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1. Everybody loves a good party.

Chances are, your ward or maybe even your family will be throwing a Christmas party. There will probably be a song or a message that’s all about our Savior. Invite a friend to join in on the fun!

2. Inviting people to church around Christmas is totally normal.

There’s something about Christmas that makes people want to go to church! This is a great time to let your friends know that they are welcome to see how your church worships the Savior.

3. Christmas treats are the perfect way to make an invitation or scripture card a little sweeter.

A plate of cookies along with your favorite scripture? Some fudge and a quote about Christmas? Yes, please!

4. Families tend to be gathered together.

Families are a big part of Christmas traditions, so it should be pretty easy to talk about your family, your holiday traditions, and your beliefs about families. Check out “Answering Questions about the Plan of Salvation” for some tips!

5. Lights and cocoa are all the rage.

Drink cocoa or check out the Christmas decorations for family home evening or a Mutual activity. Holiday activities are fun for everyone, and it’s a great way for a friend to see how you live your religion.

6. Let’s be honest, the Christmas Mormon Messages are awesome and easy to share.

Bring the Christmas spirit to social media by sharing “A Savior Is Born”! How many of your Facebook friends would love to see a little angel help a grumpy janitor see “The Reason behind Christmas”? Or the Piano Guys perform “O Come, Emmanuel”? Search the Media Library for other great Christmas messages to share.

7. Most Christians like to focus on Christ around Christmastime, so the message of the gospel feels more natural.

Check out these 6 Ways to Bring Christ into the Conversation for some ideas on how to easily and naturally share your witness of the Savior.

8. There are so many ways to give and serve around Christmas!

Service is an amazing way to be a missionary, and there are many opportunities to serve and give around the holidays. Read “Gifts You Can’t Wrap” for some ideas.

9. Christmas is a celebration of the Savior.

“This is a season of rejoicing! A season of celebration! A wonderful time when we acknowledge that our Almighty God sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem the world! To redeem us” (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “How to See the Christ in Christmas,” New Era, Dec. 2013, 48).

Why do you celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ? What has He done for you? How has your knowledge of Him blessed your life? Around the holidays, you will find many opportunities to ponder these questions and share your witness of Jesus Christ.

Share Your Experience

How do you share your testimony of the Savior around Christmas? Share your experience below.