Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee” Matthew 8-9; Mark 2-5
Come Follow Me Podcast #7: “Upon You My Fellow Servants”, Doctrine and Covenants 12-17; JSH 1: 66-75
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BYU Jerusalem Center to resume academic programs spring 2025
Fifteen New Hymns Available to Use in Church and at Home
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RoxanneMarch 25, 2023
Hi I had watched three of your podcast on the bright and moving star finding and following Christ in the book of revelation. I can't seem to find the sight to continue. Can you help me with this. Thanks
DebMarch 6, 2019
So beautiful. Thank you for the vivid images you painted in my mind and heart as you made these scriptures come alive for me.
Melanie WilkesMarch 4, 2019
I love this. Thank you so much! This is very helpful in connecting the ancient rituals of the former law to the new inner requirements of the Gospel.
ScottMarch 4, 2019
Very helpful as I prepare for my Sunday School lesson in a couple weeks. Thank you.
TamaraMarch 3, 2019
Thanks so much for your insights