinansFebruary 29, 2024

Greetings,Maurine. When we first met you in Israel you mentioned how Scot was your best friend. What a joy to follow your loving journey together. Paul and I are so very grateful and appreciative of your sharing such uplifting and tender experiences with us. May God always bless you both with good health, happiness, and inspiration. You continue to make this world a better place!!! Happy Day!

SKFebruary 28, 2024

I really needed to read this. It has given me hope. Thank you, Brother Barkdull. May you rest in peace.

Karen CasosFebruary 28, 2024

Try google translate, it works well.

Diane ChaconFebruary 28, 2024

Thank you for your article. I'm really trying to understand the words of Isaiah as I study the CFM lessons and found this article very helpful.

AnikaFebruary 28, 2024

Does traficking include mind control? Does it relate to cults?

Ben JonesFebruary 28, 2024

With regard to vaccination, the fact that President Nelson, who is a doctor, got a vaccination and recommended it, is not simply accommodating the world but doing something that is not contrary to the Gospel and is not harmful. Hundreds of millions of people have been vaccinated without ill effects. People can still be prayerful about it because sometimes there are side effects. The fact that home study for the Gospel was implemented under his direction a year or so before the pandemic happened was certainly inspired.

MarLynn JamesFebruary 27, 2024

In conjunction with your article, have you considered the possibility that "Dark Matter" may in actuality be the Spirit World?

Jackson PembertonFebruary 27, 2024

My wife, myself, and our daughter had an experience with my deceased mother that is, I think, very unusual in its parallels to the scientific method. You can read about it here: If I read your mindset on science and religion correctly, you will also be interested in a new paradigm for the most natural basis for natural rights. You'll see several articles on #temporalRights here:

GailFebruary 27, 2024

Maurine, Your writing skills are such a gift! I love to read about your adventures. Especially the things of the Spirit. I shed tears of joy in every report. My son is in your P.R. ward and having been to P.R. a few times. I can picture the lines in stores, the cinder block walls, the hanging electric wires. The beauty of the ocean and the tons of cats and dogs. God bless you both, you are doing a great work!

Richard JukesFebruary 25, 2024

I appreciate this wonderful insight and enlightening for this wonderful chapter in 2 Nephi. Thank you!

Janette AllenFebruary 25, 2024

I miss this masterful teacher. Thanks for sharing this with us. I love it so much. It is the catalyst for many ah-hah thoughts and moments.

SiriFebruary 25, 2024

What is the name of this book? Has it been published by now?

Kerry FarrFebruary 24, 2024

And don’t forget the sacred consecration covenant in the temple. We take it seriously ❣️

BrentFebruary 24, 2024

I Googled "R's of Repentance" to help prepare a lesson about Atonement for my 9-year-olds Primary class. The additional perspective offered by this article will help me to present the lesson in such a way that maybe the kids can be more prepared to avoid the "checklist" approach. Some basics are necessary though ! I liked the comment about the R's being FRUITS of repentance (aka Fruits of Redemption).

KathleenFebruary 23, 2024

Such great observations. Glad to be a part of it all!

MaryannFebruary 23, 2024

I love the statement in this article drawing our attention to the fact that "God does all the heavy lifting." So many of the saints, including myself, have been wearied to complete exhaustion, carrying heavy burdens that the Lord wants to carry for us. Even if we try with all our hearts, we will still make mistakes. The Lord requires our hearts and willingness to try and do better in following the example of our Savior. We need to trust Him more and sense his loving care. I believe one reason many leave the church is they feel such a vast distance between who they are, and who they think they need to be RIGHT NOW! This is why patience is such an important principle: patience with ourselves, and trust that the Lord can enable us to progress to be more like Him.

MaryannFebruary 23, 2024

WOW. I felt the power of the Spirit reading this. There truly is so much more to us than we begin to comprehend. I don't know how long we dwelt with our Heavenly Father before coming to earth, but I do know we brought so much light and truth with us, recorded deeply in our spirits. We do know so much more than we think we know. One of the powerful ways I know truth is that the Holy Ghost bares witness to me of truth over and over again as I read the scriptures--especially the Book of Mormon. Another way I know truth is that when I pray, the Lord reveals to me in my heart that the things that I am saying are true. When we speak the truth, read the truth, hear the truth, something in our Spirits recognize it because we already know it. As the example in the article: We just didn't know that we KNOW already. When I read the Book of Mormon for the first time at the age of 16, I surely must have prayed to know it was true because that is what I had been taught to do. But, I don't remember specifically doing that, because the Spirit bore witness to my spirit that it was true before I even finished reading it. Our souls are primed to accept truth, because deep within, though sometimes perhaps temporarily dimmed, the Spirit already lives within us.

MarmFebruary 23, 2024

This looks like a great list. I have appreciated your reviews over the years.

Adrian MartinFebruary 22, 2024

Thank you, Wally, for an inspiring message. You have really uplifted me.

Elba Milagros Hernandez CurtFebruary 22, 2024

Nephi's prayer is my favorite part in The Book of Mormon. This Scripture has comforted and supported me through my most difficult struggles. I read it often. It always brings me great peace to read that even a Prophet of God struggled with sorrow and difficult times. Nephi's example of endurance and trust always inspires and encourages me to do the same.

ShaunaFebruary 21, 2024

Fantastic! love your Forced family fun nights. I know many think it impossible and others not the goal, but we did not get cell phones for our girls, until they were 13-14, and they were not on social media of any sort throughout their teens--and neither were I or my husband. and I think that's been key. we modeled what we were asking them to do. Ironically, they're now 20 and 21 and they've since started using social media--but as missionaries;) Interesting how that works. they did miss out on some things and they weren't the most "popular" kids, but it kept them from that devastating comparison and bullying stuff going on on social media.

ShaunaFebruary 21, 2024

Thank you for your faith and testimony and for sharing your perspective and experiences. the Temple sealing story is inspiring. Your perspective gives me some things to think about.

Robert StarlingFebruary 21, 2024

Are here some good sources on how to protect or "harden" your key electronics to survive an EMP attack? Does it help if electronics are turned off when an EMP pulse occurs? Many questions ....

Noel JensenFebruary 21, 2024

I like the triple F suggestion. I think that taking charge of your children's is a parental duty. However, I think that the don't understand idea is not completely true. An alcoholic understands the problems of drug addiction, and as recovering teenagers we also understand what our teens are going through, especially if we seek the assistance of the Spirit and follow the inspired guidance of general church leaders.

carolynFebruary 20, 2024

Doris, They are all ebooks. I am submitting them to publishers but for now they are just ebooks. When we surveyed people most said ebooks would be better because they could print just what they needed.

AnonymousFebruary 19, 2024

The Book of Mormon account of the ‘curse of a black skin’ had absolutely NOTHING to do with ‘superiority’ vs. ‘inferiority’! Nothing!!! It was God’s CURSE based on ‘righteousness’ vs. ‘wickedness’/‘disobedience’ of His children. The Book of Mormon has chapter after chapter detailing Laman’s, Lemuel’s and the sons of Ishmael’s DISOBEDIENCE and WICKEDNESS! After Laman and Lemuel had continually tried to murder their brother, Nephi, God finally came to Nephi’s rescue and CURSED all those who followed Laman and Lemuel with a dark skin, and more. Here is the entire CURSING that the Lord put upon ALL the people who followed Laman and Lemuel: 20 Wherefore, the word of the Lord was fulfilled which he spake unto me, saying that: Inasmuch as they will not hearken unto thy words they shall be cut off from the presence of the Lord. And behold, they were cut off from his presence. 21 And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them. [The only part of the cursing addressed in the above article!] 22 And thus saith the Lord God: I will cause that they shall be loathsome unto thy people, save they shall repent of their iniquities. 23 And cursed shall be the seed of him that mixeth with their seed; for they shall be cursed even with the same cursing. And the Lord spake it, and it was done. 24 And because of their cursing which was upon them they did become an idle people, full of mischief and subtlety, and did seek in the wilderness for beasts of prey. 25 And the Lord God said unto me: They shall be a scourge unto thy seed, to stir them up in remembrance of me; and inasmuch as they will not remember me, and hearken unto my words, they shall scourge them even unto destruction. (2 Nephi 5:20-25) Honestly, it flabbergasts me that any puny human being could think they have so much “intelligence” that they could ‘DISAVOW’ God’s commandments and punishments, and go so far as to say that they didn’t even happen! We are all God’s CHILDREN, and He can punish or reward any of His children in any way He feels appropriate. This article actually makes me sick to my stomach! Who died and made these so-called ‘scholars’ become “God, the Father, in charge of the ‘rewards and punishments’ division”??? If any of you have eyes that can actually see, you should be able to see people walking around in black skins [and hair] all over the world...still. You should be able to see a large number of the people in South America, Central America, Mexico, and the United States and northward, walking around in skins ranging from very dark brown, to lighter brown or reddish. The majority of them also have black straight hair. I’m sorry, but they can’t wash off their skin color! It’s not a tattoo! It’s not paint! Give the world a break! God sends out blessings OR cursings upon His children based upon their obedience or disobedience to His commandments! Stop with the “politically correct” BS. The truth is the truth. And differences in skin color are a REALITY. Why are the descendants of those original cursed people still wearing the dark skins? That is 100% up to GOD!!! He decides. You puny humans don’t have control over His actions! God cursed Laman, Lemuel, and the sons of Ishmael, and all their descendants, with a ‘SKIN OF BLACKNESS’, and that curse would only be lifted on certain descendants who proved righteous by repenting and giving their hearts to God. The mark/curse of a black skin put upon Cain is still 100% present among the Black population. That mark of a dark skin still is present among a majority of the Lamanites. That is just a fact! It is not being ‘racist’ to say that. FACTS ARE FACTS! They can’t be DISAVOWED. They can’t be DISMISSED or IGNORED. God is in charge! Period!

LoraFebruary 19, 2024

In the Holy Bible, we have a footnote on the word "black" on these scriptures: Jeremiah 8:21, Jeremiah 14:2, Joel 2:6, and Nahum 2:10. The footnote reads, "Hebrew idiom, meaning gloomy". What I don't understand is why there isn't a footnote on 2 Nephi 5:21. After all, wickedness never was happiness. Besides, if Nephites and Lamanites looked different from each other, why is it that in Alma 55:8-9 when the Nephites bring wine to the Lamanites, they don't ask Laman, "What are you doing with all those Nephites?" Instead they say, "Great! Let's drink!" A better translation would be that the Lamanites had "an aura of darkness" rather than a "skin of blackness". Many of us have seen it with our friends who turn away from the light of the gospel.

Traci WalkerFebruary 19, 2024

Each time you speak, pearls of wisdom fall from your lips. Now I see the same applies to your writing. - your MTC buddy

carolynFebruary 19, 2024

Doris, They are all ebooks. I am submitting them to publishers but for now they are just ebooks. When we surveyed people most said ebooks would be better because they could print just what they needed.

carolynFebruary 19, 2024

Gary, Thank you so much. I hate writing about worst case events but we know they can and likely will happen. "For the scriptures tell us so.."

David PerryFebruary 18, 2024

Dear Lynne, These words were rock solid, not built on the sand or on a mirage. Thank you for your sweet testimony of things that matter most. Uncle David

Corey D.February 18, 2024

I understand what you are pointing out but there also might be the impression that the church will end some time in the future and maybe isn't as important as it has been taught, it is eternal, as eternal as the family for as the Scripture says, those who are inheritors of eternal life are also those who will be of the Church of the Firstborn.

Cynthia P. SpencerFebruary 18, 2024

I think this account is a good example of inspiring faith and appreciation in the hearts of our children Good jon Tanya! Keep them coming.

Kirsten SchullFebruary 18, 2024

Thank you so much for this podcast. I have loved the Psalm of Nephi sing we sang a composition of it at BYU in the 80s. This thoughtful essay you have shared added so much depth and made it a blueprint for healing and growth. I feel blessed to have read it. Many thanks.

KathleenFebruary 17, 2024

True Blue - because we've consecrated our all for that period of time!

Ann Kapp AndersenFebruary 17, 2024

A most insightful and inspiring article of the kind I expect from you, Lynne. You have an auntie in Alaska who is always VERY proud of you. :-)

Sherylynne O'DwyerFebruary 16, 2024

Thank you for this review. I am looking forward to reading this book.

Joanna StrainFebruary 16, 2024

I love this. Thank you. This article makes the admonition to love and include those who would otherwise be excluded so much easier to understand. The paradigm shift will make living the Gospel so much easier.

DorisFebruary 16, 2024

Are your books all e-books or real books?

MelanieFebruary 16, 2024

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! This has been a topic for the last 5 years and doesn’t always end with heart warming feelings. This article is an answer to many years of fasting and praying. The title of this article, the stories told, and the doctrine shared gave the reader a feeling of hope. I will continue to read and ponder upon this for days. My heart is so full of gratitude! Bless you and your sweet wife. You are a gift to all!!

Corey D.February 16, 2024

My wife and I went to the Idaho Falls Temple last summer, first time we have been to that temple, it's where my mom's parents were sealed. As we were making our way out, lots of turns and hallways we came around one corner and there on the wall was this painting of Jesus holding a lamb, in the background was the flock, making it seem as if Jesus was returning or rescuing the lamb, it was a black lamb, first time I have seen that particular painting, it deeply touched me at that moment.

Corey D.February 16, 2024

My father was killed at a young age in a freak construction accident at home, he and my grandmother were doing a lot of family history or genealogy as they called it back then, being the oldest I got a lot of the family history stuff. Similarly after my grandparents on my mom's side passed away, I being the oldest and mom being an only child I ended up with a lot of their family history stuff. My wife has been very interested and involved in family history, not only with her family history but she has been a diligent journal keeper and we have massive amounts of family photos so it has been important to us. Family stories have been important to us our whole lives, how and where we grew up is a big deal, especially for me coming from a small town and my wife's parents coming from rural Wyoming but with the exception of one son our children and grandchildren have little to no interest, I think it's sad because those stories of faith, conversion, hardship, miracles, family, patriotism are important they have and do affect me but my children don't seem to be very sentimental about those kinds of things at all or even their own childhoods, much of their generation seem to be the same.

Laurie Claeys BoydFebruary 16, 2024

BEAUTIFUL article with the most important message in the world. THIS is how we love one another as He has loved us!

Corey D.February 15, 2024

Great and wonderful story which I know my wife would love but I hope she never reads because I would be in trouble, again !

Gary AndersonFebruary 15, 2024

Carolyn, I am so grateful for the inspired messages you give on being prepared for anything that could or will come to pass in these latter days! You have helped me a lot on how to prepare and what to prepare, so I won't be caught wanting when things happen according to prophecy and other means.

LewisFebruary 14, 2024

While different than your usual article, I think this particular article is one of my favorites. If eternal life is made up of little steps, eternal love must in fact be made up of a multitude of little things. I can tell that the love you feel provides a beautiful foundation for you to do the incredible things you do with your life. I am grateful to you for sharing this wonderful story.

ShaunaFebruary 14, 2024

thank you for your work, this article and especially your commitment to God and His laws/truths. Your analysis explains why I have rejected Hollywood outright and why I haven't seen a movie in a theatre since Mary Poppins Returns Neither do my husband or I watch TV, have Netflix or whatever. I refuse to let this worldview in I support you in your brave stance

Marie B.February 14, 2024

I LOVED this. We’ve been married nearly 57 years. I think it’s never too late to start something good so starting today I am going to do more of the small thoughtful things you described you received from your husband. I hope and pray it will bless our marriage. Thank you for sharing your story. ❤️

Doris WilliamsFebruary 14, 2024

I am blown away by Becky's story.....and John! Wow, heaven found a match for this faithful, talented, altruistic sister. What a guy...unbelievable in his dedication, faithfulness, creativeness....truly a match made in heaven! An example and blessing for all of us. I'm grateful to be a supporter of Rising Star Outreach and wish all of their family continued love and blessings.

Frank E. MerrillFebruary 14, 2024

Thanks be to God for an excellent filmmaker like Kieth! It is because of his family visiting my family in the 1950's that caused us to join the church, and it is because of his excellent work as a cinematographer that the most crucial truths may be told in such glorious detail.

Mari PorterFebruary 14, 2024

Such a sweet and wonderful life; thanks for sharing what matters. “He’ll ruin the gene pool!” Hahahaha!

CoreyFebruary 13, 2024

What an amazing story! Have you ever thought of publishing his journals? The Lord truly protects those who honour Him… I’m curious what is meant by the “Icelandic front”. The Germans were never in Iceland…

JohnFebruary 12, 2024

Article starts with "We need to reject the simpleminded, inaccurate picture that divides people into two classes" and exactly 5 words later refers to the other side as 'our enemies'. Complete cognitive dissonance. When you undermine your own thesis to this extent - nothing else you have to say is worthy of consideration.

Dan YeruskiFebruary 11, 2024

Excellent project, excellent and useful information for me to begin a restoration project on Zelphs Mound also known as Naples/Russel Mound 8 located in Pike county, Illinois. I will invite the Curlee family and others from Nauvoo to the cleansing ceremony once a date has been set. I'm working with Joseph "Standing Bear" Shranz of the SOARRING foundation.

Corey D.February 11, 2024

I keep hearing or reading the word compromise, it's in the quote by President Oaks but I personally think that's part of the problem in society today, there are some things that there can be compromise but there should be no compromise on certain issues, especially moral issues, especially those things surrounding family and marriage and honesty, anything else will fail or prove to be destructive to society and history, both secular and non-secular history has already shown that.

JaniceFebruary 10, 2024

I'd been searching for a gratitude journal for a young women who lost her grandpa, and then a year later her grandma. She was close to them and missing them a lot. I was so thankful when is got it. It seemed perfect! Thanks for your hard work on creating a beautiful product to help us reflect on the blessings we do have and remember the important things and people in our lives.

Laurie MorelandFebruary 10, 2024

I heartily agree with this whole article. Finding myself in the dating game at age 55 after nearly 30 years of marriage, it was a strange and wonderful world. My now-husband and I began our relationship with very open communication and lots of talking and laughing. Seven years later, we continue to talk and laugh every day!!

VictoriaFebruary 9, 2024

Thank you for this well-written tribute to Nephi which is applicable to all of us, especially those who struggle with darkness and bringing energy and light into their pattern of thinking. We should all examine our self doubts and seek the reassurance of His light.

CynthiaCFebruary 9, 2024

Thank you to all our missionaries -- for preparing, for going, for doing your best! This beautiful article captures so many feelings! Missionaries brought our family into the church! Thank you for your example! A shout out too to Mission Medical. My son was sent home early with a suspected life-threatening illness (it was!). One BYU friend met us at the airport to meet him. I cried deep tears of appreciation, because all it takes is one, knowing that one person cares so much to be there with a big welcome home/job well done smile. As the saying goes, we may be the only scriptures a person ever reads! How we live and love matters as much as what we do and accomplish! Keep up the good work!

Allen AFebruary 9, 2024

My neighbors and I clear each other's walks after every snowstorm. Whichever of us is out there first will get the walks for the others. Sometimes we go on down the block to the homes of the very elderly and make sure that their walks are cleared and salted if the neighbors there haven't already done it. Most of my neighbors are not LDS, but it is something that we just do.

JuliannFebruary 9, 2024

Thank you for the explicit honesty. “Enduring well” is not easy. Doesn’t help to live in denial. Being submissive to whatever He seeth fit to “inflict” upon us is a true challenge. You have learned in one experience what it’s taken me too many years to internalize. Well done.

HelenCFebruary 9, 2024

Thank you for your gift to our young people. I pray the sister who went home feels loved and appreciated for her valiant effort.

Corey D.February 9, 2024

My father was killed in a freak accident at home leaving my mom with 7 children at home, two of us were married and out of the house, here it is almost 45 yrs later and it all seems like a blur, grandchildren seem to be growing up even faster than the kids grew up, retired a couple of years ago after 43 yrs at the same company, does anybody care or even remember even though I was the only one who did what I did at my work ! Nothing more important or memorable in this life than holding the hand of a child or grandchild walking with them to the park so they can swing and go down the slide and they are so excited to go.

Corey D.February 9, 2024

I enjoy your articles and commentary Brother Peterson, the mixture of academic and religious/spiritual is excellent.

LindsayFebruary 8, 2024

Timely question. Beautiful answer. Thank you both!

Kay RookhuyzenFebruary 8, 2024

We saw the "movie" last Saturday and were two of the entire theater that sat during the credits! I laughed, I cried. MARVELOUS presentation. Well worth the Fathom Event pricing! I purchased the next weekend tickets before I even left the theater!

ShaunaFebruary 8, 2024

Thank you for raising your voice and for the solid arguments and resources. It's bizarre how one sided the discussion of these issues seems today in main stream media. I especially love the final quote from Robert George and am also so grateful for President Oaks incredibly rational and fair-minded, and yet deeply committed and moral approach to public issues. we have so much to learn from him and after reading his biography, and listening to many conference talks, I am convinced that the Lord has put him here at this precise time to help model a disciple's approach to civic affairs

Corey D.February 8, 2024

Such an amazingly well written, almost perfectly expressed sentiment and in it's own way a testimonial of the great plan of salvation. Only a mother could have expressed this.

Bryan W EllsworthFebruary 8, 2024

Today I needed these thoughts, altough I have already read the CFM lesson and accompanying insights and read many many times “The Psalms of Nephi”, this perspective was inspiring that Nephi chose to not stay down in depression even though he admitted to it. He chose to remember his Redeemer instead…..this Nephi’s attitude of gratitude that you point out makes me grateful tonight because in the past for me “the wretched man that I am” didn’t seem to jive with the man of God that Nephi was. But making him more human like us is comforting and gives me hope tonight!

Kay RookhuyzenFebruary 7, 2024

We all have days like this occasionally! You just have top laugh! I sure l laughed at yours quicker than I do my own!!!

S LindsayFebruary 7, 2024

Thank you for this beautiful reminder and encouragement to record our love and lessons for those still coming. Your writing conveys a tenderness and honor and sacredness all too rare on the internet these days, and so hearty and nourishing.

JuliannFebruary 7, 2024

It is a truth that many of us find ourselves in the pit of despair from time to time, wondering how we got there and wondering how we’ll ever get out. I still don’t know the magic formula but many of the things you mention surely do help. I typically end up pleading for Gods help and then I’ll hear a song, or read a text from a friend, or turn on a wonderful podcast discussing the scriptures, or read a great article like this one, things that uplift and edify and bring light to dispel the darkness. I’ve always loved Nephi’s lament. It’s where he becomes real and relatable.

Kathy SandersFebruary 6, 2024

Maurine, this subject of being conscious of our thoughts and the power they have for good or bad is one of the most important subjects in life I think! Thank you as always for articulating the power we have to choose our thoughts and the joy that can come from aligning them with the light of Christ, and the truths God has given to us. It is a true miracle how God can take our "feelings" and give us miracles to see and feel differently and more joyfully. Oh how the world needs to understand this principle of power! So much anxiety and depression would cease and joy and happiness would take its place!

J. E. GilstrapFebruary 6, 2024

Love this. Thank you.

Ron BarnesFebruary 5, 2024

When the Book of Mormon was published, the scattering of the Lamanites in North America, while not completed, had been underway for hundreds of years. Also, the United States did not become a “mighty nation” until after World War I, long after the scattering was completed. While the Spanish did make slaves of some of the Lamanites, it was a small number compared to how many there were. Also, for the most part, the Spanish didn’t scatter the Lamanites, they married them. About two thirds of the inhabitants of Central America are of Spanish and Lamanite ancestry. Also, the term “raised up upon” indicates it was local, not imported.

DougFebruary 5, 2024

This mortality is a testing ground. Perhaps (or more certainly than perhaps) this was just one test He allowed you to have to prove that through your Earthly trials (including a heart attack) you would choose Him. Our trials in mortality will be brief but some may seem so HUGE, as was this one for you. Keep the faith and keep holding fast to that iron rod and God will surely bless you for doing so. Thank you for sharing.

GTOFebruary 5, 2024

In the 1500s, Hernando de Soto landed in the southeastern part of what would become America. He brought pigs with him, an invasive species that carried diseases to which native Americans had no immunity. Along with smallpox, pig-born diseases probably decimated about 90% of the native population, most of whom never personally encountered a European. This could probably be added to the pre-restoration scattering and killing of Book of Mormon descendants.

Heather SmurthwaiteFebruary 5, 2024

You have our empathy, gratitude and our agreement -- all of us millions of mothers who love the Lord. We will all progress eternally together.

Sandy GatesFebruary 5, 2024

If this was a social media post I would like it a million times. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and your feelings. You hit the nail on the head with your insight.

Karen BrimhallFebruary 5, 2024

Love the book Cry Wolf. Though she was on the run she had help in finding the killer of her husband. You will stay interested in this book

BryanFebruary 5, 2024

This is the best article I’ve read here in a very long time. So on point and SO doctrinal. Thank you for sharing.

CharlyFebruary 5, 2024

I was 34 and my baby was 6 weeks and the youngest of 5 children 7 on down. This is a 1/10,000 chance of a lifetime! I had a stent put in, and have lived a normal life. Now I'm 62 and seeing the damage of my heart, dealing with other diseases, including breast cancer. I am still blest and know that even if we don't see it then, It is for our good!

RhodaFebruary 5, 2024

Thanks for this -- very important to ponder.

Brother RodriguesFebruary 4, 2024

Seria muito bom se houvesse transcrição do podcast, mesmo transcrito em inglês, para poder os traduzir com Google translate. Moro fora dos EUA e não sei ingles

SaraFebruary 4, 2024

Beautiful! It is a good reminder that people are what is important. Relationships matter. Individuals matter. I really enjoyed this.

Jan FranciscoFebruary 3, 2024

I really loved this article, your writing and your thoughts. I feel the same way about the immense importance of motherhood and attention to our children. I love hearing God’s response to you, it makes Him seem nearer to me in the day-to-day. Thank you for your courage in speaking up for motherhood.

LindsayFebruary 3, 2024

Thank you for this absolutely beautiful reminder, put in such an uplifting and inclusive way that I can share it broadly with mothers everywhere!

WhitneyFebruary 3, 2024

The Savior’s first miracle was to provide wine at a wedding. Having alcohol at weddings is not a new tradition—and one that is not considered morally reprehensible in most cultures or traditions. Can you get curious about why this particular situation is so difficult for you? If your children are kind and caring people, not sharing your value about alcohol doesn’t seem like it should prevent you from enjoying one of the most important days of celebration in and of your child’s life. Can you try to see what the wedding means from their internal value system and love them?

Corey D.February 3, 2024

I dare say probably most, maybe all parents and grandparents especially in the church feel exactly like this couple or can relate to some degree. I have heard the phrase "the Book of Mormon was written for our times" my whole life, I don't think it was chance that most of 1st Nephi is about family dynamics. The battle or what is often referred to in the press as the "culture war" is lost, there is no doubt about that, but we know who wins the final grand battle or war, therefore we have to concentrate on our individual faith, knowledge, obedience and happiness, praying in faith for loved ones and friends who are headed to the large and spacious building or maybe already in it and leaving the rescue of them up to the Savior.

Bruce NormanFebruary 3, 2024

Now that is really cruel ... are these the bedtime stories you told to your children. (I had to laugh at this one.)

Nathan BoyceFebruary 3, 2024

WOW! I love that story and the profound lesson it demonstrated. Thanks so much for sharing that.

KathleenFebruary 2, 2024

Tender & True!

Cornelius Randall PetersonFebruary 2, 2024

Who is the artist who painted the lovely watercolors?

EveFebruary 2, 2024

I love this so much! I'm going to have to remember that - don't mistake necessary for important. A great lesson for us all.

MaryannFebruary 2, 2024

Thank you for such an uplifting and much needed article. I believe many women feel they are unimportant because they are staying home to care for their children instead of joining the work force. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are doing the Lord's work and caring for HIS children. Being a stay-at-home mom is an incredible blessing and privilege. As you stated, women who must work outside the home also have opportunities to live a Christlike life by blessing those around them. Hopefully, we can be loving and supportive sisters to one another, whatever our situation may be.

MaryannFebruary 2, 2024

Please remember you are not alone. I, along with thousands of other LDS parents, are dealing with this same struggle. We feel your pain, and empathize with you. Your letter indicates that you are exhausted and at the end of your rope. I hope my thoughts can help. I have come to the place where I absolutely must protect my own mental, emotional, and physical health. For me, this means ceasing to agonize over my children's choices, and to ACCEPT the real fact that this is where they are right now on their journey. I relinquish guilt or any responsibility for their actions. I continue to pray for them, and I exercise faith in the Lord that He will do all he can for them. I feel the key is to continue to show love always, and focus on being together as a family. To continue to agonize over their decisions, or to try to change them, helps no one. It will only bring additional exhaustion, and rob you of the energy you need to love and enjoy their company. In your prayers, thank the Lord for all the wonderful things about them, and express your faith that he will reach out to them. If they sense in any way your disapproval at their wedding reception, it will only drive a wedge between you. Decide before you go that you will have a good time. Engage in positive, upbeat conversation, rejoice with them in their marriage, and be thankful for their happiness. Let go of your burden, and give it to Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.

Stephen HuntFebruary 2, 2024

This is excellent. Only one suggestion: while Joseph met with Moroni on the first day of fall five years in a row (2023-2027), he did NOT meet with Moroni on the Feast of Trumpets every year. The date of the ancient feast is determined by an ancient lunar calendar, and so the ONLY one of the dates that Joseph actually met with Moroni on the Feast of Trumpets was the date that he actually received the plates, September 21, 2027. In my opinion, this is even more amazing than the idea that he might have met on the Feast of Trumpets every year.

KellyFebruary 2, 2024

A dear friend in a similar situation prays: "Lord, you love them more than I do. I leave the matter in your hands." (This in the context of children who allow almost no contact with their mother.)

Steve DoneganFebruary 2, 2024

Best…explanation…ever. Thank you.

Robert StarlingFebruary 2, 2024

Kimberly. Do you have some Kleenex? I need some after reading your wonderful article. You are SO right! Thank you, for reminding us what is most important.

RaLee HallFebruary 2, 2024

Thank you for posting this. I love it!

JopkinsFebruary 2, 2024

Outstanding insight into that which truly matters. we are so easily distracted with our temporal duties, success and follies that we miss the simple, crucial caring that will shape a personality.

JoyceFebruary 2, 2024

I must have been led by the Spirit to Rob Gardener's Lamb of God today. I just stumbled on Is it I? on Spotify and I was deeply touched by the conversation. I walked right into the present of the Last Supper and how that moment felt with the disciples and Jesus. Listening to other songs lifted my soul in more ways than words can describe. I have blessed Rob Gardener in prayer many times. God bless you again for being so creative

Guy and Susan GardnerFebruary 1, 2024

Ron and Bonnie, our prayers are with you!

Minerva M.February 1, 2024

In April 1982 General Conference, President Hinckley stated," Unfortunately, we live now in a sex-saturated society. Pornography comes at us from all sides: in the theater, in books and magazines, in newspaper advertising, in television in its various forms, and in some instances from radio." This was 42 years ago. That dismal state of moral decay then, sad to say, has very astronomically made a turn for the worse. Paul warned us that in the latter-day time, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils (1Timothy 4:1). The Prophet Joseph Smith received the revelation exhorting us . . . to do all things with prayer and thanksgiving, that ye may not be seduced by evil spirits, or doctrines of devils, or the commandments of men; for some are of men, and others of devils (DC 46:7). I'm deeply grateful for the prophetic, relevant, and urgent declaration of President Nelson that in coming days, it would not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost. Thank you so much for this very informative article. Adults, young people, as well as children, need to be informed of insidious pitfalls and deceptions out there, and the very subtle, cunning ways of the adversary who is as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:7).

CEBFebruary 1, 2024

Loved reading this “real life” parable! I could see the analogy of choices all along the way. Thank you!

TracyFebruary 1, 2024

I love this. Thank you for a great modern day parable.

Sharon BarrusFebruary 1, 2024

I love this analogy! Very thought provoking. Thanks for sharing.

LoraFebruary 1, 2024

If the garden of Eden was in Jackson County, Missouri, then there were three civilizations that were swept off this continent because of sin: first, the Flood, then the Jaredites, and then the Nephites. The Civil War came very close to destroying America. Think of it: they had murdered a prophet, cast the righteous out from among them, and ground the faces of the poor with slavery. Abraham Lincoln read the Book of Mormon in 1862, and I believe he took warning from it. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, and began declaring days of prayer to return the nation to God. (See The Lincoln Hypothesis by Timothy Ballard)

Steve DoneganFebruary 1, 2024

Oh thank you, good brother, for your allegory of the fence. It resonated with my soul.

Wally GoddardJanuary 31, 2024

I enjoyed your article, Carol! Will you be attending RootsTech? If so, I hope you will attend our session on Saturday, March 2, from 3 to 4 about Binding Hearts. Would love to have your thoughts after hearing our presentation! Blessings to you.

Robert StarlingJanuary 31, 2024

Great article, as usual. Our loving Father doesn't always give us what we want, but He gives us what we need. Even our Savior Jesus Christ did not get the answer he wanted to the most earnest prayer anyone has ever given ("let this cup pass from me"). But like him, we have to say "thy will be done".

Julie Carling DeYoungJanuary 31, 2024

Beautiful story! Thank you for all the fun info! John Carling is my 4th great grandfather! It is so great reading stories of ancestors!

Robert StarlingJanuary 31, 2024

Very well said Gary. You've given us some very good tips on how to share the most important thiings in our lives.

CarmaJanuary 31, 2024

Excellent article. Truths to cling to and act upon.

Ornella Brenna - ItaliaJanuary 31, 2024

I deeply love the knowledge I receive through the texts and writings you publish, but I have a problem, I don't know or speak English. I have to use the automatic translator to be able to read the lyrics [or write this comment], but it is not possible to do this with only the audio tracks. For this reason I kindly ask you if it would be possible to combine the audio tracks with the written text. Thank you for your attention and for your commitment to spreading knowledge of the Gospel in all its dimensions.

Debra MackJanuary 30, 2024

Wonderful article, wherever we live in the world. Thank you

Prodicus DiplodicusJanuary 30, 2024

In regard to the last part about Jacob and its connection to our experience with prayer, a nice discourse on the topic is Kierkegaard's, titled "One Who Prays Aright Struggles in Prayer and Is Victorious—in That God Is Victorious."

Pam RoderJanuary 30, 2024

Beautifully said Dan. Nice to have C.S. Lewis's perspective on this as well. Thank you. Appreciate all that you contribute!

L. LarssonJanuary 30, 2024

I loved this powerful and inspiring article and I thank you for it!

JeanmarieJanuary 29, 2024

Such a beautifully written and insightful article ! It reduced me tears because it is so close to my heart. Thank you for including CS Lewis - I respect his perspective so much ! Thank you !!!

RaLee HallJanuary 29, 2024

Thank you for this well thought out article. Though I knew much of the things you wrote about you increased my understanding and and gave me new insights.

JuliannJanuary 29, 2024

Much in this article to ponder on at a time I have been pondering this very question. Thank you. Opposition in all things ,I believe, means there has to be a balance, whether individually or collectively. If you ask for and expect miracles then you should also expect trials and challenges. If one person is pure evil then another person will be astonishingly angelic. Bitter-sweet, pleasure-pain, knowledge-ignorance. The problem lies in believing we deserve all good if we are trying to be good. I appreciate you pointing out all the ways the Savior was forsaken. The only perfect man received the exact opposite. We need to adjust our expectations.

HelenCJanuary 29, 2024

Heavy stuff. As my prayers for 2 of my own children, like yours for your sweet granddaughter, seem to have gone unanswered, or at least answered with a resounding, “No”, I will be spending some time with your thought, “We should wrestle with them until we receive the blessing.” There are unquestionable blessings that have come from my losses but they are still not the ones I wanted.

Corey D.January 28, 2024

First I compliment you on your willingness to draw a line, too many, even "active LDS" give up. I thought my worries would be over when the kids left the house and started their own families, how naive I was. I love my children and grandchildren and try to be supportive but there is a lot of times I have to bite my tongue when I see what some of my granddaughters are wearing, especially those who are no longer going to church. It's everything from trashy to immodest. Many of them have been involved with dance and I have been to numerous dance recitals and performances and its sexualized to the max, the dancewear, the dance moves, the music, makeup, little tiny girls with lots of makeup and a lot of these dance groups are run by church members but you say anything and you are treated as a pariah.

HeatherJanuary 28, 2024

I agree with Kevin that your insight about waiting ON the Lord, in the sense of humbly serving as we press forward with fatih, is a motivating idea. Thank you!

JudyJanuary 26, 2024

Thank you for your insights on each lesson. It really helps me understand what I read.

ShaunaJanuary 26, 2024

thank you --a heads up article for sure. as the mother of 2 daughters, It is so ironic to me that feminists have bought into the idea that women should "have the freedom" to be used as sexual objects i.e. pornographic toys etc. I thank God for the Gospel and the Proclamation on the Family everyday, for defining how families ought to function. And as Elder Bednar points out, in mind popping fashion in a must read talk/article: "Because a physical body is so central to the Father’s plan of happiness and our spiritual development, we should not be surprised that Lucifer seeks to frustrate our progression by tempting us to use our bodies improperly. One of the ultimate ironies of eternity is that the adversary, who is miserable precisely because he has no physical body, invites and entices us to share in his misery through the improper use of our bodies. The very tool he does not have and cannot use is thus the primary target of his attempts to lure us to physical and spiritual destruction. The Adversary’s Attacks The adversary attempts to influence us both to misuse our physical bodies and to minimize the importance of our bodies. These two methods of attack are important for us to recognize and to repel." (Things as they Really Are, Ensign June, 2010) Satan wants us to misuse our bodies. Thanks for the specific analysis your article provides, and I agree that parental example is key and I call on adults everywhere, women in particular, to stop flaunting their bodies.

Michael GreenstreetJanuary 26, 2024

The evaluation of whether any decision was correct comes down to its outcome/s. Matthew 7:20

Ron BarnesJanuary 25, 2024

I post on social media almost daily, sharing pictures and thoughts that I find interesting or amusing. I’m 69 years old, and I often get responses from women in their 20s. First, they flatter me and my post, then ask me to send them a friend request. I have no desire to, and have never done as they ask. I’ll admit I’m a bit naive, so I don’t know what it’s all about, but I’m sure it can’t be good.

CubbyJanuary 25, 2024

Took me a minute, that is funny.

LoraJanuary 24, 2024

This may or may not help, but some ingenious person created a slip for bridesmaids' dresses to help with the challenges of fitting into a restroom stall. It's called the Bridal Buddy. Maybe it would help with Renaissance dresses as well.

KevinJanuary 24, 2024

I've been "waiting" for an article like this! ;) Seriously, though. I really appreciate this viewpoint as I have just very recently been feeling like the Lord has forsaken me. Nearly ten years into a chronic illness has led to lots and lots of praying for relief, healing, answers, guidance. Recently it has turned into crying, begging, pleading and desperate sobbing, to the point of murmuring, complaining, lots of feelings of frustration, of impatience, confusion, and complaining. This article was very timely and poignant, thank you! I will try my very best to apply what I've learned from it. It's my greatest desire to do His will, I might as well focus on waiting ON Him instead of waiting FOR Him.

DebJanuary 24, 2024

Thank you for your thoughtful and thorough article. Babies are a blessing indeed. My heart smiles today when I see young families out in public these days, because having children is a choice fewer and fewer are making. We live in a society which is less supportive and even less tolerant of that choice. I appreciate your clarion call.

vickieJanuary 24, 2024

this is so funny. i wondered that myself. i would say i dont want to be floating around doing nothing or just singing. i want to be busy doing something and then relaxing after it was done. im sure when we are there we will be busy...doing what the Lord wants us to do. i even thought of asking the Lord to be down on earth traveling and seeing all the sights i never got to see. i think the EARTH is the most beautiful place in the universe. i treasure it.

Robin C.January 23, 2024

I served in Puerto Rico many years ago and absolutely fell in love with the island and the wonderful people there. Reading about your experiences and seeing your pictures brings back so many memories! I wept when I heard the temple announced there. When I served the few members that could manage it went to the Washington D. C. Temple to perform their sacred ordinances. What a blessing to have a temple there! Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. I’ve listened to your podcast for years and was so delighted when you were called to the PRSJM! (The best mission in the world)!

MaryannJanuary 23, 2024

I have faith that the Prophet and The Twelve are receiving revelation all of the time to direct the affairs of the Lord's church. They don't need to report it all to us because some of it is not necessary for the whole church to know. However, when they do receive revelation for the entire church (and the world), we can be sure we will receive it. I am profoundly grateful and filled with faith in their counsel.

Ron BarnesJanuary 23, 2024

Our stake president came to our ward to call a new bishop. He arrived with one of his councilors. Getting out of the car, he saw my parents getting out of theirs. He asked his councilor, “What about Brother Barnes?” His councilor agreed. They were sitting on the stand when his other councilor arrived. The same question was asked of him. He looked at my father, then turned to the stake president and said, “He’s glowing.” When the president looked and saw my father surrounded by light, he knew who the Lord had chosen.

ShaunaJanuary 23, 2024

thanks for sharing these fascinating examples of modern day revelation. I have no doubt that our Church leaders are lead by revelation but it's always wonderful to fortify my testimony and to note the way that the Lord works with His servants

Abbie VianesJanuary 23, 2024

Thank you for your faith promoting scholarship and article Jeff.

NeilJanuary 23, 2024

People love to confuse the issue by talking about choice. Leaving some kind of corrupted grace to allow for others to have a choice to do something horrible. So I wish that the church would put into their statements on abortion that laws preventing horrible actions are not removing choices. This logic is never applied to other laws preventing horrible actions. For example, if someone wanted to build a bomb, the laws preventing them from building a bomb are good for society. Not removing choices. It is simply a way to support something evil and simultaneously virtue signal that you don't partake in the evil you support. So the church could preempt this by shutting down the choice deflection directly. There is this line, "Church members who encourage an abortion in any way may be subject to Church discipline." And those who support abortion via choice deflection are blind to the fact that they fall under this. If they addressed abortion directly, people would realize they support abortion more than they support the church. A lot of abortion obsessed people would leave the church. Yet after the mini-exodus, going forward, the church would grow stronger on this front. Unified.

Tracy TippettsJanuary 23, 2024

Elder Boyd K. Packer was assigned to call a new Stake President in Blythe, California, a small town of less than 20,000 people next to the Colorado River in Southern California. Elder Packer was accompanied by Floyd Packard, a newly-called Area Seventy. They went through the customary procedure of interviewing men serving in Bishoprics and the High Council. Saturday night, after a day of many interviews, Elder Packer felt that none of the men interviewed were to be chosen as the new Stake President. They retired to their respective rooms for the night, and met the following morning again. During the conversation, Elder Packer mentioned to Elder Packard that he had been given a particular name during the night. Upon hearing this Elder Packard said he had the same experience. Elder Packer then contacted the Stake President and asked if there was a man with that name living in the Stake? The Stake President replied yes, and indicated that he was previously serving as a Bishop in one of the wards of the Stake, but was currently serving as a Scoutmaster. He was called at home, and invited to be interviewed by Elder Packer, and was then called to be the new Stake President.

Jolanda Wiesner-PrzewrockaJanuary 23, 2024

Great insights as usual. Ich liebe Ihren Humor. Grüsse aus der Schweiz :-)

LauniJanuary 23, 2024

Amen - thank you for saying what so many of us have been thinking all along!

MaryannJanuary 22, 2024

The fact that the ex-husband is blaming his wife for the divorce in his conversations with his children is a dead giveaway about "how much he loved her." A man who loves a woman does not stir up contention against her, or blame her to her children. Since she is already divorced, I cannot fathom why her friends would keep telling her how much her husband loved her. They are basically telling her that she was wrong and made a mistake in divorcing him. This is unbelievably presumptuous and rude. I agree that she should make it very clear that their remarks are NOT helpful.

MaryannJanuary 22, 2024

Thank you so much for this much needed article, reminding us of the firm and unchangeable doctrine of the church on this issue. It is important to remember that freedom to engage in sexual intercourse also requires accountability for the outcome. There is no such thing as free agency without responsibility for our choice, and consequences for that choice. The vast majority of the millions and millions of babies who have been aborted is not due to incest or rape. The overwhelming majority of abortions are a result of irresponsibility. I am pro-choice in the sense that the responsible choice is made BEFORE you become pregnant.

Craig ReidJanuary 22, 2024

It’s too bad most if not all of the lower seats are reserved for church or GAs. The first come first serve tickets are in the balcony

Katrina BrittnerJanuary 22, 2024

Beautifully said—thank you for sharing!!!

KīraJanuary 22, 2024

Thanks for this article, Merilee, and all the work you do.

Jessica SpackmanJanuary 22, 2024

Fantastic, efficient breakdown of this critical issue. Thanks, Merrilee Every human life is sacred. Every preborn child is on their personal journey through mortality and eventually back to his/her Heavenly Parents.

Corey D.January 22, 2024

Just before the holidays my daughter-in-law texted to let us know that she and my son had mutually agreed to divorce, neither go to church, there was/is some concern because of past emotional struggles he has had, including coming home early from a mission. As I was thinking about this one day and what possibly I could do to help, the thought or impression came to me that he needs to get involved in serving others. So many seem to be struggling in the church but especially the youth and the young single adults. I see the wisdom in getting the youth to the temple as young as possible and all the options available for the young adults to serve that are available now besides a fulltime mission.

KatherineJanuary 22, 2024

Amen to everything said. We proclaim to belong to the restored church of Jesus Christ. We should be leading the charge against the evil practice of abortion that kills millions upon millions of our brothers and sisters every year!

Pattie SkousenJanuary 22, 2024

Pre-Born is a wonderful organization whose purpose is to achieve sanctity of life at a grassroots level. They have sonogram machines that help the expectant mother to see her unborn baby and help them understand the miracle of birth. Many fetuses are saved by this loving group. I have personally been giving to them and find great joy in helping new mothers delight in their experience.

Kirsten SchullJanuary 22, 2024

This was wonderful! Thank you for the indepth commentary.

Linda PelchatJanuary 22, 2024

I agree with this article. My problem is that a vote in the next election for Republicans would mean a vote for Donald Trump, who wants to be a dictator and destroy the US Constitution. Thankfully the Lord knows all.

LaWren BoothJanuary 22, 2024

Wonderful! Thank you for your work and for writing this article. I belong to a women’s political county organization here in NC that supports a local charity for unwed mothers and their babies. Such a good cause in harmony with LDS church values.

Teresa DavisJanuary 22, 2024

Thank you, I really enjoyed everything you say, I feel inspired and now more knowledgeable in my understanding of The Book of Mormon. You are amazing.

Teresa DavisJanuary 22, 2024

Thank you, I really enjoyed everything you say, I feel inspired and now more knowledgeable in my understanding of The Book of Mormon. You are amazing.

Robert LeifsonJanuary 21, 2024

Thank you for sharing your experiences! My son is serving in the Puerto Rico Mission and I personally appreciate your service to the missionaries. Your witness and testimony of gathering the House of Israel from both sides of the veil is powerful. Hearing the miracles that are happening since the dedication of the temple in San Juan is inspiring. May God bless you in your service.

HelenCJanuary 21, 2024

Interesting. I was afraid to speak up when my sister’s vicar told me he knew the church he worked for was not the true Church and he believed it wasn’t currently on the earth. I did email him after I had returned to the US to tell him it WAS here but I never heard back.

Pattie SkousenJanuary 20, 2024

Puerto Rico was a wonderful trip for us. We went right after Covid. The people were so nice and accommodating. Enjoy your time there

GusleyJanuary 20, 2024

Thank you so much for your insights. Years ago, while on a YSA trip, a young man walked into a room where I was privately engaged in my morning scripture study and approached me, laughing. He asked how long I had been home from my mission, and I replied that it had been about five months. He laughed again and said, "Don't worry. You'll get over that habit soon enough." I am saddened by how ashamed I felt. Had I made a show of scripture study - sitting self-righteously right in the middle of the main room, displaying my scriptures with an air of "look at me!" - I might have understood his mockery. But I was separated from the group, in a solitary corner of an empty room, early in the morning. He walked all the way into an otherwise empty room to find and make fun of me. However, that experience shaped my future. I have thought of his comment almost daily for the past 25 years; every day when I open my scriptures, I remind myself that this is a habit I never want to get over.

Bill HurfordJanuary 20, 2024

Unfortunately no mention is made of being a healthy person by building your immunity. Typically I use Vitamins D and C regularly and up the dose when a cold or flu looks like to happen.I also use Zinc. Great results and only real issue is sore throat

Melissa DarbyJanuary 19, 2024

Margret, I am glad you are still writing, I love seeing your name in print! This analogy about football and the mission resonated. It resonates with life as well. A slog with high points in between. Good seeing you in Oct. at the football game. All the love!!

MTJanuary 19, 2024

Unfortunately, "being in the world, but not of the world" usually means that LDS generally only socialize with other LDS. Holding membership or leadership position in a civic organization that would take away from your church calling is usually discouraged. Youth sports/activities that conflict with church youth activities are frowned upon. Real missionary work happens when true examples of Christ-like behavior are contrasted against lost hope, despair, and results of sin. Not at the Rameumptom on the first Sunday of the month...

AnnaJanuary 19, 2024

Geoff, your articles are getting better and better with time. This is a good one.

Corey D.January 19, 2024

I served my mission in the 70's, one of my companions who was also a convert and from California had worked in law enforcement before serving his mission, he once told me about a study that had been done in California (which would certainly not happen in today's social environment), the study looked at which ethnic groups were most or least involved in crime, at the time, those from Asian backgrounds particularly Chinese families were the least likely to be involved in crime and that was attributed to the strong parent, grandparent structure and the importance of honoring the family name and respecting the elders of the family. The comment in the article about the increase/rise of listed mental illnesses and correlating that to higher numbers of Therapists and differences in Therapists is way more true than expressed in the article.

RosieJanuary 18, 2024

Sounds fun, but why do we not allow a creative twist to these songs, while still bringing the spirit when it's sung. I personally dislike syncopation (I think it takes away from the song and focuses on the singer). Others would disagree. I've taken a few hymns, changed melody from a 19th century tune to a more current tune that emphasizes the meaning of the lyrics, and while not meant for Sacrament mtg. would be effective in an informal setting. Ex: "Does the Journey Seem Long", and "Come unto Him" - originally titled interestingly "I Wander thru the Stilly Night" or similar. Anyway, just a thought

Patty ListonJanuary 18, 2024

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful and sacred experiences with so many of us who read meridian. May you be blessed in all that you do.

SusanJanuary 18, 2024

You've always had a beautiful way with words and your missionary stories are blessed by that. I look forward every week to your inspiring messages and feel touched to do more temple work. Thank you so much for sharing!

Joy LundbergJanuary 18, 2024

I loved this article. So tender, so inspiring, so encouraging. Thank you!!!

Jan NielsenJanuary 17, 2024

I too am on a path that is not one of my choosing and it gives me strength to hear the counsel of seeing how gratitude can help me carry on. I know all comes from our God, but focusing more on those blessing will be something I can do to feel his love for my through his beloved son, Jesus Christ. Thank you both for your testimonies of the role gratitude has helped you.

WallyJanuary 17, 2024

What an inspiring story! Thank you, Ron and Bonnie! Wally Goddard

MaryannJanuary 17, 2024

I have felt the Spirit of the Lord so profoundly as I read the Book of Mormon. It is divine miracle to me that reading the Book of Mormon opens the door to personal revelation. It is so much more than written words on a page. I love having the Holy Ghost witness to me over and over again the truthfulness of the Savior's divine mission, the truths of His gospel and the plan of salvation. Reading the very same scriptures at different times in our lives can bring new answers and new interpretations, depending on what we need at the time. The Holy Ghost will teach us what we need to know and feel. I am so grateful to have the Book of Mormon and I have a testimony that the Book of Mormon IS TRUE.

Doug YanceyJanuary 17, 2024

Great story! Becca and I try to do that in our ward here in Decatur. Those verses in Matthew have always been my favorite.

Nathan BoyceJanuary 17, 2024

@Ron Barnes: I appreciate your perspective and openness about your struggle.

MaryannJanuary 17, 2024

Joni, you have just done what is often impossible! You have encouraged us to press forward in Christ, without the guilt for being imperfect.

MaryannJanuary 17, 2024

If we refuse to compare ourselves to others, the problem of mocking might just take care of itself. We can train ourselves to become quickly aware of when we are making comparisons, and stop those thoughts before they escalate. Most of us have an automatic "beeper" warning go off in our heads when an unclean thought enters. We kick that thought out! We can develop the same mental self-warning when we are tempted to make comparisons between ourselves and others.

Tracy TippettsJanuary 17, 2024

In 1989 I suffered a severe motorcycle accident in San Diego, California. I broke both bones in my right leg in 30 places. The accident could have, and should have been fatal. The recovery took one year. During that time I heard that Irvine Stake President Jack Rushton broke his neck while body surfing in the ocean with his son, at the same time as my accident. I later heard he and his wife speak at BYU Education Week in Provo, Utah. I introduced myself to him, and told him of my accident. His comment to me was, "It looks like you survived much better than I did?!" Jack later passed away from his injuries. I am also aware of Shawn Bradley, the BYU basketball star that played in the NBA, who was paralyzed in an accident while riding his bicycle in St. George, Utah. The young wife that was horribly burned and scarred in a private airplane crash. The young returned-missionary that was paralyzed in a car crash, that wrote the book, "Unstoppable". The widow who's husband was the Mayor of Ogden, Utah, who was killed in Iraq, a week before he was scheduled to return home to his wife and seven young children. The captured hostages and many victims of the wars in Ukraine and Israel! These are the tragedies of mortality that cause many to doubt the existence of God? Our thoughts and prayers are with you, and everyone who is struggling and suffering with similar challenges. Steadfast, and Semper Fi! ✋

Patricia WintersJanuary 17, 2024

You are mispronouncing "sheikh." It is pronounced like "shake."

Carol AnnJanuary 17, 2024

Always good reminders. Thanks, Carolyn!

Laurie PollardJanuary 17, 2024

Bonnie and Ron, your words carry the power of the Spirit into our hearts. We feel the depth and genuineness of your faith and testimony of the loving promises God has offered to all. We know this witness has been marvelously magnified in the midst of your excruciating pain and suffering. We are grateful you are sharing your journey and the blessings of covenants and revelation that comes through seeking the Lord and heeding his voice delivered through the Holy Ghost. You are a gift and a light to us all. You are loved and appreciated beyond our ability of expression. May you thrive in the joy of the Lord's companionship as you continue to fulfill your grand mission in mortality! Your influence for good is incalculable!

LeeAnn HemmingJanuary 17, 2024

Your story is beautifully written. I loved reading of your search and desire for truth. I am impressed with your diligence and for not giving up. I love your testimony of the Book of Mormon, it inspires me to want to share your story and my love for this book with others. Thank you!

Mel HiscockJanuary 17, 2024

Excellent, insightful consideration of a sobering topic of a commonly passed over scripture.

Nathan BoyceJanuary 17, 2024

@HelenC: thanks for sharing that experience. I hope that you telling her that was a blessing for both of you.

Denise ChristensenJanuary 17, 2024

Bonnie and Ron...thank you for sharing your story and your testimonies of the power of prayer, the priesthood and gratitude. You are both a beautiful example of Christ-like love and faith and an inspiration to all those who struggle. We have many fond memories of our travels with you and you have been in our thoughts and prayers over the past several years since the accident. Know that we will continue to pray for continued miracles in your life. thank you for showing us that love and faith in our Savior can conquer all trials that may befall us. We love you and wish you the best.

Ron BarnesJanuary 17, 2024

I also see how I fit into that building, but from another prospective. My problem is pride. I am not a humble man. Too often I pride myself on my own abilities, not remembering how the Lord has guided me to develop them. Pride can keep me from following the commandments as well as I should. Sometimes I realize that I'm relying on my own "wisdom", rather than the wisdom of the Lord. Overcoming my pride will probably be a lifelong struggle.

CubbyJanuary 17, 2024

Great story. I like the way you reframed the inspectors from irritants to safety people.

JeffreyJanuary 16, 2024

Thank you for writing and sharing your personal conversion story and testimony of God's Plan and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

KatherineJanuary 16, 2024

Your insight and wisdom continues to bless my life. Thank you Becky.

Withheld once again..January 16, 2024

I do not expect it to happen, but wouldn't it be wonderful if it did! We must each do our part to include everyone. We must teach our children the importance of doing this, and they must see us living our lives that way. I have never expected to have special treatment, but I have expected Christ like behavior from my fellow ward members. Oh how I feel the sister's pain and frustration that her husband has been a project. It is hard for active members to understand that not everyone feels dissatisfied with their lives in the matter of religion. Unlike so many who sincerely testify that "something was missing" before they found the Gospel, many, my husband included, do not feel that way. He is an excellent husband and father who is very supportive of callings that have taken much time away from my being home, as Primary President, serving in YW & Relief Society Presidencies, temple attendance. The best "ministering brothers" have been the "ministering friends."

LewisJanuary 16, 2024

What a beautiful story! It is one of those wonderful stories that demands that you examine your own heart, to distinguish between knowing about and truly knowing. It was a very timely reminder for me as we start our new year and plan the type of person we wish to become. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.

Richard GarrisonJanuary 16, 2024

Sis. Douglas, you never cease to inspire me and motivate me! The Lord works in mysterious ways...I literally just retold that very special spiritual experience several weeks ago as I had the honor of being the concluding speaker in our Orlando Stake's YSA Ward. Truly one of the most spiritual experiences of my life. I carry that same envelop, given to me those years ago by that trusting child of our Heavenly Father, in my Church briefcase. When I feel myself "drifting" in any way, I pull it out and ask myself "Do I KNOW God?" And thank YOU for all you do! "Former" Bishop Richard Garrison

HelenCJanuary 16, 2024

I have recently been disturbed by a dear friend’s negative opinion about Joseph Smith and the revelation on plural marriage. I have been struggling for days (mostly nights, actually) to find a way to correct her thinking. I knew that it was something only personal revelation to her could address but I really wanted to “fix” her thinking. Then I realized this morning that my only obligation as a friend is to love her unconditionally and to tell her so. So I did. My own personal revelation, perhaps?

KalaiJanuary 16, 2024

Such a beautifully written article. I love the visual of light spilling from the pages of the scriptures! I feel the same way but can’t write it as well as you do. The words of the song are 5x more powerful when combined with the music! It’s a must listen!! Thank you for sharing your talents in words and music!

Toni LyonsJanuary 16, 2024

My husband used to be a little afraid of helping someone with disabilities for some reason. We recently had a brother move into the ward who really had a hard time struggling with his stand-up walker. My husband was determined to be his friend. He calls on him often and spends hours visiting and helping where needed. The brother's wife has struggled as well over the years taking care of her husband and serving him and it is such a relief when my husband is able to be there as a support when she needs a relief. A wonderful change has come over my husband and it has been a great blessing to him as well as he sees how loving others has brought him closer to the Lord.

Liz RJanuary 16, 2024

McClellin's misspelling of his own name may be him replicating its misspelling by the mob in, say, a posted notice offering a reward for McLellin's capture.

Michael RooyakkersJanuary 15, 2024

Oh Christy, your lifelong endeavour to find truth is only beginning. That’s the beauty of this gospel of Jesus Christ. We learn every day as we seek for more understanding, line upon line, precept upon precept. Sometimes in the temple, I have such very profound and simple truths witnessed to me. How wonderful it is that you shared your frustrations and joys, so poignantly with us in your quest for coming to terms with, the true nature and character of God and Hs love for us. I’m sure your message will inspire doubtless many people who are going through the exact things now that you went through. I absolutely loved how well written your piece was. It spoke to my heart instantly and confirmed those truths that I hold so dear and near. Thank you, thank you, thank you for bravely and faithfully sharing your story!. I know you will be blessed, and perhaps even your family will one day as they watch you excel in your own personal worship of God.

EudociaJanuary 15, 2024

Not one word about his mother. She is still very much alive. Curious he didn’t mention her.

Daniel SloanJanuary 15, 2024

This is a fantastic perspective. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing this. It seems I need to do my own internal audit to correct my same bad habits.

Alicia JensenJanuary 14, 2024

This is precious! You touched on somethings I had never thought about; how God was just dealing with us because his chosen people had forsaken him, but then via the BOM realizing that’s not the case. He love all people and make way for all to hear him and take part in his love. Such a revelation to read your thoughts and insights- well done!

Ben CrookJanuary 14, 2024

It is inspiring to hear (read) your testimony again. Thank you for being there and may the Lord bless you.

Ariane CJanuary 14, 2024

Is this still available to see? Where is it located? East Side Gallery?

Bob TaylorJanuary 14, 2024

many years ago on my mission, i had a similar experience. we were teaching a young couple, the husband was not active but because of his wife- who was not a member- he was being brought into activity. the very old lessons, the 5th discussion was all the commandments, and was often a stumbling block for investigators. we went in with a prayer in our hearts. every commandment, the wife nodded and committed to living the commandment. we finished the lesson and said, well, Sister ___, do you have any questions. she said yes, just one question. you can imagine how our hearts jumped at this ::)) what is it? well, she said, is that all there is to it? what a relief! no, that was not all, but for her this was the starting point.

Dee MillarJanuary 13, 2024

I have been married twice and widowed twice both to nonmembers. . Active LDS all my life Grew up in a small town. Only member here in this small town for over 30 years until recently. Drive an hour to bigger town .invite nonmembers friends to church Active in community. Organizations Lots of friends

Tamra DodgeJanuary 13, 2024

Been there. I was married to a non-member for 14 years. He was a good man, with a gentle spirit. We had two sons together. He would attend church with us on occasion, but finely opted to attend his childhood church with his parents. The boys would alternate between churches, which had to be confusing for them. What I took from my experience, was the absolute ‘project’ making of my husband, and it appeared there was a competition as to whom would be the one to get him ‘dunked.’ He had the missionaries. Was invited to golf. Went with the Scouts on outings. Helped families move with the Elders Quorum. There was lots of fellowshipping, but with an underlying intention. For every step we would make forward, we would take two steps back because of something said or done. My husband was the focus of ‘recruitment’ in his own words. The marriage had taken a toll, and ended after a two and a half year court battle. My sons finely received permission to be baptized, through a series of unexpected events, and years of waiting. Their father and his family were not pleased with the event, as miraculous as it was. I had fully believed this man would accept the gospel, and integrate into my world with ease. His families traditions were very strong, and didn’t include the open mind or heart, that truth was out there. I appreciate this Sisters experience. She is an island. Fits into both worlds, but not at home in either. It wasn’t until I remarried, that I was invited to do couple things with fellow members. It’s hard. Uncomfortable for them, hard for me. I felt very much alone amidst my brothers and sisters.

WithheldJanuary 12, 2024

Your advice is sound, but in my experience of the last 50 years in a similar situation in my marriage, not realistic. I have found that active church members are so judgemental and have no or very little desire to develop friendships who do not meet "their standard " They make it hard for our children, making them. accountable for their parent's actions...."Where is your father?" Why doesn't he come to church?" Why didn't he baptize you?" " I hope our lesson on Temple Marriage didn't make you feel uncomfortable today." Please, can't we accept everyone for the place they are currently in? Heavenly Father loves all of his children. He wants us all to come home to him...everyone will in his or her own time....eternal progression! Please ward leadership, have patience and empathy for those in your stewardship...we need your support and help to feel part of the ward family, especially our young children and teenagers. If you don't, " the world" will. I have lost children because of their experiences in church.

Sally SmithJanuary 12, 2024

Well said. This is a clear message as to why we must trust and understand the Lord's timing on our lives. To teach us to trust in the Lord's timing especially when we don't get what we want when we want it.

Elder Ed SimonsJanuary 12, 2024

I love your mission updates! My wife snd I are Mental Health Advisors living in Argentina and this quote really resonated with me when you said "The younger generation is much better than you may have ever imagined." This generation of young adults are such precious valiant souls and I feel so privileged to serve them and the Lord as we serve them.

O SmithJanuary 12, 2024

The Latter-day Saint woman's comments are spot on! As a woman who has been a part-member family for 40 years, I have experenced every part of what she said. But your magazine story headline isn't really the right question. She wasn't asking how does she make friends -- she's made the effort to make friends. The real question is why church members don't respond in kind? I've done everytlhing you've suggested and yet, unless I initiate contact nothing much happens. There's an exception here or there, but in general members are cordial but they don't really include us in their lives. And yes, my husband has had some pretty rude baptism-ready type questions thrown at him just like your reader. As a church we just don't know how to deal with non-member families. We don't expect non-members to come into our building or activites. I've had my husband at empty nester activities and members who don't know us just assume he's a member and have made comments about non-members as a whole in front of him -- and then die with embarassment when they find out he's also not a member. And then they avoid us. I don't see a solution. And after 40 years it's exhausting to keep trying. Instead of counseling her about what she should do, there should have been more discussion about what the OTHERS should do when confronted with part member families in their wards. How do they become more inclusive? That's the issue we have to address.

Andrea VeraJanuary 12, 2024

Se que tu testimonio es muy grande y tienes toda mi admiración y cariño, he sido miembro de la iglesia por mucho tiempo y he tenido grandes experiencias, pero conocerte y verte ser tan fuerte ante tanta adversidad y refugiarte en las escrituras como siempre lo has hecho te ha llevado hasta este momento, se que vendrán más bendiciones, milagros, tribulaciones y experiencias que te harán crecer aún más, Se que Dios te ama como me ama a mi también... Muchas gracias por tu gran valor y por tu gran testimonio. Sabes que te amo con todo mi corazón mi hermosa hija...

Rick KlompJanuary 12, 2024

Christy--Thank you for sharing your powerful affirmation of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and the Savior's love for each and every one of Heavenly Father's children. The truthfulness of your words was confirmed to me by the Holy Ghost when I read them.

Roxann FJanuary 12, 2024

Christy thank you for this beautifully written testimony of The Savior and The Book of Mormon. I’m sure there are others who needed to read your story for their own struggles and others who can relate to their own conversion in a similar testimony of its truthfulness. I pray it uplifts the souls of those seeking truth and those confused about the path their on to finding Christ.

Harvey HiggsJanuary 12, 2024

The Sister wishing members would be more sociable outside of church activities should be aware she is not receiving special treatment being excluded any more than active members. Most ward members I know don't socialize outside of church activities. Outside of church and family activities socializing doesn't happen.It seldom happen and I do not expect it to happen.

Romulo C Lakip JrJanuary 12, 2024

Love your story!

Jack StapleyJanuary 12, 2024

I loved his article. Thank you for it. I think you are spot on. I have travelled with you to Oman, and have seen the type of location where they lived another 4 years or so after their arrival in Bountiful. A total of 12 years or so out of Jerusalem. May we all be more Nephi-ish in our attitude and relationship with our God. Life would be so much more enjoyable.

Jenny SvendsenJanuary 12, 2024

WOW! What a pwerful article, powerful testimony, thank you so much!

RaLee HallJanuary 12, 2024

Thank you for sharing your powerful testimony.

Roger DavidsonJanuary 12, 2024

Thank you so very, very much for you inspiring story of gaining a witness of the Book of Mormon. I am totally inspired from your story. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day saints I to am trying to find out my standing before my Father-in-heaven. Your story instilled in me a strong desire to keep pushing forward. Thank you so very much for taking the time to share your story.

JeanetteJanuary 11, 2024

What a wonderfully amazing article this is. You explained the importance of Mary so powerfully!

Elaine BarnettJanuary 11, 2024

Joni I loved your thoughts. You are an accomplished teacher! Thank you for your trust in the Llrd. Elaine Barnett

JuliannJanuary 11, 2024

Excellent article. Thank you.

LoraJanuary 11, 2024

A few years ago, I prayed a prayer that I had never prayed before: "Father, I cannot change. Please change me." I had tried and failed so many times to control my emotional eating habit. Books, gyms, clubs, support groups, none of them changed me for long. I recognized that I had an addiction, and followed the 12 steps, including surrendering to my Higher Power--my Heavenly Father and my Savior. It took a long time, and it wasn't without setbacks, but He has changed me. He took away a compulsion that I've had for 60 years. Now the results are obvious. I might write a book called "Lose 60 Pounds in 60 Years" but I don't think it will be a bestseller. Everyone wants a faster solution. For the first time in my life, I have confidence to get rid of my big clothes ("just in case"), and expect my current clothes to fit next year. What I realized in this process was that I can't just come unto Him one time. I have to come to Him every day.

Linda StricklandJanuary 10, 2024

Thank you to this author for this insight. So many times we experience what we think is failure. However, this article is a great reminder to have faith and patience.

Bob WJanuary 10, 2024

An Observer & H North—The brother was some years older than the daughter and died three months before she was born. I’ve not had, nor do I know anyone who has had a near death experience, but once while very ill, alone in an ICU a few hours from home, I saw and received a priesthood blessing from my deceased father accompanied by my also deceased mother and others whom I didn’t recognize. I already believed and had a testimony of the afterlife—now I know.

Abbie VianesJanuary 10, 2024

Potatoes, which could save starving French peasants, were not taking on. So the king had them planted in the royal garden and set his royal guard to protect the garden. Word got out and the royal guard turned the other way wnen peasants snuck in to steal potatoes. That is how potatoes went mainstream in France

Wanless SouthwickJanuary 9, 2024

It is very likely that the introductory summary for the First Book of Nephi was written by Mormon not Nephi. Mormon used introductory summaries to briefly describe the content, source, and authorship of each major section of the abridgement he was making of his people’s historical records. When Mormon found the Small Plates of Nephi among his library records, he appended it to his abridgement and logically followed his practice of adding an introductory summary to it. In the first sentence of the Small Plates of Nephi, Nephi personally declared his authorship by writing "I Nephi,... make a record of my proceedings in my days" (1 Nephi 1:1). Mormon’s introductory summary testifies to that authorship by simply paraphrasing Nephi’s words: “This is according to the account of Nephi; or in other words, I, Nephi, wrote this record.” (1 Nephi Preface:Heading)

CharlotteJanuary 9, 2024

While the things on your self test factor into happiness I was surprised that, Relationship with the Lord", wasn't listed. To me this is critical to genuine happiness.

GTOJanuary 9, 2024

I work at publishing online material to help people increase their testimonies in the gospel. We try to address controversies among the membership when they come up and are just now seeing the hue and cry from angry members regarding a quote from our prophet in General Conference: “Your choices today will determine three things: where you will live throughout all eternity, the kind of body with which you will be resurrected, and those with whom you will live forever.” Are they searching the scriptures and praying to understand eternal concepts designed by God? Or are they angry that the little we know about Eternal Life doesn't fit the concept they've gleaned from their earthly experiences and feelings? This article addresses this exactly. Humility and gratitude are keys to increasing our understanding. Nephi was humble, teachable, and willing to do anything for the Lord. Thank you for this eloquent, profound insight.

HelenCJanuary 9, 2024

The title of your article was enough to draw me in! Having just watch the Angel Studies film, “His Only Son”, about the faith of father Abraham, I have a new understanding of “a future only God can see”.

HelenCJanuary 9, 2024

I’m not single but I do still have dreams! My husband is an ex-member RM and my three surviving children are decidedly less-active. I’m also struggling to find clients for my Grief Coaching business which, at age 72, sometimes seems like “too little, too late. In grateful for your kind, hope-filled words, today. Thank you.

Debbie RaymondJanuary 8, 2024

We experienced our elders teaching the exact same “commandments lesson” to our friend MaryLu. I could NOT believe it. It was her third lesson! She was humble as she nodded yes and yes and so on. I prayed then, and I continue to pray for our friend to be blessed and for me to have the kind of faith the young missionaries have. (Senior missions are so good for us seniors!)

NealJanuary 8, 2024

What a far different story we would have if Lehi had just told them, OK, go back to Jerusalem and do the best you can; we will go on".

CubbyJanuary 8, 2024

The words that connected with me were"This family cannot continue to be held hostage by his threats." People I have worked with often do not understand that they are the hostages.

carolynJanuary 7, 2024

Oh gosh Steve how did I miss that? Thanks

David Newbold, PhDJanuary 6, 2024

What an absolutely brilliant and insightful piece of writing, the likes of which I have rarely encountered. You have identified the core problem that these two men suffered from. They truly suffered loss and pain, not because they were separated from their riches, although they believed that to be the cause of their unhappiness, they did not place God at their center. Obtaining riches and amassing power on earth has no positive effect on our eternal progress, on the contrary, these earthly desires undermine and, in many cases, bring eternal progression to a screeching halt. Yes, gold and power and dominion can be used in ways that build the Kingdom of God, but only if the person with an abundance of money and influence has amassed those gifts with an eye single to the Glory of God and has successfully removed selfishness out of their life. I have already begun to share this article with some of the patients in my practice of psychology. Thier reading of your thoughts and insights will most certainly assist them in improving their lives. Thank you again.

ShaunaJanuary 6, 2024

Thank you for this heartfelt, constructive article on the role of BYU. I have a BA and an MA from BYU and then attended 2 other private universities for further graduate study. There is NO comparison in terms of the quality of my academic education at BYU, the facilities, including the Harold B Lee Library, the grounds, the caliber of students, the emphasis on undergraduate teaching....and of course, and most importantly, the spiritual framework that BYU provides. And thanks to tithing funds, the cost is comparatively, incredibly low. Both of my kids attend BYU, and while it's not perfect, I am thrilled for them to be there and am encouraged by President Reese's passionate commitment to making BYU into what prophets have said it needs to become. I also love BYU Br. Thayne. It has played a huge role in my life

Cindy HuffakerJanuary 6, 2024

I think that Laman and Lemuel were very accustomed to the world and its ways. They didn't believe in God, didn't even WANT to believe in God. Even when there was evidence and testimony that persuaded them, they soon forgot, because they were not "grounded" in their own spiritual foundation through experiences - prayer, etc. A real testimony of God, Jesus Christ, is sincerely sought for.

Tracy TippettsJanuary 6, 2024

Thank you. In the postwar 1950's my father worked at UCLA to help design and construct other campuses in Santa Barbara and Riverside. He was personally recruited by Earnest Wilkinson to go to BYU, and help transform it into the beautiful and large university it is today. The student housing complexes of Heritage Halls, Hellman Halls, the Harris Fine Arts Center, and moving the football stadium from it's former location on lower campus, where the current buildings are located, to the distant location where the current stadium is, were some of his accomplishments and legacy. Unfortunately, he had a very liberal and unsympathetic attitude toward the Church, its members and doctrine, and for those reasons he was dismissed from his position after two years. Because of residual bitterness, he forbid his four children to ever attend there as students. But because my older sister received a full, four-year scholarship to attend, he relented and allowed her to do so. That opened the door for all of us to attend and graduate from BYU. Two us us with Master's degrees. Both my sisters met their husbands there, who both served full-time missions, as did my twin brother and myself. The opportunity and experience to attend BYU was the most significant and transformative experience of my life, and my siblings could each say the same. I consider the campus and environment there to be sacred and holy ground. I don't think it's impact and influence on hundreds of thousands lives can be overstated. It is very special and unique.

Donna McCownJanuary 5, 2024

Laman and Lemuel did not realize they were not in charge. God was and Nephi figured that out. Our prisons are full of people who refused to believe they were not in charge.

ChuckJanuary 5, 2024

I never fail to find application from the Book of Mormon in my life. Your article put some of my thoughts in to wonderful words. Thank you

F BoothJanuary 5, 2024

There is another character in the story. His name is Sam. He was older than Nephi but younger than L & L. He chose to side with Nephi. Yet, we learn very little about him. Did Nephi sleight him or was it simply that his story was outside the purpose of the Book of Mormon? He experienced everything his three brothers experienced, but his reaction is not recorded. Too bad!

JaneJanuary 5, 2024

This is beautifully said! It really resonated with me. Thank you!

WilJanuary 5, 2024

You reported many scriptures written by Oliver Cowdery that were part of the instruction Moroni gave to Joseph. I see the sources for the most of those verses from the Messenger and Advocate Feb and April 1835. But I cant find the sources for the last few. Matt 19 and Rev 6. Where can I find the source material for those verses being used by Moroni? Thanks

Jim BrownJanuary 5, 2024

Thank you for an inspired commentary that "hits the nail on the head" with regard to commitment to the Savior as the key to happiness in this life and as our "nail in the sure place" with regard to gaining eternal life.

Mary NooseJanuary 5, 2024

I love this article! It was exactly what I needed to hear, and confirms some things that the Holy Spirit has been telling me. Thank you!

Mike PerkinsJanuary 5, 2024

Love this. Have ye inquired of the Lord? Do you know the dealings of God? You are in a difficult situation - can you turn to the Lord and ask him to teach you and help you?

HelenCJanuary 5, 2024

It is so hard watching those I love struggle as Laman and Lemuel did! Love is challenging enough WITH Faith; it must be immeasurably dark without it! I keep praying for my husband’s return to at least the place where he again acknowledges what he used to call, “Helen’s little miracles”. I know Father has His arms ready to receive him but he is the one who must turn around, as I once did. Oh, the Joy that awaits him! I will keep Laman and Lemuel vs. Nephi in my mind throughout the year, watching and waiting for opportunities to add touches of light to our journey together.

Adrian MartinJanuary 5, 2024

Great message! Great lesson! Thank you!

Jennifer SJanuary 4, 2024

I've never struggled with the desire to wear the holy garment but I have daughters who do struggle. I grew up being taught that the garment represented modesty in women and so naturally taught that to my children. Now we understand the true symbolism of the temple garment and how it represents the Savior and our covenant to remember Him. I've tried to share these insights with my daughters. Sadly they view the garment as a sign of male partriarchy (old men in Salt Lake telling women what kind of underwear they should wear and how to dress). They are tired of hearing that they are responsible for men's thoughts and actions. I spoke to our Stake Young Women's president and begged her to encourage leaders to stop linking the garment to modesty in women and to instead teach what it truly symbolizes. Imagine if our women enter the temple for the first time and leave armed with the power of God and a tangible reminder of the Savior and the covenant they have made to follow Him?

Randal WagnerJanuary 4, 2024

What about tithing on benefits? Healthcare, employer-paid social security, matching 401K contributions, parking spots, etc.? I need to do some praying about this. If I get an answer that I should be paying tithing on those things, I have a lot of back-tithings to pay. I am leaning toward paying tithing on my full SS ck and hope I live long enough to pay the debt. Very good response from Martin.

Steve DoneganJanuary 4, 2024

Not a criticism, just something I noticed... Numbers 36 and 41 are the same.

Rochelle HaleJanuary 4, 2024

This is an amazing list. Thank you! Just last Sunday at church we had a class on emergency preparedness. In my area, we are prone to earthquakes and are long overdue for a big one. However, given the events of recent years, we need to remember that emergencies can also be personal. We may not face a catastrophic event, but we may face illness, unemployment, a financial crisis, etc. Some preparedness is better than none, and we can always improve.

DaveJanuary 3, 2024

the often reported battlefield instance of dying soldiers calling "Mother"... could it be that their own mothers are indeed visiting them in such a terrible time to comfort them going beyond? how is that possible if their mothers are still living and hoping for their return home? as supposed by CS Lewis, God is not limited by what we experience as linear time... so might He not send/allow such as these mothers from where they are in Heaven yrs/decades hence to return through time to comfort their children of this life in the most extreme trials?

Corey D.January 3, 2024

Good article, after 66 yrs of life, 45 yrs of marriage we have a lot of stuff, some is even from parents and grandparents, it's hard to part with some things, some of it has value though like family history stuff or heirlooms. I do worry though what's going to happen to some of it because my children are not very sentimental about things plus in some cases they have no room for things. I wonder if it's a generational thing, my generation is the last that had parents and grandparents who went through the depression and war and were taught and in turn taught us not to waste anything and appreciate our heritage, so we keep things.

Corey D.January 3, 2024

I served as the branch president when the veterans home was built and opened in our area, I tried to visit several times a week besides Sunday and especially when I knew one of those good veterans was close to moving on from this life I tried to visit as much as I could. I could tell you all kinds of interesting stories about those from the other side being seen by those close to death and even conversing with those from the other side. I would imagine the care center staff, aides, nurses and even doctors probably could write volumes about near death experiences of patients.

ObserverJanuary 3, 2024

Elder Packer touched upon this to in his Conference talk titled 'The Mystery of Life'.

An ObserverJanuary 3, 2024

@H North, It said the brother DIED three months before the other was BORN. Not two births; one death, one birth. No credibility problem.

Helmut A. WorleJanuary 3, 2024

On our mission in Germany there was young man, early twenties, who had a testimony of the Book of Mormon and all else the sister missionaries taught him, but he could no overcome his cigarette addiction, no matter how hard he tried. Finally, one of the Sisters had an idea. She reminded him of the story of the Anti-Nephi-Lehis and challenged him to make a covenant with Heavenly Father, complete with a ceremony in which he buried all his tobacco utensils and last cigarette pack along with a covenental prayer. It worked! He has never smoked since, was baptized and is a stalwart Saint to this day..

Ken WrightJanuary 3, 2024

My sister is a retired Nun. When we go to visit at the retirement facility, it seems there are more statues, pictures. writings and prayers involving Mary then there are of the Savior. Your presentation is an eye opener that brings new thoughts and insights. I will certainly see Mary (and Joseph) more appreciatively in future visits. Thank you.

Diane ChatwinJanuary 3, 2024

This last pod of the year was a wonderful ending of the New Testament and at the same time a beautiful introduction the the Book of Mormon. It was the perfect segue from one year to the next. Your discussion of the Accuser helped me SO much this week . . . thank you, thank you. I was one of the very fortunate folks who were able to see Jordan and Jerusalem with you last year. What a phenomenal blessing!!! Blessings to you on your mission.

Jenny Madsen SvendsenJanuary 3, 2024

Thank you for that spiritually uplifting and consoling article. My mother died twice, declared clinically dead, and on one of these occasions she did go beyond the veil, she told me she was herself, but no more pain, a gentle voice told her she had to go back and tell people of life after death, so when the missionaries cam and taught us the plan of Salvation, both she and I as a 10 year young girl, knew that it was true. Fast forward, to when our adult son passed, the night we found out, he came to me and reassured me that he was happy and at peace, he later gave a message to his dad, through someone else, that was very personal. I do look forward to meeting him, ht told that his grandmother was there to greet him, and that was my mom, as his dad's mom was still living. These experiences are very sacred to me and confirms that our departed are just as alive as were are here on the earth, just in a different place

Adrian MartinJanuary 3, 2024

Long before I joined the Church in 1976, I had read books by Elizabeth Kuebler-Ross on Life after Life. Daniel's article is excellent and I, too, love the words of that hymn with which he finished his remarks. Thank you!

Charles KrautJanuary 3, 2024

There is an old Shirley Temple movie entitled The Blue Bird that includes a fairly lengthy scene in the pre-mortal spirit world. It is well worth watching, if you can find it.

SueJanuary 2, 2024

Thank you! Absolutely beautiful. I will definitely share this.

CubbyJanuary 2, 2024

Always enjoy the jokes, thanks for magnifying your talents and blessing us with your creativity.

Richard and Marie JukesJanuary 2, 2024

Thank you for the inspiring insights into the wearing of the name of our Savior! Our love and prayers are with you daily!

BillieJanuary 2, 2024

know they felt a special need to warn, but let us not forget that many are holding fast to the iron rod and obtaining their exaltation despite all the hazards along the way.

MaryannJanuary 2, 2024

Since this deception continued for MONTHS, I would be very hesitant about marrying this man. She was waiting all that time, and he had not even submitted the papers? It is also very troubling that he is more concerned about his children's feelings than her's. I see red flags all over this situation, and I hope she will think very carefully before continuing in this relationship. If his concerns for his adult children are greater than his loyalty to her, there are all sorts of problems looming on the horizon.

David MohrJanuary 2, 2024

There is no discussion of the meaning of the word sojourn. I usually see sojourn as meaning staying. Add the definition of wilderness as a place without civilization's influence and you can easily say they were eight years travelling from Jerusalem to leaving Bountiful or even from Jerusalem to the new world,where they established a new civilization. As put forth in the essay, we need to expand our thinking to include the many tasks glossed over by Nephi.

Charles DikeJanuary 2, 2024

This article precludes the possibility that the 600-year prophecy was based on an intercalated lunar/solar calendar. Randall Spackman's 12-lunar month calendar fits reasonably snuggly if the prophecy began when the Nephites set sail. Interesting.

Charles DikeJanuary 1, 2024

Nice article! I note that this supports Randall Spackman's 12 lunar month calendar and precludes an intercalated calendar for the 600-year prophecy. If we accept that the reign of Zedekiah began in 597 BC and Christ was born a year prior to Herod's death before the Passover of 4 BC, then we have 592 solar years. Subtracting 8 years in the wilderness allows 584 solar years for the 600-year prophecy. that leaves less than 602 lunar years in which to place the prophecy. Interesting.

Brad LDecember 30, 2023

Excellent article. I'll look forward to reading your more detailed Interpreter article. You've laid out in a very convincing manner what so many of us have thought regarding the 8 years in the 'wilderness': that most of that time had to have been spent in Khor Kharfot building the ship. Thank you!

R. FlynnDecember 29, 2023

I am active LDS. I just saw "The Oath". I was very disappointed. This was NOT a good movie portrayal of Moroni and the Book of Mormon. To me, this was an ego trip of Darin Scott. Scott took way too much artistic license in creating his own version that would feature Darin Scott, Darin Scott, and, oh yeah, some more of Darin Scott. This was a missed opportunity. I very much hope someone else will put their ego aside, and create a Moroni-based story/movie with a focus on Moroni, Mormon, and the events leading up to the plates being deposited in the Hill Cumorah.

Warren AstonDecember 29, 2023

When Godfrey Ellis's original paper appeared in the Interpreter journal (vol. 57) a few months ago, I posted a comment that this truly seminal step forward in our understanding of Nephi's account already sheds new light on aspects of Bountiful and gave a couple of examples. For those of us who believe this all took place in the real world and involved real people, being able to visualize the journey accurately is foundational. I'm glad to see this shortened version appear!

Single Man in Virginia, late 50'sDecember 29, 2023

Here I am reading this over ten years later. As newly-single man in my late 50's, reading this article -- but most especially these comments -- has been very interesting. I wonder what, if anything, has changed in these past 10 years. What have ward, stake, and church leaders tried. What is working? What is helping? I don't know whether I'll re-marry or not. For now I'll just keep doing my best to live the gospel, and seek the Lord's guidance. I will be open to meeting new people and making friends. With the gospel in my life, I have plenty to be thankful for.

RobynDecember 29, 2023

Love it! Thx for all the laughs Kevin. Happy New Years!

Lynne JensenDecember 29, 2023

Fascinating, and logical, article. When one considers the details involved in those eight years, your presentation makes very good, and logical, sense. Thank you.

JAMES P FOLEYDecember 29, 2023

Good; thanks.

DoraDecember 29, 2023

I never thought it other than what emerged in this article. I am glad I was correct in my understanding. Wildernesd to me us anywhere where there is no civilisation or settlements. The 8 years were the total time from leaving to sailing the ship. Joseph and Jacob on the ship were still very young so probably were born in Bountiful and less than 6 years old. I am grateful for the Loed to make me able to nderstand correctly the story. All the best for the New Year 2024!

Paul RobertsDecember 29, 2023

The wood drying process would have been avoided if the chosen trees would have been girdled and left to dry out naturally and drain out water and sugars. Recommended as the best way to harvest structural timber. Ribs would have been made from curved and or forked trees.

ArletteDecember 29, 2023

All I can say is Thank you ,

Craig PetersenDecember 28, 2023

Great insights. Simultaneously, He has the power to save and the love to comfort. Especially liked the “spiritual oxymorons”.

Lauren HausmanDecember 28, 2023

My daughter is Hermana Hausman. She was so excited to go to your house for Christmas brunch! Thank you so much for making it a special day for her and the other missionaries! She loved it!

GerryDecember 28, 2023

They should NOT plan a wedding and set a date until the sealing has been dissolved. That issue causes too much stress and emotional upset. Take the time to do it right. If it is right, it will stand the test of time.

Lorna LundDecember 28, 2023

Reading this was very emotional for me! We were going to go with the Proctor’s to Israel before the outbreak of War in Israel. We were to go in May. Of course, the trip was canceled. Reading about their missionary service in Puerto Rico was so beautiful. I shed many tears reading it and realizing the good they are doing in serving others. It made me realize that we are all God’s Hands. This article was so beautifully written. I am sending it to my grandson, Cooper, who is serving in the Dallas West Texas mission. They are invited in to eat at so many homes — but no one wants to hear about the gospel or wants a copy of the Book of Mormon. He gets discouraged — but, like the Proctors, he is out there every day serving. Thank you for this beautifully written article.

Gary and Joy LundbergDecember 28, 2023

It was inspiring to read this article about your mission and the challenges you face as you try to serve the Lord. Your light shines bright and reflects the Lord's face. People will see that and be led to him in many ways as they watch you. You are an example of faith and cheerfulness wherever you are. You are in our prayers. We love you both.

DavidDecember 28, 2023

Thanks for sharing your missionary service experiences. It is certainly a leap of faith to immerse yourselves into a culture where you don’t know the language very well yet you have proven than you can do much good by diving into the work and letting God guide your actions.

SallyDecember 27, 2023

I would like to correct a misleading translation that happens everytime any other translation is used besides KJV or the original texts, which causes chaos. You stated that the Bible states," He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed GIM NOT." Surely he hath borne OUR griefs, and carried OUR sorrows, yet we esteemed Him Stricken, smitten OF God, and afflicted. This last part is explained in Matthew 8:17 and the following verses in Isaiah 53. Look at V. 8 and 10-12. People with sin, do not like their sins exposed so they tend to hide, especially from the one who is going to bare and die for those sins. Remember, that God willingly gave His only and most precious sinless Son as an offering of sacrifice to the world so that we may be saved as He too loved us, but unlike Christ, we didn't deserve His love, but He loved us anyway, enough to allow His Son to endure the cruelty of man. Thank you and God Bless you!

Corey D.December 27, 2023

I heard Elder Marvin J Ashton tell a story once about being called into President Benson's office and being given a somewhat challenging assignment, when President Benson finished talking to him about it he said to President Benson, "I'll do it President", to which President Benson replied " I know you will Marvin, we trust you". Elder Ashton then said something I have not forgotten, he said "I would rather be trusted than loved".

MaryannDecember 27, 2023

Great principles here! However, I must say that some of us just are not made to be early morning people. Ever since I was a teen, morning just has not been a great time for me, physically or emotionally, Some of us have to move around a bit before we become clear minded, and that's o.k. A prayer offered at 10 a.m. is just as valuable as a prayer at 6 a.m. The important thing is to have sincere daily personal prayer and scripture study. Let's not become too rigid here.

Laurie Claeys BoydDecember 27, 2023

Beautiful, timely article! Thank you so much for this.

JillDecember 27, 2023

How kind is our God! I've suffered a lot in the past several years. There is only one who redeems, saves, and loves us unfailingly! Jesus is the answer to all of our tribulations in this mortal life. Let us return to Him every moment of every day! We are blessed with òur testimony of Our Lord and His wonderful Atonement.

Blake GarsideDecember 27, 2023

From my early days growing up in Granger, Utah and reading 2 Nephi 3, I have often wondered, what did Joseph Smith do in the Pre-existence to distinguish himself so well? Particularly, to usher in the last dispensation and be the prophet of the restoration? In addition, what was Joseph’s first reaction when he translated 2 Nephi 3, oh I wished I could have witnessed his reaction!! I love the prophet Joseph for being the instrument of restoring the Priesthood whereby sacred & exalted Ordinances can be performed in our sacred Temples

Blake GarsideDecember 27, 2023

From my early days growing up in Granger, Utah and reading 2 Nephi 3, I have often wondered, what did Joseph Smith do in the Pre-existence to distinguish himself so well? Particularly, to usher in the last dispensation and be the prophet of the restoration? In addition, what was Joseph’s first reaction when he translated 2 Nephi 3, oh I wished I could have witnessed his reaction!! I love the prophet Joseph for being the instrument of restoring Priesthood whereby sacred & exalted Ordinances can be performed in our sacred Temples

PaulineDecember 25, 2023

Where are the additional 44 symbols you mentioned are in your podcast notes?

C SavageDecember 25, 2023

Well said! Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Your testimony is precious.

Lynne JensenDecember 24, 2023

Outstanding article. Thank you so much.

Corey D.December 24, 2023

My father-in-law who was about the nicest guy you could ever meet, was serving as the Bishop in his ward and was encouraging the ward members to sing in the ward choir decided he needed to be an example so he went choir practice, after choir practice he was told, " Bishop, we know you have so much to do and we have enough in the choir, you really don't have to participate". He knew they were politely asking him not to sing.

Corey D.December 24, 2023

Thank you Sister Christofferson for the excellent, needed, timely and might I add brave article. I like many others can share stories of the physical protection sometimes even miraculous protection from wearing garments but I have come to know the greatest benefit is the spiritual protection. When I was younger and my mother was still alive, when visiting her I would ask how an old friend or neighbor was doing, she would respond with what she knew about them and occasionally would say "well, they aren't wearing their garments", some would say that was judgemental or why would she even notice that or know about it but I have found over the years what she implied or meant by that response has never been wrong, it was and in my personal observations has always been an indicator for a person going into inactivity, leaving the church or breaking the commandments

Judy ParnellDecember 24, 2023

Thank you, as always, for your thoughtful reverent message which leads my soul to worship anew in gratitude this Holy Christmas Eve.

Mark W MinerDecember 23, 2023

Inspired and beautiful writing! Thank you for expressing a number of important and balanced ponderings and observations. Merry Christmas!

John RedfordDecember 23, 2023

It would be interesting to know which branch of Joseph. No one is from the tribe of Joseph only. Joseph was given a double portion by way of the birthright.

AliceDecember 23, 2023

I cried all the way through these. Good tears.

MaryannDecember 22, 2023

You have been remarkably patient, but I would have greatly limited my contact with the in-laws long ago. Your energies should be primarily spent on your spouse and children, and your in-laws are draining you. The time to say "Enough!" has come, and you can do that by setting some strict boundaries. When the in-laws speak to you disrespectfully, you can immediately leave their presence, or tell them you need to hang up. Do this EVERY time, without exception. If they continue to be abusive, and this is abuse, you don't need to be around them. The fact that you are related to someone does not mean you have to go to their home (or have them in yours) and get repeatedly kicked.

MaryannDecember 22, 2023

I hope everyone who has a depressed family member or friend will read this. While suffering from serious depression, I found a good Psychiatrist who was also a Bishop. He helped me find the tools that have changed my life dramatically, and I have so much more joy. The depressed husband in this article is probably not able to think clearly right now, but his wife CAN have faith that he will become well again. It will help her to remember that depression can temporarily rob a person of any joy, and some even become numb. Deep inside, he still loves her, but is unable to cope with much right now because depression can completely drain you of energy to give to a relationship. Even small things will be completely overwhelming for him. I hope she, and others in this situation, will carefully follow Brother Steurer's excellent advice. There IS life and happiness still to come. It is especially important that she have a trusted friend or family member to talk with. A couple of visits with a therapist on her own would also help her learn how to take care of herself and to understand what her husband is experiencing.

JoeyDecember 22, 2023

You forgot Hobby-Lobby, it made me cry!

Leonard BoydellDecember 22, 2023

I love you article. I have said many ties in the past that I could never be a general authority because I have no middle name. Now that I has been blown out of the water (not that there aren't other reasons why I won't be called). A friend also commented that Elder Keiran is a convert, which has not happen for a great many years. Also he is English, probably the first English man since John Taylor, although many previous Apostles have roots going back to the UK.

Carol MaskDecember 22, 2023

THANK YOU! I had a similar dream only not the part where I literally decided to stand by Him in gratitude. I was just so excited that He came forth saying Here Am I. Send me; so excited I could hardly contain my joy. It wasn’t a quiet, humble joy, with head bowed and eyes closed. It was a jump up and down, clap your hands and SHOUT forJOY! So happy and grateful! It helps me to get through the hard times. And I love that you looked upon every one you met here on earth, knowing they too chose Jesus! Maybe they jumped up and down too.

HelenCDecember 22, 2023

Such clarity and scholarship! I have saved the link to this article until I can preserve the text on my computer. I also sent it to a friend who has developed issues with unfounded stories of Brother Joseph. It seems the powers of darkness that attacked him in his lifetime are still at work. I am forever grateful to know that Truth will prevail and that scholars like yourself will continue to expose it.

HelenCDecember 21, 2023

The knowledge that He did this for me gives me so much Peace. The knowledge that everyone I meet once knew it, too, gives me Hope and frees me to love them unconditionally, as Father and Christ do.

EdgarDecember 21, 2023

Wow! A very compelling article. Powerful enough that helped me to abide with my post as a loving husband.

LaWrenDecember 21, 2023

Thank you for sharing all these remarkable uplifting experiences. … beautiful!

Lorena HolmsteadDecember 20, 2023

Lora - you can still pay on Venmo without knowing the last four digits of his phone number. Just press “Pay without Confirming” at the bottom, and the payment will go through. Thank you for the invitation to help our, Brother Goddard!.

Wally GoddardDecember 20, 2023

Thank you for your interest in donating! You are welcome to send a check to 37 Shadow Mtn Dr, Logan, UT 84321 if you do not have Venmo. If you have Venmo and they ask for my phone, you can give 2724 or you can skip the step and pay anyway. Blessings to you! Wally

MaryannDecember 20, 2023

In the midst of painful grieving, none of us want to hear trite phrases, no matter how well meant they are. We need to be aware that we cannot "fix," or try to change what someone is feeling at the death of a loved one. We can keep our loving comments brief and to the point. No one wants a lecture at this time. Sometimes a hug and just being present, sitting with the person, will help them to express their feelings without us asking a lot of questions. When we lost our daughter five hours after birth, a member of the church responded by saying enthusiastically, "Isn't that just WONDERFUL! You will have her in the next life, and be able to raise her." His tone of voice was ridiculously congratulatory, as if we should have a big party. It was very insensitive and offensive.

BarbaraDecember 20, 2023

I also tried to donate but it asked me for the last four digits of Wallace's phone number.

MaryannDecember 20, 2023

I can picture the lord lovingly clothing Adam and Eve to protect them before they left the Garden of Eden. When we wear our garment, it is a reminder that the Lord has lovingly clothed US as a reminder of the Savior and the covenants we have made. While the garment will not always protect us from physical harm, it help strengthen us in our resolve to keep our covenants. There are great promises from the Lord to covenant keepers. The garment is sacred and called the garment of the Holy Priesthood. Like our nation's flag, it should not touch the ground, or be treated casually.

Carol NorthcottDecember 20, 2023

One of my favorite quotes about grief describes the experience the way I feel it: “GRIEF IS A POWERFUL RIVER in flood. It cannot be argued or reasoned or wrestled down to an insignificant trickle. You must let it take you where it is going. When it pulls you under, all you can do is keep your eyes open for rocks and fallen trees, try not to panic, and stay face up so you will know where the sky is. You will need that information later. Eventually, its waters calm and you will be on a shore far from where you began, raw and sore, but clean and as close to whole as you will ever be again.” From: The Enchanted Life of Adam Hope: A Novel by Rhonda Riley

ShaunaDecember 20, 2023

Brilliant! love it

James O Brown IIDecember 20, 2023

How can we donate if we do not do Venmo?

JeffDecember 20, 2023

I literally feel naked without my Garments on my rather aging body. I haven’t always felt that way. It was the same feeling, or lack of, I experienced while taking the Sacrament. I did not fully understand until my loving wife pointed out my mistake and lack of scriptural learning. My only excuse, I didn’t have the background or experience, being raised a non member. Now I’ve been a member for 55 years. As mentioned in another comment, being patient and long-suffering is the key. Early on I found ways to not wear the Garments, sports, Summer heat, etc. Now, I don’t feel I could ever not wear them. Just yesterday, Tuesday, I spent the best part of my day in the Payson Temple. PS: I’m doing this on my cellphone

HelenCDecember 20, 2023

Have a blessed, Joy-filled Christmas, my friend.

LoraDecember 20, 2023

I tried to make a donation, but Venmo asked me for the last 4 digits of your phone number to complete the transaction.

Steven SwarthoutDecember 20, 2023

Don’t know Venmo, how about Zelle?

Robert StarlingDecember 19, 2023

It's very simple. I made a promise in the temple to wear the garment "night and day", and I try to be a man of my word. Also, it can truly be a protection physically. Once my father was welding when the torch slipped to his leg. His pants were burned away, but not his temple garment. And his leg was unharmed.

Robert StarlingDecember 19, 2023

The people of Puerto Rico are blessed to have the Proctors as ambassadors of Christ in their midst. And the other missionaries are blessed to have them as fellow servants.

Anita CallDecember 19, 2023

This is one of the more powerful articles that Becky Douglas has shared with readers of Meridian. My experience has confirmed that sincere acts of service bring joy that strengthens our relationships with our fellow beings and especially with our Heavenly Father and His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you, Becky! Anita Call

Karla BurkhartDecember 19, 2023

So good to hear from you. You will do well.

Joni HiltonDecember 19, 2023

Can't think of anyone better to teach these wonderful young elders and sisters!

Marilynne LinfordDecember 19, 2023

Yes. The lessons are called BookofMormon4us. The last lesson is at I think you can access the others from there.

JonathanDecember 19, 2023

Wonderful material. I think there is room to explore more on the topic of how to respond to those that actually don't desire to show a strong sign to their God that they desire to be connected to Him. For some, it may just be a matter of education on what the garment wearing truly means. But what about those that in fact understand the ideas, but they simply aren't at a place in life where those ideas are important to them. Do we encourage those people to not wear the garment at all if they aren't going to wear it with full dedication? Do we encourage those people to not go to the temple in the first place? This really is about how do we respond to those with lukewarm commitment to God, besides trying to re-educate them. What other tools do we have? I'm not saying I have the answers, (though I would suggest patience and love are among them). I just think there is room for discovery on what - if anything - we can do more besides teach more about the doctrine.

RuthDecember 19, 2023

Thank you so much. Love your podcasts

NealDecember 18, 2023

Quite simply, you make a covenant in the Temple to wear the garment always and for the rest of your life.

ShaunaDecember 18, 2023

Absolutely--thanks for the article. I love my garments and am so grateful for the way they help me to remember the Savior and that as an endowed member of the Savior's Church, I am set apart from the world. They have become more and more meaningful to me as the years have passed; and our temple ordinances, including the initiatory and the endowment, remind us of their importance and of the blessings associated with wearing them

ScottHDecember 18, 2023

A discussion with a friend who is a runner caused me to reflect on my choice to remove the temple garment while exercising. He expressed how his love of what the garment represents makes him want to wear it anytime he reasonably can. Sure, the garment may get sweaty during a workout, but that's a small thing compared to the joy of cherishing the Lord and our covenants with Him that are symbolized by the garment. Changing my exercise wardrobe to support the garment has felt right and I am grateful to my friend for sharing his personal insights.

ElaineDecember 18, 2023

Thank you for this much needed message and reminder of all that is right and good about our temple garment.

HelenCDecember 18, 2023

While I agree the garments themselves are not “magical”, I felt the physical power that comes with them when my covenants were restored and I was able to wear them again after losing the privilege. I awoke in the middle of the night that first night to feel as though a soft sheet was being draped over me. I knew then that Father was aware of my return.

E. TaylorDecember 18, 2023

My favorite book What Seek Ye. I have listened to it twice and listening for a 3rd time

Linda WestoverDecember 18, 2023

Amen to everything you said! As a temple ordinance worker, I have been appalled by the number of "mothers of the bride" who tuck and pin the garment to make it conform to the neck/sleeve line of the wedding dress. How do they dare tp teach their precious daughters to "adjust" their obedience to meet the fashion of our day? Certainly we are free to choose for ourselves, but there is also the responsibility to teach correct principles! Thanks for speaking up!

Rochelle HaleDecember 18, 2023

Thank you for this timely article. We recently helped an elderly friend who went to the temple for the first time. Though he took the temple preparation course, and we helped him shop for his temple clothing, he was still very confused. A day or show after receiving his endowment he shared that he thought that temple garments were only part of the ceremonial clothing. We will share this article with him.

Linda VanCottDecember 18, 2023

Beautiful thoughts. While I've worn them constantly since I received my endowments in 1971 before my mission, this reaffirmed my reasons, added insight, increased my awareness of their symbolism and importance, and deepend my love for these sacred garments. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Gail McHardyDecember 18, 2023

Yes it would take a whole book to tell the reasons why I always wear my garments. They have been a major blessing since my first temple experience. A constant reminder of the Saviour's promises, protection love.

Kerry FarrDecember 18, 2023

Hello Elder and Sister Proctor. This is Kerry Farr and Karen Murphy. I am Kerry ,long time reader of Meridian Magazine. We are on Dominica Island, in your mission Was happy to see you had come to our mission❣️ we are serving a humanitarian “ mini mission” for 3 months with Anxiously Engaged Alliance. We can relate with so much of what you are experiencing ❣️ Karen has even had Dengue! Doing well now. The people are so friendly and helpful. We help the busy Elders with visits - and food and treats for them. We love the members and investigators in our small half a Branch. Ya man, no problem, no mean mugging… We miss going to the temple. You are very blessed to have one so close. Best wishes and God bless you in all you are doing ❤️

Corey D.December 17, 2023

DIY rules. That's not only an inspirational story but humorous.

Corey D.December 17, 2023

There are those in society who have been warning us for decades about what has been going on in the education system, particularly in higher education, including many church leaders, President Benson in particular. President McKay who was an educator by choice and by profession warned about the evils of socialism and how it was being advanced under the guise of fairness, equality and even patriotism. A prophets voice and warning isn't just for moral or religious things.

Shelby B.December 17, 2023

Not a Mormon, but the themes of tyranny, oppression, slavery and evil were certainly well explored in this movie. Moroni showed the compassion of Christ throughout. What an amazing love story also! Only wish it could have been longer. The Southam family is due much credit for this movie! One of the best movies ever, loved it with the same heart I loved Gladiator and 300. If you can't catch it in the theater, catch it any way you can, it is beautiful, well acted, and a vision I hope will keep going.

Corey D.December 17, 2023

What a wonderful article, interesting how the spirit works and knows all things, so much inspiration in this story and outside of the story. Just this week my daughter in law sent out a text saying that she and my son had decided to separate and file for divorce, this same son came home early from his mission many years ago, as I contemplated and thought about this son and how would he cope with divorce and life, the thought came to me that he needs to get involved in service to others and then I read this article and it was a confirmation of my thoughts, I know it came from the spirit, service is always the answer.

Ron StandageDecember 16, 2023

It can be found by searching on YouTube for BookofMormon4us.

KarenDecember 16, 2023

Thanks for reminding me what it’s all about… Faith in Him!!!

GailDecember 15, 2023

I love hearing of your missionary adventures in P.R. I have been there 3 times to see our son and can identify with what you are experiencing. I also love temple and family history work. I joined a genealogy class the Sunday after I was baptized on 19 February 1966. Back then, there were only 13 temples in the world. So grateful for my testimony of this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Marilynne LinfordDecember 15, 2023

Thanks for asking. Yes. The lessons are still on YouTube. The last lesson is at I think once you are in you can access the others at links to previous classes. I can also access the lessons at YouTube BookofMormon4us Marilynne Linford. Remember, I am not a professional!

NancyDecember 15, 2023

This is the most beautiful & inspiring article. I love it so much! Thank you so much to all who contributed to the writing of this story. I love reading about “conversion” stories. When hearts & souls are changed & become more like our Savior. Thank you so much! ♥️

Nancy HDecember 15, 2023

Wow. Excellent article. I'll be sharing it with others.

Diane AndersonDecember 15, 2023

Loved reading this article last night. The mission president was very wise in his counsel to the struggling missionary. Having our focus on others and their needs always is the right way to go.

HelenCDecember 15, 2023

How I wish I had thought of this while my less active daughter was living with us for the past 3 years! She did rescue a wonderful dog while she was here and caring for Tsuki has definitely impacted her life and anxiety issues. Now she’s three hours away again but I will see if I can direct her to some charity work from here. Thank you!

Gainell and Mark RogersDecember 15, 2023

It was great to hear about your early experiences in the mission. Keep up the good work. May you be blessed with good heath and strength. Feliz Navidad!!

Ann-Marie JensenDecember 14, 2023

I loved this insightful commentary on these words and concepts. I find words to be so important and am often intrigued by how particular words are used so carefully in some of the scriptures. Thanks for sharing your unique growth experience. And a thanks to Becky for knowing how to receive revelation.

HelenCDecember 14, 2023

So inspiring! Is your Book of Mormon YouTube channel still up and available to us?

Andrea (Osinchak) BartleyDecember 14, 2023

I am loving your mission letters! I've read Meridian Magazine for years however there is really something special about your mission experiences to date. Perhaps its because I'm a professional family history consultant, and Director of our FSC, and love helping people, especially the new members. We have a similar process to get new members to the temple doing ancestral baptisms in our stake here in Columbia, SC. I give out pass along cards all the time and hope people are using it. As I'm reading your experiences I'm thinking about a high school friend who passed away and I'd need permission to do her ordinances but there are no parents, siblings, children or spouse to get permission from. Her sister was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico 19 Sep 1959 and died in the US in 2021. Her mother was born in Puerto Rico and her name was Laura Padro but I have no dates or place. She married Jack Kosharek probably around 1953. I believe Laura died in Puerto Rico as Laura Kosharek. If I could get this back just one more generation and come to know Laura's parents I could do some research and submit my high school friends family even though I can't submit her. Any chance you might have some ideas for me how to find something out about Laura Padro? Jack was born in 1927 in Penna but I don't know if they married in Puerto Rico. I just felt while reading your article I should at least write and ask. If there are no ideas that is just fine, but I just want to follow my prompting to ask. Heaven's blessings on your both! By the way we used to live in the same stake many years ago - Annandale, VA. What great memories there!

LoraDecember 14, 2023

Is it possible to watch those Book of Mormon lessons on YouTube?

Linda WestoverDecember 13, 2023

What a sweet experience! Too many of us fail to "have eyes that see and ears that hear." How disappointing is must be to the Lord when He sends us miracles and they go unnoticed. Thanks for the reminder to put our faith to work!

Mark MathesonDecember 13, 2023

Gary Lawrence has a fresh view of how we should do missionary work. I wish more people followed his advice. Thanks for the practical wisdom.

Carol StephensDecember 12, 2023

I think it sets them apart from other people with the same first and last name. It’s easier to identify which person, with that status, is being talked about.

LanaDecember 12, 2023

Hi will you please send the first page that goes with the nativity scene in the article about Christmas resources? Thank you.... one can't do the activity without page one

KathleenDecember 12, 2023

Thank you for including us in your daily experiences. May the Lord continue to bless you in this great work and wonderful opportunity of your lives.

HelenCDecember 12, 2023

Thank you for reminding me that my glacial journey towards comforting “those who mourn” as a Grief Coach is a sacred journey that is in His hands.

Ken HazelbakerDecember 12, 2023

My wife developed a program in Sacramento in 2010 for the 17 stakes of N. CA mission called "tell me about your family". Great success where missionaries used the line at door approach, get contact to fill out as much info as could recall, then family history consultant would do research, prepare a folder and return with missionaries to present and explain and nurture relationship. Members started to ask nonmember friends too! Easier for many than handing out Bof M! She trained mission and stakes on how to do it. A win win for all. She could help if you need. (She's a miraculous 4 yr survivor of cancer that gave her just 6 months! Miracles still happen!! We live in Cedar Hills!

MaryannDecember 11, 2023

I, like so many other church members, dearly love President Holland. I m sure there are a multitude of prayers that have gone up along with my own. How I love this man! I am glad the Lord has spared him and hope he will continue to be with us for a long while. Of course, this is in the Lord's hands and he knows what is best. I feel a little selfish because I am sure Elder Holland would love to be with his beloved wife, Pat, but he is also leaving it in the Lord's hands.

HelenCDecember 11, 2023

I recently spent time with my cousin who only knows of the Church through her contact with my mother and me. Believe it it not, the common ground we found was “secret combinations” which she believes is driving most of the evil in today’s world. I told her she could find the Book of Mormon online if she wanted to know more.

Ruth JamiesonDecember 11, 2023

I absolutely loved this movie for so many reasons. It keeps me pondering over the beauty of the messages it portrayed. So glad movies like this are being made.

RuthDecember 11, 2023

I am 80 years old and am very frustrated that I could not hear MOST of what was said!! Sometimes I could hear words, then their voices would get more and more soft until I could not hear anything at all!! Please be more considerate of us old folks and speak up!!! Your messages are wonderful, but most is lost!

Corey D.December 10, 2023

I really struggle sometimes with being positive or seeing the youth in a positive light in society, including in the church. They are pretty good for the most part, including many going on missions or at least starting missions but it just seems to me so many of the young adults are struggling that it makes it hard to be positive about the youth when I wonder so often, will they remain true and faithful.

Ilyan Kei LavanwayDecember 9, 2023

The Oath, by Darin Scott left me speechless in silent reverence. A true American cinematic miracle! It was so good, I watched it twice in a row the same night! Nothing out there compares to this film. Nothing even comes close! It just has to be experienced. There is so much rich symbolism woven into the story, you need to see it multiple times to fully appreciate it. Darin Scott is a true pioneer in the film industry! Go watch this film!

Joanne KalppDecember 8, 2023

The message is so tenderly Christlike - Angelic singing

Laura TDecember 8, 2023

Maurine, your article was just what I needed to hear.! “Doing my best looks different here” you know I find myself with Cancer & 7 kids & I too, thrive on efficiency & planning, to feel good about my day. I too, find myself in a “new frontier of learning & responding.” & I definitely feel like a child in this new world I’ve stepped into with my health. Thank you for your beautiful reminder to trust the Lord, let go of what I think things should look like, move forward with faith that He is guiding me, and let Him orchestrate His work I so desperately want to be a part of. Love you guys!

AprilDecember 8, 2023


Newell WrightDecember 7, 2023

Here is the link to the Neal A. Maxwell article from the last line of the article:

Dewey AllenDecember 7, 2023

Very interesting article, lead me to this paper:, which says something indirectly related to Lehi's altar. Page 8, only full paragraph, has the comments about priests from these removed sites and their legitimate but illegal activities (they weren't executed).

Robert StarlingDecember 7, 2023

One year in my hometown of Columbus, Georgia a missionary booth was set up at the county fair. One young woman named Brenda stopped by the booth, became interested, and soon joined the Church. Later she met and married Mike, who became our Bishop. They are now and forever our best friends for life.

Janice HiestandDecember 7, 2023

I have not been able to print this off, I love to read and re-read these lessons, marking them, and adding my own observations. ,

TerriDecember 7, 2023

Thank you for sharing your journey! Hello to the Larsen's from friends in Wyoming!

Carol AnnDecember 6, 2023

When we were teaching about water storage a few years ago, we discovered Water Bricks each of which hold 3 1/2 gallons of water, have a handle for transporting, a pour spout, and they stack nicely. They are a little pricey, but we think well worth it!

Denise ChristensenDecember 6, 2023

Oh my, Maureen! What a lot of challenges in such a short period of time! If anyone can overcome the hurdle, you two certainly can!ove reading your articles and enjoy all the pictures. Probably makes you really appreciate that luxury cruise in Croatia! Keep the faith, girl! You’re a strong and faithful disciple!

Sherry ReimersDecember 6, 2023

Oh how I love this message! Tears are streaming down my face. I will share this with my family and friends . Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

KateDecember 5, 2023

I needed this. I’m a mom of one toddler, who miscarried at 6 and twelve twice this year, and is a temple worker, relief society counselor, temple worker, etc and I’m soooo burnt out. Then our couples get away mini vaca might get cancelled due to a grandparent dearth. I understand that I can’t keep doing this, my kids need me.

MaryannDecember 5, 2023

YES! We need to implement this concept that love is the key to apply to ALL of our callings, or work. And, fun! I appreciate that you taught the children the difference between singing a some songs reverently and singing others boisterously. One of the greatest testimonies we can share with others, especially with children, is living the gospel with joy and love.

GailDecember 5, 2023

Loved reading of your adventures and miracles. My son is in Metro Ward so I have been to P.R. for visits. I can visualize your house with cinder block interior walls. I met you in 2018 @ Rootstech. Scott recorded my testimony of the joy of family history, so I wholeheartedly encourage using family questions. We all love our families. I will be following you.

R C CopelandDecember 5, 2023

It"s "a third part". You know the other two?

Craig FrogleyDecember 5, 2023

This brings back so many memories from Africa and Paris. You are such powerful instruments with such a huge tool box of options Father can use to open doors and hearts. I am anxious to follow your adventures in that island kingdom. Thank you for sharing them to graphically.

Annie JensenDecember 5, 2023

Gotta love that iKea miracle!

Terri CherpeskiDecember 5, 2023

My Husband Vince and I were on one of your tours of Church History sites several years ago. We loved it so much! We have been excited about your mission I am anxious to follow as you

DeNile WilliamsDecember 5, 2023

I simply love and look forward to the report that the Proctors so graciously provide to us from their mission. Thank you both.

Duane BoyceDecember 5, 2023

A fantastic post, as always. I love reading about your mission! Thank you SO much.

ayseDecember 5, 2023

This article was not just delightful to read but very profound for our day and age. Too many people today talk about fairness but what they really mean is they want things their way. Life isn't suppose to be fair. We are suppose to learn to react to the unfairness as Jesus would. I hope the kids enjoyed the candy cane in spite of the tears.

H NorthDecember 5, 2023

Very beautiful! How much did it cost?

Steve AdamsDecember 5, 2023

The last three verses were left out of your post: We see our children bleeding; We see our sons go wrong; We sense our own soul's weakness And pray to be made strong. And so when the holly reddens, And the white on the brown earth lies, And Christmas cheer is in the air, The mother in us cries: O Son of beautiful Mary, O JESUS of Galilee, Let her spirit pure in our hearts outpour That our babes may grow like Thee!

LoraDecember 4, 2023

An additional aspect of women's past reality is caring for the sick. When I read Lucy Hale Smith's book about Joseph Smith, I was surprised at how much time she spent caring for people who were ill. When I was a child in the late 50's, early 60's, there was always a kid out with measles, mumps, or chicken pox. Every mother dreaded the possibility of their child getting polio. There were people in iron lungs, and at least two people in my school with braces on their legs because of polio. Vaccination has changed the playing field for women in a big way.

Mary Alice CrowtherDecember 2, 2023

The ability to serve a Senior Service Mission with FamilySearch from home via the computer and internet. And to be able to access records from all over the world from my computer at home in order to grow my family tree and be able to do temple work for my ancestors.

LoraDecember 1, 2023

All of my children have lived to adulthood. None of them died of measles, cholera, or whooping cough. None of them got polio or tuberculosis. In the past, 1/4 of the population had TB, which they called "consumption". The pandemic was so common that no one thought it was remarkable. My daughters-in-law and I have all survived childbirth. Every single one of us. During WWI, more women died in childbirth than the men who died in the war, but it was so common that no one thought it was remarkable. My premature grandchildren are alive and growing toward adulthood. President Kennedy's premature son Patrick only lived for a couple of days, but because of him, medical science began to pursue neonatology to help premature infants survive.

Mark MathesonDecember 1, 2023

Great comment Lora! You went beyond Joni's insightful article and added to our understanding. Thank you!

MaryannDecember 1, 2023

Reference for that scripture: D&C 90:24 in my post.

MaryannDecember 1, 2023

Love, loved, loved this article! I think the bottom line is trusting in the Lord and remembering we only see a tiny part of the puzzle. He knows the end from the beginning. He has promised us that "..all things shall work together for your good..." if we are sincerely seeking Him and keeping our covenants to Him. ALL things will work together for our good! We can hold on to that promise, even when we feel our prayers go unanswered. We can trust that the final outcome will be joy beyond our greatest hopes.

MaryannDecember 1, 2023

Great advice from Brother Steurer! Silence is golden! This is also true about other relationships. People like this woman will see any response from you as an opportunity to continue to engage. When you don't give people any ammunition, they can't fire back. Do not even respond if she starts a "I'm just sorry for what happened," approach. Pretend she just isn't there, and she will probably back off. Also, be very careful about obsessing about the situation. Fill your lives and minds with positive actions and thoughts and don't allow her to destroy your peace.

VBDecember 1, 2023

Block her phone number and email on all your devices.

LoraNovember 30, 2023

James 4:3 and 2 Nephi 4:35 warn us against asking amiss. President Nelson recently told us not to turn our prayers into shopping lists. I've finally learned to stop asking for anything. Instead, I thank Him in advance for blessings not yet received. It feels more like asking in faith because I'm treating it as if it's already happened. After all, God called Eve "the mother of all living" before she had a honeymoon, much less a baby. He called Abraham "the father of many nations" before he had any children at all. Time is irrelevant to the Lord. We mortals get impatient because we have limited time and limited memories. We forget that the Lord knows all things from the beginning, and He is going to WIN. He says He can save us, and our loved ones, and He will. He's known them for a long, long time. When I stopped praying for outcomes, and instead started giving thanks for all that I have received, I feel heard and answered in prayer.

Peggy WardNovember 30, 2023

Thank you so much for this! So revelatory to me. I've been so frustrated around current conversations and not being able to put into thought or words the place of principles in our modern efforts at being accepting. (Loved the codependence and hell relationship! Clever and painfully honest)

MNovember 30, 2023

Thank you for this article! It puts in understandable terms the problem of our society (and with my parenting) and the fallacy of Satan’s argument. Thank you for bringing this to light for me! This is truly life-changing.

Joye WhitakerNovember 30, 2023

Finally an article that makes sense and answers questions that I silently ask all the time.

Peggy StallingsNovember 28, 2023

I have been enjoying all of your mission posts, but I Loved this one! Thanks for recording the missionaries singing with the added noises and gestures! It brought a huge smile to my face and heart. What a wonderful adventure you are on. Thanks for sharing it with all of us.

Jenny Madsen SvendsenNovember 28, 2023

You are so blessed to be able to go on a mission together, and I love what you share! It is so inspiring! I know the Lord will bless you!

Kerry FarrNovember 28, 2023

Welcome to the mission, Elder and Sister Proctor❣️ My name is Kerry Farr. I’ve been a Meridian fan for several years. My friend Karen and I are serving on Portsmouth on Dominica Island for 3 months with Anxiously Engaged Alliance, helping in any way we can. We discovered this opportunity through an ad in LDS Living mag. Our favorite thing is to help the great missionaries, Elders Flynn and Namulauti with visits to homebound members and investigators. We bake and share a lot of cookies I was excited to see that “ our mission” is where you will serve. We could sure use clones of you in Dominica! Your backgrounds, brilliance, and firm testimonies will be so valuable‼️ God bless you in all your missionary days❤️

Denise ChristensenNovember 28, 2023

Oh Scot and Maurine...what a beautiful introduction to Puerto Rico and your welcome to the island and to the mission. The videos were so touching and the stories so inspiring! You are in our thoughts and prayers and we appreciate your willingness to share your experience with us and the world! May God bless and watch over you as you serve those wonderful people!

Claudia Henderson SmithNovember 28, 2023

I’ve been enjoying the articles about your mission. Love the pictures, too.

Steve FennNovember 27, 2023

We just celebrated our sweet "Downsie" daughter, Christine's, 50th birthday. She was also our second child, born when my wife was 23. All the characteristics you described have been part of the last 50 years of our lives. Her hugs are legendary and her usual greeting to both friends and strangers is "I love you." We're all still trying to be Christlike, like Christine.

karell binghamNovember 27, 2023

I loved this article to tears!

KathyNovember 27, 2023

As a widow of almost 2 years, ALL 20 reasons to think and talk more about death resonated resoundingly with me! Thank your son and thank you!

Corey D.November 26, 2023

Saw a bumper sticker recently that said "Too Blessed to be Stressed".

Corey D.November 26, 2023

I'm a DIY type of guy, small town raised, can figure it out, do it myself most of the time but that takes the cake, bordering on insanity. That's Fail Army worthy all by itself !

Brad AndersonNovember 24, 2023

Plan ahead, no story. I prefer the story:)

Supportive HusbandNovember 24, 2023

Very beautiful answer. My wife has recently had an unknown step-sister contact her. After some questions and some research my wife has decided that they are in fact related, and getting to know her had been a blessing in our life. I was happy to give her positive support through this, and because of it I have a new sister-in-law that I am proud to know.

LisaNovember 24, 2023

Elaine, I'm wondering how many adopted people you have been close to? I have three adopted children, and I can say that the pull to know one's biological family is overwhelmingly strong. When I first adopted, I did not want to believe that this connection could be what we'd call "primal", but years of parenting have shown me differently. Ironically, it has been the strongest for my child that has most been denied the opportunity. It has been a core theme of her life and her development, and there is no turning that off. I'm grateful she's had the opportunity to meet them now, and I can say with certainty that to be rejected by them would have had life-long implications for her. She already struggled enough just from being adopted in and of itself. My son met his birthmother a few years ago, and the happy reunion was almost thwarted by his birthmother's husband, who was jealous and couldn't cope with the idea that his wife had a child who wasn't his. (He knew about my son and the adoption before they were ever married.) My son is not a threat. He's an amazing young man who brings positive things into the lives of everyone who knows him. It was so sad to me that this man would choose to make his wife lose her child all over again rather than be willing to face his own issues. I hope the woman in this article is able to get over her initial shock at this news and open herself up to this new relationship , because if handled with care and openness there is a good chance it can be a beautiful thing for everyone involved. Of course if the relationship turns out to be problematic, boundaries can be set as needed. But refusing to accept this new connection is a form of denial, and it doesn't change the face that this man does in fact have a child he doesn't share with his wife. I don't believe there is any doctrine teaching that we choose our specific circumstances here on earth, only that we choose to come to earth. I know some people believe we choose our parents, but this is speculation or maybe, in certain circumstances, personal revelation given to specific individuals. Even if we were given all the knowledge about everything we'd be facing on earth, that veil placed over our eyes at birth is awfully thick. Also, if this girl did choose to enter mortality in this circumstance, that circumstance includes her biological connection to her first family.

Anonymous by choice.November 22, 2023

That is what my condition is! I’ve felt this way since I was 8. I’m in my late 60’s now. Not wanting to be a hypocrite, I’ve tried and worked my callings to show my worthiness for what spiritual gifts the Lord may grant. But was never satisfied with my efforts made the “gifts” discountable. I never felt worthy of the blessings. And that, of course, made more blessings less likely. I’ve got A LOT to ponder

Rob McGhieNovember 22, 2023

A very inspiring article but I am confused at the title "Imposter". You state "Maybe we doubt we are “celestial material” and are apprehensive about our chances of making it back to God’s presence." It could be that a person who feels this way is being brutally honest with themselves. but your article is reassuring.

vickieNovember 22, 2023

WHO WAS IT AGAIN...LARRY.....DEATH TO LARRY....LOL....THERE ARE PIANO MOVERS...he should have had that in place...hoiwever many people dont want others to know where their safe is...even though they could never carry it out or break into it...good story....

NealNovember 22, 2023

Been there, done that. You really need to think ahead on projects like this. Paying for professional help may well be the best solution.

Debrah RoundyNovember 22, 2023

WE bought a beautiful upright piano with a full sounding board and after getting it down the steps, similar story but we had to replace a huge hole in the wall, we vowed we would well the house with the piano still in it and that is exactly what we did almost 40 years and many, many practice sessions later.

Debrah RoundyNovember 22, 2023

You really ought to one day put together pictures taken at the MTC. YOurs are a lot more lovely than mine. In the future, at different times of year, it would be awesome. Maybe a calendar would be fun.

Marilyn ThompsonNovember 22, 2023


Matt BeecherNovember 22, 2023

Wow - this is such an important, timely thought-provoking piece... It is SO easy to think that I am the one who has to figure out how I fill all the gaps that feel so glaringly and painfully obvious...the things that make me feel like I'm an imposter--and so far away from the ideal. I love love this simple truth in this piece, "God offers us a partnership with the only One who was not an imposter." Amen.

MikeNovember 21, 2023

Did I miss seeing something in the article? Where can our youth go to view the videos? Thanks.

Janene ZimmermanNovember 21, 2023

Thank you for this thoughtful prose on Thanksgiving and which fork or path it can lead us on.

Marilynne LinfordNovember 20, 2023

Somehow the numbers for the final list of the top eleven hymns printed incorrectly. I don't know whether to blame A.I., autocorrect, or simply moving one document into another. The numbers should be in reverse order, starting with number 11 and going to number 1, which is the top hymn.

Doris WilliamsNovember 20, 2023

Love these precious stories, Mariah. Keep them coming.

Rodger Dean DuncanNovember 20, 2023

I love this article. We need to pay more attention to the uplifting messages in our hymns.

Jim DorigattiNovember 20, 2023

I, too, like "How Wondrous and Great". I also like another old hymn which used to be in our hymnal, but for some reason was omitted from the 1985 book: "Though In the Outward Church Below", attributed to Mozart. I liked it because of the cool bass part in the chorus. On my mission, I found that the German Saints also liked this one!

Joy LundbergNovember 20, 2023

I love this article! I watch for Lynne's articles every month. What a gift she has for writing and coming up with just the right inspiring message. Well done once again, Lynne. Thank you!

Kandra WilliamsNovember 19, 2023

I would love to get a copy of the sheet music that includes the Bridge with harmonies, where would I be able to get that! I want to sing it with my girls at our priesthood/temple Preview..

tfNovember 17, 2023

I suggest that folks in this situation read a personal example related by Robert Fulghum (author of "Everything I really need to Know I learned In Kindergarten"), in another of his books "From Beginning to End" pgs 70-78; titled "Adoption". It's a great point of view.

Doris WilliamsNovember 17, 2023

Geoff, I am so grateful for your articles each Friday. It's just so comforting to read your thoughtful, reasoned, educated responses to so many really difficult problems people are faced with. What comfort in this day of division, impatience, condemning in the world to listen to the quiet voice of truth. It strengthens all who read and share in your wisdom. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

ElaineNovember 17, 2023

I disagree. There is a biological relationship but no family relationship. That is a choice that can be made either way. Yes to have one or no to not. I am afraid for me this is a no. And as a Latter Day Saint, I take exception with the idea no choice was made by this girl. Did she not decide to enter mortality in this circumstance?

LewisNovember 16, 2023

What an extraordinary story. I am grateful for the solace and peace that comes through the gospel and its principles. You have a wonderful gift. Please keep using it to inspire us to be better.

JeaNette Goates SmithNovember 16, 2023

Suicide is never the fault of someone else, whether the person who commits suicide is LGBT, trans or simply depressed. Threatening to commit suicide if someone doesn't comply with one's wishes is the ultimate manipulation.

BarbaraNovember 15, 2023

I always read your articles. I find them very inspirational. Thank you.

Mary JurgaitisNovember 14, 2023

You did such a great job of bringing back all of the memories we experienced in the MTC. The building with the murals was just being completed. It wasn't fully opened yet, but we were able to go in (with a guide) to see the beautiful murals. Loved eating with the young missionaries. Oh, so much more. Thanks for the memories. Great blessings to you on your mission!

Linda ShubinNovember 14, 2023

Our son, Clay Shubin, and his wife, Kelly, are in your district at the MTC and both of them have commented on how incredible the spirit is at the MTC to prepare them to go out and serve the Lord once again. Thank you for this article as you described so beautifully the purpose of the MTC and the spirit that is there. May you all be blessed to go forth to serve and teach others about the abiding and strengthening spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ and that we are first and foremost literally children of our Heavenly Father. What an incredible knowledge. May you continue to be blessed in all you do as you are in service to our Lord.

Laurie Claeys BoydNovember 14, 2023

Thank you both for this incredible look into the first few days of a senior couple mission experience at the Provo MTC! We too are planning to serve a mission together after my husband retires and finishes his service as bishop of the most wonderful ward of YSA members and after I finish my family history service mission. We love serving the Lord, we live our family, and we love you two! You invite the Spirit of the Lord everywhere you go, and we are delighted that you're documenting your main experience with us!

Laurie Claeys BoydNovember 14, 2023

Thank you so very much for sharing this incredible experience with us! My husband and I, who are avid podcast listeners and who holds you both in the highest regard, are planning to serve another mission after he finishes his service as bishop and after I complete my senior service mission with the family history department. We love you both and can't wait to read your next beautifully written mission "journal entry"!

SamanthaNovember 13, 2023

Just wondering if you two are part of the 144,000 senior couples who will perform the final sweep of the earth?

Kenneth R CoburnNovember 13, 2023

Thank you so much for these last two articles. They were informative, thought provoking and well done. I'm constantly wondering why the "Church" isn't more forcefully involved in political/social debates and these articles give me some reasons to ponder the true mission of the Lord's work. Thank you for writing about these potentially highly charged topics. Keep it up as I look forward to reading more of your articles

Kenneth R CoburnNovember 13, 2023

My heart is filled with joy as I read this story. I'm reminded of all the wonderful missionaries who have influenced my life and of the twin daughters of my best friend who are now serving in Japan. The gospel is beautiful and true and reading this story excites me to continue to share it. May the Lord bless you and all those with you there to continue to enrich your lives in the gospel. Stay safe and enjoy every moment

Jan Mulvay StrongNovember 13, 2023

Praying for your success as missionaries and wishing you all the best! A mission is the best thing my husband and I ever did! We deepened our relationship and commitment to our Savior. We treasure our time with Alaska YSA, the Institute and the Temple there. What a blessing you will be! Godspeed. Love Jan

HelenCNovember 13, 2023

So exciting! My husband left the Church after his mission to South Africa from 1979-81 so I can’t duplicate this experience - yet. I’m looking for ways to serve on my own in our Stake and will share a bit of this story to see what he remembers of his time at the MTC. I invite the missionaries over from time to time and make sure he shares some of his memories with them. You keep writing; I’ll keep reading. Who knows? Maybe by the time you’re finished he may well be back in his Savior’s arms.

Ann PapwortNovember 13, 2023

Didn't realize I was signing up again! I'm already on your list. I just wanted to comment and wish the Proctors well--we all know they will be amazing!! Have loved following them for years and have sent many others their way.

Kare HaeringNovember 13, 2023

I so loved reading this, I’m so excited for you both! I know you and your family will be taken care of as you serve. I would love to be added to your family email list, I think you have it from past communications together. My thoughts and prayers go with you and someday…. I too will join the ranks of Senior missionaries!

Helen H.November 13, 2023

Thank you both for such a beautiful recording of your first few days in the MTC. Filled my heart with joy and gratitude. God bless you both and the other senior missionaries joyfully serving.

Tracy TippettsNovember 13, 2023

Wonderful! Thank you. I can feel the strong spirit of love, joy, service, and sacred calling of your experience just by reading the words and seeing the photos! I especially liked the list of your seven children, and where they served. I am reminded of the parting scene when Elder Groberg left his Polynesian companion on the dock, in the movie "The Other Side of Heaven", with the joyous shout, "Hurrah for Israel!" Also the Latin motto of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lakes City, "Citius. Altius. Fortius". "May the Force be with you!" (Spirit). I don't know how anyone can resist your positive, glowing spirit and energy!?

Barbara L WhiteNovember 13, 2023

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. It is such a joy to read what to expect and how it has affected you.

Patty ListonNovember 13, 2023

Thank you for this deeply enlightening article. There is so much truth to unpack in every paragraph. I am keeping this paper so I may refer to it often. find that I glean more from the spirit and truth of your words as I read and reread and reread. I do believe that our time of sitting comfortably, ideally, on the sidelines as the great and terrible days approach, is nearing its end. There is only so much darkness that can be stayed by merely lifting a hand. The times are and will require the full armor of God and all the power that comes with it.

Wendy LanderNovember 13, 2023

Ha ha! Good one!

Rebecca WalkerNovember 13, 2023

Thank you for this. We have been contemplating a mission and this is very helpful! I know that you will do great things on your mission. We have a young sister missionary from our ward that is at the MTC right now and she also sang in the 800 voice choir. Love from us to you!

Corey D.November 12, 2023

Excellent article, very well said and certainly thought provoking. Seems like everyday in all the different forms of media something is being said or commented on about how " contentious" public and political discourse has become. Many religious leaders from various churches have brought it up, certainly has been a subject in recent general conferences. The article subtly mentions it but here is what the difference is between now and any other time, what is going on in society, politics, education, even in churches/religions is not just a difference of political, social, economic views, etc., it is a total change of moral values and that always has and is and will cause problems, particularly for good Christians who believe there is a god given mandate to stand up for what is morally correct, no matter the price one has to pay. And certainly for members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that is considered a sacred duty.

Corey D.November 12, 2023

I'm 66 yrs old so I've had a reasonable bit of life experience. I think about the things Brother Wilcox mentions in his article all the time, particularly vulgarity and how it has become so common place and so accepted. Certain words were not tolerated or accepted in public discourse years ago and are now openly used in news interviews, public debate, classrooms, etc. To me one of the root causes for the incivility is societies tolerance and acceptance of vulgarity and profanity.

Corey D.November 12, 2023

Actually it is a moral issue, spending money you don't have or taking or shifting money from savings accounts meant for different purposes unless it's an emergency is not right. Money/Financial issues is one of the major causes for divorce, it's also from what I have observed in my lifetime a driving factor or root cause for inactivity in the church or worse leaving the church altogether. Not only that this man's habits and feeling of entitlement so often lead to dishonest obtaining of money (as a number of recent news articles have shown). I feel for this poor sister, most likely not going to end well.

AnonymousNovember 11, 2023

There are only two men named 'James' in the New Testament. 'James, the less' is just the name of James, the brother of Jesus, named thus to differentiate between James Boanerges, John's brother, who was in the presidency of the Twelve. James Boanerges was the 'greater' and James, the brother of Jesus, was the 'less'. Simple.

Kathleen AndersonNovember 11, 2023

Thank you so much for your insights into the verses of the book of James that you discussed this week. You gave me so much to think about and remember.

EricNovember 10, 2023

Regarding loneliness, it's instructive to think of what the word "telestial" means. The prefix tele- means distant. Telestial glory is compared to the stars, and stars are light-years away from each other. The behaviors of those who inherit the telestial kingdom (lying, adultery, etc.) are the sort of behaviors that drive others away. Another thing about loneliness is that solitary confinement is considered a form of torture.

MaryannNovember 10, 2023

Thank you for a wonderful article on a timely subject. However, I do not believe this is Satan's greatest lie. I believe his greatest current lie is his pollution of the word "love." He tells us that "love" justifies every form of unrepentant sin. He tells us that when we teach principles of chastity, and that marriage is a divine institution between a man and a woman only, that we are "hateful" and without love. He tells us that love and compassion for those in difficult situations justifies continuing in serious sin, including the the sin of abortion. He tells the world that when the principles of truth prick their consciences, that those who speak truth are unloving. How many have left the church because they feel that if we truly love one another, we will accept every form of "marriage," or "relationship?" We truly live in the prophesied day when "evil" is called "good," and "good" is called "evil." He tells us that in order to be loving, we must not only accept, but support every form of behavior with loud and demanding voices. Satan's distorted doctrine of "love" makes every behavior "good." Unfortunately, he is very successful because believing these things causes people to feel an false sense of compassion, and lays the foundation for them to feel superior to those who cling to truth.

MaryannNovember 10, 2023

Whatever the cause, this is an addiction. It is neither normal nor healthy behavior. This woman needs support, since she is not getting any cooperation from her husband, and he refuses to change. Counsel from a Bishop and a referral to LDS Social Services counselling are essential. If he won't go with her, she should go alone to learn how she can protect herself and her children financially, and for emotional support to learn how to deal with this situation. This is NOT disloyal. It is necessary.

Kandace HardenNovember 9, 2023

Perhaps that wrapping has changed, but the underlying temptations are the same as they were 30-40 years ago. At that time I was collateral damage in a relationship where the husband decided "He needed to be happy", at the expense of this family. No cell phones involved and no online porn, just old-fashion lust. It might seem comforting to think well, "that person gets their due." But actually he has had a very successful and happy life. The bottom line is that many of us will be collateral damage, but if we have a strong relationship with the Lord and a good understanding of what He expects from us, I think we will all benefit from these buffetings of Satan. It really is part of the plan. I wish I had taught this lesson with more completness to my children. Teach and love one another, put the Lord first in your life and it really doesn't matter what trick Satan is up to.

Kathryn StonehockerNovember 9, 2023

Thank you for this beautiful, hopeful, glorious essay!! It touched my heart deeply, and I sincerely appreciate you taking the time and heart to be a conduit for the Lord. Truly a precious gift, Brother Goddard.

JanNovember 9, 2023

This is a thought provoking and very timely article and I totally agree with every point. The last part about loneliness is startling and is just what will help me continue to try to reach out to others and show more love and caring than my shyness often prevents. We all need to study this great list of Satan's lies and strengthen our defenses!

Gary OliverNovember 9, 2023

Very well said, Joni.

Steve DoneganNovember 9, 2023

There's a contemporary Christian song that has the singer asking, "God why don't You do something!" after noticing the bad in the world. The answer from God is, "I created you." Brother Goddard, I'm glad God created you. I'm thankful for the creations you share with us. Thank you for your thoughtful reading of the scriptures. Thank you for interpreting the word of God for us...who "wallow in it."

KathleenNovember 9, 2023

Engaging, as always!

Ralph HancockNovember 8, 2023

Thank you, Jacob, for beautiful reflections, both personal and doctrinal. I confess I was reluctant to read this, since I didn't want to confront the challenges and perplexities you face, or be reminded of different ones that affect my family. But you made it worth it to try to travel just a bit with you in your journey.

DRobNovember 8, 2023

Would like to see your citations (Madison's Federalist 51 and Tocqueville's Democracy in America, etc.). There may have possibly been one visible as "18" near the end of Part One. I appreciate your thoughts about a very critical topic for our day.

RalphNovember 8, 2023

Great article! Thought it was foreshadowing the 2024 election, then I saw the comments. Hoping the nation doesn't make the same mistake as we did in 2016.

RandyNovember 8, 2023

I do not understand how anyone could think that this was an article on politics. If anything it was helping to keep you away from the political arena. I remember working in Seattle in the late 60s when there was a lot of racial unrest. People were bussed in to cause problems because there wasn't any before they showed up. When it starts it is like a wild fire and if you are not ready you could be in a lot trouble.

CarolNovember 8, 2023

I love your ability to tell a story and keep me engrossed the entire time. We flew a private plane to get to the temple and for our honeymoon. Lots of misadventures on a Memorial Day weekend with no reservations . back in 1965.

BeckyNovember 8, 2023

Thank you for sharing this. It's really concerning that so many are beginning to embrace violence and reject peace, but we've been warned that there will be no peace or safety in the world in the days leading up to the Lord's return. Even the righteous may be affected at times. These are some good common sense precautions so that we will be more prepared, having more presence of mind with less fear, in the case of unexpected danger.

Meijken BooneNovember 8, 2023

What a beautiful story, it tickled my heart. I have witnessed many miracles large and small that could only come from a loving, personal God! My favorite primary song is The Miracle. He truly is a God of miracles and he knows us personally! Thank you for sharing this story with us.

Sarah HinzeNovember 8, 2023

Thank you for your inspiring story about your ancestors. It brought tears to my eyes as I felt the spirit of the Lord. My husband and I served a mission at the London England Temple. It was one of the highlights of our life. Our unity and our love together grew by leaps and bounds. There are blessings that have come to us in the years afterwards that are spiritual. God bless you. I look forward to following your posts!

ChrisNovember 7, 2023

So often the focus has been on the iron rod...we even have the song about it...and as a result we lose focus on what's most important. The Tree. The Love of the Savior. We know that Lehi didn't use the iron rod to get to the Tree, but maybe he simply didn't need to. He was a prophet, after all. But what if we changed the focus from the rod to the Tree, and taught the Love of Christ first and foremost? A Love not earned in any way. A Love that cannot be diminished in any way. A Love that leads to real joy in this

Fan for yearsNovember 7, 2023

You will be missed. "May the Lord bless you and keep you and the devil miss you." Pres. Ezra Taft Benson. God bless you that all your experiences will bring you and those you serve closer to our Savior Jesus and His restored church.

Stephen W. GibsonNovember 7, 2023

Great! You are going on a full time mission when you are both young and in good health. I believe, however, that you have been on a mission for the Lord for decades with your great magazine. On a personal note, if you find that you need some great curriculum to help the poor start their own little businesses, feel free to reach out to me. The Academy for Creating Enterprise has 25 rules of thumb for MicroEnterprise Success we would love to share, for free, of course, to help those those in Puerto Rico find their way out of poverty. You two will be great in what ever and wherever you serve the Lord.

ReNae WoolseyNovember 7, 2023

My husband and I are avid weekly followers of your wonderful podcast. We have also served a senior couple mission in Germany. It was amazing and we encourage senior couples to serve however they can. You will not regret following the spirit which encouraged you to go on this mission to Puerto Rico. God bless you in all you do!

Joy LundbergNovember 7, 2023

Well done. This poem "Late Autumn" paints a vivid picture that penetrates all the senses. Thank you for sharing!

JaneNovember 7, 2023

Thank you for all your have done for us with your podcast and articles. You will be wonderful missionaries. Enjoy!!! May the Lord bless you!!

LoraNovember 7, 2023

The irony of all of this is that most of the universities in America began as institutions for divinity instruction, to educate ministers of religion. Their understanding of God and the intelligent design of the universe was the foundation of the now-secular science we know today.

Eunice RobertsonNovember 7, 2023

That is so evocative. I can see perfectly well, but the change of the seasons is an absolute pleasure for me as natures colours change.The remind me of our Saviour's mortal life Autumn reminds me of his tribulation in the days before his crucifixion, Winter, his time in the tomb, Spring, his resurrection. He is in the details of our lives.

Sasha KwapinskiNovember 6, 2023

Marriage is either a moral construct with a moral definition or, for all practical purposes, it become a non-construct with no definition -- basically just a random lifestyle option among many. Moral standards are, by definition, discriminatory, differentiating between various patterns of choice, action, and behavior. To remove the moral definition from marriage is essentially to confuse love with relativism.

Carol BriwnNovember 6, 2023

I love how you both support each other in your podcast. You will be wonderful supports to each other in your mission.Congratulations on your mission call!

TJNovember 6, 2023

It is actually worse than this. In a conversation with a friend who lives in Northern California, she told me her neighbor had assured her that Hitler had needed to kill the Jews because they were persecuting him. This had been hidden from us, but she could read about it. I was stunned. Bad enough to deny the Holocaust. Unbelievable to tell people the Jews caused it and Hitler was protecting himself from persecution

Sandra FyffeNovember 6, 2023

Thank you Protors for your willingness to serve a mission in Puerto Rico! Grateful for your faithfulness! I read this article today, Monday, November 2023...the day you entered the MTC...much success! Blessing be with you both as well as your family at home!

Boanerges RubalcavaNovember 6, 2023

I am at home with my wife and my three children, and after praying we went to sleep. At around 2 am we heard a noise, I went downstairs and see two masked tugs putting as much as they can in a big bag. From here I can think in two possible situations. One, I do not have any weapon and told them to leave my home; they come to me and force me to go into my bedroom and start abusing my wife. I cannot tolerate that and sent myself again one of them while the other using his weapon kill me. The second situation, I have a gun and when I saw them told them to leave my home immediately one of them use his gun against me and fail and then I use mine ant hit him, the other one left my home through a window. I use my gun two more times hitting a van that is leaving the neighborhood at great speed. Next day we found out that a child was inside the van that was with many other weapons. I was accused of murdering the poor child and that I am worse than the thieves, since besides of killing one of them I also murder a child.

Chuck NielsenNovember 6, 2023

“every generation has its tests and its chance to stand and prove itself“ This quote by President Ezra Taft Benson that Duane included is, in my opinion, the clarion call to all followers of Christ to stand up, speak up and lovingly declare the only way to fight evil is to establish homes where the Master can reside. As the family goes so goes humanity. Thank you Duane for addressing one of the biggest criticisms the Church has right now. The war on families is real and that war has landed on the shores of the Latter Day Saints.

Wendy LanderNovember 6, 2023

There is wrong and there is right on both sides. There is only one answer - our Saviour will come and wipe away the tears from all our eyes. In the meantime, we can only live the way he and his prophets teach us and love all of our sisters and brothers.

Fay & Layne CroxfordNovember 5, 2023

You two will be amazing missionaries! You have already been serving and bringing people to the Savior through your tireless work on Meridian Magazine and your podcast! Best wishes! We are headed to Illinois Church Historic sites in early March, humbled but willing and SO excited!

Dianne Letsch ThompsonNovember 5, 2023

What a blessing for you and for the ones whom you will serve! Warm wishes and may you receive God’s best blessings on your mission to Puerto Rico!!! Dianne Letsch Thompson

Michael and Diane LoveridgeNovember 5, 2023

God bless you! My wife and I are in our fifth year as Senior Missionaries (Salt Lake Inner-city Mission), assigned (willingly!) to an Hispanic Ward. We feel so blessed and are trying to perfect our Spanish. A suggestion: As soon as possible, "forget" English and speak as much Spanish to each other as possible. use the wonderful translator smart phone apps and learn the phrases that are useful in daily life. Also, practice listening, listening, and listening. Best wishes!

Jill AntuarNovember 5, 2023

What you have done with Meridian over many years has seemed like a self-appointed mission! You've had plenty of practice and now will do marvellous things, being formally set apart in His service. Speaking from personal experience, serving a senior mission is a wonderful, life-changing opportunity.

Rae GreenstreetNovember 5, 2023

Thank you for sharing the next chapter in your lives. Having served many missions (and still serving one now) has been a blessing to those we have left behind. We are wearing out our lives with joy. "When you rest, you rust".

Karen Walker McMinnNovember 5, 2023

We just came home from our 4th mission and we miss it already. Such joy and gratitude we have in serving. You will, at the end of your mission, find out why the Lord has sent you to that mission. May you be blessed in all you do.

Anna FeatherstoneNovember 5, 2023

i was hoping you were going to say you were coming to New Zealand!! Your great grandparents have a touching story. You would have had big hugs from me had you been on your way here to Aotearoa! I love all our senior missionaries who come to serve in our Stake. they are exemplary. You guys will have a ball! Best wishes!

Cecile ScribnerNovember 4, 2023

Congratulations! Doug and I served in New Zealand between 2004 and 2006, and loved every minute of it. And our family was greatly blessed while we were gone. We came home to six new grandchildren!

JPB SwainNovember 4, 2023

Congratulations and safe travels!

Kathy SandersNovember 3, 2023

Can’t wait to hear your experiences and can’t wait to have some of our own two from Box B. Love you both and God bless you!

Ana Belen SierraNovember 3, 2023

Welcome to our paradise. The enchanted island.

P & T HarrisNovember 3, 2023

Happy to hear of your call. My husband and I returned from our mission to DC South 10 years ago this October. There are many ways for seniors to serve missions. We are glad we served.

Val JonesNovember 3, 2023

Thank you for your example. I am glad you have capable children and staff to carry on at Meridian. And I am glad we will get to read of your adventures. May God be with you.

Eduardo MelendezNovember 3, 2023

Congratulations for your mission calling and for your willingness to respond to our prophet's invitation to join to the Lord's army. I wish you the best during this time of service and sacrifice as our Savior Jesus Christ representatives. I have no doubt you will impact many lives in an amazing way. Hurrah!

CAROL THOMASNovember 3, 2023

FABULOUS!!! So proud of happy for you. We love senior couples...they are the glue that holds a mission together. Ray and I have been on several senior missions...we only wish we could go again! HURRAH FOR ISRAEL!!!

Lorrie B ThomanNovember 3, 2023

I so Love your Podcast each week it truly builds my Testimony I have come to Love you both and your sweet family. Love your history and how you met and how dedicated you both are to the Savior. You will both be dearly missed and we pray your Mission will be a huge success you will both turn many hearts and souls to their Savior they may not even know yet. You are very Loved sending lots of prayers

JulieNovember 3, 2023

What an amazing story from your ancestors. Wow. And that you can read it and know of it. So incredible. Congratulations on your mission call!! Excited for you two. Best wishes!

Alisi Iongi FiliagaNovember 3, 2023

The stories you share brought tears to my eyes, and the encouragement to serve a mission together with my eternal companion. Thanks for sharing I shall never forget of mail from Box B.

Linda A SmithNovember 3, 2023

Beautifiul story. I always wanted to serve a senior mission but my husband didn't. Instead we got called to serve in the Spanish Branch for 5 years and in a way my wish was granted.

VaLoye & Dean OlsonNovember 3, 2023

You are needed. You will love serving and the missionaries and locals will love you. Have a wonderful time even when exhausted. We loved our four senior missions which included being Mission President in Norway.

NicolaNovember 3, 2023

Congratulations!! And I live in Invercargill, we have a ward here and our stake centre is 3hrs away. Your family created that!! Nicola in NZ

Ken & Yvonne CottrellNovember 3, 2023

Hooray for you and Godspeed! We will miss your Come Follow Me broadcasts but I’m sure you have that taken care of.

Paul HNovember 3, 2023

Bless you as you go serve. If you follow the advice Bryant Hinckley gave to his young missionary son, Gordon, you will be successful: "Forget yourself and go to work." While I enjoy Meridian Magazine immensely, I hope it isn't a distraction to you in doing what you have been called to do. My wife and I served for 21 months in Texas and because all we concentrated on was the Lord's work, we were blessed beyond our greatest dreams. We helped bless te lives of others in our mission during that time. A similar experience happened again as I served in a Utah mission office for a year post Covid. Good luck.

Karen CasosNovember 3, 2023

Have a great time. It can be challenging but just so the rewards are great.

Sharon SmithNovember 3, 2023

You will be such great missionaries as you share your testimonies and teach the people of Puerto Rico. What an exciting time! May the Lord continue to bless you in your righteous works.

LindaNovember 3, 2023

Best of luck. My husband and I served a mission for the church and it is truly the best and most special thing we have done as a couple. I am sure you will love your mission, your people and giving to the Lord 100% of your time.

Rochelle HaleNovember 3, 2023

Congratulations! You will be wonderful missionaries.

Lawrence RookhuyzenNovember 3, 2023

I had a premonition a few weeks ago that you would be called on a mission--so no big surprise. You'll be great missionaries. Larry & Kay Rookhuyzen

HelenCNovember 3, 2023

Thank you for this story and your dedication to the Work. Blessings upon you and your mission. I’m sure grandpa is smoking down on you.

Gayle WNovember 3, 2023

Wonderful! You both are great witnesses for Jesus Christ. The people in Puerto Rico will love you, as you love them! I'm so pleased for you!

ValNovember 3, 2023

This is so exciting!! The story of your grandparents made me cry. I, too, am in profound awe of the Saints who came before us. Their sacrifices were deep. My husband and I hope to join the ranks of other Senior missionaries in the next couple of years. Thank you for all you do. You bless the lives of so many!!

Charleen FeltNovember 3, 2023

you will love it and even though somethings will be difficult the memories of the wonderful people you serve will remain with you forever. We have served two and are considering a third one. The Lord will lead you and bless you so much as you serve. Congratulations.

Gale BoydNovember 3, 2023

We love this story of sacrifice and conviction and will love yours too!

Breck EnglandNovember 3, 2023

Mis mejores deseos en tu misión!

Gaye WillisNovember 3, 2023

What an amazing example you have from these faithful ancestors! I wept as I read their story. And what an amazing example WE have in both of you! Thank you for your service, testimony, and faith. Thank you for Meridian Magazine and the podcasts, which have been such a blessing to so many. God bless you and your family through you service, just as I know you will bless the people of Puerto Rico.

Michael S. KartchnerNovember 3, 2023

How exciting! Thanks for sharing!

Audrey YanNovember 3, 2023

I don’t know you personally but have enjoyed your come follow me podcast for the last 4 years. My husband and I had been on two senior missions, in fact just returned from a 2 years service in Cambodia; so glad you have decided to serve and it is true, you are in for an adventure! Can’t wait to hear or read about your experiences!

Michael SCRIMSHERNovember 3, 2023

I served in New Zealand in the late 70s. And yes, even to invercargill in the dead of winter which there is in July. I can relate to those wet, damp winters there. The Proctors have rich heritage. What a legacy and example to follow.

Susan NielsonNovember 3, 2023

That is so wonderful and exciting. I’m so thrilled you found a way to make it work. And I’m glad I won’t have to go without Meridian Magazine. Best wishes! Susan

Ron KjarNovember 3, 2023

I served in Puerto Rico 40 years ago. It was the foundation of my life and I love the Island and the people more than I can express. You will love it there!

Shannon HillNovember 3, 2023

Thank you for this beautiful story and for choosing to serve a mission. Hopefully soon, my husband and I will be able to serve. Your daughter Micheala was my daughter's HEFY counselor in Fiji and her example of missionary service influenced my daughter to serve a mission. May you continue to be blessed as you serve the Lord.

Lynn GardnerNovember 3, 2023

One of the best decisions you ever made! You’ll be awesome, but you’ll also love it more than you can ever imagine!!

Donna ColyarNovember 3, 2023

We are delighted for you. We have served two family history missions. You’ll never regret it! Buena suerte!

Becky S.November 3, 2023

Congratulations on this new chapter and keep working on the language! We will pray for your success as you share the near and dear things of the gospel in a foreign country! Thank you for Meridian Magazine all these years and the insightful podcast for come follow me!

RonyaNovember 3, 2023

So proud of you for your willingness to serve. I too have many ancestors that sacrificed all for the building up of God's Kingdom here on earth. God speed and keep you and your family safe. You will be so blessed. My parents loved their time on their mission. Our family was so blessed by their service.

Cynthia CNovember 3, 2023

So exciting! So glad that you are able to serve! You will be great missionaries and everyone who meets you will have new friends!

Vera DooleyNovember 3, 2023

Congratulations on receiving your call to Puerto Rico! I love reading all your articles in the Meridan! We lived in Ferron, Utah for almost 25 years! We knew the Steven's family who lived there. Thank you for sharing that part of your family history!

Joyce GlaettliNovember 3, 2023

God bless you both as you begin this mission. Thank you for all you have done with Meridian Magazine. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you.

Laurie Claeys BoydNovember 3, 2023

Oh Scot and Maureen, I am soooo happy for you and excited for the people in Puerto Rico who you'll be serving! I can't imagine my life without you two and your incredible podcast and Meridian Magazine. THANK YOU for blessing my life and my family's life with your time and faith-filled, positive perspective. You are the personification of D&C 50:22. I wish you the very best as you begin this new chapter of miracles! Thank you for sharing this moving story about your grandparents. Wow. Their faith!!!

Claudia Henderson SmithNovember 3, 2023

Congratulations on your mission call! That’s where Camille Helmick went on her mission. You guys are going to be great!! Put me on your email list.

Rebecca WalkerNovember 3, 2023

What an inspiring story! Wishing you all the best on your newest adventure! May you be greatly blessed as you bless the lives of all you serve! Love you guys!!

Joel MarksNovember 3, 2023

God Bless the Proctors. Thanks for all your teachings and wisdom! God be with you ‘till we meet again! Pray for Israel…. and Israel

TiredNovember 2, 2023

There's no support for an abused husband in this church. I know from experience. The general leaders make their inspired statements, but the local leaders are the ones who have to implement it, and too many of them still believe women are above reproach and if there's a problem in the home it is definitely the man's fault. I'm getting ready to not only leave the home but leave the church because I'm so tired of my leaders telling me that it's all my fault simply because I'm a man. "If you were a 'real' man you wouldn't allow it to go on, therefore it's your fault.' - as if a man has the authority to 'control' his wife. My children have each promised me a bedroom, for which I am thankful. I won't lose my testimony, but I can't stay in the toxic environment local leaders make for an abused husband.

K. GuffeyNovember 2, 2023

The iron rod was always explained as the truths of the gospel and the liahona as a guide to follow truth (1Nephi 8:30 continually holding fast = means never letting go of truth) so I've always felt that the two were joined together to keep us safe in God's love and God's truths.

SteveNovember 2, 2023

Nice article, many good points. Of course, we also want to know what the limit population would be and how to distribute food to the whole world equitably. Any suggestions?

Michael SessionsNovember 2, 2023

My wife's maiden name is Boyce (Father was Dan Boyce) descendant of John Boyce. Are you a cousin?

Lynn ChattertonNovember 2, 2023

John chapter 1 says that in the beginning was the Word...and the Word was God. Christ is the Iron Rod. He is the Word of God. If we are converted to Him we will never fall or fail.

MarkNovember 2, 2023

For me, they both are simply symbols of Christ. No more, no less.

Marlee MeyersNovember 2, 2023

Another dimension of the Iron Rod is the word of God: John 1. Jesus Christ is the Word. It is to Him we must hold fast to reach the Tree of Life. Then, the Liahona is a tool for hearing the Word thru the Spirit of God

Boanerges RubalcavaNovember 2, 2023

The argument that the Church (The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ) is unfair to those who cannot get married in the Temple, and consequently cannot obtain Eternal Life, is absurd, since the Lord and His Apostles clearly told us (all of us) that sin is not accepted with a minimum of allowance. Sexual sins, adultery and fornication, unless there is a repentance, exclude any one doing them to enter the Temple. But, this is exactly the same for everybody, men, women, heterosexual or homosexual ones. Therefore, ALL of us no matter our assumed conditions, must stop sinning, and repent. And the situation is the same for those NOT committing the acts mentioned, when for whatever reasons they were unable to find the eternal companion, if they remain in the Gospel keeping the commandments, and with a since repentance when the did not do, our Loving Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ will provide a way for them to enter Eternal Life.

Stefanie EskanderNovember 1, 2023

Such a touching story. I truly believe that many receive messages of the Spirit through the arts- music, artwork, dance, etc.

Debbi M.November 1, 2023

I had never heard this song, and it is so beautiful! Thanks for this article and your previous one. Stirring and joyful and worshipful! I love this phrase--Signal fire of grace. Your articles WERE a signal Fire of grace for me! And left me in tears...

Elder Russell Rich CannonNovember 1, 2023

As Service Mission Leaders we frequently work with young men and women who “transfer” from teaching missions to service missions. Many are returning home to parents where they remain as service missionaries for the remainder of their missions. I like to think of my deceased loved ones as “transfers” who complete their earthly missions and “transfer” home to their Heavenly Parents” for their heavenly mission assignments. Just like with our service missionaries, it is a step forward, not a step back. Enjoyed the article and the discussion with my siblings about this topic.

Carlos RoundyNovember 1, 2023

I like the word commenced, like going to a commencement, a new beginning .

Laurel DraperNovember 1, 2023

This was a wonderful article! At a time when I am still trying to figure out how to not only survive, but thrive, in this still-new to me empty nester reality I'm facing, this gave me some good food for thought. Maybe my life isn't really "over," (*wink) and I can still find ways to be a blessing and valuable contributor to my children and those around me. For ME, it continues to be challenging to find my place now that I am no longer a full-time mom to my kids, who have created families of their own. I want to find ways to still be a teacher, an example, a blessing and to play an important role in the lives of my grandlittles.

MaryannOctober 31, 2023

Do you really want to keep living like this? Not only has your husband betrayed you over MANY years, but then he places an additional burden on you by blaming you for not trusting him! There is a better life waiting for you---go find it. A good therapist will help you move forward with your life (WITHOUT your husband), and also help you to rebuild your self esteem. You have been carrying this heavy load on your shoulders for far too long and if you continue, it will manifest itself in your physical, emotional, and mental health. You already sound completely exhausted and depleted. Anyone who has suffered this kind of abuse, and it IS abuse, from a man who refuses to change needs to end the marriage as quickly as possible.

Michele SOctober 31, 2023

I imagine it breaks Heavenly Father's heart to see some of his children pursuing relationships here in mortality that he cannot make eternal. He too is bound by Eternal law.

Rob McGhieOctober 31, 2023

I look forward to the day when the Proclamation on the Family is included as a section in the Doctrine and Covenants.

Bob KernsOctober 31, 2023

Thank you for sharing this much needed article.

James O Brown IIOctober 31, 2023

If a person has a problem with The Proclamation on the Family, they do not have a problem with church leaders. They have a problem with the Lord.

Richard HillsOctober 31, 2023

Of course we all sincerely accept that the very truths and principles revealed by our Prophets that our Father has established for our happiness can be changed from time to time by our Prophets upon receiving more revelation.

Rochelle HaleOctober 31, 2023

What we sometimes forget is that the Family Proclamation was inspired through the Lord's Prophet and apostles. Perhaps a comparison would be the Word of Wisdom (D&C 89). CBD, green tea, vaping, and a plethora of alcoholic beverages did not exist (or not in the same forms) in Joseph Smith's time. Nevertheless, we cannot justify our desire to experiment, follow worldly enticements, or altar what the Lord has ordained for us. However, the Atonement of Jesus Christ applies to all of us to help us overcome our sins, addictions, loneliness, mourning, heartaches, illnesses, and all things that are challenges to us. Our Heavenly Father is more loving than we can comprehend.

Jim AndersonOctober 31, 2023

Amen, Amen, and Amen! We are on a path to return to a Loving Father in Heaven. The very essence of love is that He has shined many lights on the covenant path that will lead us there. The tares are living among the wheat in our very wards and families. How painful it is to witness the reality that many we love will not bear fruit. At least not in the moment. Eternity is a very long time and God and Christ are merciful. That does not mean that we can simply look the other way and allow the good fruit to be spoiled by popular ideology. To love another person is to help them heal and walk in the light. The light will always illuminate the tares as well as the wheat. It will show the net is full of fish. Some will be kept and some will be tossed back. We as faithful LDS will adjust it to illuminate the Pearl of Great Price that we have sacrifices for and our ancestors have paved the way for us to have.

Cynthia COctober 31, 2023

Very compassionate and well-written article. Thank you!

Mary TarbetOctober 31, 2023

MANY THANKS for reinforcing that what ever thwarts the Lord’s plan of salvation is what Satan will advocate. I remember when the Proclamation was first introduced to the women, we all said “of course”. I continue to follow the Lord’s prophet and His apostles in His Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Chip SnowOctober 31, 2023

when the proclamation first came out, my first thought was "Duh". I was a kid. little did I know what the Prophet and Apostles were seeing. that was the last time I did a figurative eye roll at something they've said.

Debbi M.October 30, 2023

LOVED this article! I moved this article to my Pinterest and called it--Life After Life. Seemed appropriate, as well as "graduated."I love feeling my graduated loved ones around me, and often think of them and what they would advise me. And I tell them how much I miss them, even knowing that they are still around and watching out for me.

David KendallOctober 30, 2023

You inspired me to write a poem, I hope you like it! Out of Sight, Never Out of Mind Family, friends and loved ones Having lived there lives on Earth, Still touch our hearts by spirit Ever from their days of birth. They continue as guardian angels From the other side of the veil, Having graduated from mortality And in God's presence now dwell. They are forever trying to help us For joy and peace on earth to find, And ask to be remembered fondly As only out of sight, never ever out of mind.

RaLee HallOctober 30, 2023

Thank you, thank you for your thoughts and insights.this truly is an inspirational article.

LoraOctober 30, 2023

Since they are more alive than we are, since we are mortal and they are not, I suggest that we call them "immortal". "The immortals" describes them better than "the dead".

Rochelle HaleOctober 30, 2023

Why don't we call our departed the "reunited ones?" I recall reading an article recently where we were reminded that, even as we mourn, our loved ones are greeting their own parents, grandparents, or even some of their own children who departed mortality before them. We should be happy for them. Some friends of other faiths teach that "believers" go directly into the arms of God or Jesus. So "reunited one" would be applicable across many religions.

Abbie VianesOctober 30, 2023

Thank you for a lovely article. Im So glad the language in the temple no longer uses the term dead. I have thought for 10 years now that they ought to change that because those who have passed on are VERY much alive and, according to Joseph Smith, enjoy the same degree of sociality as we do here. Im.sure they find the word "dead" to be a bit insulting.

Sherree LounsberyOctober 30, 2023

I favor the term 'passed on' Additionally, I always strive to refer to my family and friends in the present tense, as in "she's beautiful" or "he's brilliant" because they still are!

Jackson PembertonOctober 30, 2023

Loved this explication! How about "moved up"?

Chris HowellOctober 30, 2023

I have fought calling my mother dead for years. I never refer to her as dead today or speak of her in past tense. I think "graduated" or "transitioned" to the next stage of life says it for me. When she graduated it was unexpected and sudden. My coworkers accused me of denial and that I would go through a serious depression later. Later I had the impression in prayer that she had completed her experience her and was granted to transition. (she suffered from arthritis)

Ronald BarnesOctober 30, 2023

I don't understand this reluctance to use the word "dead" The word refers to the temporary separation of the body and the spirit. Any other terms that we may use have the same meaning. The fact that the dead move among us does not change the fact that they do so as spirits that are separated from their bodies,

Lynne BarryOctober 30, 2023

What about relocated?

Corey D.October 28, 2023

My heart goes out to the Hess family and to all who have experienced the loss of loved ones, especially seemingly untimely or unexpected. Where would we be in such difficult times without the hope our savior brings.

JeffreyOctober 28, 2023

Thank you for sharing this poignant and difficult family experience with us.

JuliannOctober 27, 2023

My heartfelt condolences. No parent ever want to bury a child. Emma is well and whole and you now have an angel in heaven. She thanks you for your love, and sacrifices, and faith. Now it’s her turn to watch over all of you. And she will.

Gale BoydOctober 27, 2023

Thank you, Jacob, for sharing this. It's inspiring, beautiful, and helpful in all the best ways.

AnnaOctober 27, 2023

A thousand blessings to the author and his family.

EveOctober 27, 2023

I'm truly sorry for your loss! And I'm truly grateful that we, as Meridian readers, get to read such precious truths. It's inspired me in the trials I'm facing at the moment. Thank you!

Carol MaskOctober 27, 2023

What a beautiful perspective. I believe it w all my heart.

TanaOctober 27, 2023

Thank you so very much for sharing this sacred family moment with your extended family of brothers and sisters! Your great faith and knowledge of the Savior is an example for us all. He does Live and because He does, your sweet Emma lives! What a perfect plan! Prayers and continued peace to your sweet family and friends as you mourn all that is missing right now.

Steve DoneganOctober 27, 2023

I write this after wiping the multitude of tears from my face... Thank you for putting into words what many of us cannot find words for. Thank you for sharing your outlook with us who suffer and can't see as far forward as you have. Our love to your family and supportive friends.

LaNae ShawOctober 27, 2023

Thank you for sharing this incredible journey you have been on - our 20 month old grandson passed away last year unexpectedly and our daughter has had such a hard time - she has been so angry that they didn’t get the miracle. She has finally come to realize that the miracle is that Heavenly Father and Jesus mourns with us. We do not understand why these things have to happen but we have to trust in His Plan and know that we will be with them again. I could not go on without that knowledge. So grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and Jesus who love us all so much and will wipe away all tears and all things will be made right!!! Thanks again for sharing.

ShaunaOctober 27, 2023

I am a better, stronger person, even filled with more light because I read your story. I tasted the goodness and truth of it all. Your writing is so beautiful and your testimonies were a feast. Thank you so much for sharing.

Kathy SandersOctober 27, 2023

Jacob I have eagerly followed anything you write when I find it as your gifts and inspiration have lifted and helped me so much. Thank you for sharing the tenderest feelings of your heart and yours and Monique’s beautiful faith in Jesus Christ and his tender mercies. I feel a oneness with you all and pray for your family as you miss sweet Emma. A oneness in Christ who is our hope and our salvation. Thank you for sharing and blessing us all with your story. Thank you Emma for the blessing of your life that lives on.

Ben PackOctober 27, 2023

Thank you Jacob for you and your wife’s beautiful words and for your faith. Thank you for helping me see and feel deeper. I’m grateful for God’s plan of happiness and progression. That he gives us experiences and relationships to make us like his Son. I loved your comments on Jesus in Gethsemane and Golgotha and the reason for his and our suffering. Thanks be to God for his Holy Son in bringing us a glorious tomorrow.

ChristineOctober 27, 2023

Brother and Sister Hess, your testimonies have blessed me today (and many times before). May God continue to bear you up. Through my own dark nights and days of grief, I also received comfort, peace, and hope, and I testify of the truth of your beautiful words. God does love us, and those we love who have passed through that quiet veil, are close, and you will feel their love, their light, their peace, and their joy in the days and years ahead. Glorious truth, beautiful hope, peaceful light, divine love.

Elizabeth LeBlancOctober 26, 2023

I just love your articles. They are so full of personal, faith filled, examples. I'm glad that you remember them with exactness and how they impacted your soul; because, it's as if I get to live that same experience too. Those feelings are as real to me as they are to you. I just love you. Thank you for bringing unity of faith to the Church:)

MarkOctober 26, 2023

I cringe when the youth or anyone else bear a testimony saying they know the church is true and never mention the name Jesus except at the end when they close in His name. The church is only true because of Christ. The prophets are only prophets because of Christ. The Gospel is only true because it is the Good News of Christ. Seems to me we kinda get it backward when we testify of the things instead of the person, Jesus, who is the reason for all of it. I go back to President Nelson’s talk of the Atonement of Christ. The Atonement is the thing, but without the connection to the power of Christ, it is ineffectual.

Harold RustOctober 24, 2023

This inspiring story is one that my brother while living in Heber has been able to follow---and actively participate in for the last several years. His enthusiasm for and encouragement of this project have been matched by dozens of other leaders in the Heber valley. Thanks for this descriptive summary of how the location came to be finally finalized. It has been an inspiration for all who became part of the large team.

MaryannOctober 23, 2023

The only reason I can think of for divorced people to maintain contact after they have married someone else is if the divorced couple have minor children. In those cases, the divorced couple should have an amicable relationship for the sake of their children. If the children are grown, in most cases, I would think the current spouse would be very uncomfortable if contact was continued with the Ex-spouse.

Paul HOctober 23, 2023

Where is this statuary park located? (The article asking for donations doesn't say.)

Scot ProctorOctober 23, 2023

The links have now been updated to the correct campaign. Thank you!

Scot ProctorOctober 23, 2023

The links have now been updated to the correct campaign. Thank you!

Scot ProctorOctober 23, 2023

The links have now been updated to the correct campaign. Thank you!

Jeff BellOctober 23, 2023

This sounds like a worthwhile endeavor. Where will the ten acre park be located, is there an entrance fee, how does one know the administration costs associated with such a large project? Where can one mail a check? Does it go to Dr Neal or Meridian? The article should include all of this information plus the projected date. PS: I loved the video

Joe HopkinsOctober 23, 2023

Thank you Kay Wiemer Gerke for stating so clearly what so many are condemning as CRT. Yes there are marvelous parts to our history and people who have stood tall. But there are also those who have cheated, lied, and destroyed. We need to know their motivations so we can avoid them. The positive needs to be enshrined but to avoid teaching the negative Is foolhardy.

Gary KohlOctober 23, 2023

The GoFundMe site that this link directs us to is from 2021 and says it is no longer accepting donations.

Sherrie RaynorOctober 23, 2023

Can you check the link? On 10/23 it was no longer active.

Teri N.October 23, 2023

I went to the fundraiser on GoFundMe and it states it has been DEACTIVATED. HELP PLEASE. How can we donate? I so much wish to donate to this.

Ed RehderOctober 22, 2023

As always; Good Stuff!!

Joan G. SmithOctober 20, 2023

A basic truth, long ignored, asserts that the purpose of education is to teach a student how to THINK. It appears that the "Fathom the Good" curriculum may well provide the way to accomplish that goal. I've sent a link for this article to my wonderful home-schooling daughter.

Kay Wiemer GerkeOctober 20, 2023

I am surprised that Meridian would print this Op-Ed. I have enjoyed Meridian for many years and have always counted on it for informative and inspirational reading. It plays an important role in spreading the Gospel in its unique way. John C. Hancock's opinions are very concerning to me. He has latched on to sound-bite catchphrases that are inflammatory and not fully accurate. CRT, Critical Race Theory, is NOT taught in general education. It is a subject that has been inaccurately vilified and is misleading. CRT is a curriculum that is taught at a graduate school level, not in elementary schools. The danger of this overreaction can lead to omitting vital historical truths regarding our country's past which has created a climate of racism that still exists today. We cannot change history but we should learn from it to not repeat its mistakes. America’s racial past is not only about the horrific treatment of many people of color, it also includes accounts of good people standing up for what was right and fighting against bigotry and hatred. Valuable learning can occur in classrooms when these topics are discussed with accuracy and truth. Students can learn to evaluate society’s mistakes from the past and make informed choices to commit to do better. I have had the unique opportunity of substitute teaching for 20 years in public high school and middle schools. I have seen, first-hand, what curriculum is taught and I have grown close to the faculty and staff from these schools. It is very rare that I have ever felt concerns about the information that my co-workers are teaching. My own children grew up in this school district and I began subbing after our youngest graduated from high school. I have been extremely involved with our educational system for 41 years. Yes, there are some things that are taught that are not consistent with our belief systems, but that is life, that is living in the world. My husband and I always felt that our job was to stay close to our kids and have frank discussions at home about what they learned at school. This way we helped guide them through life’s challenges as they went along and as they faced controversial ideas, on their own level. We empowered them with a feeling that they could handle whatever the world threw at them without fearing it. They were able to develop confidence in knowing that they were strong enough to withstand the confusing influences of the adversary through discernment. Their protective armor was based on gospel principles giving them insight and strength to make good choices as they looked to Heavenly Father for help. Personally, I am a supporter of public schooling with home support and I have really enjoyed the opportunity to be a substitute teacher. It has allowed me to really get to know the youth of our community for decades and hopefully be an influence for good in their lives.

Dawn BrysonOctober 20, 2023

I took American Heritage from your Father, Ralph Hancock, at Brigham Young University in 1994. He made history so applicable to us. I looked forward to his lectures as each lecture was interesting and engaging. I learned to think more critically too. Honestly, one of my favorite classes. I look forward to learning more.Thank you!

Brad OatesOctober 19, 2023

I have followed V.H. Cassler thought leadership articles for multiple years, and appreciate her brilliant insights. She has a gift for seeing the non-obvious…and, the obvious in non-obvious ways. I agree with her assessment that we have reached a cultural tipping point. It would seem that 2020 was such a year with 4 “Super Shocks” of a global pandemic, global recession, worldwide social justice protests, and divisive election cycle. But, in my opinion, 1968 is likely the tipping point year that defined the pervasive cultural erosion we are now experiencing…a “scattering” as prophesied that 2020 accelerated. For me, this is the big picture context that gives meaning and purpose to the “gathering” theme that has been emphasized by Latter-Day Prophets. Thank you Valerie.

Kent BrooksbyOctober 19, 2023


SageOctober 19, 2023

I appreciate your wise words and courageous attempt to educate. I will be sharing this everywhere I can.

MistyOctober 18, 2023

Surrogacy?! That’s a weird one to lump in there. So many families and people in general have been blessed because of someone else’s love and sacrifice through surrogacy!

Sue AntuarOctober 18, 2023

In a quiet moment this morning I noticed your article and decided to read. I read words that I needed to hear and words that have resonated with me. Words that have brought me great peace and comfort. I lost my husband last week and had his funeral yesterday. Even though this has been a life altering, heartbreaking whirlwind in time, I have absolutely felt and feel my Savior's peace and love and strengthening power by submitting to HIS will. Hard days will come but I absolutely know he will continue to protect and strengthen me in my storm.

Tim FlahertyOctober 18, 2023

I'm afraid I am not familiar with this Bianca Palmieri Lisonbee, 1953-2023, for whom this article was dedicated.

Jamie QuistOctober 18, 2023

Thank you for the backstory and history of these areas. It's like, "Oh, wow, that makes so much more sense." How can a lay person access this kind of information?

JulesOctober 16, 2023

Great analogy and food for introspection. How refreshing it would be to attend a RS where the sisters felt they could be honest and would actually validate each other. Way too much competitiveness in my association with women. How easy it is to give a compliment or a hug, but too often reserved and withheld by those who have not yet learned that their sense of worth comes from God and he gives freely.

MarkOctober 16, 2023

Thank you for sharing this! What a great analogy

KerryOctober 16, 2023

Thank you! I am also a widow who watches a K drama at the end of a busy day - sometimes feeling guilty. I am careful to do the “ clean” ones. They are delightful and so well cast. Now I can feel ok about it. Excellent article otherwise also.

LBOctober 14, 2023

You need to see a marriage counselor.

KathleenOctober 13, 2023

That's all it takes!

SandraOctober 13, 2023

Finally! An update on this production. I donated to the work back in August, 2022 and have heard no more. I'm pleased to learn its moving along.

JuliannOctober 13, 2023

Good cartoon. It only takes one. Thanks for all the chuckles.

Ann A.October 13, 2023

Hi name must be Calvin!

Jeff DrakeOctober 13, 2023

Thank God for small nurseries! Our oldest two are 15 months apart, so our daughter was too young for nursery when our son was born. Since the nurses in our ward was only about ten kids, the Nursery Leader invited our daughter to join them a bit early. It was an incredible blessing for our family.

GinaOctober 12, 2023

We can also learn that your mortal life can be over in a minute. And look at what tha Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are once again having reinforced. Water can stop coming out of our taps. The ability to purchase food can be curtailed. The power can go out. We need supplies as well as faith.

Debbie KentOctober 12, 2023

Excellent article. Thank you.

Wendy ManwaringOctober 12, 2023

I appreciate the thoughts and scriptures associated with this story. Thank you. There is a lot of truth in it. I wish it was not associated with a product or sales of any kind. When I listen to general conference, I never go away with fear in any way. Things that insight fear, I shy away from. Just a feeling that comes to me as I read articles similar this one. I appreciate the topic written of here, being prepared, and I am grateful we have Jesus Christ leading and guiding us through prophet, seers and revelators. President Nelson counseled us this last General Conference to "Think Celestial." Included in his counsel were these words, "Seek guidance from voices you can trust—from prophets, seers, and revelators and from the whisperings of the Holy Ghost, who “will show unto you all things what ye should do.” Please do the spiritual work to increase your capacity to receive personal revelation."

LewisOctober 11, 2023

Bless you, and bless the children, for this beautiful story of faith.

Jim ThorleyOctober 11, 2023

What a great story! And what a great lesson to be learned. How do I get all in my Elders Quorum to read this?

HelenCOctober 11, 2023

Well research and crafted examination of scripture. Thank you.

KathleenOctober 10, 2023

AMEN, Sister!

Lola B.October 10, 2023

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. I too have had a spiritual experience years ago that I consider very sacred and have not shared, but I do feel the need to, for the benefit of future generations. "Indeed, you can have sacred, revelatory, profoundly instructive experiences with the Lord in the most miserable experiences of your life—in the worst settings, while enduring the most painful injustices, when facing the most insurmountable odds and opposition you have ever faced" - Elder Jeffrey R.Holland

Douglas NadybalOctober 10, 2023

It is well thought out article exploring what a balanced prosperity looks like. Even more remarkable is that is was done without invoking the tried, tested and overused mantra "seek ye first the kingdom of God and all other things will be added to you", which I sometimes tire of hearing over and over again.

Harold RustOctober 10, 2023

Thank you! The impact of personal stories is a theme I've been actively encouraging my ward members to collect for many years. I remind them that although there may be only a limited few stories recorded somewhere for great grandparents, there should be more for grandparents and definitely more you can find regarding your parents. And then, with regard to your immediate family......the sky is the limit! The key is to record them; big and small, seemingly trivial as well as monumentally pivotal.

Chip WhitmerOctober 9, 2023

Always worth pointing out that Helaman only had two brothers: Shiblon and Corianton. The phrase "Helaman and his brethren" necessarily includes Corianton, who apparently got his act together and became a great leader in spite of his youthful transgressions. There is hope for all of us!

Colleen CorbridgeOctober 9, 2023

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this inspiring story.

HelenCOctober 9, 2023

Bless them all! And bless you for being there for them. An awesome reminder that some things only come about “save by fasting and by prayer” Matt 17:21

sdgOctober 9, 2023

I'm so grateful to hear that Rising Star can continue. I've been able to support one child for a few years after learning about your great work through my niece. Thank you for sharing this miracle. I look forward to reading about those other two miracles. God is amazing.

Sarah HinzeOctober 9, 2023

Thank you so much for your inspiring article. Thank you for the courage to share your testimony. I have been taught deeply by your tender experiences.

Greg SmithOctober 8, 2023

Well said. Thank you.

HeidiOctober 2, 2023

It's amazing the things that stand out to us! I saw a lot of invitations to let the Holy Spirit guide us to truth. Truth was a big theme through many talks. In a world where truth is hard to find we need discernment to make good choices.

Jim ThorntonOctober 2, 2023

I don't know about anybody else, but I think I have said "think Celestial" about 10 times today. What a wonderful, simple, two words that encompasses President Nelson's entire address. I have come to the conclusion that thinking Celestial may be the only way someone like me will make it back to Heavenly Father.

Roger DavidsonOctober 2, 2023

President Nelson talking about focusing on celestial. When confronted with temptations or whatever comes into our lives that takes our focus off of the Savior then think Celestial. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed in the last few years the talks have been more centered on Jesus Christ. And coming to him, because it is only through him we gain our salvation. I would love to hear others thoughts regarding more emphasis on Jesus Christ. President Nelson, during his talk I felt something while he was speaking, that maybe I need to make my prayers more conversational than a check list "Ok I have said my prayer like I am supposed or I have read from the book of Mormon like I am supposed to. Again, what a wonderfjul conference.

Lynette J MilliganOctober 2, 2023

The themes that stood out, and which our family discussed afterwards, were those of preparation, both temporally and more importantly, spiritually, for the degree of glory you want to achieve. Several Apostles talked about this topic, as did our Dear Prophet. Several talks spoke of the 10 Virgins and their model of preparation, both temporal and spiritual. We all agreed that the overarching theme was Coming to Christ and how we do that by, beginning with the end in mind, and obedience to His commandments, including providing assistance to those in need. What a fantastic Conference it was! We all felt so richly blessed to receive such instruction and wisdom from those whom the Lord has prepared to lead and guide us. We are so grateful to have access to them and the treasures of the gospel library and Church website.

Pat BluthOctober 2, 2023

Thank you, Mariah!

Erika PechacekOctober 2, 2023

This Conference was significant because all the speakers reminded us to come unto Jesus Christ and grow spiritually. We have to prepare ourselves and the coming generations for the coming of the Lord and without that preparation we will not be able to stand that event. The world is in commotion right now and if we imagine how much worse it will get, without spiritual preparation and centering our lives on Jesus Christ, we will not be able to stand. May we all take this serious and be always ready to welcome our Lord and Savior!

Lisa ReisingOctober 2, 2023

One of the strong themes I heard was about the power in and need for creating communities of Christ, where we feel accepted, needed, heard, peaceful, and some protection from the onslaught of the world. Many of the gathering messages contained the plea to learn how to love each other more completely - all part of Zion building.

Patricia LambOctober 2, 2023

President Nelson used the word MORTALITY, which was important to me. Mortality is a master class in learning to choose the things of greatest eternal import. Far too many people live as though this life is all there is. However, your choices today will determine three things: where you will live throughout eternity, the kind of body with which you will be resurrected, and those with whom you will live forever. So, think celestial. When you make choices, I invite you to take the long view—an eternal view. Put Jesus Christ first, because your eternal life is dependent upon your faith in Him and in His Atonement. It is also dependent upon your obedience to His laws. Obedience paves the way for a joyful life for you today and a grand, eternal reward tomorrow. When you are confronted with a dilemma, think celestial! When tested by temptation, think celestial! When life or loved ones let you down, think celestial! When someone dies “prematurely,” think celestial. When someone lingers with a devastating illness, think celestial. When the pressures of life crowd in upon you, think celestial! As you recover from an accident or injury, think celestial!

Iclea Megre LannesOctober 2, 2023

Thank you for sharing those thoughts. I started my day thinkng about the theme that stands out in the conference talks, then I was blassed with your words.

TeriSeptember 30, 2023

I love you President Nielsen as I help those who read and listen to the conference. Love Jesus and our heavenly Father. Prayers for blessings are headed your way by so many of our congregations. I pray that thou will feel them and that they will help you to heal as quickly as possible. Thank you for all you do and your service and ministry.

CarolSeptember 29, 2023

Get a physical exam and check for blood sugar, autoimmune, mental decline or mental illness issues. Sometimes that can cause a change.

MaryannSeptember 29, 2023

Good advice! I would also suggest a focus on constantly looking for the good in one another and voicing many sincere complements. We have been married for 53 years and I have found it is best to bite my tongue when I am tempted to say something critical, or to give too much advice. I feel like my Spirit is working at disciplining the "natural woman," and overcoming mortal tendencies and weaknesses. It doesn't really matter if we feel our spouse is being too sensitive. What matters is our willingness to change ourselves and our approach. It doesn't feel stifling, it feels like victory! I am grateful for the Lord's Spirit to enable me to do this.

vickieSeptember 29, 2023

also, when two people were married that long and then retire...that changes everything. the husband now stays home all the time. where he was in charge at work he wants to be that way at home and when the wife tries to have input husband doesnt take it well because hey he is the one in charge...actually the woman ruled the roost and has been for years...suddenly she has no say.....believe me....its mainly the husbands issue that he has to deal with ...wife has to realize this is what is going on....he wants to lead at home..but home is more a womanly work....sharing tasks is the best ...but only if they share it and no one rules over it all...

CW2 DoneganSeptember 28, 2023

I read because I want to see if someone else’s perspective can change my own. Your using the second act of plays changes my way of processing how to speak about preexistance to others. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

KathleenSeptember 27, 2023

All's well that ends well!

Sherrie BurdickSeptember 27, 2023

Thank you for this wonderful article. I couldn't help but compare Washington with the leadership our country is experiencing today...Actually, there is no comparison.

M. M. HansenSeptember 27, 2023

I'm very disappointed in your article. I'll give one example. You said the teenager wearing a maga hat.... It was a Catholic student coming for a March to Life rally not a Trump rally as you imply. You said they had a stand off. Actually I've watched all the many hours of video and Sandman was minding his own business when the guy came up to him banging on his drum. Sandman was trying hard not to do anything or say anything to diffuse the situation. He exhibited great restraint. So it was NOT a stand off. The guy was a jerk. Your final sentence was completely false and would lead people to believe that the right was as bad as the left was for making up a story that the media portrayed Sandman bad. The media did indeed do just that and his name was ruined in the press for what? Showing restraint? So yes because he was standing for the unborn and had a maga hat on the media DID attack him viciously. So much so that he lost scholarships. He eventually won many lawsuits against the media. The right did not craft a new narrative. It WAS the narrative. The media smeared and innocent kid because he rallied against abortion and they have done it to many people besides him.

Katrina DonaheySeptember 27, 2023

Daris, I always enjoy your stories. Thank you for them. I love the messages they convey.

Kay RookhuyzenSeptember 27, 2023

I needed a good cry today! I so enjoyed this "serial" storytelling! Thank you so much!!

JessicaSeptember 27, 2023

So sorry for the separation of your mother. I hope you are finding that peace that passes all understanding. I always look forward to your articles! They have just the right amount of humor in them. But I especially enjoyed reading about your mother’s adventures with Old Bob. What sweet and tender stories. Thank you so much for sharing them. I really hope that I can meet Bob one day.

Barbara RukaSeptember 27, 2023

I have enjoyed reading these stories of Bob and Joyce. I looked forward to every installment. I'm sad that it ended. Beautiful writing. Thank you!

JanelSeptember 26, 2023

Why did Chad Daybell not make the list of fallen heroes? He definitely had a following and disappointed said followers.

Lynne FlakeSeptember 26, 2023

My husband's ancestor, Samuel Flake, was among the Regulators at the Battle of Alamance. After the battle, he was forced to take an oath to not fight against the Crown ever again. When the American Revolution began, he sent his sons to fight on the American side. We have visited the site of the Battle of Alamance and consider Samuel a great patriot.

Robin Isley BickfordSeptember 26, 2023

Very well written! I, too, am a descendent of Capt. Merrill (mother's side), a native North Carolinian, and a Latter-day Saint. I have visited Alamance Battleground and Hillsborough several times - these places are indeed Sacred Ground! What a great Patriot he was!

BarbaraSeptember 26, 2023

In addition to these excellent suggestions for coping with grief or fighting depression from other causes, I would add two: 1. find something creative to do. This helps absorb your mental energies into something positive. 2. Do regular service. It can be as easy as using Familysearch to find names of people waiting to have their temple work done or going to the temple and doing ordinance. Or it could be serving someone in your family, neighborhood, or ward. And, as I write this, another thought comes to mind. Make sure you are not isolating yourself. In the suggestions that Jeff made or that I have made, make sure some of the things you do require interaction with others.

Robin Isley BickfordSeptember 26, 2023

Thank you so much for writing about Capt. Merrill! I am also a direct descendent on my mother's side, a native North Carolinian (parents & ancestors from Alamance County), and a Latter-day Saint. I, too, discovered his story several years ago and have visited the Hillsborough site several times. I also grew up near the Alamance Battlefield. These sites are indeed sacred ground. It is also great to know that I have relatives in Utah, where our daughter is attending University of Utah. Feel free to email me. It would be awesome to hear from you or connect in Utah or NC! ❤️❤️

dan douglassSeptember 26, 2023

great advice,we are all weak...i look at the good tim did for thousand of children,maybe somewhere on his journey he slipped up, i will still vote for him as long as his sin doesnt involve a child..maybe somewhere along the line some woman pressered him,got in a bad situation..didnt want to blow his cover ect..ect..also leave the church out of it ,we got enough enemies..forgive..look at the good

Teresa DavisSeptember 26, 2023

Over the years I have loved ALL your stories and insights. I especially love the story of Bob, the dog and Joyce. It teaches even if a person comes from a rough abusive background, one can be rise above all that to emerge as a virtuous, strong, loyal, hard-working character. How he blessed the life of Joyce's family! We can do the same. These are the stories we need back into our schools.

TreyeshuaSeptember 26, 2023

Luke 6:22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake. 23 Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets. Tim Ballard appears to me to be yet another of the falsely accused. Jesus said that will happen to true saints.

Charles McClellandSeptember 25, 2023

Thank you for this informative, thoughtful and well written article.

MaryannSeptember 25, 2023

You wrote, regarding the Tim Ballard story: "For a still developing story, withholding judgement can be appropriate." So, why are you jumping the gun and including it in your article NOW?

Ned SvarisbrickSeptember 25, 2023

Ah, guilt the gift that keeps on giving. Let me pose a question. When the Savior performed His atoning sacrifice how many of our sins were in the future? ALL of them right up to and including the final second at the final judgement. Once you decide to put your trust in the ever living God your life will change forever. Life then becomes a relationship that grows us up in Godliness and sin over time fades into the dust and follows us no more.

CASSeptember 25, 2023

I have listened in person to Tim Ballard explain his role in OUR many times. Most were at the peril of his own life! I believe that he is innocent of these charges and encourage people not to rush to condemn him on public opinion. I believe that Tim is a good and honorable man!

JuliannSeptember 25, 2023

Great follow up to a great conference talk. Elder Holland shared a similar story but without a happy ending. A young man sinned, repented, became a wonderful husband, father and successful businessman, but upon moving back to his hometown found that others would not let him forget his past. I don’t believe we , as individuals, forget our transgressions, because remembering helps to keep us from repeating and also helps us to empathize with and teach others. But we can be released from the guilt and shame. Which brings up another point: guilt is a gift from god to make us aware of when we need to repent. Shame is always Satanic. Guilt is ,”I did something bad,I need to repent ,and change”. Shame is “I am a bad person. I will always be a bad person.” It is not our place to guilt or shame another. It is our place to let God do His work. If we do not condemn others, we shall not be condemned by others — hopefully.

Paralee EckmanSeptember 20, 2023

I donated to OUR several years and was proud of it. I stopped only because of financial reasons. I totally support Tim Ballard, and will vote for him if he runs for the Senate ! I hope you will notify him of my admiration for publicly expressing his support and testimony of our Church!

JeffSeptember 19, 2023

Excellent points and thoughts. I think the elimination of former YM and YW presidencies and the calling of younger bishops has lead to a lack of shepherding among adult members. The ideal of the EQ and RS presidents counseling adults is not reality. Meanwhile the older adults languish without someone they trust. Good points on Come Follow Me and other items. MP quorums are definitely struggling with ministering and in their class time. Somehow the Church needs to be a safe place for all who come regardless of where one is on the faith journey. Our meetings need to allow for others with difficult questions. If f not, people will gather with like minded on forums and avoid the ward family.

KatrinaSeptember 19, 2023

Craig, I loved your candid honesty manifest in this article. I LOVED your point about the rameumptom becoming our small devices now in our world. That was brilliantly on point. Thank you for your observations and thoughts on making your powerful point that unity does not require sameness. Well written! Thank you.

karell binghamSeptember 19, 2023

I still kind of wish there was more doctrine taught in gospel doctrine. More ideas.

Lawrence M. Barry Chaplain, Colonel, US Army (Ret)September 18, 2023

Thank you for your insightful and informative article. As a lifelong member of the Church and a retired LDS Army chaplain I sometimes cringe at the loud opposition voices. Your article is sorely needed. Thank you.

Bryan StinocherSeptember 18, 2023

Exactly on point. I have long held the belief that once I have paid my tithings and offerings I have fulfilled my end. I believe I will be blessed for that act of faith and obedience. If the Brethren then misuse the funds that is on them and not me. I don't have the ability to decide if the church 'needs' the money. Tithings and offerings have NEVER been about money. It is all about faith and obedience. I echo the sentiment in this article that most of us have little to no concerns about how the church spends its money. But the media loves an agitator and someone who can casts aspersions on anyone, particularly a religion.

Richard G F TophamSeptember 18, 2023

Thank you for a very informative article and the thoughts of every day Latter Day Saints. My thoughts entirely. I have friends that are very much on the edge at the moment and need to read this article and to be able to put things in perspective.Truth Will Prevail.

Sally SmithSeptember 18, 2023

This was an excellent commentary and rebuttal against the Washington Post article. I don't usually spend time looking at articles such as the one written in the Post because,inherently. I know it will be filled with slander, lies and misinformation.

David ShafferSeptember 18, 2023

Well said, and politely. Thank you.

Joel MarksSeptember 16, 2023

At this moment in American history many citizens who are not members of the Restored church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints are ready to bear up the Constitution of these states united. Thank you Tad Callister for your many articles concerning our original constitutional democratic republic which members of the holy Priesthood are not quite ready to bear off. It is now time to ready ourselves to defend and protect that which is governmentally sacred and profound. Watch and pray as He cometh quickly to save what the framers and founders created by the hand of Divine Providence!

Robert StarlingSeptember 15, 2023

Amen, and Amen. Thank you Elder Callister for compiling these wonderful thoughts and quotes in support of our divinely-inspired Constitution. I think we can all agree that it is indeed now hanging by a "brittle thread", and we all must do everythng in our power to support it and defend it. For most of us, that means campaigning and voting for elected officials who will support the Constitution rather than trying to supplant it.

Jamie QuistSeptember 15, 2023


KathleenSeptember 14, 2023

So well worded and supported with 'real' life experiences, ancient and modern.

Cathy Rowe MarlerSeptember 13, 2023

A few years back I made bug out bags for our two vehicles, plus each of our three adult children and their spouses. I sleep better knowing they are somewhat prepared for emergency situations. I highly recommend Jeff Motes’ series, Once Upon An Apocalypse. He has included the necessary elements to sustain and protect you in a serious event.

MarciaSeptember 13, 2023

Excellent article, Nicholeen! My husband has often stated: One of the most important skills a person must learn in life is to develop the ability to tell themself "no." The consequences of not learning that skill can be very dire - while developing the skill is empowerment. Perfectly explained, Nicholeen. Thank you.

KatrinaSeptember 13, 2023

Wally, You are on my favorite authors! I ALWAYS learn SO much from you. Thank you for this beautiful article. Thank you for detailing the deep meaning of a covenant relationship with Deity so beautifully. You are truly wonderful.

DoreenSeptember 13, 2023

Thank you for sharing these inspiring comments.

MicheleSeptember 13, 2023

I look forward to every episode about this courageous dog! So glad he made it home in this one. Thank you for sharing his amazing story.

Edna A Zurcher MaySeptember 13, 2023

Thank Thee Lord for the faith & courage that many showed in this beautiful story! Thank Thee for Thy guidence, for the privilege to recently meet Josh & his family & for the privilege of participating on the filming of his story.

Ben JonesSeptember 12, 2023

Alan Turing said that if. you could communicate with a computer for an extended period and not be able to tell you weren't talking to a human, artificial intelligence would have been achieved. I don't believe that mainly because computers are programmed by humans and those humans try really hard to make the computer seem human. Any good author can create characters that seem more real than the real people we know.

Karen HeathSeptember 12, 2023

If we do not teach our children and grandchildren to think and reason AND recognize the voice of the Spirit in helping them distinguish between good and evils, true and false, then this could well lead to Harari‘s conclusion. How important it will be for us as well as future generations to understand the power of God in our lives! Perhaps this is part of the reason President Nelson has been emphasizing how to “hear Him”. To emphasize our ability not to be deceived by what AI may try to tell us in the future.

Mark MathesonSeptember 12, 2023

What a BEE-utah-ful story! Thank you for all the service you have given all over this Earth.

LyndaSeptember 12, 2023

Thank you for this article. I have been feeling lately that I am a religious person, but questioning if I am a righteous person. I love the perspective of religion vs relationship and considering that must have been what I have been feeling. I am for certain going to improve all my checklist daily practices with this new mindset.

JulieSeptember 11, 2023

Elder Russell M. Nelson, in the February 2003 Ensign, said, "While divine love can be called perfect, infinite, enduring, and universal, it cannot correctly be characterized as unconditional." I learned a lot from studying his article. I had originally thought God's love was unconditional, but there are many scriptures that he quotes that say otherwise.

Jennifer SchowSeptember 11, 2023

As always, I appreciate your insights and testimony. An in-depth reading of The Book of Mormon, combined with a desire to learn and build faith, leaves no doubt that Joseph Smith was not the author. I look forward to reading some of the other books and resources you have shared.

MLarsonSeptember 11, 2023

Great Article! Just a thought to further document this and provice evidence for this view comes pretty strongly from the Book of Mormon. In it we find multiple examples of teachers that promote life without consequence for action. Alma 18:5, 30:17 Are two examples of a teaching that there is no sin. In Helaman 14:30-31, consequences are clearly taught as an element of of Agency. Consequences are essential to agency. Alma 1:4, 21:6, 2N. 28:8, Alma 11:34-37, Helaman 5:10, All taught saved IN sin. This idea of being saved without reference to works is a dangerous concept.

Julie MckinneySeptember 11, 2023

Thank you so much for this special opportunity to read about our dear prophet, President Nelson. You did a beautiful job of research on him and his special talks to lift, inspire and lead us onto the path to home in heaven. I enjoyed this very much and feel the spirit with me strongly. Thank you Happy Birthday President Nelson and May the Lord continue His blessings upon you.

James ScottSeptember 11, 2023

Thanx for the heads up on Book of Mormon proofs.I especially liked the Midgley anecdote. Often the oppositional characters make chargesnot against the doctrinal revelations of the Book of Mormon but the characteristics of those presenting it . The charges of errant activities of today’s leaders,be they teachers or bishops when they sin and their sins become public it casts aspersions upon the whole including the Book.

James Stuart BrownSeptember 11, 2023

President Nelson has kept open the channels of communication with Heaven since childhood. His insights and discoveries as a physician revolutionized the field of cardiothoracic surgery and heeding the words of our Savior through him can have even more impact on the world. God knew whom He could trust him to speak His words and we are blessed by having him as our Prophet, Seer, and Revelator. Come Follow Me and being less contentious have blessed me and my family. There is more to follow.

JillSeptember 11, 2023

I'm so glad this wonderful apostle of The Lord is home from the hospital He has endured much pain in all respects. I hope he recuperates unhurriedly, but I look forward to hearing from him when he can. I love President Holland, his direct teachings, and his gentle empathy! I have prayed continually for him. I hope he has the best care possible over the coming days and bless all those who have the blessing of serving him at this time.

Aileen HamptonSeptember 10, 2023

How edifying this article is! And yet I knew before reading that God is in control and can oversee the direction that AI takes, that we each can discern truth through the Holy Ghost, and that it is not in God's plan for AI to overtake and control humankind. We, as humans, have ways to know the things we need to know by connecting with God, our Heavenly Father.

Michael ColemanSeptember 9, 2023

God’s love for his children is unconditional however he does not always approve of what we do or bless us unconditionally.

DianaSeptember 9, 2023

How positive and uplifting! I appreciate the deep thinking that fostered this commentary and forces us to reread it several times to grasp its hopeful message.

KathleenSeptember 8, 2023

I'm so glad that what goes around for you, comes around 'sometimes'. You are some of the most giving people I've ever watched. Although I reluctantly use the phrase, "you deserve this" tender mercy, I'm so glad that the Lord chose to bless you with what was needed.

kcSeptember 8, 2023

The belief AI somehow will control the world and each individual in it is well founded to the extent those who provide our goods and services and governments fully adopt it. However, the actual downward spiral of society and regular natural disasters cause disruption of goods and services which includes electricity and internet. Once we are "unplugged" by choice or circumstance, there is no AI for us. Sure the whole world will not be unplugged at the same time but it will be an eye opener while we are lucky enough to "endure" it. Our self-sufficiency and willingness to follow the prophet--and KNOW we are not following a fake through the Spirit is key to enduring well.

Nerita Flake PetersonSeptember 8, 2023

Wonderful, intuitive and encouraging. Thanks so much for your thoughtful and encouraging article.

GTOSeptember 8, 2023

I would add that this discussion or future discussions could turn financial. There's a red flag in the daughter-in-law's anger that money went to lawyer's fees and not to her. This is an added wrinkle that could cause all sorts of problems in addition to those on an emotional level. Maybe decide ahead of time what you would be willing to do financially moving forward.

Bob SpielSeptember 7, 2023

Love these ideas. Years ago an inspired institute teacher taught me to 1) read slowly, 2) ask questions and 3) keep a journal of what I was asking and learning. Those three simple steps changed everything in the scriptures. They suddenly came alive and the greatest thing was the spirit then became the teacher — of even things that weren’t on the page. Thank you for these great examples of these skills.

Wally GoddardSeptember 7, 2023

Beautiful writing and lovely insight! Thank you, Mariah!

KathleenSeptember 6, 2023

Many truths

WeezieSeptember 6, 2023

Oh man! I needed this article 25 years ago! So good! I have been in those moments so many times like you were when your husband told you he was going on a fun trip. Such different lives. But it all changed. Like now for me the kids are all in school and I can do whatever I want, even though I don’t do many fun things because of habit. I’m curious if your husband didn’t go on the trip because he saw your face when he told you. ;)

CSeptember 6, 2023

Thank you so much for this! This hits too close to home for me. I will try to keep this perspective from now on.

Valiant K. JonesSeptember 5, 2023

Thank you for spreading a deeper understanding of this important temple covenant, the Law of the Gospel. I like the way you have shown the need to use this law as a long-term transformation process rather than just a one-time event. Your link to the first and second great commandments is also insightful.

Jake MartinSeptember 4, 2023

Also, none of these were "jewish" laws!!!! The word of God was the laws of the HEBREW people, later the laws of Israel.

HelenCSeptember 4, 2023

Thank you (again!) for your willingness to share inspiring stores. As I continue to strive to coach those who grieve I have found myself worrying about the continued lack of paying clients. I am newly committed to helping all who ask, whether they “sign up here” or not.

Mark DonaldsonAugust 30, 2023

The thoughts found in this WHO document may appear to be obvious and open and thus, not be characterized as a secret combination. However, there is no explanation as to the 'INTENT' of those who published this document. Therefore, in my opinion, this is very much a secret combination. Secret combinations don't have to materialize immediately such as a chief judge being murdered on the judgement seat. A secret combination can be incited and carried out over many years. Thus, this secret combination in it's 'INTENT' would appear to desensitize and break down even the most alarmed among us...over a number of years. How the 'Woke' line of thinking will effect the United States and the world at large may not be seen today or tomorrow. But, 10 years from now we may realize that the 'INTENT' was the secret combination all along and has brought nothing but moral destruction.

BeatriceAugust 30, 2023

I feel the title of this article is very misleading. The WHO in my opinion, is a corrupt entity. And yes! Their ‘instruction’ is perfect for groomers!

TomAugust 29, 2023

Transcript for those who are deaf?

Bonnie HoltAugust 29, 2023

This is the most poignant beautiful prose--poetry--hymn of the heart I have ever read! So many of us are losing children to the world! I have been in the depts of grief over one child who has absolutely cut our entire family off--from grandchildren and cousins who we love with all our heart. None of us has heard anything from them for the last two years as we've agonized--how did this happen, what did we do wrong? With no contact it is as though they are dead! From your Hymn, I relate so completely to this honest poignant line from your hymn "I ask myself, was that it? Was that the moment I failed her?" And so my husband and I ask, was it this thing? Or that time, or another moment we can't even remember? We have the promise and have felt the peace from prayer that all will be right one day and pray that she will come to herself and "forgive!" We love the Lord with all our heart and thank Him for His amazing atonement daily, when again and again the waves of grief come.Thank you for this lovely reminder of His promise and grace! May He bless you for sharing your wonderful talent! You have a gift and I want to hear more from you!!!!!

Robert StarlingAugust 29, 2023

Well said, Brother Wallace! Your article, combined with Dan Peterson's "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made", gives us a faith-filled and delightful perspective on our Heavenly Father's amazing creation. It is indeed a "marvelous work and a wonder".

Robert StarlingAugust 29, 2023

Perhaps it is unusual to comment on my own article, but as I read it here online, it occured to me that the Oliver Wendell Holmes quote contains an interesting word play: He wrote: "we should be eternally vigilant against attempts to -check- the expression of opinions that we loathe". His usage of "check" means "stop", as when a hockey player "checks" another player by blocking his path. We should not do that, but we should indeed fact-check not only "opinions that we loathe", but especially our own opinions as well.

Tanya NeiderAugust 29, 2023

Absolutely stunning and serene!

Anne WilkinsonAugust 28, 2023

Even though everyone needs to be local is it possible to use different accents - it is so nice to hear an English accent and others might feel the same about their accents

tfAugust 28, 2023

Do we have a publication date yet for the new Hymnbook?

Donna Nelson TalbotAugust 28, 2023

The Kent, the Thomas and the Luce familes are my husband's mother's people. She comes through Martin Washburn Thomas who was the son of Nathaniel Thomas and Susan Luce Thomas.. Nathaniel sold his farm and paid for wagons and supplies for several of the Saints so that they could come to ZION. They buried a daughter in New York while traveling through. Another daughter died in Nauvoo. Then Nathaniel died in Nauvoo ,nine days after the Prophet Joseph Smith was killed by a mob. His wife was expecting her last child when Nathaniel died and the baby girl died also. So, she buried her last baby girl ,along with her husband and the girl who died earlier, in the old Nauvoo Cemetery and took her two remaining boys to Utah with her. Martin Washburn Thomas was one of those two boys.

Lorne FersterAugust 27, 2023

The Gospel according to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints lets us know what is expected for us to be able achieve Celestial Glory as the Lord would want us to. I remember thinking to myself one day many moons ago: " The Gospel does not tell me how to do it." Then it occurred to me:" How blessed I am to have been involved with the "Addiction Recovery Program" for it provides step by step instructions and information to achieve the Humility required to please the Lord to a greater degree and of course this is a life long Program, not just for a specific problem or weakness for we all have many. Unfortunately "natural man" has many weaknesses and usually is reluctant to face them honestly so the Program is not as fully utilized as it could be. I would like to suggest that as many individuals that would attend the Recovery Program and gain the understanding it provides, the Saints would have a deeper understanding of the Gospel and it's Principles which would unify them to a greater degree because of a bigger understanding. At least, this makes sense to me. But it takes courage for people to face the truth about themselves and their weaknesses, hence not many take up the Program. The word Addiction also scares a lot of people. Also, it is important to realise that people are at various levels of understanding at any given time and we need to be prepared to love and forgive each other unitedly. Thanks for the opportunity to comment.

Corey D.August 26, 2023

That whole scenario probably describes more marriages than you think. My personal belief is that commitment is more important than love. But having said that, this situation and the words she uses sounds like an affair waiting to happen.

Teri N.August 26, 2023

I see this page hasn't been updated. The last CFM lesson is #24, but we are now beginning #33 (Aug 24). Are you going to update this page any longer? I love following along so that I can snag quotes from the podcast. I miss that.

Sue AndrewsAugust 26, 2023

I feel so sorry for her husband. His feelings should matter as much as hers. I wonder if he even realizes that she doesn’t love him?

Alex BarclayAugust 26, 2023

A comprehensive review of this incident. It did indeed "confirm and even inflame the murderous determination of the enemies of Jesus." Not content with merely determining to kill Jesus, they even decided to kill Lazarus as well in order to do away with the undeniable evidence of this, arguably the mightiest of Jesus' miracles. Such sheer wickedness is breathtaking.

Ann-Marie JensenAugust 26, 2023

Outstanding! Thank you for sharing the incredible lessons you learned. Well done.

Robert BaileyAugust 25, 2023

What a beautiful story and testimony! Your hard experiences are a witness that Heavenly Father iknows the end from the beginning and all things work together for those who love the Lord. Thank you so much for sharing your odyssey.

Bob KernsAugust 24, 2023

I love the painting of the Savior in the Celestial Room. Almost as if He's saying "Welcome Home".

JeanAugust 23, 2023

Beautifully written article. Just yesterday I was visiting with my neighbors and their adult daughter. The daughter asked me what I thought of the upcoming political debate that evening and I tried to be as non committal as possible. I so want to be informed on the things I need to know but without the contention that goes with so many issues. Thank you for publishing Meridian Magazine and helping me stay informed. By the way, my neighbors are top notch people.

Dean FisherAugust 23, 2023

In 1972 or 73 a then-junior apostle Thomas S. Monson visited our mission in central Germany. Afterward, he was to visit Turkey to speak with officials about official recognition for the church - a daunting assignment in that muslim country. He told us he was "concerned, but not worried."

Paul HAugust 23, 2023

I am going to suggest the Lord has given us the answer to being unified and unfortunately His answer is often diluted by taking it out of context by only reading one verse. In Doctrine & Covenants, Section 38, we often hear that if we are not "one" we are not the Lo0rd's. We interpret that as needing to be the same, thinking the same, having the same culture, politics, education, spiritual understanding, etc. The real lesson is given starting in verse 24, then it is re-stated by the Lord again! He explains that He has given us a parable (contained in the next few verses) so we may undferstand the principle he is teaching. It is not very similar to what social scientists and those who are popular say about the subject. It's very easy and to the point and if we read and incorporate the parable into our lives, divisiness will evaporate. Thanks for this article. It caused me to reflect on Section 38, which when taken in context, I find to be very instrumental in addressing the topic.

Jacob CrapoAugust 23, 2023

D H: Exactly right. Building temples brings an incredible opportunity for the construction workers in an area. I remember on worker on the Dallas temple (if I remember that right) who was a Baptist and said that th