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April 18, 2024

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Kate ShellyAugust 17, 2018

I too have seen, in my life and other's, the redemptive power of the Atonement in overcoming, in all aspects, "vicious parentage" in every aspect imaginable, and unimaginable. I know that the restored Gospel has the power to break that evil, and restore gospel blessings and true healing both to our posterity and ancestors. I am so very grateful for this article! I would also strongly urge readers to obtain the references in the footnotes and study them to more thoroughly understand and internalize these teachings. In these last days, our brothers and sisters are dealing with issues of physical, mental and sexual abuse, more and more. Truly we must be "saviors in Zion" to bring the gospel forth, and to let our "lights shine before others" both in and out of the church. Thank you.

KarenAugust 8, 2018

I have a friend whose mother drowned when she was five and her father was physically and verbally abusive. She hated her father and refused to see him as an adult. She joined the LDS Church and worked with me in the Family History Center. She finally decided to do her family history but refused to do anything for her father. She later decided to go ahead and do her father's temple work. When her parents were sealed she felt a rush of love for both of them and totally forgave her father.

KathleenAugust 7, 2018

Thank you for the double reminder and supporting quotes.

Linda S.August 7, 2018

I so appreciate this article. I have never heard this principle articulated as it has been here. I am basically the only member of the church in my family and I have been engaged in doing genealogy and family history for years. I has not been until the last few years, however, that the Holy Spirit has whispered to my soul the very principles that are taught here. This has changed my prayers to being more than just that I could find the information needed to do the temple work, but each day I pray that our family will be healed. Thank you for sharing this wonderful article.



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