Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: Matthew 4; Luke 4-5
Come Follow Me Podcast #7: “Upon You My Fellow Servants”, Doctrine and Covenants 12-17; JSH 1: 66-75
Dews of Heaven Podcast: What is Your Heart’s Desire?
The Prophet Announces Salt Lake Temple Open House Celebration Dates
BYU Jerusalem Center to resume academic programs spring 2025
Fifteen New Hymns Available to Use in Church and at Home
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SR BrownFebruary 9, 2019
There is such a growing desperation in the world for that healing and cleansing that Christ offers to all. And there are so many substitutes to tantalize and distract us in the search for peace and the calming of the storms that beset us. Faith in Christ, coupled with the sure knowledge of our eternal relationship with our Heavenly Father, provide the only sure pathway in this mortal world.