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February 18, 2025

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Jerrold J. MyrupJanuary 17, 2015

As a BYU Bishop back in the 1980s, I always had a ward population of around 285 students of which somewhere near 165 sisters of which about 130 of them were returned missionaries. There were about 115 to 120 Elders of which only one to three were not returned missionaries. Our ward met in the Kimball Tower and I broke the sisters up into four different RS. I also had three Elder's quorums. Because of the high numbers and the need to meet with all of the presidents, dropped all of the meetings that I had to attend. I assigned to each counselor two RS groups and one or two Elders groups and each had one other organization, i.e. activities and the other on missionary work in the ward. I kept the responsibility to call the presidents of organizations but let the counselors make all the other callings. They would meet with the president of the group needing some one called and with the president of that organization call on the person to be called. The counselor would interview the person to be called and if they accepted he would call in the person and explain their duties and do the sustaining the very next Sunday. The counselor would then take two other elders with him and set the person apart. Before the callings was given, the counselor would call me for clearance on the name. I was then able to do the great many interviews that a bishop must do. There were 468 individuals who were married in that four and a half years that I had that calling. I also used 14 and one-half temple recommend books during that time. I know that it could not have been done by me without the full help that was given to me by the Lord during that time. We had five convert baptisms and I was called on by eight couples to preform their marriages. There 103 weddings where only one of the couples was within my ward. The rest were all within the ward. With that many interviews and weddings you might be able to see why I had so many interviews for so many different things. It was a great time. Jerry

DeAnna MurphyJanuary 16, 2015

I wish to express gratitude for such well-articulated points, and for inviting a 3rd alternative to how we might work together differently. As a stake Relief Society president, I feel a bit called forth by this, to think about how to mitigate my own feelings of uncertainty (particularly in the intimidating experience of stake council meetings!), and how to better trust in the kindness and love that is quite evident among the male leaders of our stake. I'm excited to think about how this might be shared, and to anticipate the positive impact of your thinking. THANK YOU!



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