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May 18, 2024

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pamNovember 29, 2016

I look at the Word of Wisdom this way: if the brethren and apostles and leaders and prophets of our church do not eat meat, or fish, or dairy, or sugar, and tell us this, I will do the same. I rely upon them to show me what is best if my way isn't best. I don't over-think it. I just try to eat everything in moderation.

Jane BirchNovember 3, 2016

Rusty: No need to feel stuck! There are many things you can do in your situation. For example, you could dramatically increase the amount of quinoa and buckwheat you are consuming so you get all the calories you need. You can also use beans and corn. Other good starch foods are potatoes, sweet potatoes, and other roots. Adding meat is not likely to aid in your healing and may create other problems. There are even more ways to handle your situation. Feel free to contact me:

RustyNovember 1, 2016

I have been very much in agreement with what you have written and said about the Word of Wisdom and how we should eat... well, until I found out I had Hashimotos and was put on an elimination diet. That means that everything that might cause inflammation in my body was eliminated. After 3 months I was able to add some things back into my diet, but at this point the only grains I can eat are quinoa and buckwheat. Wheat, rice and oatmeal all cause my joints to swell and hurt. I can eat all vegetables except tomatoes and corn and soy beans. I can't eat any dairy or any sweetners. So that limits me to vegetables and 2 grains...without meat I would not get enough calories in my daily diet, so I eat meat at 1-2 meals a day. I believe that during the Millennium we will not be eating meat (don't know about fish) and I have faith that sometime before that the Lord will heal my body so that I can once again eat grains. Until that point, I'm stuck!

Junk BinNovember 1, 2016

man is an omnivor, deal with it. we are bessed by a system that can use most things (plant/animal) to fuel our bodies.



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