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April 30, 2024

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Mark EvangelosMay 8, 2013

Christians are looked down upon in the Middle East now. The predominant religious idealogy has little tolerance or respect for any religion but its own. Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, and Hindu Faiths are considered Infidel faiths. In the Middle East this phenomenon has little to do with Socialism but mostly to do with intolerance for those not of their faith (and in modern days didain for Westerners who they view as pillagers of their resources). The Middle East is not a poster child for Socialism. If anything some of this religious ferver is a rebellion against Socialism and especially against the "anything goes" philosophy rampant in the West today. When you look through history you can see spurts of this type of anti-Infidel fervor and behavior. We happen to be in one now. It got its kickoff (in our time), with the deposition of the Shah. Holy Wars are nothing new and there's always someone fighting one. The World is a smaller place now with many more people everyday. Birth rates far surpass death rates so there are more people to take up a cause. Unfortunately one of those causes in the Middle East is a cleansing of those who do not subscribe to the approved Belief. It seems to me if all people lived the precepts of their religions, especially the aspects of keeping the commandments (all religions are similar in these ethics), we would have fewer problems. Sounds a little more like Heaven doesn't it? Up there we won't need any posessions & The Lords in charge, so keeping the Commandments will be easy.

George WingMay 8, 2013

What the middle east is experiencing with the demise of Christianity is but one more indicator of the global decline of the Christian faith along with the increase of godless socialism. Some European countries have as few as 5% of the population attending Sunday meetings regularly. A recent Pew Survey indicated that 47% of Americans attended some type of Easter service recently, "Slightly down from the year before." When compared with 50 years ago the observance of Easter is an indicator of the more part of the people losing religious faith. All religions should be concerned, not just Christians. "Ask not for whom the bells toll, it tolls for thee." Hopefully, persons of religious faith will see the merit of linking arms to stand against the increasing sanctions on freedom of religion.



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